(* Copyright (C) 2004, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ *) let debug = true let debug_print s = if debug then begin prerr_endline ""; prerr_endline s; prerr_endline "" end open Printf exception Parse_error of string type tactic = (CicAst.term, string) TacticAst.tactic type tactical = (CicAst.term, string) TacticAst.tactic TacticAst.tactical type command = CicAst.term CommandAst.command type script = CicAst.term CommandAst.Script.script let choice_of_uri (uri: string) = let cic = HelmLibraryObjects.term_of_uri (UriManager.uri_of_string uri) in (uri, (fun _ _ _ -> cic)) let grammar = Grammar.gcreate CicTextualLexer2.cic_lexer let term = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "term" let term0 = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "term0" let tactic = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "tactic" let tactical = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "tactical" let tactical0 = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "tactical0" let command = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "command" let script = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "script" let return_term loc term = CicAst.AttributedTerm (`Loc loc, term) let return_tactic loc tactic = TacticAst.LocatedTactic (loc, tactic) let return_tactical loc tactical = TacticAst.LocatedTactical (loc, tactical) let return_command loc cmd = cmd let return_script loc script = script let fail (x, y) msg = failwith (Printf.sprintf "Error at characters %d - %d: %s" x y msg) let name_of_string = function | "_" -> Cic.Anonymous | s -> Cic.Name s EXTEND GLOBAL: term term0 tactic tactical tactical0 command script; int: [ [ num = NUM -> try int_of_string num with Failure _ -> let (x, y) = loc in raise (Parse_error (sprintf "integer literal expected at characters %d-%d" x y)) ] ]; meta_subst: [ [ s = SYMBOL "_" -> None | t = term -> Some t ] ]; binder: [ [ SYMBOL <:unicode> (* λ *) -> `Lambda | SYMBOL <:unicode> (* Π *) -> `Pi | SYMBOL <:unicode> (* ∃ *) -> `Exists | SYMBOL <:unicode> (* ∀ *) -> `Forall ] ]; sort: [ [ "Prop" -> `Prop | "Set" -> `Set | "Type" -> `Type | "CProp" -> `CProp ] ]; typed_name: [ [ PAREN "("; i = IDENT; SYMBOL ":"; typ = term; PAREN ")" -> (name_of_string i, Some typ) | i = IDENT -> (name_of_string i, None) ] ]; substituted_name: [ (* a subs.name is an explicit substitution subject *) [ s = [ IDENT | SYMBOL ]; subst = OPT [ SYMBOL "\subst"; (* to avoid catching frequent "a [1]" cases *) PAREN "["; substs = LIST1 [ i = IDENT; SYMBOL <:unicode> (* ≔ *); t = term -> (i, t) ] SEP SYMBOL ";"; PAREN "]" -> substs ] -> (match subst with | Some l -> CicAst.Ident (s, l) | None -> CicAst.Ident (s, [])) ] ]; name: [ (* as substituted_name with no explicit substitution *) [ s = [ IDENT | SYMBOL ] -> s ] ]; pattern: [ [ n = name -> (n, []) | PAREN "("; head = name; vars = LIST1 typed_name; PAREN ")" -> (head, vars) ] ]; term0: [ [ t = term; EOI -> return_term loc t ] ]; term: [ "letin" NONA (* actually "in" and "and" are _not_ keywords. Parsing works anyway * since applications are required to be bound by parens *) [ "let"; var = typed_name; SYMBOL "="; (* SYMBOL <:unicode> (* ≝ *); *) t1 = term; IDENT "in"; t2 = term -> return_term loc (CicAst.LetIn (var, t1, t2)) | "let"; ind_kind = [ "corec" -> `CoInductive | "rec"-> `Inductive ]; defs = LIST1 [ var = typed_name; index = OPT [ PAREN "("; index = NUM; PAREN ")" -> int_of_string index ]; SYMBOL "="; (* SYMBOL <:unicode> (* ≝ *); *) t1 = term -> (var, t1, (match index with None -> 0 | Some i -> i)) ] SEP (IDENT "and"); IDENT "in"; body = term -> return_term loc (CicAst.LetRec (ind_kind, defs, body)) ] | "binder" RIGHTA [ b = binder; (vars, typ) = [ vars = LIST1 IDENT SEP SYMBOL ","; typ = OPT [ SYMBOL ":"; t = term -> t ] -> (vars, typ) | PAREN "("; vars = LIST1 IDENT SEP SYMBOL ","; typ = OPT [ SYMBOL ":"; t = term -> t ]; PAREN ")" -> (vars, typ) ]; SYMBOL "."; body = term -> let binder = List.fold_right (fun var body -> let name = name_of_string var in CicAst.Binder (b, (name, typ), body)) vars body in return_term loc binder | t1 = term; SYMBOL <:unicode> (* → *); t2 = term -> return_term loc (CicAst.Binder (`Pi, (Cic.Anonymous, Some t1), t2)) ] | "relop" LEFTA [ t1 = term; SYMBOL "="; t2 = term -> return_term loc (CicAst.Appl [CicAst.Symbol ("eq", 0); t1; t2]) ] | "add" LEFTA [ (* nothing here by default *) ] | "mult" LEFTA [ (* nothing here by default *) ] | "inv" NONA [ (* nothing here by default *) ] | "simple" NONA [ sort = sort -> CicAst.Sort sort | n = substituted_name -> return_term loc n | PAREN "("; head = term; args = LIST1 term; PAREN ")" -> return_term loc (CicAst.Appl (head :: args)) | i = NUM -> return_term loc (CicAst.Num (i, 0)) | IMPLICIT -> return_term loc CicAst.Implicit | m = META; substs = [ PAREN "["; substs = LIST0 meta_subst SEP SYMBOL ";" ; PAREN "]" -> substs ] -> let index = try int_of_string (String.sub m 1 (String.length m - 1)) with Failure "int_of_string" -> fail loc ("Invalid meta variable number: " ^ m) in return_term loc (CicAst.Meta (index, substs)) | outtyp = OPT [ PAREN "["; typ = term; PAREN "]" -> typ ]; "match"; t = term; indty_ident = OPT [ SYMBOL ":"; id = IDENT -> id ]; "with"; PAREN "["; patterns = LIST0 [ lhs = pattern; SYMBOL <:unicode> (* ⇒ *); rhs = term -> ((lhs: CicAst.case_pattern), rhs) ] SEP SYMBOL "|"; PAREN "]" -> return_term loc (CicAst.Case (t, indty_ident, outtyp, patterns)) | PAREN "("; t1 = term; SYMBOL ":"; t2 = term; PAREN ")" -> return_term loc (CicAst.Appl [CicAst.Symbol ("cast", 0); t1; t2]) | PAREN "("; t = term; PAREN ")" -> return_term loc t ] ]; tactic_where: [ [ where = OPT [ IDENT "in"; ident = IDENT -> ident ] -> where ] ]; tactic_term: [ [ t = term -> t ] ]; ident_list0: [ [ PAREN "["; idents = LIST0 IDENT SEP SYMBOL ";"; PAREN "]" -> idents ] ]; ident_list1: [ [ PAREN "["; idents = LIST1 IDENT SEP SYMBOL ";"; PAREN "]" -> idents ] ]; reduction_kind: [ [ "reduce" -> `Reduce | "simpl" -> `Simpl | "whd" -> `Whd ] ]; tactic: [ [ [ IDENT "absurd" | IDENT "Absurd" ] -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Absurd | [ IDENT "apply" | IDENT "Apply" ]; t = tactic_term -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Apply t) | [ IDENT "assumption" | IDENT "Assumption" ] -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Assumption | [ IDENT "change" | IDENT "Change" ]; t1 = tactic_term; "with"; t2 = tactic_term; where = tactic_where -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Change (t1, t2, where)) (* TODO Change_pattern *) | [ IDENT "contradiction" | IDENT "Contradiction" ] -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Contradiction | [ IDENT "cut" | IDENT "Cut" ]; t = tactic_term -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Cut t) | [ IDENT "decompose" | IDENT "Decompose" ]; principles = ident_list1; where = IDENT -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Decompose (where, principles)) | [ IDENT "discriminate" | IDENT "Discriminate" ]; hyp = IDENT -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Discriminate hyp) | [ IDENT "elim" | IDENT "Elim" ]; IDENT "type"; t = tactic_term -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.ElimType t) | [ IDENT "elim" | IDENT "Elim" ]; t1 = tactic_term; using = OPT [ "using"; using = tactic_term -> using ] -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Elim (t1, using)) | [ IDENT "exact" | IDENT "Exact" ]; t = tactic_term -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Exact t) | [ IDENT "exists" | IDENT "Exists" ] -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Exists | [ IDENT "fold" | IDENT "Fold" ]; kind = reduction_kind; t = tactic_term -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Fold (kind, t)) | [ IDENT "fourier" | IDENT "Fourier" ] -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Fourier | [ IDENT "injection" | IDENT "Injection" ]; ident = IDENT -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Injection ident) | [ IDENT "intros" | IDENT "Intros" ]; num = OPT [ num = int -> num ]; idents = OPT ident_list0 -> let idents = match idents with None -> [] | Some idents -> idents in return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Intros (num, idents)) | [ IDENT "left" | IDENT "Left" ] -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Left | [ "let" | "Let" ]; t = tactic_term; IDENT "in"; where = IDENT -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.LetIn (t, where)) (* TODO Reduce *) | [ IDENT "reflexivity" | IDENT "Reflexivity" ] -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Reflexivity | [ IDENT "replace" | IDENT "Replace" ]; t1 = tactic_term; "with"; t2 = tactic_term -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Replace (t1, t2)) (* TODO Rewrite *) (* TODO Replace_pattern *) | [ IDENT "right" | IDENT "Right" ] -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Right | [ IDENT "ring" | IDENT "Ring" ] -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Ring | [ IDENT "split" | IDENT "Split" ] -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Split | [ IDENT "symmetry" | IDENT "Symmetry" ] -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Symmetry | [ IDENT "transitivity" | IDENT "Transitivity" ]; t = tactic_term -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Transitivity t) ] ]; tactical0: [ [ t = tactical; SYMBOL "." -> t ] ]; tactical: [ "sequence" LEFTA [ tactics = LIST1 NEXT SEP SYMBOL ";" -> return_tactical loc (TacticAst.Seq tactics) ] | "then" NONA [ tac = tactical; PAREN "["; tacs = LIST0 tactical SEP SYMBOL ";"; PAREN "]" -> return_tactical loc (TacticAst.Then (tac, tacs)) ] | "loops" RIGHTA [ [ IDENT "do" | IDENT "Do" ]; count = int; tac = tactical -> return_tactical loc (TacticAst.Do (count, tac)) | [ IDENT "repeat" | IDENT "Repeat" ]; tac = tactical -> return_tactical loc (TacticAst.Repeat tac) ] | "simple" NONA [ [ IDENT "tries" | IDENT "Tries" ]; PAREN "["; tacs = LIST0 tactical SEP SYMBOL ";"; PAREN "]" -> return_tactical loc (TacticAst.Tries tacs) | [ IDENT "try" | IDENT "Try" ]; tac = NEXT -> return_tactical loc (TacticAst.Try tac) | [ IDENT "fail" | IDENT "Fail" ] -> return_tactical loc TacticAst.Fail | [ IDENT "id" | IDENT "Id" ] -> return_tactical loc TacticAst.IdTac | PAREN "("; tac = tactical; PAREN ")" -> return_tactical loc tac | tac = tactic -> return_tactical loc (TacticAst.Tactic tac) ] ]; theorem_flavour: [ (* all flavours but Goal *) [ [ IDENT "definition" | IDENT "Definition" ] -> `Definition | [ IDENT "fact" | IDENT "Fact" ] -> `Fact | [ IDENT "lemma" | IDENT "Lemma" ] -> `Lemma | [ IDENT "remark" | IDENT "Remark" ] -> `Remark | [ IDENT "theorem" | IDENT "Theorem" ] -> `Theorem (* | [ IDENT "goal" | IDENT "Goal" ] -> `Goal *) ] ]; theorem_cmd: [ [ flavour = theorem_flavour; name = OPT IDENT; SYMBOL ":"; typ = term; body = OPT [ SYMBOL <:unicode> (* ≝ *); body = term -> body ]; SYMBOL "." -> (loc, flavour, name, typ, body) | [ IDENT "goal" | IDENT "Goal" ]; typ = term; body = OPT [ SYMBOL <:unicode> (* ≝ *); body = term -> body ]; SYMBOL "." -> (loc, `Goal, None, typ, body) ] ]; proof_cmd: [ [ [ IDENT "proof" | IDENT "Proof" ]; SYMBOL "." -> loc ] ]; qed_cmd: [ [ [ IDENT "qed" | IDENT "Qed" ]; SYMBOL "." -> (loc, None) | [ IDENT "save" | IDENT "Save" ]; name = IDENT; SYMBOL "." -> (loc, Some name) ] ]; command: [ [ (loc', flavour, name, typ, body) = theorem_cmd -> return_command loc (CommandAst.Theorem (loc', flavour, name, typ, body)) | (loc') = proof_cmd -> return_command loc (CommandAst.Proof loc') | (loc, name) = qed_cmd -> return_command loc (CommandAst.Qed (loc, name)) ] ]; script_entry: [ [ theorem = theorem_cmd; proof = OPT [ proof_cmd; tacticals = LIST1 tactical0; qed = qed_cmd -> (tacticals, qed) ] -> let (loc', flavour, name', typ, body_verbatim) = theorem in let name'' = match proof with | None | Some (_, (_, None)) -> None | Some (_, (_, Some name)) -> Some name in let name = match (name', name'') with | Some name, None -> name | None, Some name -> name | None, None -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (Failure "theorem's name is missing") | Some name', Some name'' when name' <> name'' -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (Failure (sprintf "theorem's name mismatch: %s <> %s" name' name'')) | Some name, _ -> name in let body = match (body_verbatim, proof) with | Some term, None -> CommandAst.Script.Verbatim (loc', term) | None, Some (tacticals, (loc'', _)) -> CommandAst.Script.Tactics (loc'', tacticals) | Some _, Some _ -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (Failure (sprintf "theorem %s has too many proofs" name)) | None, None -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (Failure (sprintf "theorem %s has no proof" name)) in return_script loc (CommandAst.Script.Theorem (flavour, name, typ, body)) ] ]; script: [ [ entries = LIST0 script_entry; EOI -> entries ] ]; END let exc_located_wrapper f = try Lazy.force f with Stdpp.Exc_located ((x, y), exn) -> raise (Parse_error (sprintf "parse error at characters %d-%d: %s" x y (Printexc.to_string exn))) let parse_term stream = exc_located_wrapper (lazy (Grammar.Entry.parse term0 stream)) let parse_tactic stream = exc_located_wrapper (lazy (Grammar.Entry.parse tactic stream)) let parse_tactical stream = exc_located_wrapper (lazy (Grammar.Entry.parse tactical0 stream)) let parse_command stream = exc_located_wrapper (lazy (Grammar.Entry.parse command stream)) let parse_script stream = exc_located_wrapper (lazy (Grammar.Entry.parse script stream)) (**/**) (** {2 Interface for gTopLevel} *) open DisambiguateTypes module EnvironmentP3 = struct type t = environment let empty = "" let aliases_grammar = Grammar.gcreate CicTextualLexer2.cic_lexer let aliases = Grammar.Entry.create aliases_grammar "aliases" let to_string env = let aliases = Environment.fold (fun domain_item (dsc, _) acc -> let s = match domain_item with | Id id -> sprintf "alias id %s = %s" id dsc | Symbol (symb, instance) -> sprintf "alias symbol \"%s\" (instance %d) = \"%s\"" symb instance dsc | Num instance -> sprintf "alias num (instance %d) = \"%s\"" instance dsc in s :: acc) env [] in String.concat "\n" (List.sort compare aliases) EXTEND GLOBAL: aliases; aliases: [ (* build an environment from an aliases list *) [ aliases = LIST0 alias; EOI -> List.fold_left (fun env (domain_item, codomain_item) -> Environment.add domain_item codomain_item env) Environment.empty aliases ] ]; alias: [ (* return a pair from an alias *) [ IDENT "alias"; choice = [ IDENT "id"; id = IDENT; SYMBOL "="; uri = URI -> (Id id, choice_of_uri uri) | IDENT "symbol"; symbol = QSTRING; PAREN "("; IDENT "instance"; instance = NUM; PAREN ")"; SYMBOL "="; dsc = QSTRING -> (Symbol (symbol, int_of_string instance), DisambiguateChoices.lookup_symbol_by_dsc symbol dsc) | IDENT "num"; PAREN "("; IDENT "instance"; instance = NUM; PAREN ")"; SYMBOL "="; dsc = QSTRING -> (Num (int_of_string instance), DisambiguateChoices.lookup_num_by_dsc dsc) ] -> choice ] ]; END let of_string s = if s = empty then Environment.empty else try Grammar.Entry.parse aliases (Stream.of_string s) with Stdpp.Exc_located ((x, y), exn) -> raise (Parse_error (sprintf "parse error at characters %d-%d: %s" x y (Printexc.to_string exn))) end (* vim:set encoding=utf8: *)