(* Copyright (C) 2004, HELM Team.
* This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
* Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
* Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
* HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307, USA.
* For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
* http://helm.cs.unibo.it/
let debug = false
let debug_print s =
if debug then begin
prerr_endline "";
prerr_endline s;
prerr_endline ""
(** if set to true each number will have a different insance number and can
* thus be interpreted differently than others *)
let use_fresh_num_instances = false
(** does the lexer return COMMENT tokens? *)
let return_comments = false
open Printf
open DisambiguateTypes
exception Parse_error of Token.flocation * string
let cic_lexer = CicTextualLexer2.cic_lexer ~comments:return_comments ()
let fresh_num_instance =
let n = ref 0 in
if use_fresh_num_instances then
(fun () -> incr n; !n)
(fun () -> 0)
let choice_of_uri suri =
let term = CicUtil.term_of_uri (UriManager.uri_of_string suri) in
(suri, (fun _ _ _ -> term))
let grammar = Grammar.gcreate cic_lexer
let term = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "term"
let term0 = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "term0"
let tactic = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "tactic"
let tactical = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "tactical"
let tactical0 = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "tactical0"
let command = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "command"
let alias_spec = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "alias_spec"
let macro = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "macro"
let script = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "script"
let statement = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "statement"
let statements = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "statements"
let return_term loc term = CicAst.AttributedTerm (`Loc loc, term)
let fail floc msg =
let (x, y) = CicAst.loc_of_floc floc in
failwith (Printf.sprintf "Error at characters %d - %d: %s" x y msg)
let name_of_string = function
| "_" -> Cic.Anonymous
| s -> Cic.Name s
let string_of_name = function
| Cic.Anonymous -> "_"
| Cic.Name s -> s
let int_opt = function
| None -> None
| Some lexeme -> Some (int_of_string lexeme)
let int_of_string s =
Pervasives.int_of_string s
with Failure _ ->
failwith (sprintf "Lexer failure: string_of_int \"%s\" failed" s)
(** the uri of an inductive type (a ".ind" uri) is not meaningful without an
* xpointer. Still, it's likely that an user who wrote "cic:/blabla/foo.ind"
* actually meant "cic:/blabla/foo.ind#xpointer(1/1)", i.e. the first inductive
* type in a block of mutual inductive types.
* This function performs the expansion foo.ind -> foo#xpointer..., if needed
let ind_expansion uri =
let len = String.length uri in
if len >= 4 && String.sub uri (len - 4) 4 = ".ind" then
uri ^ "#xpointer(1/1)"
let mk_binder_ast binder typ vars body =
(fun var body ->
let name = name_of_string var in
CicAst.Binder (binder, (name, typ), body))
vars body
GLOBAL: term term0 statement statements;
int: [
[ num = NUM ->
int_of_string num
with Failure _ -> raise (Parse_error (loc, "integer literal expected"))
meta_subst: [
[ s = SYMBOL "_" -> None
| t = term -> Some t ]
binder_low: [
[ SYMBOL <:unicode> (* Π *) -> `Pi
| SYMBOL <:unicode> (* ∃ *) -> `Exists
| SYMBOL <:unicode> (* ∀ *) -> `Forall ]
binder_high: [ [ SYMBOL <:unicode> (* λ *) -> `Lambda ] ];
sort: [
[ "Prop" -> `Prop
| "Set" -> `Set
| "Type" -> `Type
| "CProp" -> `CProp ]
typed_name: [
[ PAREN "("; i = IDENT; SYMBOL ":"; typ = term; PAREN ")" ->
(Cic.Name i, Some typ)
| i = IDENT -> (Cic.Name i, None)
subst: [
[ SYMBOL "\\subst"; (* to avoid catching frequent "a [1]" cases *)
PAREN "[";
substs = LIST1 [
i = IDENT; SYMBOL <:unicode> (* ≔ *); t = term -> (i, t)
PAREN "]" ->
substituted_name: [ (* a subs.name is an explicit substitution subject *)
[ s = IDENT; subst = OPT subst -> CicAst.Ident (s, subst)
| s = URI; subst = OPT subst -> CicAst.Uri (ind_expansion s, subst)
name: [ (* as substituted_name with no explicit substitution *)
[ s = [ IDENT | SYMBOL ] -> s ]
pattern: [
[ n = name -> (n, [])
| PAREN "("; head = name; vars = LIST1 typed_name; PAREN ")" ->
(head, vars)
arg: [
[ PAREN "(" ; names = LIST1 IDENT SEP SYMBOL ",";
SYMBOL ":"; ty = term; PAREN ")" -> names,ty
| name = IDENT -> [name],CicAst.Implicit
[ defs = LIST1 [
name = IDENT;
args = LIST1 [arg = arg -> arg];
index_name = OPT [ IDENT "on"; idx = IDENT -> idx ];
ty = OPT [ SYMBOL ":" ; t = term -> t ];
SYMBOL <:unicode> (* ≝ *);
t1 = term ->
let rec list_of_binder binder ty final_term = function
| [] -> final_term
| name::tl ->
CicAst.Binder (binder, (Cic.Name name, Some ty),
list_of_binder binder ty final_term tl)
let rec binder_of_arg_list binder final_term = function
| [] -> final_term
| (l,ty)::tl ->
list_of_binder binder ty
(binder_of_arg_list binder final_term tl) l
let t1' = binder_of_arg_list `Lambda t1 args in
let ty' =
match ty with
| None -> None
| Some ty -> Some (binder_of_arg_list `Pi ty args)
let rec get_position_of name n = function
| [] -> (None,n)
| nam::tl ->
if nam = name then
(Some n,n)
(get_position_of name (n+1) tl)
let rec find_arg name n = function
| [] -> (fail loc (sprintf "Argument %s not found" name))
| (l,_)::tl ->
let (got,len) = get_position_of name 0 l in
(match got with
| None -> (find_arg name (n+len) tl)
| Some where -> n + where)
let index =
(match index_name with
| None -> 0
| (Some name) -> find_arg name 0 args)
((Cic.Name name,ty'), t1', index)
] SEP "and" -> defs
constructor: [ [ name = IDENT; SYMBOL ":"; typ = term -> (name, typ) ] ];
binder_vars: [
[ vars = LIST1 IDENT SEP SYMBOL ",";
typ = OPT [ SYMBOL ":"; t = term -> t ] -> (vars, typ)
| PAREN "("; vars = LIST1 IDENT SEP SYMBOL ",";
typ = OPT [ SYMBOL ":"; t = term -> t ]; PAREN ")" -> (vars, typ)
term0: [ [ t = term; EOI -> return_term loc t ] ];
[ "letin" NONA
[ "let"; var = typed_name;
SYMBOL <:unicode> (* ≝ *);
t1 = term; "in"; t2 = term ->
return_term loc (CicAst.LetIn (var, t1, t2))
| "let"; ind_kind = [ "corec" -> `CoInductive | "rec"-> `Inductive ];
defs = let_defs; "in"; body = term ->
return_term loc (CicAst.LetRec (ind_kind, defs, body))
| "binder" RIGHTA
b = binder_low; (vars, typ) = binder_vars; SYMBOL "."; body = term ->
let binder = mk_binder_ast b typ vars body in
return_term loc binder
| b = binder_high; (vars, typ) = binder_vars; SYMBOL "."; body = term ->
let binder = mk_binder_ast b typ vars body in
return_term loc binder
| t1 = term; SYMBOL <:unicode> (* → *); t2 = term ->
return_term loc (CicAst.Binder (`Pi, (Cic.Anonymous, Some t1), t2))
| "logic_add" LEFTA [ (* nothing here by default *) ]
| "logic_mult" LEFTA [ (* nothing here by default *) ]
| "logic_inv" NONA [ (* nothing here by default *) ]
| "relop" LEFTA
[ t1 = term; SYMBOL "="; t2 = term ->
return_term loc (CicAst.Appl [CicAst.Symbol ("eq", 0); t1; t2])
| "add" LEFTA [ (* nothing here by default *) ]
| "mult" LEFTA [ (* nothing here by default *) ]
| "power" LEFTA [ (* nothing here by default *) ]
| "inv" NONA [ (* nothing here by default *) ]
| "apply" LEFTA
[ t1 = term; t2 = term ->
let rec aux = function
| CicAst.Appl (hd :: tl) -> aux hd @ tl
| term -> [term]
CicAst.Appl (aux t1 @ [t2])
| "simple" NONA
[ sort = sort -> CicAst.Sort sort
| n = substituted_name -> return_term loc n
| i = NUM -> return_term loc (CicAst.Num (i, (fresh_num_instance ())))
| IMPLICIT -> return_term loc CicAst.Implicit
| PLACEHOLDER -> return_term loc CicAst.UserInput
| m = META;
substs = [
PAREN "["; substs = LIST0 meta_subst SEP SYMBOL ";" ; PAREN "]" ->
] ->
let index =
int_of_string (String.sub m 1 (String.length m - 1))
with Failure "int_of_string" ->
fail loc ("Invalid meta variable number: " ^ m)
return_term loc (CicAst.Meta (index, substs))
| outtyp = OPT [ PAREN "["; typ = term; PAREN "]" -> typ ];
"match"; t = term;
indty_ident = OPT ["in" ; id = IDENT -> id ];
PAREN "[";
patterns = LIST0 [
lhs = pattern; SYMBOL <:unicode> (* ⇒ *); rhs = term
((lhs: CicAst.case_pattern), rhs)
PAREN "]" ->
return_term loc
(CicAst.Case (t, indty_ident, outtyp, patterns))
| PAREN "("; t1 = term; SYMBOL ":"; t2 = term; PAREN ")" ->
return_term loc (CicAst.Appl [CicAst.Symbol ("cast", 0); t1; t2])
| PAREN "("; t = term; PAREN ")" -> return_term loc t
tactic_where: [
[ where = OPT [ "in"; ident = IDENT -> ident ] -> where ]
tactic_term: [ [ t = term -> t ] ];
ident_list0: [
[ PAREN "["; idents = LIST0 IDENT SEP SYMBOL ";"; PAREN "]" -> idents ]
ident_list1: [
[ PAREN "["; idents = LIST1 IDENT SEP SYMBOL ";"; PAREN "]" -> idents ]
reduction_kind: [
[ [ IDENT "reduce" ] -> `Reduce
| [ IDENT "simplify" ] -> `Simpl
| [ IDENT "whd" ] -> `Whd
| [ IDENT "normalize" ] -> `Normalize ]
pattern_spec: [
[ "in";
hyp_paths =
[ id = IDENT ;
path = OPT [SYMBOL ":" ; path = term -> path ] ->
(id,match path with Some p -> p | None -> CicAst.UserInput) ]
goal_path = OPT [ SYMBOL <:unicode>; term = term -> term ] ->
(hyp_paths, goal_path) ]
direction: [
[ IDENT "left" -> `Left
| SYMBOL ">" -> `Left
| IDENT "right" -> `Right
| SYMBOL "<" -> `Right ]
tactic: [
[ [ IDENT "absurd" ]; t = tactic_term ->
TacticAst.Absurd (loc, t)
| [ IDENT "apply" ]; t = tactic_term ->
TacticAst.Apply (loc, t)
| [ IDENT "assumption" ] ->
TacticAst.Assumption loc
| [ IDENT "auto" ] ; num = OPT [ i = NUM -> int_of_string i ] ->
TacticAst.Auto (loc,num)
| [ IDENT "change" ];
t1 = tactic_term; "with"; t2 = tactic_term;
where = tactic_where ->
TacticAst.Change (loc, t1, t2, where)
(* TODO Change_pattern *)
| [ IDENT "contradiction" ] ->
TacticAst.Contradiction loc
| [ IDENT "cut" ];
t = tactic_term ->
TacticAst.Cut (loc, t)
| [ IDENT "decompose" ];
principles = ident_list1; where = IDENT ->
TacticAst.Decompose (loc, where, principles)
| [ IDENT "discriminate" ];
t = tactic_term ->
TacticAst.Discriminate (loc, t)
| [ IDENT "elimType" ]; t = tactic_term ->
TacticAst.ElimType (loc, t)
| [ IDENT "elim" ];
t1 = tactic_term;
using = OPT [ "using"; using = tactic_term -> using ] ->
TacticAst.Elim (loc, t1, using)
| [ IDENT "exact" ]; t = tactic_term ->
TacticAst.Exact (loc, t)
| [ IDENT "exists" ] ->
TacticAst.Exists loc
| [ IDENT "fold" ];
kind = reduction_kind; t = tactic_term ->
TacticAst.Fold (loc, kind, t)
| [ IDENT "fourier" ] ->
TacticAst.Fourier loc
| IDENT "goal"; n = NUM -> TacticAst.Goal (loc, int_of_string n)
| [ IDENT "injection" ]; ident = IDENT ->
TacticAst.Injection (loc, ident)
| [ IDENT "intros" ];
num = OPT [ num = int -> num ];
idents = OPT ident_list0 ->
let idents = match idents with None -> [] | Some idents -> idents in
TacticAst.Intros (loc, num, idents)
| [ IDENT "intro" ] ->
TacticAst.Intros (loc, Some 1, [])
| [ IDENT "left" ] -> TacticAst.Left loc
| [ IDENT "letin" ];
where = IDENT ; SYMBOL <:unicode> ; t = tactic_term ->
TacticAst.LetIn (loc, t, where)
| kind = reduction_kind;
p = OPT [ pattern_spec ] ->
let p = match p with None -> [], None | Some p -> p in
TacticAst.Reduce (loc, kind, p)
| IDENT "generalize"; t = tactic_term; p = OPT [ pattern_spec ] ->
let p = match p with None -> [], None | Some p -> p in
TacticAst.Generalize (loc,t,p)
| [ IDENT "reflexivity" ] ->
TacticAst.Reflexivity loc
| [ IDENT "replace" ];
t1 = tactic_term; "with"; t2 = tactic_term ->
TacticAst.Replace (loc, t1, t2)
| IDENT "rewrite" ; d = direction; t = term ;
p = OPT [ pattern_spec ] ->
let p = match p with None -> [], None | Some p -> p in
TacticAst.Rewrite (loc, d, t, p)
| [ IDENT "right" ] -> TacticAst.Right loc
| [ IDENT "ring" ] -> TacticAst.Ring loc
| [ IDENT "split" ] -> TacticAst.Split loc
| [ IDENT "symmetry" ] ->
TacticAst.Symmetry loc
| [ IDENT "transitivity" ];
t = tactic_term ->
TacticAst.Transitivity (loc, t)
| [ IDENT "fwd" ]; name = IDENT ->
TacticAst.FwdSimpl (loc, name)
| [ IDENT "lapply" ]; t = term ->
TacticAst.LApply (loc, t, [])
[ "sequence" LEFTA
[ tacticals = LIST1 NEXT SEP SYMBOL ";" ->
TacticAst.Seq (loc, tacticals)
| "then" NONA
[ tac = tactical;
PAREN "["; tacs = LIST0 tactical SEP SYMBOL ";"; PAREN "]" ->
(TacticAst.Then (loc, tac, tacs))
| "loops" RIGHTA
[ [ IDENT "do" ]; count = int; tac = tactical ->
TacticAst.Do (loc, count, tac)
| [ IDENT "repeat" ]; tac = tactical ->
TacticAst.Repeat (loc, tac)
| "simple" NONA
[ IDENT "tries";
PAREN "["; tacs = LIST0 tactical SEP SYMBOL ";"; PAREN "]" ->
TacticAst.Tries (loc, tacs)
| IDENT "try"; tac = NEXT ->
TacticAst.Try (loc, tac)
| IDENT "fail" -> TacticAst.Fail loc
| IDENT "id" -> TacticAst.IdTac loc
| PAREN "("; tac = tactical; PAREN ")" -> tac
| tac = tactic -> TacticAst.Tactic (loc, tac)
theorem_flavour: [
[ [ IDENT "definition" ] -> `Definition
| [ IDENT "fact" ] -> `Fact
| [ IDENT "lemma" ] -> `Lemma
| [ IDENT "remark" ] -> `Remark
| [ IDENT "theorem" ] -> `Theorem
inductive_spec: [ [
fst_name = IDENT; params = LIST0 [ arg=arg -> arg ];
SYMBOL ":"; fst_typ = term; SYMBOL <:unicode>; OPT SYMBOL "|";
fst_constructors = LIST0 constructor SEP SYMBOL "|";
tl = OPT [ "with";
types = LIST1 [
name = IDENT; SYMBOL ":"; typ = term; SYMBOL <:unicode>;
OPT SYMBOL "|"; constructors = LIST0 constructor SEP SYMBOL "|" ->
(name, true, typ, constructors) ] SEP "with" -> types
] ->
let params =
(fun (names, typ) acc ->
(List.map (fun name -> (name, typ)) names) @ acc)
params []
let fst_ind_type = (fst_name, true, fst_typ, fst_constructors) in
let tl_ind_types = match tl with None -> [] | Some types -> types in
let ind_types = fst_ind_type :: tl_ind_types in
(params, ind_types)
] ];
record_spec: [ [
name = IDENT; params = LIST0 [ arg = arg -> arg ] ;
SYMBOL ":"; typ = term; SYMBOL <:unicode>; PAREN "{" ;
fields = LIST0 [
name = IDENT ; SYMBOL ":" ; ty = term -> (name,ty)
] SEP SYMBOL ";"; PAREN "}" ->
let params =
(fun (names, typ) acc ->
(List.map (fun name -> (name, typ)) names) @ acc)
params []
] ];
macro: [
[ [ IDENT "quit" ] -> TacticAst.Quit loc
(* | [ IDENT "abort" ] -> TacticAst.Abort loc *)
| [ IDENT "print" ]; name = QSTRING -> TacticAst.Print (loc, name)
(* | [ IDENT "undo" ]; steps = OPT NUM ->
TacticAst.Undo (loc, int_opt steps)
| [ IDENT "redo" ]; steps = OPT NUM ->
TacticAst.Redo (loc, int_opt steps) *)
| [ IDENT "check" ]; t = term ->
TacticAst.Check (loc, t)
| [ IDENT "hint" ] -> TacticAst.Hint loc
| [ IDENT "whelp"; "match" ] ; t = term ->
TacticAst.WMatch (loc,t)
| [ IDENT "whelp"; IDENT "instance" ] ; t = term ->
TacticAst.WInstance (loc,t)
| [ IDENT "whelp"; IDENT "locate" ] ; id = IDENT ->
TacticAst.WLocate (loc,id)
| [ IDENT "whelp"; IDENT "elim" ] ; t = term ->
TacticAst.WElim (loc, t)
| [ IDENT "whelp"; IDENT "hint" ] ; t = term ->
TacticAst.WHint (loc,t)
| [ IDENT "print" ]; name = QSTRING -> TacticAst.Print (loc, name)
alias_spec: [
[ IDENT "id"; id = QSTRING; SYMBOL "="; uri = QSTRING ->
let alpha = "[a-zA-Z]" in
let num = "[0-9]+" in
let ident_cont = "\\("^alpha^"\\|"^num^"\\|_\\|\\\\\\)" in
let ident = "\\("^alpha^ident_cont^"*\\|_"^ident_cont^"+\\)" in
let rex = Str.regexp ("^"^ident^"$") in
if Str.string_match rex id 0 then
let rex = Str.regexp
"\\(#xpointer("^ num^"\\(/"^num^"\\)+)\\)?$")
if Str.string_match rex uri 0 then
TacticAst.Ident_alias (id, uri)
raise (Parse_error (loc,sprintf "Not a valid uri: %s" uri))
raise (Parse_error (loc,sprintf "Not a valid identifier: %s" id))
| IDENT "symbol"; symbol = QSTRING;
instance = OPT [ PAREN "("; IDENT "instance"; n = NUM; PAREN ")" -> n ];
SYMBOL "="; dsc = QSTRING ->
let instance =
match instance with Some i -> int_of_string i | None -> 0
TacticAst.Symbol_alias (symbol, instance, dsc)
| IDENT "num";
instance = OPT [ PAREN "("; IDENT "instance"; n = NUM; PAREN ")" -> n ];
SYMBOL "="; dsc = QSTRING ->
let instance =
match instance with Some i -> int_of_string i | None -> 0
TacticAst.Number_alias (instance, dsc)
command: [[
[ IDENT "set" ]; n = QSTRING; v = QSTRING ->
TacticAst.Set (loc, n, v)
| [ IDENT "qed" ] -> TacticAst.Qed loc
| flavour = theorem_flavour; name = IDENT; SYMBOL ":"; typ = term;
body = OPT [ SYMBOL <:unicode> (* ≝ *); body = term -> body ] ->
TacticAst.Obj (loc,TacticAst.Theorem (flavour, name, typ, body))
| flavour = theorem_flavour; name = IDENT;
body = OPT [ SYMBOL <:unicode> (* ≝ *); body = term -> body ] ->
TacticAst.Obj (loc,TacticAst.Theorem (flavour, name, CicAst.Implicit, body))
| "let"; ind_kind = [ "corec" -> `CoInductive | "rec"-> `Inductive ];
defs = let_defs ->
let name,ty =
match defs with
| ((Cic.Name name,Some ty),_,_) :: _ -> name,ty
| ((Cic.Name name,None),_,_) :: _ -> name,CicAst.Implicit
| _ -> assert false
let body = CicAst.Ident (name,None) in
TacticAst.Obj (loc,TacticAst.Theorem(`Definition, name, ty,
Some (CicAst.LetRec (ind_kind, defs, body))))
| [ IDENT "inductive" ]; spec = inductive_spec ->
let (params, ind_types) = spec in
TacticAst.Obj (loc,TacticAst.Inductive (params, ind_types))
| [ IDENT "coinductive" ]; spec = inductive_spec ->
let (params, ind_types) = spec in
let ind_types = (* set inductive flags to false (coinductive) *)
List.map (fun (name, _, term, ctors) -> (name, false, term, ctors))
TacticAst.Obj (loc,TacticAst.Inductive (params, ind_types))
| [ IDENT "coercion" ] ; name = IDENT ->
TacticAst.Coercion (loc, CicAst.Ident (name,Some []))
| [ IDENT "coercion" ] ; name = URI ->
TacticAst.Coercion (loc, CicAst.Uri (name,Some []))
| [ IDENT "alias" ]; spec = alias_spec ->
TacticAst.Alias (loc, spec)
| [ IDENT "record" ]; (params,name,ty,fields) = record_spec ->
TacticAst.Obj (loc,TacticAst.Record (params,name,ty,fields))
executable: [
[ cmd = command; SYMBOL "." -> TacticAst.Command (loc, cmd)
| tac = tactical; SYMBOL "." -> TacticAst.Tactical (loc, tac)
| mac = macro; SYMBOL "." -> TacticAst.Macro (loc, mac)
comment: [
[ BEGINCOMMENT ; ex = executable ; ENDCOMMENT ->
TacticAst.Code (loc, ex)
| str = NOTE ->
TacticAst.Note (loc, str)
statement: [
[ ex = executable -> TacticAst.Executable (loc,ex)
| com = comment -> TacticAst.Comment (loc, com)
statements: [
[ l = LIST0 statement ; EOI -> l
let exc_located_wrapper f =
f ()
| Stdpp.Exc_located (floc, Stream.Error msg) ->
raise (Parse_error (floc, msg))
| Stdpp.Exc_located (floc, exn) ->
raise (Parse_error (floc, (Printexc.to_string exn)))
let parse_term stream =
exc_located_wrapper (fun () -> (Grammar.Entry.parse term0 stream))
let parse_statement stream =
exc_located_wrapper (fun () -> (Grammar.Entry.parse statement stream))
let parse_statements stream =
exc_located_wrapper (fun () -> (Grammar.Entry.parse statements stream))
(** {2 Interface for gTopLevel} *)
module EnvironmentP3 =
type t = environment
let empty = ""
let aliases_grammar = Grammar.gcreate cic_lexer
let aliases = Grammar.Entry.create aliases_grammar "aliases"
let to_string env =
let aliases =
(fun domain_item (dsc, _) acc ->
let s =
match domain_item with
| Id id ->
TacticAstPp.pp_alias (TacticAst.Ident_alias (id, dsc)) ^ "."
| Symbol (symb, i) ->
TacticAstPp.pp_alias (TacticAst.Symbol_alias (symb, i, dsc))
^ "."
| Num i ->
TacticAstPp.pp_alias (TacticAst.Number_alias (i, dsc)) ^ "."
s :: acc)
env []
String.concat "\n" (List.sort compare aliases)
GLOBAL: aliases;
aliases: [ (* build an environment from an aliases list *)
[ aliases = LIST0 alias; EOI ->
(fun env (domain_item, codomain_item) ->
Environment.add domain_item codomain_item env)
Environment.empty aliases
alias: [ (* return a pair from an alias *)
[ IDENT "alias";
choice =
[ IDENT "id"; id = IDENT; SYMBOL "="; suri = URI ->
(Id id, choice_of_uri suri)
| IDENT "symbol"; symbol = QSTRING;
PAREN "("; IDENT "instance"; instance = NUM; PAREN ")";
SYMBOL "="; dsc = QSTRING ->
(Symbol (symbol, int_of_string instance),
DisambiguateChoices.lookup_symbol_by_dsc symbol dsc)
| IDENT "num";
PAREN "("; IDENT "instance"; instance = NUM; PAREN ")";
SYMBOL "="; dsc = QSTRING ->
(Num (int_of_string instance),
DisambiguateChoices.lookup_num_by_dsc dsc)
] -> choice ]
let of_string s =
if s = empty then
(fun () -> Grammar.Entry.parse aliases (Stream.of_string s))
(* vim:set encoding=utf8: *)