%{ open Cic;; module U = UriManager;; exception InvalidSuffix of string;; exception InductiveTypeURIExpected;; let uri_of_id_map = Hashtbl.create 53;; let binders = ref [];; let get_index_in_list e = let rec aux i = function [] -> raise Not_found | he::_ when he = e -> i | _::tl -> aux (i+1) tl in aux 1 ;; %} %token ID %token META %token NUM %token CONURI %token INDTYURI %token INDCONURI %token ALIAS %token LPAREN RPAREN PROD LAMBDA COLON DOT SET PROP TYPE CAST IMPLICIT %token LETIN FIX COFIX SEMICOLON LCURLY RCURLY CASE EOF %start main %type main %% main: expr { Some $1 } | alias { None } | EOF { raise CicTextualParser0.Eof } ; expr: CONURI { let uri = UriManager.string_of_uri $1 in let suff = (String.sub uri (String.length uri - 3) 3) in match suff with "con" -> Const ($1,0) | "var" -> Var $1 | _ -> raise (InvalidSuffix suff) } | INDTYURI { MutInd (fst $1, 0, snd $1) } | INDCONURI { let (uri,tyno,consno) = $1 in MutConstruct (uri, 0, tyno, consno) } | ID { try Rel (get_index_in_list (Name $1) !binders) with Not_found -> Hashtbl.find uri_of_id_map $1 } | CASE LPAREN expr COLON INDTYURI SEMICOLON expr RPAREN LCURLY branches RCURLY { MutCase (fst $5, 0, snd $5, $7, $3, $10) } | CASE LPAREN expr COLON ID SEMICOLON expr RPAREN LCURLY branches RCURLY { try let _ = get_index_in_list (Name $5) !binders in raise InductiveTypeURIExpected with Not_found -> match Hashtbl.find uri_of_id_map $5 with MutInd (uri,0,typeno) -> MutCase (uri, 0, typeno, $7, $3, $10) | _ -> raise InductiveTypeURIExpected } | fixheader LCURLY exprseplist RCURLY { let fixfunsdecls = snd $1 in let fixfunsbodies = $3 in let idx = let rec find idx = function [] -> raise Not_found | (name,_,_)::_ when name = (fst $1) -> idx | _::tl -> find (idx+1) tl in find 0 fixfunsdecls in let fixfuns = List.map2 (fun (name,recindex,ty) bo -> (name,recindex,ty,bo)) fixfunsdecls fixfunsbodies in for i = 1 to List.length fixfuns do binders := List.tl !binders done ; Fix (idx,fixfuns) } | cofixheader LCURLY exprseplist RCURLY { let cofixfunsdecls = (snd $1) in let cofixfunsbodies = $3 in let idx = let rec find idx = function [] -> raise Not_found | (name,_)::_ when name = (fst $1) -> idx | _::tl -> find (idx+1) tl in find 0 cofixfunsdecls in let cofixfuns = List.map2 (fun (name,ty) bo -> (name,ty,bo)) cofixfunsdecls cofixfunsbodies in for i = 1 to List.length cofixfuns do binders := List.tl !binders done ; CoFix (idx,cofixfuns) } | IMPLICIT { Implicit } | SET { Sort Set } | PROP { Sort Prop } | TYPE { Sort Type } | LPAREN expr CAST expr RPAREN { Cast ($2,$4) } | META { Meta $1 } | LPAREN expr expr exprlist RPAREN { Appl ([$2;$3]@$4) } | pihead expr { binders := List.tl !binders ; Prod (fst $1, snd $1,$2) } | lambdahead expr { binders := List.tl !binders ; Lambda (fst $1, snd $1,$2) } | letinhead expr { binders := List.tl !binders ; LetIn (fst $1, snd $1,$2) } ; fixheader: FIX ID LCURLY fixfunsdecl RCURLY { let bs = List.rev_map (function (name,_,_) -> Name name) $4 in binders := bs@(!binders) ; $2,$4 } ; fixfunsdecl: ID LPAREN NUM RPAREN COLON expr { [$1,$3,$6] } | ID LPAREN NUM RPAREN COLON expr SEMICOLON fixfunsdecl { ($1,$3,$6)::$8 } ; cofixheader: COFIX ID LCURLY cofixfunsdecl RCURLY { let bs = List.rev_map (function (name,_) -> Name name) $4 in binders := bs@(!binders) ; $2,$4 } ; cofixfunsdecl: ID COLON expr { [$1,$3] } | ID COLON expr SEMICOLON cofixfunsdecl { ($1,$3)::$5 } ; pihead: PROD ID COLON expr DOT { binders := (Name $2)::!binders ; (Cic.Name $2, $4) } ; lambdahead: LAMBDA ID COLON expr DOT { binders := (Name $2)::!binders ; (Cic.Name $2, $4) } ; letinhead: LAMBDA ID LETIN expr DOT { binders := (Name $2)::!binders ; (Cic.Name $2, $4) } ; branches: { [] } | expr SEMICOLON branches { $1::$3 } | expr { [$1] } ; exprlist: { [] } | expr exprlist { $1::$2 } ; exprseplist: expr { [$1] } | expr SEMICOLON exprseplist { $1::$3 } ; alias: ALIAS ID CONURI { Hashtbl.add uri_of_id_map $2 (Cic.Const ($3,0)) } | ALIAS ID INDTYURI { Hashtbl.add uri_of_id_map $2 (Cic.MutInd (fst $3, 0, snd $3)) } | ALIAS ID INDCONURI { let uri,indno,consno = $3 in Hashtbl.add uri_of_id_map $2 (Cic.MutConstruct (uri, 0, indno ,consno)) }