(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/. *) (**************************************************************************) (* *) (* PROJECT HELM *) (* *) (* Andrea Asperti *) (* 28/6/2003 *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) module A = CicAst;; module P = Mpresentation;; let symbol_table = Hashtbl.create 503;; let symbol_table_charcount = Hashtbl.create 503;; let maxsize = 25;; let rec countvar current_size = function (Cic.Anonymous, None) -> current_size + 1 (* underscore *) | (Cic.Anonymous, Some ty) -> countterm current_size ty | (Cic.Name s, None) -> current_size + String.length s | (Cic.Name s, Some ty) -> current_size + countterm current_size ty and countterm current_size t = if current_size > maxsize then current_size else match t with A.AttributedTerm (_,t) -> countterm current_size t | A.Appl l -> List.fold_left countterm current_size l | A.Binder (_,var,body) -> let varsize = countvar current_size var in countterm (varsize + 1) body (* binder *) | A.Case (arg, _, ty, pl) -> let size1 = countterm (current_size+10) arg in (* match with *) let size2 = match ty with None -> size1 | Some ty -> countterm size1 ty in List.fold_left (fun c ((constr,vars),action) -> let size3 = List.fold_left countvar (c+String.length constr) vars in countterm size3 action) size2 pl | A.Cast (bo,ty) -> countterm (countterm (current_size + 3) bo) ty | A.LetIn (var,s,t) -> let size1 = countvar current_size var in let size2 = countterm size1 s in countterm size2 t | A.LetRec (_,l,t) -> let size1 = List.fold_left (fun c (var,s,_) -> let size1 = countvar c var in countterm size1 s) current_size l in countterm size1 t | A.Ident (s,None) | A.Uri (s, None) -> current_size + (String.length s) | A.Ident (s,Some l) | A.Uri (s,Some l) -> List.fold_left (fun c (v,t) -> countterm (c + (String.length v)) t) (current_size + (String.length s)) l | A.Implicit -> current_size + 1 (* underscore *) | A.Meta (_,l) -> List.fold_left (fun c t -> match t with None -> c + 1 (* underscore *) | Some t -> countterm c t) (current_size + 1) l (* num *) | A.Num (s, _) -> current_size + String.length s | A.Sort _ -> current_size + 4 (* sort name *) | A.Symbol (s,_) -> current_size + String.length s | A.UserInput -> current_size ;; let is_big t = ((countterm 0 t) > maxsize) ;; let rec make_attributes l1 = function [] -> [] | None::tl -> make_attributes (List.tl l1) tl | (Some s)::tl -> let p,n = List.hd l1 in (p,n,s)::(make_attributes (List.tl l1) tl) ;; let map_tex unicode texcmd = let default_map_tex = Printf.sprintf "\\%s " in if unicode then try Utf8Macro.expand texcmd with Utf8Macro.Macro_not_found _ -> default_map_tex texcmd else default_map_tex texcmd let resolve_binder unicode = function | `Lambda -> map_tex unicode "lambda" | `Pi -> map_tex unicode "Pi" | `Forall -> map_tex unicode "forall" | `Exists -> map_tex unicode "exists" ;; let rec make_args f ~tail = function | [] -> assert false | [arg] -> [f ~tail arg] | arg :: tl -> (f ~tail:[] arg) :: (make_args f ~tail tl) let append_tail ~tail box = match tail with | [] -> box | _ -> Box.H ([], box :: (List.map (fun t -> Box.Text ([], t)) tail)) let rec find_symbol idref = function | A.AttributedTerm (`Loc _, t) -> find_symbol None t | A.AttributedTerm (`IdRef id, t) -> find_symbol (Some id) t | A.Symbol (name, _) -> `Symbol (name, idref) | _ -> `None let ast2astBox ?(unicode = true) ?(priority = 0) ?(assoc = false) ?(tail = []) (t, ids_to_uris) = let lookup_uri = function | None -> None | Some id -> (try Some (Hashtbl.find ids_to_uris id) with Not_found -> None) in let make_std_attributes xref = let uri = lookup_uri xref in make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"; Some "xlink","href"] [xref;uri] in let rec ast2box ?(priority = 0) ?(assoc = false) ?xref ~tail t = if is_big t then bigast2box ~priority ~assoc ?xref ~tail t else let attrs = make_std_attributes xref in append_tail ~tail (Box.Object (attrs, t)) and bigast2box ?(priority = 0) ?(assoc = false) ?xref ~tail t = match t with | A.AttributedTerm (`Loc _, t) -> bigast2box ?xref ~tail t | A.AttributedTerm (`IdRef xref, t) -> bigast2box ~xref ~tail t | A.Appl [] -> assert false | A.Appl ((hd::tl) as l) -> let aattr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in (match find_symbol None hd with | `Symbol (name, sxref) -> let sattr = make_std_attributes sxref in (try (let f = Hashtbl.find symbol_table_charcount name in f tl ~unicode ~priority ~assoc ~tail ~ids_to_uris aattr sattr) with Not_found -> Box.H (make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref], [Box.Text([],"("); Box.V([], make_args (fun ~tail t -> ast2box ~tail t) ~tail:(")" :: tail) l); Box.Text([],")")])) | `None -> Box.H (make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref], [Box.Text([],"("); Box.V([], make_args (fun ~tail t -> ast2box ~tail t) ~tail:(")" :: tail) l)] )) | A.Binder (`Forall, (Cic.Anonymous, typ), body) | A.Binder (`Pi, (Cic.Anonymous, typ), body) -> Box.V(make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref], [(match typ with | None -> Box.Text([], "?") | Some typ -> ast2box ~tail:[] typ); Box.H([], [Box.skip; Box.Text([], map_tex unicode "to"); ast2box ~tail body])]) | A.Binder(kind, var, body) -> Box.V(make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref], [Box.H([], [Box.Text ([None,"color","blue"], resolve_binder unicode kind); make_var ~tail:("." :: tail) var]); Box.indent (ast2box ~tail body)]) | A.Case(arg, _, ty, pl) -> let make_rule ~tail sep ((constr,vars),rhs) = if (is_big rhs) then Box.V([],[Box.H([],[Box.Text([],sep); Box.smallskip; make_pattern constr vars; Box.smallskip; Box.Text([],map_tex unicode "Rightarrow")]); Box.indent (bigast2box ~tail rhs)]) else Box.H([],[Box.Text([],sep); Box.smallskip; make_pattern constr vars; Box.smallskip; Box.Text([],map_tex unicode "Rightarrow"); Box.smallskip; append_tail ~tail (Box.Object([],rhs))]) in let plbox = match pl with | [] -> append_tail ~tail (Box.Text([],"[]")) | [r] -> (make_rule ~tail:("]" :: tail) "[" r) | r::tl -> Box.V([], (make_rule ~tail:[] "[" r) :: (make_args (fun ~tail pat -> make_rule ~tail "|" pat) ~tail:("]" :: tail) tl)) in let ty_box = match ty with | Some ty -> [ Box.H([],[Box.Text([],"["); ast2box ~tail:[] ty; Box.Text([],"]")]) ] | None -> [] in if is_big arg then Box.V(make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref], ty_box @ [Box.Text([],"match"); Box.indent (Box.H([],[Box.skip; bigast2box ~tail:[] arg])); Box.Text([],"with"); Box.indent plbox]) else Box.V(make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref], ty_box @ [Box.H(make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref], [Box.Text([],"match"); Box.smallskip; ast2box ~tail:[] arg; Box.smallskip; Box.Text([],"with")]); Box.indent plbox]) | A.Cast (bo,ty) -> Box.V(make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref], [Box.H([],[Box.Text([],"("); ast2box ~tail:[] bo]); Box.H([],[Box.Text([],":"); ast2box ~tail ty;Box.Text([],")")])]) | A.LetIn (var, s, t) -> Box.V(make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref], (make_def "let" var s "in")@[ast2box ~tail t]) | A.LetRec (_, vars, body) -> let definitions = let rec make_defs let_txt = function [] -> [] | [(var,s,_)] -> make_def let_txt var s "in" | (var,s,_)::tl -> (make_def let_txt var s "")@(make_defs "and" tl) in make_defs "let rec" vars in Box.V(make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref], definitions@[ast2box ~tail body]) | A.Ident (s, subst) | A.Uri (s, subst) -> let subst = let rec make_substs start_txt = function [] -> [] | [(s,t)] -> make_subst start_txt s t "" | (s,t)::tl -> (make_subst start_txt s t ";")@(make_substs "" tl) in match subst with | Some subst -> Box.H([], [Box.Text(make_std_attributes xref,s); Box.Action([], [Box.Text([],"[...]"); Box.H([], [Box.Text([], map_tex unicode "subst" ^ "["); Box.V([], make_substs "" subst); Box.Text([], "]")])])]) | None -> Box.Text(make_std_attributes xref, s) in subst (* Box.H([], (* attr here or on Vbox? *) [Box.Text(make_std_attributes xref,s); Box.Action([], [Box.Text([], "[_]"); Box.V([],subst)])]) (* Box.indent(Box.V([],subst))]) *) *) | A.Implicit -> Box.Text([],"_") (* big? *) | A.Meta (n, l) -> let local_context = List.map (function t -> Box.H([],[aux_option ~tail t; Box.Text([],";")])) l in Box.V(make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref], [Box.Text([],"?"^(string_of_int n)); Box.H([],[Box.Text([],"["); Box.V([],local_context); Box.Text([],"]")])]) | A.Num (s, _) -> Box.Text([],s) | A.Sort kind -> (match kind with `Prop -> Box.Text([],"Prop") | `Set -> Box.Text([],"Set") | `Type -> Box.Text([],"Type") | `CProp -> Box.Text([],"CProp")) | A.Symbol (s, _) -> Box.Text([],s) | A.UserInput -> Box.Text([],"") and aux_option ~tail = function None -> Box.Text([],"_") | Some ast -> ast2box ~tail ast and make_var ~tail = function (Cic.Anonymous, None) -> Box.Text([],"_:_") | (Cic.Anonymous, Some t) -> Box.H([],[Box.Text([],"_:");ast2box ~tail t]) | (Cic.Name s, None) -> Box.Text([],s) | (Cic.Name s, Some t) -> if is_big t then Box.V([],[Box.Text([],s^":"); Box.indent(bigast2box ~tail t)]) else Box.H([],[Box.Text([],s^":");Box.Object([],t)]) and make_pattern constr = function [] -> Box.Text([],constr) | vars -> let bvars = List.fold_right (fun var acc -> let bv = match var with (* ignoring the type *) (Cic.Anonymous, _) -> Box.Text([],"_") | (Cic.Name s, _) -> Box.Text([],s) in Box.smallskip::bv::acc) vars [Box.Text([],")")] in Box.H([],Box.Text([],"(")::Box.Text([],constr)::bvars) and make_def let_txt var def end_txt = let name = (match var with (* ignoring the type *) (Cic.Anonymous, _) -> Box.Text([],"_") | (Cic.Name s, _) -> Box.Text([],s)) in pretty_append ~tail:[end_txt] [Box.Text([],let_txt); Box.smallskip; name; Box.smallskip; Box.Text([],"=") ] def and make_subst start_txt varname body end_txt = pretty_append ~tail:[end_txt] ((if start_txt <> "" then [Box.Text([],start_txt)] else [])@ [Box.Text([],varname); Box.smallskip; Box.Text([],map_tex unicode "Assign") ]) body and pretty_append ~tail l ast = if is_big ast then [Box.H([],l); Box.H([],[Box.skip; bigast2box ~tail ast])] else [Box.H([],l@[Box.smallskip; (ast2box ~tail ast)])] in ast2box ~priority ~assoc ~tail t ;; let m_row_with_fences = P.row_with_brackets let m_row = P.row_without_brackets let m_open_fence = P.Mo([None, "stretchy", "false"], "(") let m_close_fence = P.Mo([None, "stretchy", "false"], ")") let ast2mpres ?(priority = 0) ?(assoc = false) (ast, ids_to_uris) = let lookup_uri = function | None -> None | Some id -> (try Some (Hashtbl.find ids_to_uris id) with Not_found -> None) in let make_std_attributes xref = let uri = lookup_uri xref in make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"; Some "xlink","href"] [xref;uri] in let rec aux ?xref = function | A.AttributedTerm (`Loc _, ast) -> aux ?xref ast | A.AttributedTerm (`IdRef xref, ast) -> aux ~xref ast | A.Symbol (name,_) -> let attr = make_std_attributes xref in P.Mi (attr,name) | A.Ident (name,subst) | A.Uri (name,subst) -> let attr = make_std_attributes xref in let rec make_subst = (function [] -> [] | (n,a)::tl -> (aux a):: P.Mtext([],"/"):: P.Mi([],n):: P.Mtext([],"; "):: P.smallskip:: (make_subst tl)) in let subst = match subst with | None -> [] | Some subst -> make_subst subst in (match subst with | [] -> P.Mi (attr, name) | _ -> P.Mrow ([], P.Mi (attr,name):: P.Mtext([],"["):: subst @ [(P.Mtext([],"]"))])) | A.Meta (no,l) -> let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in let l' = List.map (function None -> P.Mo([],"_") | Some t -> aux t ) l in P.Mrow ([],P.Mi (attr,"?" ^ string_of_int no) :: P.Mo ([],"[") :: l' @ [P.Mo ([],"]")]) | A.Num (value, _) -> let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in P.Mn (attr,value) | A.Sort `Prop -> P.Mtext ([], "Prop") | A.Sort `Set -> P.Mtext ([], "Set") | A.Sort `Type -> P.Mtext ([], "Type") | A.Sort `CProp -> P.Mtext ([], "CProp") | A.Implicit -> P.Mtext([], "?") | A.UserInput -> P.Mtext([], "") | A.Appl [] -> assert false | A.Appl ((hd::tl) as l) -> let aattr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in (match find_symbol None hd with | `Symbol (name, sxref) -> let sattr = make_std_attributes sxref in (try (let f = Hashtbl.find symbol_table name in f tl ~priority ~assoc ~ids_to_uris aattr sattr) with Not_found -> P.Mrow(aattr, m_open_fence :: P.Mi(sattr,name)::(make_args tl) @ [m_close_fence])) | `None -> P.Mrow(aattr, m_open_fence :: (aux hd) :: (make_args tl) @ [m_close_fence])) | A.Cast (bo,ty) -> let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in P.Mrow (attr, [m_open_fence; aux bo; P.Mo ([],":"); aux ty; m_close_fence]) | A.Binder (`Pi, (Cic.Anonymous, Some ty), body) | A.Binder (`Forall, (Cic.Anonymous, Some ty), body) -> let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in P.Mrow (attr, [ aux ty; P.Mtext ([], map_tex true "to"); aux body]) | A.Binder (kind,var,body) -> let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in let binder = resolve_binder true kind in let var = make_capture_variable var in P.Mrow (attr, P.Mtext([None,"mathcolor","blue"],binder) :: var @ [P.Mo([],"."); aux body]) | A.LetIn (var,s,body) -> let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in P.Mrow (attr, P.Mtext([],("let ")) :: (make_capture_variable var @ P.Mtext([],("=")):: (aux s):: P.Mtext([]," in "):: [aux body])) | A.LetRec (_, defs, body) -> let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in let rec make_defs = (function [] -> assert false | [(var,body,_)] -> make_capture_variable var @ [P.Mtext([],"=");(aux body)] | (var,body,_)::tl -> make_capture_variable var @ (P.Mtext([],"="):: (aux body)::P.Mtext([]," and")::(make_defs tl))) in P.Mrow (attr, P.Mtext([],("let rec ")):: (make_defs defs)@ (P.Mtext([]," in "):: [aux body])) | A.Case (arg,_,outtype,patterns) -> (* TODO print outtype *) let attr = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in let rec make_patterns = (function [] -> [] | [(constr, vars),rhs] -> make_pattern constr vars rhs | ((constr,vars), rhs)::tl -> (make_pattern constr vars rhs)@(P.smallskip:: P.Mtext([],"|")::P.smallskip::(make_patterns tl))) and make_pattern constr vars rhs = let lhs = P.Mtext([], constr) :: (List.concat (List.map (fun var -> P.smallskip :: make_capture_variable var) vars)) in lhs @ [P.smallskip; P.Mtext([],map_tex true "to"); P.smallskip; aux rhs] in P.Mrow (attr, P.Mtext([],"match")::P.smallskip:: (aux arg)::P.smallskip:: P.Mtext([],"with")::P.smallskip:: P.Mtext([],"[")::P.smallskip:: (make_patterns patterns)@(P.smallskip::[P.Mtext([],("]"))])) and make_capture_variable (name, ty) = let name = match name with | Cic.Anonymous -> [P.Mtext([], "_")] | Cic.Name s -> [P.Mtext([], s)] in let ty = match ty with | None -> [] | Some ty -> [P.Mtext([],":"); aux ty] in name @ ty and make_args ?(priority = 0) ?(assoc = false) = function [] -> [] | a::tl -> P.smallskip::(aux a)::(make_args tl) in aux ast ;; let box_prefix = "b";; let add_xml_declaration stream = [< Xml.xml_cdata "\n" ; Xml.xml_cdata "\n"; Xml.xml_nempty ~prefix:box_prefix "box" [ Some "xmlns","m","http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" ; Some "xmlns","b","http://helm.cs.unibo.it/2003/BoxML" ; Some "xmlns","helm","http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm" ; Some "xmlns","xlink","http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" ] stream >] let ast2mpresXml ((ast, ids_to_uris) as arg) = let astBox = ast2astBox arg in let smallAst2mpresXml ast = P.print_mpres (fun _ -> assert false) (ast2mpres (ast, ids_to_uris)) in (Box.box2xml ~obj2xml:smallAst2mpresXml astBox) let b_open_fence = Box.b_text [] "(" let b_close_fence = Box.b_text [] ")" let b_v_with_fences attrs a b op = Box.b_h attrs [ b_open_fence; Box.b_v [] [ a; Box.b_h [] [ op; b ] ]; b_close_fence ] let b_v_without_fences attrs a b op = Box.b_v attrs [ a; Box.b_h [] [ op; b ] ] let _ = (** fill symbol_table *) let binary f = function [a;b] -> f a b | _ -> assert false in let unary f = function [a] -> f a | _ -> assert false in let add_binary_op name threshold ?(assoc=`Left) symbol = let assoc = match assoc with `Left -> true | `Right -> false in Hashtbl.add symbol_table name (binary (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~ids_to_uris aattr sattr -> let symbol = match symbol with | `Symbol name -> map_tex true name | `Ascii s -> s in if (priority > threshold) || (priority = threshold && assoc) then m_row_with_fences aattr (ast2mpres ~priority:threshold ~assoc (a, ids_to_uris)) (ast2mpres ~priority:threshold ~assoc:(not assoc) (b, ids_to_uris)) (P.Mo(sattr,symbol)) else m_row aattr (ast2mpres ~priority:threshold ~assoc (a, ids_to_uris)) (ast2mpres ~priority:threshold ~assoc:(not assoc) (b, ids_to_uris)) (P.Mo(sattr,symbol)))); Hashtbl.add symbol_table_charcount name (binary (fun a b ~unicode ~priority ~assoc ~tail ~ids_to_uris aattr sattr -> let symbol = match symbol with | `Symbol name -> map_tex unicode name | `Ascii s -> s in if (priority > threshold) || (priority = threshold && assoc) then b_v_with_fences aattr (ast2astBox ~priority:threshold ~assoc ~tail:[] (a, ids_to_uris)) (ast2astBox ~priority:threshold ~assoc:(not assoc) ~tail (b, ids_to_uris)) (Box.Text(sattr,symbol)) else b_v_without_fences aattr (ast2astBox ~priority:threshold ~assoc ~tail:[] (a, ids_to_uris)) (ast2astBox ~priority:threshold ~assoc:(not assoc) ~tail (b, ids_to_uris)) (Box.Text(sattr,symbol)))) in Hashtbl.add symbol_table "not" (unary (fun a ~priority ~assoc ~ids_to_uris attr sattr -> (P.Mrow([], [ m_open_fence; P.Mo([],map_tex true "lnot"); ast2mpres (a, ids_to_uris); m_close_fence])))); Hashtbl.add symbol_table "inv" (unary (fun a ~priority ~assoc ~ids_to_uris attr sattr -> P.Msup([], P.Mrow([],[ m_open_fence; ast2mpres (a, ids_to_uris); m_close_fence]), P.Mrow([],[ P.Mo([],"-"); P.Mn([],"1")])))); Hashtbl.add symbol_table "opp" (unary (fun a ~priority ~assoc ~ids_to_uris attr sattr -> P.Mrow([],[ P.Mo([],"-"); m_open_fence; ast2mpres (a, ids_to_uris); m_close_fence]))); add_binary_op "arrow" 5 ~assoc:`Right (`Symbol "to"); add_binary_op "eq" 40 (`Ascii "="); add_binary_op "and" 20 (`Symbol "land"); add_binary_op "or" 10 (`Symbol "lor"); add_binary_op "iff" 5 (`Symbol "iff"); add_binary_op "leq" 40 (`Symbol "leq"); add_binary_op "lt" 40 (`Symbol "lt"); add_binary_op "geq" 40 (`Symbol "geq"); add_binary_op "gt" 40 (`Symbol "gt"); add_binary_op "plus" 60 (`Ascii "+"); add_binary_op "times" 70 (`Ascii "*"); add_binary_op "minus" 60 (`Ascii "-"); add_binary_op "div" 60 (`Ascii "/"); add_binary_op "cast" 80 (`Ascii ":");