(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team. * * if This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/. *) (* * implementazione del comando Relation *) open Union;; open Dbconn;; open Utility;; (* Cerca in una lista di assegnamenti (lista di coppie (path,path) dove path e' di tipo (string * string list) quello relativo alla proprietà p e ne restituisce la variabile a cui tale proprietà deve essere associata *) let rec search p = function [] -> "" | (path1,path2)::tl -> if (fst(path2) = p) then fst(path1) else search p tl ;; let get_prop_id prop = if prop="refObj" then "F" else if prop="backPointer" then "B" else assert false ;; let relation_ex inv rop path rset assl = let relk = fst path in match relk with (* Nota: mancano le inverse di refObj e backPointer!!!! *) (* Notabis: ora per refObj si restituiscono tutti gli uri della tabella, nella diretta c'e` l'uri vuota *) (* Notater: quando non richiedo tutte le proprieta` della tabella quelle che non voglio mi vengono restituite lo stesso ma con nome vuoto *) "refObj" | "backPointer" -> (* proprieta` refObj e backPointer *) print_endline "IN BACKPOINTER"; let prop = get_prop_id relk in if assl = [] then (* se non ci sono assegnamenti *) let c = pgc () in let rset_list = (* lista di singoletti:resource_set di un elemento *) (List.fold_left (fun acc (uri,l) -> let tv = pgresult_to_string (c#exec ("select id from registry where uri='" ^ uri ^ "'")) in let qq = "select uri from t" ^ tv ^ " where prop_id='" ^ prop ^ "' order by uri asc" in print_endline qq; let res = c#exec qq in let l = (pgresult_to_string_list res) in List.iter print_endline l; (List.map (function [uri] -> [(uri,[])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc ) [] rset ) in let rec edup = function [] -> [] | rs1::tl -> union_ex rs1 (edup tl) in edup rset_list else (* con assegnamenti *) let c = pgc () in let rset_list = (* lista di singoletti:resource_set di un elemento *) (List.fold_left (fun acc (uri,l) -> let tv = pgresult_to_string (c#exec ("select id from registry where uri='" ^ uri ^ "'")) in let qq = "select uri, position, depth from t" ^ tv ^ " where prop_id='" ^ prop ^ "' order by uri asc" in print_endline qq; let res = c#exec qq in let pos = search "position" assl in let dep = search "depth" assl in if ((pos != "") && (dep != "")) then (*caso in cui voglio sia position che depth*) (List.map (function [uri;position;depth] -> [(uri,[[((pos, []),[position]);((dep, []),[depth])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else if (dep = "") then (* voglio solo position *) (List.map (function [uri;position;depth] -> [(uri,[[((pos, []),[position])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else (* voglio solo depth *) (List.map (function [uri;position;depth] -> [(uri,[[((dep, []),[depth])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc ) [] rset ) in let rec edup = function [] -> [] | rs1::tl -> union_ex rs1 (edup tl) in edup rset_list (* Fine proprieta` refObj e backPointer *) | "refRel" -> (* proprietà refRel *) if assl = [] then [] (* se non ci sono assegnamenti *) (* let c = pgc () in let rset_list = (* lista di singoletti:resource_set di un elemento *) (List.fold_left (fun acc (uri,l) -> let qq = "select uri from hrefRel order by uri asc" in let res = c#exec qq in (List.map (function [uri] -> [(uri,[])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc ) [] rset ) in let rec edup = function [] -> [] | rs1::tl -> union_ex rs1 (edup tl) in edup rset_list *) else (* con assegnamenti *) if inv then (* INVERSA *) let c = pgc () in let rset_list = (* lista di singoletti:resource_set di un elemento *) (List.fold_left (fun acc (uri,l) -> let qq = "select uri, position, depth from hrefRel order by uri asc" in let res = c#exec qq in let pos = search "position" assl in let dep = search "depth" assl in if ((pos != "") && (dep != "")) then (*caso in cui voglio sia position che depth*) (List.map (function [uri;position;depth] -> [(uri,[[((pos, []),[position]);((dep, []),[depth])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else if (dep = "") then (* voglio solo position *) (List.map (function [uri;position;depth] -> [(uri,[[((pos, []),[position])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else (* voglio solo depth *) (List.map (function [uri;position;depth] -> [(uri,[[((dep, []),[depth])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc ) [] rset ) in let rec edup = function [] -> [] | rs1::tl -> union_ex rs1 (edup tl) in edup rset_list else (* DIRETTA, con risorsa nulla *) let c = pgc () in let rset_list = (* lista di singoletti:resource_set di un elemento *) (List.fold_left (fun acc (uri,l) -> let qq = "select position, depth from hrefRel order by uri asc" in let res = c#exec qq in let pos = search "position" assl in let dep = search "depth" assl in if ((pos != "") && (dep != "")) then (*caso in cui voglio sia position che depth*) (List.map (function [position;depth] -> [("",[[((pos, []),[position]);((dep, []),[depth])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else if (dep = "") then (* voglio solo position *) (List.map (function [position;depth] -> [("",[[((pos, []),[position])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else (* voglio solo depth *) (List.map (function [position;depth] -> [("",[[((dep, []),[depth])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc ) [] rset ) in let rec edup = function [] -> [] | rs1::tl -> union_ex rs1 (edup tl) in edup rset_list (* Fine proprieta` refRel *) | "refSort" -> (* proprietà refSort *) if assl = [] then [] (* se non ci sono assegnamenti *) (* let c = pgc () in let rset_list = (* lista di singoletti:resource_set di un elemento *) (List.fold_left (fun acc (uri,l) -> let qq = "select uri from hrefSort order by uri asc" in let res = c#exec qq in (List.map (function [uri] -> [(uri,[])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc ) [] rset ) in let rec edup = function [] -> [] | rs1::tl -> union_ex rs1 (edup tl) in edup rset_list *) else (* con assegnamenti *) if inv then (*INVERSA ----> SISTEMARE: vedi refRel!!!!*) let c = pgc () in let rset_list = (* lista di singoletti:resource_set di un elemento *) (List.fold_left (fun acc (uri,l) -> let qq = "select uri, position, depth, sort from hrefSort order by uri asc" in let res = c#exec qq in let pos = search "position" assl in let dep = search "depth" assl in let sor = search "sort" assl in if ((pos != "") && (dep != "") && (sor != "")) then (*caso in cui voglio position, depth e sort*) (List.map (function [uri;position;depth;sort] -> [(uri,[[((pos, []),[position]);((dep, []),[depth]);((sor, []),[sort])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else if ((dep = "") && (sor = "")) then (* voglio solo position *) (List.map (function [uri;position;depth;sort] -> [(uri,[[((pos, []),[position])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else if ((pos = "") && (sor = "")) then (* voglio solo depth *) (List.map (function [uri;position;depth;sort] -> [(uri,[[((dep, []),[depth])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else if ((pos = "") && (dep = "")) then (* voglio solo sort *) (List.map (function [uri;position;depth;sort] -> [(uri,[[((sor, []),[sort])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else if ((pos = "") && (dep != "") && (sor != "")) then (*voglio depth e sort*) (List.map (function [uri;position;depth;sort] -> [(uri,[[((dep, []),[depth]);((sor, []),[sort])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else if((pos != "") && (dep = "") && (sor != "")) then (*voglio position e sort*) (List.map (function [uri;position;depth;sort] -> [(uri,[[((pos, []),[position]);((sor, []),[sort])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else (* if ((pos != "") && (dep != "") && (sor = "")) then*) (*voglio position e depth*) (List.map (function [uri;position;depth;sort] -> [(uri,[[((pos, []),[position]);((dep, []),[depth])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc ) [] rset ) in let rec edup = function [] -> [] | rs1::tl -> union_ex rs1 (edup tl) in edup rset_list else (* DIRETTA con risorsa vuota ----> SISTEMARE: vedi refRel!!!!*) let c = pgc () in let rset_list = (* lista di singoletti:resource_set di un elemento *) (List.fold_left (fun acc (uri,l) -> let qq = "select position, depth, sort from hrefSort order by uri asc" in let res = c#exec qq in let pos = search "position" assl in let dep = search "depth" assl in let sor = search "sort" assl in if ((pos != "") && (dep != "") && (sor != "")) then (*caso in cui voglio position, depth e sort*) (List.map (function [position;depth;sort] -> [("",[[((pos, []),[position]);((dep, []),[depth]);((sor, []),[sort])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else if ((dep = "") && (sor = "")) then (* voglio solo position *) (List.map (function [position;depth;sort] -> [("",[[((pos, []),[position])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else if ((pos = "") && (sor = "")) then (* voglio solo depth *) (List.map (function [position;depth;sort] -> [("",[[((dep, []),[depth])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else if ((pos = "") && (dep = "")) then (* voglio solo sort *) (List.map (function [position;depth;sort] -> [("",[[((sor, []),[sort])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else if ((pos = "") && (dep != "") && (sor != "")) then (*voglio depth e sort*) (List.map (function [position;depth;sort] -> [("",[[((dep, []),[depth]);((sor, []),[sort])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else if((pos != "") && (dep = "") && (sor != "")) then (*voglio position e sort*) (List.map (function [position;depth;sort] -> [("",[[((pos, []),[position]);((sor, []),[sort])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc else (* if ((pos != "") && (dep != "") && (sor = "")) then*) (*voglio position e depth*) (List.map (function [position;depth;sort] -> [("",[[((pos, []),[position]);((dep, []),[depth])]])] | _ -> assert false ) res#get_list) @ acc ) [] rset ) in let rec edup = function [] -> [] | rs1::tl -> union_ex rs1 (edup tl) in edup rset_list (* Fine proprieta` refSort *) | _ -> [] ;; (**** IMPLEMENTAZIONE DELLA RELATION PER GALAX ****) (* trasforma un uri in un filename *) let tofname uri = if String.contains uri ':' then (let len = String.length uri in let scuri = String.sub uri 4 (len-4) in (*tolgo cic:*) if String.contains scuri '#' then (let pos = String.index scuri '#' in let s1 = Str.string_before scuri pos in let xp = Str.string_after scuri pos in let xp = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "#xpointer(1") "" xp in let xp = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\/") "," xp in let xp = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp ")") "" xp in let fname = (s1 ^ xp) in fname) else scuri) else uri (* prende una lista di uri (contenente alternativamente uri e pos) e costruisce una lista di resource *) let rec rsetl uril vvar = match uril with | uri::tl -> let scuri = (*tofname*) uri in [(scuri, [[((vvar, []), [(List.hd tl)])]])]::(rsetl (List.tl tl) vvar) | [] -> [] (* prende una resource e una vvar e restituisce la lista delle resource in relazione (refObj o backPointer in base al parametro "path") con tale resource e associa alla proprieta' il nome della vvar contenuto in "assl" *) let muse path assl r = let vvar = if assl = [] then "position" else List.hd assl in let uri = fst r in let furi = tofname uri in let dtag = fst path in let dir = match dtag with "refObj" -> "/projects/helm/metadata/create4/forward" | _ -> "/projects/helm/metadata/create4/backward" in let xq ="namespace h=\"http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/schemas/mattone.rdf#\" namespace rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\" for $i in document(" ^ "\"" ^ dir ^ furi ^ ".xml" ^ "\"" ^ ")/rdf:RDF/h:Object/h:" ^ dtag ^ "/h:Occurrence return ($i/h:occurrence, $i/h:position)" in let uril = Toputils.eval_query_string xq in (* e' una lista di liste di stringhe*) let hd_uril = List.hd uril in(*prendo la testa che contiene altern. lista di uri e pos. *) let rset_list = rsetl hd_uril vvar in (* da hd_uril costruisco una lista di resource_set(singoletti)*) let rec edup = function [] -> [] | rs1::tl -> union_ex rs1 (edup tl) in edup rset_list (* prende un resource_set, una vvar (primo el. di assl) a cui associare la posizione, e la relazione (refObj o backPointer) e per ogni resource chiama la muse NOTA: "rop" per ora non viene usato perche' vale sempre "ExactOp" *) let relation_galax_ex inv rop path rset assl = [] (* List.stable_sort (fun (uri1,l1) (uri2,l2) -> compare uri1 uri2) (List.concat (List.map (muse path assl) rset)) *)