(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/. *) (* AUTOR: Ferruccio Guidi *) let query_num = ref 1 let interp_file = ref "interp.cic" let log_file = ref "" let show_queries = ref false let int_options = ref "" let nl = "

\n" module MQX = MQueryMisc module MQI = MQueryInterpreter module MQIC = MQIConn module MQG = MQueryGenerator let get_handle () = MQIC.init (MQIC.flags_of_string ! int_options) (fun s -> print_string s; flush stdout) let issue handle q = let module U = MQueryUtil in let mode = [Open_wronly; Open_append; Open_creat; Open_text] in let perm = 64 * 6 + 8 * 6 + 4 in let time () = let lt = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in "NEW LOG: " ^ string_of_int (lt.Unix.tm_mon + 1) ^ "-" ^ string_of_int (lt.Unix.tm_mday + 1) ^ "-" ^ string_of_int (lt.Unix.tm_year + 1900) ^ " " ^ string_of_int (lt.Unix.tm_hour) ^ ":" ^ string_of_int (lt.Unix.tm_min) ^ ":" ^ string_of_int (lt.Unix.tm_sec) in let log q r = let och = open_out_gen mode perm ! log_file in let out = output_string och in if ! query_num = 1 then out (time () ^ nl); out ("Query: " ^ string_of_int ! query_num ^ nl); U.text_of_query out q nl; out ("Result: " ^ nl); U.text_of_result out r nl; close_out och in if ! show_queries then U.text_of_query (output_string stdout) q nl; let r = MQI.execute handle q in U.text_of_result (output_string stdout) r nl; if ! log_file <> "" then log q r; incr query_num; flush stdout let get_interp () = let module L = CicTextualLexer in let module T = CicTextualParser in let module P = MQGTopParser in let lexer = function | T.ID s -> P.ID s | T.CONURI u -> P.CONURI u | T.VARURI u -> P.VARURI u | T.INDTYURI (u, p) -> P.INDTYURI (u, p) | T.INDCONURI (u, p, s) -> P.INDCONURI (u, p, s) | T.LETIN -> P.ALIAS | T.EOF -> P.EOF | _ -> assert false in let ich = open_in ! interp_file in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ich in let f = P.interp (fun x -> lexer (L.token x)) lexbuf in close_in ich; f let get_terms interp = let interp = get_interp () in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in let rec aux () = try let dom, mk_term = CicTextualParserContext.main [] [] CicTextualLexer.token lexbuf in (snd (mk_term interp)) :: aux () with CicTextualParser0.Eof -> [] in aux () let pp_type_of uri = let u = UriManager.uri_of_string uri in let s = match (CicEnvironment.get_obj u) with | Cic.Constant (_, _, ty, _) -> CicPp.ppterm ty | Cic.Variable (_, _, ty, _) -> CicPp.ppterm ty | _ -> "Current proof or inductive definition." (* | Cic.CurrentProof (_,conjs,te,ty) -> | C.InductiveDefinition _ -> *) in print_endline s; flush stdout let rec display = function | [] -> () | term :: tail -> display tail; print_string ("? " ^ CicPp.ppterm term ^ nl); flush stdout let execute ich = let module U = MQueryUtil in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ich in let handle = get_handle () in let rec execute_aux () = try let q = U.query_of_text lexbuf in issue handle q; execute_aux () with End_of_file -> () in execute_aux (); MQIC.close handle (* let compose () = let module P = MQGTopParser in let module L = MQGTopLexer in let module G = MQueryGeneratorNew in let cl = P.specs L.spec_token (Lexing.from_channel stdin) in issue (G.compose cl) *) let locate name = let handle = get_handle () in issue handle (MQG.locate name); MQIC.close handle let mpattern n m l = let module C = MQueryLevels2 in let queries = ref [] in let handle = get_handle () in let rec pattern level = function | [] -> () | term :: tail -> pattern level tail; print_string ("? " ^ CicPp.ppterm term ^ nl); let t = MQX.start_time () in let om,rm,sm = C.get_constraints term in let oml,rml,sml = List.length om, List.length rm, List.length sm in let oo, ool = if level land 1 = 0 then None, 0 else Some om, oml in let ro, rol = if level land 2 = 0 then None, 0 else Some rm, rml in let so, sol = if level land 4 = 0 then None, 0 else Some sm, sml in let q = MQG.query_of_constraints None (om,rm,sm) (oo,ro,so) in if not (List.mem q ! queries) then begin issue handle q; Printf.eprintf "[%i] " (pred ! query_num); flush stderr; Printf.printf "%i GEN = %i: %s" (pred ! query_num) (oml + rml + sml + ool + rol + sol) (MQX.stop_time t ^ nl); flush stdout; queries := q :: ! queries end in for level = max m n downto min m n do Printf.eprintf "\nmqgtop: pattern: trying level %i\n" level; flush stderr; pattern level l done; Printf.eprintf "\nmqgtop: pattern: %i queries issued\n" (List.length ! queries); flush stderr; MQIC.close handle (* let mbackward n m l = let module C = MQueryLevels in let module G = MQueryGenerator in let queries = ref [] in let torigth_restriction (u, b) = let p = if b then "http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/schemas/schema-helm#MainConclusion" else "http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/schemas/schema-helm#InConclusion" in (u, p, None) in let rec backward level = function | [] -> () | term :: tail -> backward level tail; print_string ("? " ^ CicPp.ppterm term ^ nl); let t0 = Sys.time () in let list_of_must, only = C.out_restr [] [] term in let max_level = pred (List.length list_of_must) in let must = List.nth list_of_must (min level max_level) in let rigth_must = List.map torigth_restriction must in let rigth_only = Some (List.map torigth_restriction only) in let q = G.searchPattern (rigth_must, [], []) (rigth_only , None, None) in if not (List.mem q ! queries) then begin issue q; let t1 = Sys.time () -. t0 in Printf.eprintf "[%i] " (pred ! query_num); flush stderr; Printf.printf "%i GEN = %i: %.2fs%s" (pred ! query_num) (List.length must) t1 nl; flush stdout; queries := q :: ! queries end in for level = max m n downto min m n do Printf.eprintf "\nmqgtop: backward: trying level %i\n" level; flush stderr; backward level l done; Printf.eprintf "\nmqgtop: backward: %i queries issued\n" (List.length ! queries); flush stderr *) let check () = let handle = get_handle () in Printf.eprintf "mqgtop: current options: %s, connection: %s\n" ! int_options (if MQIC.connected handle then "on" else "off"); MQIC.close handle let prerr_help () = prerr_endline "\nUSAGE: mqgtop.opt OPTIONS < INPUTFILE\n"; prerr_endline "The tool provides a textual interface to the HELM Query Generator, used for"; prerr_endline "testing purposes. mqgtop reads its input from stdin and produces ith output"; prerr_endline "in HTML on stdout. The options can be one ore more of the following.\n"; prerr_endline "OPTIONS:\n"; prerr_endline "-h -help shows this help message"; prerr_endline "-q -show-queries outputs generated queries"; prerr_endline "-l -log-file FILE sets the log file"; prerr_endline "-o -options STRING sets the interpreter options"; prerr_endline "-c -check checks the database connection"; prerr_endline "-t -typeof URI outputs the CIC type of the given HELM object"; prerr_endline "-x -execute issues a query given in the input file"; prerr_endline "-i -interp FILE sets the CIC short names interpretation file"; prerr_endline "-d -disply outputs the CIC terms given in the input file"; prerr_endline "-L -locate ALIAS issues the \"Locate\" query for the given alias"; (* prerr_endline "-C -compose issues the \"Compose\" query reading its specifications"; prerr_endline " from the input file"; prerr_endline "-B -backward LEVEL issues the \"Backward\" query for the given level on all"; prerr_endline " CIC terms in the input file"; prerr_endline "-MB -multi-backward MAX issues the \"Backward\" query for each level from max to 0"; prerr_endline " on all CIC terms in the input file"; *) prerr_endline "-P -pattern LEVEL issues the \"Pattern\" query for the given level on all"; prerr_endline " CIC terms in the input file"; prerr_endline "-MP -multi-pattern issues the \"Pattern\" query for each level from 7 to 0"; prerr_endline " on all CIC terms in the input file\n"; prerr_endline "NOTES: * current interpreter options are:"; prerr_endline " P (postgres), G (Galax), S (show statistics), Q (quiet)"; prerr_endline " * CIC terms are read with the HELM CIC Textual Parser"; prerr_endline " * -typeof does not work with inductive types and proofs in progress\n" let rec parse = function | [] -> () | ("-h"|"-help") :: rem -> prerr_help (); parse rem | ("-i"|"-interp") :: arg :: rem -> interp_file := arg; parse rem | ("-d"|"-display") :: rem -> display (get_terms ()); parse rem | ("-t"|"-typeof") :: arg :: rem -> pp_type_of arg; parse rem | ("-x"|"-execute") :: rem -> execute stdin; parse rem | ("-q"|"-show-queries") :: rem -> show_queries := true; parse rem | ("-o"|"-options") :: arg :: rem -> int_options := arg; parse rem | ("-c"|"-check") :: rem -> check (); parse rem | ("-l"|"-log-file") :: arg :: rem -> log_file := arg; parse rem | ("-L"|"-Locate") :: arg :: rem -> locate arg; parse rem (* | ("-C"|"-compose") :: rem -> compose (); parse rem | ("-M"|"-backward") :: arg :: rem -> let m = (int_of_string arg) in mbackward m m (get_terms ()); parse rem | ("-MB"|"-multi-backward") :: arg :: rem -> let m = (int_of_string arg) in mbackward m 0 (get_terms ()); parse rem *) | ("-P"|"-pattern") :: arg :: rem -> let m = (int_of_string arg) in mpattern m m (get_terms ()); parse rem | ("-MP"|"-multi-pattern") :: rem -> mpattern 7 0 (get_terms ()); parse rem | _ :: rem -> parse rem let _ = let t = MQX.start_time () in Logger.log_callback := (Logger.log_to_html ~print_and_flush:(fun s -> print_string s; flush stdout)) ; parse (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv)); prerr_endline ("mqgtop: done in " ^ (MQX.stop_time t)); exit 0