H=@ export SHELL=/bin/bash include ../Makefile.defs # Warning: the modules must be in compilation order NULL = MODULES = \ extlib \ xml \ hgdome \ registry \ hmysql \ syntax_extensions \ thread \ xmldiff \ urimanager \ logger \ getter \ cic \ cic_proof_checking \ cic_acic \ cic_exportation \ metadata \ library \ ng_kernel \ acic_content \ grafite \ ng_refiner \ ng_library \ ng_cic_content \ content_pres \ cic_unification \ whelp \ tactics \ acic_procedural \ disambiguation \ cic_disambiguation \ lexicon \ ng_disambiguation \ grafite_parser \ ng_paramodulation \ ng_tactics \ grafite_engine \ tptp_grafite \ ng_kernel \ ng_refiner \ ng_library \ $(NULL) METAS = $(MODULES:%=METAS/META.helm-%) ifeq ($(DISTRIBUTED),no) MODULES+=binaries endif all: metas $(MODULES:%=rec@all@%) opt: metas syntax-extensions $(MODULES:%=rec@opt@%) ifeq ($(HAVE_OCAMLOPT),yes) world: opt else world: all endif syntax-extensions: $(H)$(MAKE) -C syntax_extensions depend $(H)$(MAKE) -C syntax_extensions depend: syntax-extensions $(MODULES:%=rec@depend@%) depend.opt: syntax-extensions $(MODULES:%=rec@depend.opt@%) install-arch: $(MODULES:%=rec@install@%) install-indep: uninstall: $(MODULES:%=rec@uninstall@%) clean: $(MODULES:%=rec@clean@%) clean_metas .stats: $(MODULES:%=rec@.stats@%) $(H)(for m in $(MODULES); do echo -n "$$m:"; cat $$m/.stats; done) \ | sort -t : -k 2 -n -r > .stats rec@%: $(H)$(MAKE) -C $(word 2, $(subst @, ,$*)) $(word 1, $(subst @, ,$*)) EXTRA_DIST_CLEAN = \ libraries-clusters.ps \ libraries-clusters.pdf \ libraries-ext.ps \ libraries.ps \ .dep.dot \ .extdep.dot \ .clustersdep.dot \ $(NULL) distclean: clean clean_metas $(H)rm -f $(METAS) $(H)rm -f configure config.log config.cache config.status $(H)rm -f $(EXTRA_DIST_CLEAN) .PHONY: all opt world metas depend install uninstall clean clean_metas distclean METAS/META.helm-%: METAS/meta.helm-%.src $(H)cp $< $@ && echo "directory=\"$(shell pwd)/$*\"" >> $@ SIMPLIFYDEPS = ../daemons/graphs/tools/simplify_deps/simplify_deps $(SIMPLIFYDEPS): $(H)$(MAKE) -C $(dir $(SIMPLIFYDEPS)) .PHONY: .dep.dot .dep.dot: $(SIMPLIFYDEPS) $(H)echo "digraph G {" > $@ $(H)echo " rankdir = TB ;" >> $@ $(H)for i in $(MODULES); do \ $(OCAMLFIND) query helm-$$i -recursive -p-format | \ grep helm | \ sed "s/^helm-/ \"$$i\" -> \"/g" | \ sed "s/$$/\";/g" >> $@ ; \ done $(H)mv $@ $@.old ; $(SIMPLIFYDEPS) < $@.old > $@ ; rm $@.old $(H)echo "}" >> $@ .PHONY: .alldep.dot .alldep.dot: $(H)echo "digraph G {" > $@ $(H)echo " rankdir = TB ;" >> $@ $(H)for i in $(MODULES); do \ $(OCAMLFIND) query helm-$$i -recursive -p-format | \ grep -v "pxp-" | \ sed "s/^pxp/pxp[-*]/g" | \ sed "s/^/ \"helm-$$i\" -> \"/g" | \ sed "s/$$/\";/g" >> $@ ; \ done $(H)mv $@ $@.old ; \ ./simplify_deps/simplify_deps.opt < $@.old > $@ ; \ rm $@.old $(H)for i in $(MODULES); do \ echo "\"helm-$$i\" [shape=box,style=filled,fillcolor=yellow];"\ >> $@ ; \ done $(H)echo "}" >> $@ .extdep.dot: .dep.dot $(H)STATS/patch_deps.sh $< $@ .clustersdep.dot: .dep.dot $(H)USE_CLUSTERS=yes STATS/patch_deps.sh $< $@ libraries.ps: .dep.dot $(H)dot -Tps -o $@ $< libraries-ext.ps: .extdep.dot $(H)dot -Tps -o $@ $< libraries-clusters.ps: .clustersdep.dot $(H)dot -Tps -o $@ $< libraries-complete.ps: .alldep.dot $(H)dot -Tps -o $@ $< ps: libraries.ps libraries-ext.ps libraries-clusters.ps tags: TAGS .PHONY: TAGS TAGS: $(H)otags -vi -r . metas: $(filter-out METAS/META.helm-binaries, $(METAS))