let _ = Helm_registry.load_from "extractor.conf.xml" let usage () = prerr_endline " !! This binary should not be called by hand, use the extractor_manager. !! usage: ./extractor[.opt] path owner path: the path for the getter maps owner: the owner of the tables to update " let _ = try let _ = Sys.argv.(2), Sys.argv.(1) in if Sys.argv.(1) = "-h"||Sys.argv.(1) = "-help"||Sys.argv.(1) = "--help" then begin usage (); exit 1 end with Invalid_argument _ -> usage (); exit 1 let owner = Sys.argv.(2) let path = Sys.argv.(1) let main () = print_endline (Printf.sprintf "%d alive on path:%s owner:%s" (Unix.getpid()) path owner); Helm_registry.set "tmp.dir" path; Http_getter.init (); let dbd = HSql.quick_connect ~host:(Helm_registry.get "db.host") ~user:(Helm_registry.get "db.user") ~database:(Helm_registry.get "db.database") () in MetadataTypes.ownerize_tables owner; let uris = let ic = open_in (path ^ "/todo") in let acc = ref [] in (try while true do let l = input_line ic in acc := l :: !acc done with End_of_file -> ()); close_in ic; !acc in let len = float_of_int (List.length uris) in let i = ref 0 in let magic = 45 in List.iter (fun u -> incr i; let perc = ((float_of_int !i) /. len *. 100.0) in let l = String.length u in let short = if l < magic then u ^ String.make (magic + 3 - l) ' ' else "..." ^ String.sub u (l - magic) magic in Printf.printf "%d (%d of %.0f = %3.1f%%): %s\n" (Unix.getpid ()) !i len perc short; flush stdout; let uri = UriManager.uri_of_string u in MetadataDb.index_obj ~dbd ~uri; CicEnvironment.empty ()) uris; print_string "END "; Unix.system "date" ;; main ()