module GA = GrafiteAst;; module PT = CicNotationPt;; module A = Ast;; let rec collect_arities_from_term = function | A.Constant name -> [name,0] | A.Variable name -> [] | A.Function (name,l) -> (name,List.length l) :: List.flatten ( collect_arities_from_term l) ;; let rec collect_fv_from_term = function | A.Constant name -> [] | A.Variable name -> [name] | A.Function (_,l) -> List.flatten ( collect_fv_from_term l) ;; let collect_arities_from_atom a = let aux = function | A.Proposition name -> assert false | A.Predicate _ -> assert false | A.True -> [] | A.False -> [] | A.Eq (t1,t2) -> collect_arities_from_term t1 @ collect_arities_from_term t2 | A.NotEq (t1,t2) -> collect_arities_from_term t1 @ collect_arities_from_term t2 in HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort (fun (a,_) (b,_) -> compare a b) (aux a)) ;; let collect_fv_from_atom a = let aux = function | A.Proposition name -> assert false | A.Predicate _ -> assert false | A.True -> [] | A.False -> [] | A.Eq (t1,t2) -> collect_fv_from_term t1 @ collect_fv_from_term t2 | A.NotEq (t1,t2) -> collect_fv_from_term t1 @ collect_fv_from_term t2 in HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort compare (aux a)) ;; let rec convert_term = function | A.Variable x -> PT.Ident (x,None) | A.Constant x -> PT.Ident (x,None) | A.Function (name, args) -> PT.Appl (PT.Ident (name,None) :: convert_term args) ;; let atom_of_formula = function | A.Disjunction _ -> assert false | A.NegAtom a -> a (* removes the negation *) | A.Atom a -> a ;; let rec mk_arrow component = function | 0 -> PT.Ident (component,None) | n -> PT.Binder (`Forall, ((PT.Variable (PT.FreshVar "_")),Some (PT.Ident (component,None))), mk_arrow component (n-1)) ;; let build_ctx_for_arities arities t = let rec aux = function | [] -> t | (name,nargs)::tl -> PT.Binder (`Forall, (PT.Ident (name,None),Some (mk_arrow "A" nargs)), aux tl) in aux arities ;; let convert_atom a = let aux = function | A.Proposition _ -> assert false | A.Predicate (name,params) -> assert false | A.True -> PT.Ident ("True",None) | A.False -> PT.Ident ("False",None) | A.Eq (l,r) | A.NotEq (l,r) -> (* removes the negation *) PT.Appl [ PT.Ident ("eq",None); PT.Ident ("A",None); convert_term l; convert_term r] in build_ctx_for_arities ( (fun x -> (x,0)) (collect_fv_from_atom a)) (aux a) ;; let rec convert_formula no_arities context f = let atom = atom_of_formula f in let t = convert_atom atom in let rec build_ctx n = function | [] -> t | hp::tl -> PT.Binder (`Forall, (PT.Ident ("H" ^ string_of_int n,None), Some (convert_formula true [] hp)), build_ctx (n+1) tl) in let arities = if no_arities then [] else collect_arities_from_atom atom in build_ctx_for_arities arities (build_ctx 0 context) ;; let convert_ast statements context = function | A.Comment s -> let s = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1) in if s.[String.length s - 1] = '\n' then s.[String.length s - 1] <- '\000'; statements @ [GA.Comment (HExtlib.dummy_floc,GA.Note (HExtlib.dummy_floc,s))], context | A.Inclusion (s,_) -> statements @ [ GA.Comment ( HExtlib.dummy_floc, GA.Note ( HExtlib.dummy_floc,"Inclusion of: " ^ s))], context | A.AnnotatedFormula (name,kind,f,_,_) -> match kind with | A.Axiom | A.Hypothesis -> statements, f::context | A.Negated_conjecture -> let f = PT.Binder (`Forall, (PT.Ident ("A",None),Some (PT.Sort `Set)), convert_formula false context f) in let o = PT.Theorem (`Theorem,name,f,None) in statements @ [ GA.Executable( HExtlib.dummy_floc,GA.Command( HExtlib.dummy_floc,GA.Obj(HExtlib.dummy_floc,o)))], context | A.Definition | A.Lemma | A.Theorem | A.Conjecture | A.Lemma_conjecture | A.Plain | A.Unknown -> assert false ;; (* OPTIONS *) let tptppath = ref "./";; let librarymode = ref false;; let spec = [ ("-tptppath", Arg.String (fun x -> tptppath := x), "Where to find the Axioms/ and Problems/ directory"); ("-librarymode", Arg.Set librarymode, "... not supported yet") ] (* HELPERS *) let resolve s = let resolved_name = if Filename.check_suffix s ".p" then (assert (String.length s > 5); let prefix = String.sub s 0 3 in !tptppath ^ "/Problems/" ^ prefix ^ "/" ^ s) else !tptppath ^ "/" ^ s in if HExtlib.is_regular resolved_name then resolved_name else begin prerr_endline ("Unable to find " ^ s ^ " (" ^ resolved_name ^ ")"); exit 1 end ;; (* MAIN *) let _ = let usage = "Usage: tptp2grafite [options] file" in let inputfile = ref "" in Arg.parse spec (fun s -> inputfile := s) usage; if !inputfile = "" then begin prerr_endline usage; exit 1 end; let rec aux = function | [] -> [] | ((A.Inclusion (file,_)) as hd) :: tl -> let file = resolve file in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel (open_in file) in let statements = Parser.main Lexer.yylex lexbuf in hd :: aux (statements @ tl) | hd::tl -> hd :: aux tl in let statements = aux [A.Inclusion (!inputfile ^ ".p",[])] in let grafite_ast_statements,_ = List.fold_left (fun (st, ctx) f -> let newst, ctx = convert_ast st ctx f in newst, ctx) ([],[]) statements in let pp t = (* for a correct pp we should disambiguate the term... *) let term_pp = CicNotationPp.pp_term in let lazy_term_pp = fun x -> assert false in let obj_pp = CicNotationPp.pp_obj in print_endline (GrafiteAstPp.pp_statement ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp ~obj_pp t) in List.iter pp grafite_ast_statements; exit 0