(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/. *) module R = Helm_registry module X = HExtlib module HG = Http_getter module GA = GrafiteAst module T = Types module G = Grafite module O = Options type script = { name : string; is_ma : bool; contents: T.items } type status = { heading_path: string; heading_lines: int; input_package: string; output_package: string; input_base_uri: string; output_base_uri: string; input_path: string; output_path: string; input_type: T.input_kind; output_type: T.output_kind; input_ext: string; remove_lines: int; excludes: string list; includes: (string * string) list; iparams: (string * string) list; coercions: (string * string) list; files: string list; requires: (string * string) list; scripts: script array } let default_script = { name = ""; is_ma = false; contents = [] } let default_scripts = 2 let load_registry registry = let suffix = ".conf.xml" in let registry = if Filename.check_suffix registry suffix then registry else registry ^ suffix in Printf.eprintf "reading configuration %s ...\n" registry; flush stderr; R.load_from registry let set_files st = let eof ich = try Some (input_line ich) with End_of_file -> None in let trim l = Filename.chop_extension (Str.string_after l 2) in let cmd = Printf.sprintf "cd %s && find -name '*%s'" st.input_path st.input_ext in let ich = Unix.open_process_in cmd in let rec aux files = match eof ich with | None -> List.rev files | Some l -> let l = trim l in if List.mem l st.excludes then aux files else aux (l :: files) in let files = aux [] in let _ = Unix.close_process_in ich in {st with files = files} let set_requires st = let map file = (Filename.basename file, file) in let requires = List.rev_map map st.files in {st with requires = requires} let init () = let transcript_dir = Filename.dirname Sys.argv.(0) in let default_registry = Filename.concat transcript_dir "transcript" in let matita_registry = Filename.concat !O.cwd "matita" in load_registry default_registry; load_registry matita_registry; HG.init () let make registry = let id x = x in let get_pairs = R.get_list (R.pair id id) in let get_input_type key1 key2 = match R.get_string key1, R.get_string key2 with | "gallina8", _ -> T.Gallina8, ".v", [] | "grafite", "" -> T.Grafite "", ".ma", [] | "grafite", s -> T.Grafite s, ".ma", [s] | s, _ -> failwith ("unknown input type: " ^ s) in let get_output_type key = match R.get_string key with | "procedural" -> T.Procedural | "declarative" -> T.Declarative | s -> failwith ("unknown output type: " ^ s) in load_registry registry; let input_type, input_ext, excludes = get_input_type "package.input_type" "package.theory_file" in let st = { heading_path = R.get_string "transcript.heading_path"; heading_lines = R.get_int "transcript.heading_lines"; input_package = R.get_string "package.input_name"; output_package = R.get_string "package.output_name"; input_base_uri = R.get_string "package.input_base_uri"; output_base_uri = R.get_string "package.output_base_uri"; input_path = R.get_string "package.input_path"; output_path = R.get_string "package.output_path"; input_type = input_type; output_type = get_output_type "package.output_type"; input_ext = input_ext; remove_lines = R.get_int "package.heading_lines"; excludes = excludes; includes = get_pairs "package.include"; iparams = get_pairs "package.inline"; coercions = get_pairs "package.coercion"; files = []; requires = []; scripts = Array.make default_scripts default_script } in let st = {st with heading_path = Filename.concat !O.cwd st.heading_path; input_path = Filename.concat !O.cwd st.input_path; output_path = Filename.concat !O.cwd st.output_path } in prerr_endline "reading file names ..."; let st = set_files st in let st = set_requires st in st let get_index st name = let rec get_index name i = if i >= Array.length st.scripts then None else if st.scripts.(i).name = name then Some i else get_index name (succ i) in match get_index name 0, get_index "" 0 with | Some i, _ | _, Some i -> i | None, None -> failwith "not enought script entries" let is_ma st name = let i = get_index st name in let script = st.scripts.(i) in st.scripts.(i) <- {script with is_ma = true} let set_items st name items = let i = get_index st name in let script = st.scripts.(i) in let contents = List.rev_append items script.contents in st.scripts.(i) <- {script with name = name; contents = contents} let set_heading st name = let heading = st.heading_path, st.heading_lines in set_items st name [T.Heading heading] let require st name src inc = set_items st name [T.Include (src, inc)] let get_coercion st str = try List.assoc str st.coercions with Not_found -> "" let make_path path = List.fold_left Filename.concat "" (List.rev path) let make_prefix path = String.concat "__" (List.rev path) ^ "__" let make_script_name st script name = let ext = if script.is_ma then ".ma" else ".mma" in Filename.concat st.output_path (name ^ ext) let get_iparams st name = let map = function | "nodefaults" -> GA.IPNoDefaults | s -> failwith ("unknown inline parameter: " ^ s) in List.map map (X.list_assoc_all name st.iparams) let commit st name = let i = get_index st name in let script = st.scripts.(i) in let path = Filename.concat st.output_path (Filename.dirname name) in let name = make_script_name st script name in let cmd = Printf.sprintf "mkdir -p %s" path in let _ = Sys.command cmd in let och = open_out name in G.commit st.output_type och script.contents; close_out och; st.scripts.(i) <- default_script let produce st = let init name = set_heading st name in let partition = function | T.Coercion (false, _) | T.Notation (false, _) -> false | _ -> true in let get_items = match st.input_type with | T.Gallina8 -> Gallina8Parser.items Gallina8Lexer.token | T.Grafite _ -> GrafiteParser.items GrafiteLexer.token in let produce st name = let in_base_uri = Filename.concat st.input_base_uri name in let out_base_uri = Filename.concat st.output_base_uri name in let filter path = function | T.Inline (b, k, obj, p, f, params) -> let obj, p = if b then Filename.concat (make_path path) obj, make_prefix path else obj, p in let s = obj ^ G.string_of_inline_kind k in let full_s = Filename.concat in_base_uri s in let params = params @ get_iparams st (Filename.concat name obj) in path, Some (T.Inline (b, k, full_s, p, f, params)) | T.Include (src, s) -> begin try path, Some (T.Include (src, List.assoc s st.requires)) with Not_found -> path, None end | T.Coercion (b, obj) -> let str = get_coercion st obj in if str <> "" then path, Some (T.Coercion (b, str)) else let base_uri = if b then out_base_uri else in_base_uri in let s = obj ^ G.string_of_inline_kind T.Con in path, Some (T.Coercion (b, Filename.concat base_uri s)) | T.Section (b, id, _) as item -> let path = if b then id :: path else List.tl path in path, Some item | T.Verbatim s -> let pat, templ = st.input_base_uri, st.output_base_uri in path, Some (T.Verbatim (Pcre.replace ~pat ~templ s)) | item -> path, Some item in let set_includes st name = try require st name false (List.assoc name st.includes) with Not_found -> () in let rec remove_lines ich n = if n > 0 then let _ = input_line ich in remove_lines ich (pred n) in Printf.eprintf "processing file name: %s ...\n" name; flush stderr; let file = Filename.concat st.input_path name in let ich = open_in (file ^ st.input_ext) in begin try remove_lines ich st.remove_lines with End_of_file -> () end; let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ich in try let items = get_items lexbuf in close_in ich; let _, rev_items = X.list_rev_map_filter_fold filter [] items in let items = List.rev rev_items in let local_items, global_items = List.partition partition items in let comment = T.Line (Printf.sprintf "From %s" name) in if global_items <> [] then set_items st st.input_package (comment :: global_items); init name; begin match st.input_type with | T.Grafite "" -> require st name true file | _ -> require st name true st.input_package end; set_includes st name; set_items st name local_items; commit st name with e -> prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string e); close_in ich in is_ma st st.input_package; init st.input_package; require st st.input_package false "preamble"; match st.input_type with | T.Grafite "" -> List.iter (produce st) st.files | T.Grafite s -> let theory = Filename.concat st.input_path s in require st st.input_package true theory; List.iter (produce st) st.files; commit st st.input_package | _ -> List.iter (produce st) st.files; commit st st.input_package