(* Copyright (C) 2003-2005, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/. *) module UM = UriManager module C = Cic module Un = CicUniv module E = CicEnvironment let hashtbl_size = 11 let not_implemented = "discharge of current proofs is not implemented yet" (* helper functions *********************************************************) let list_pos found l = let rec aux n = function | [] -> raise Not_found | hd :: tl -> if found hd then n else aux (succ n) tl in aux 0 l let sh a b = if a == b then a else b let rec list_map_sh map l = match l with | [] -> l | hd :: tl -> let hd', tl' = map hd, list_map_sh map tl in if hd' == hd && tl' == tl then l else sh hd hd' :: sh tl tl' let flatten = function | C.Appl vs :: tl -> vs @ tl | ts -> ts let vars_of_uri uri = let obj, _ = E.get_obj Un.default_ugraph uri in match obj with | C.Constant (_, _, _, vars, _) | C.Variable (_, _, _, vars, _) | C.InductiveDefinition (_, vars, _, _) | C.CurrentProof (_, _, _, _, vars, _) -> vars let mk_arg s u = try List.assq u s with Not_found -> C.Var (u, []) (* main functions ***********************************************************) type status = { du: UM.uri -> UM.uri; (* uri discharge map *) c : C.context; (* var context of this object *) ls: (UM.uri, UM.uri list) Hashtbl.t; (* var lists of subobjects *) rl: UM.uri list; (* reverse var list of this object *) h : int (* relocation index *) } let add st k = {st with h = st.h + k} let discharge st u = st.h + list_pos (UM.eq u) st.rl let get_args st u = try Hashtbl.find st.ls u with Not_found -> let args = vars_of_uri u in Hashtbl.add st.ls u args; args let rec discharge_term st t = match t with | C.Implicit _ | C.Sort _ | C.Rel _ -> t | C.Const (u, s) -> let args = get_args st u in if args = [] then t else let s = List.map (mk_arg s) args in C.Appl (C.Const (st.du u, []) :: discharge_nsubst st s) | C.MutInd (u, m, s) -> let args = get_args st u in if args = [] then t else let s = List.map (mk_arg s) args in C.Appl (C.MutInd (st.du u, m, []) :: discharge_nsubst st s) | C.MutConstruct (u, m, n, s) -> let args = get_args st u in if args = [] then t else let s = List.map (mk_arg s) args in C.Appl (C.MutConstruct (st.du u, m, n, []) :: discharge_nsubst st s) | C.Var (u, s) -> let args = get_args st u in if args = [] then C.Rel (discharge st u) else let s = List.map (mk_arg s) args in C.Appl (C.Rel (discharge st u) :: discharge_nsubst st s) | C.Meta (i, s) -> let s' = list_map_sh (discharge_usubst st) s in if s' == s then t else C.Meta (i, s') | C.Appl vs -> let vs' = list_map_sh (discharge_term st) vs in if vs' == vs then t else C.Appl (flatten vs') | C.Cast (v, w) -> let v', w' = discharge_term st v, discharge_term st w in if v' = v && w' = w then t else C.Cast (sh v v', sh w w') | C.MutCase (u, m, w, v, vs) -> let w', v', vs' = discharge_term st w, discharge_term st v, list_map_sh (discharge_term st) vs in if w' = w && v' = v && vs' == vs then t else C.MutCase (st.du u, m, sh w w', sh v v', sh vs vs') | C.Prod (b, w, v) -> let w', v' = discharge_term st w, discharge_term (add st 1) v in if w' = w && v' = v then t else C.Prod (b, sh w w', sh v v') | C.Lambda (b, w, v) -> let w', v' = discharge_term st w, discharge_term (add st 1) v in if w' = w && v' = v then t else C.Lambda (b, sh w w', sh v v') | C.LetIn (b, y, w, v) -> let y', w', v' = discharge_term st y, discharge_term st w, discharge_term (add st 1) v in if y' = y && w' = w && v' == v then t else C.LetIn (b, sh y y', sh w w', sh v v') | C.CoFix (i, s) -> let no = List.length s in let s' = list_map_sh (discharge_cofun st no) s in if s' == s then t else C.CoFix (i, s') | C.Fix (i, s) -> let no = List.length s in let s' = list_map_sh (discharge_fun st no) s in if s' == s then t else C.Fix (i, s') and discharge_nsubst st s = List.map (discharge_term st) s and discharge_usubst st s = match s with | None -> s | Some t -> let t' = discharge_term st t in if t' == t then s else Some t' and discharge_cofun st no f = let b, w, v = f in let w', v' = discharge_term st w, discharge_term (add st no) v in if w' = w && v' = v then f else b, sh w w', sh v v' and discharge_fun st no f = let b, i, w, v = f in let w', v' = discharge_term st w, discharge_term (add st no) v in if w' = w && v' = v then f else b, i, sh w w', sh v v' let close is_type st t = let map t = function | Some (b, C.Def (v, w)) -> C.LetIn (b, v, w, t) | Some (b, C.Decl w) -> if is_type then C.Prod (b, w, t) else C.Lambda (b, w, t) | None -> assert false in List.fold_left map t st.c let discharge_con st con = let b, v = con in let v' = discharge_term st v in if v' == v && st.rl = [] then con else b, close true st (sh v v') let discharge_type st ind_type = let b, ind, w, cons = ind_type in let w', cons' = discharge_term st w, list_map_sh (discharge_con st) cons in if w' == w && cons' == cons && st.rl = [] then ind_type else let w'' = close true st (sh w w') in b, ind, w'', sh cons cons' let rec discharge_object du obj = let ls = Hashtbl.create hashtbl_size in match obj with | C.Variable (b, None, w, vars, attrs) -> let st = init_status du ls vars in let w' = discharge_term st w in if w' = w && vars = [] then obj else let w'' = close true st (sh w w') in C.Variable (b, None, w'', [], attrs) | C.Variable (b, Some v, w, vars, attrs) -> let st = init_status du ls vars in let w', v' = discharge_term st w, discharge_term st v in if w' = w && v' = v && vars = [] then obj else let w'', v'' = close true st (sh w w'), close false st (sh v v') in C.Variable (b, Some v'', w'', [], attrs) | C.Constant (b, None, w, vars, attrs) -> let st = init_status du ls vars in let w' = discharge_term st w in if w' = w && vars = [] then obj else let w'' = close true st (sh w w') in C.Constant (b, None, w'', [], attrs) | C.Constant (b, Some v, w, vars, attrs) -> let st = init_status du ls vars in let w', v' = discharge_term st w, discharge_term st v in if w' = w && v' = v && vars = [] then obj else let w'', v'' = close true st (sh w w'), close false st (sh v v') in C.Constant (b, Some v'', w'', [], attrs) | C.InductiveDefinition (types, vars, lpsno, attrs) -> let st = init_status du ls vars in let types' = list_map_sh (discharge_type st) types in if types' == types && vars = [] then obj else let lpsno' = lpsno + List.length vars in C.InductiveDefinition (sh types types', [], lpsno', attrs) | C.CurrentProof _ -> HLog.warn not_implemented; obj and discharge_uri du uri = let obj, _ = E.get_obj Un.default_ugraph uri in let obj' = discharge_object du obj in obj', obj' == obj and discharge_vars du vars = let map u = match discharge_uri du u with | C.Variable (b, None, w, _, _), _ -> Some (C.Name b, C.Decl w) | C.Variable (b, Some v, w, _, _), _ -> Some (C.Name b, C.Def (v, w)) | _ -> None in List.rev_map map vars and init_status du ls vars = let c, rl = discharge_vars du vars, List.rev vars in {du = du; c = c; ls = ls; rl = rl; h = 1}