(* Copyright (C) 2004-2005, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ *) (* $Id$ *) open Printf open Http_getter_misc open Http_getter_types exception Not_found' exception Resource_not_found of string * string (** method, uri *) let index_fname = "INDEX" (******************************* HELPERS **************************************) let trailing_slash_RE = Pcre.regexp "/$" let relative_RE_raw = "(^[^/]+(/[^/]+)*/?$)" let relative_RE = Pcre.regexp relative_RE_raw let file_scheme_RE_raw = "(^file://)" let extended_file_scheme_RE = Pcre.regexp "(^file:/+)" let file_scheme_RE = Pcre.regexp (relative_RE_raw ^ "|" ^ file_scheme_RE_raw) let http_scheme_RE = Pcre.regexp "^http://" let newline_RE = Pcre.regexp "\\n" let cic_scheme_sep_RE = Pcre.regexp ":/" let gz_suffix = ".gz" let gz_suffix_len = String.length gz_suffix (* file:///bla -> bla, bla -> bla *) let path_of_file_url url = assert (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:file_scheme_RE url); if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:relative_RE url then url else (* absolute path, add heading "/" if missing *) "/" ^ (Pcre.replace ~rex:extended_file_scheme_RE url) let strip_gz_suffix fname = if extension fname = gz_suffix then String.sub fname 0 (String.length fname - gz_suffix_len) else fname let normalize_root uri = (* add trailing slash to roots *) try if uri.[String.length uri - 1] = ':' then uri ^ "/" else uri with Invalid_argument _ -> uri let remove_duplicates l = Http_getter_misc.list_uniq (List.stable_sort Pervasives.compare l) let has_rdonly l = List.exists ((=) `Read_only) l let has_legacy l = List.exists ((=) `Legacy) l let is_readwrite attrs = (not (has_legacy attrs) && not (has_rdonly attrs)) let is_file_schema url = Pcre.pmatch ~rex:file_scheme_RE url let is_http_schema url = Pcre.pmatch ~rex:http_scheme_RE url let is_empty_listing files = List.for_all (fun s -> let len = String.length s in len < 7 || String.sub s (len - 7) 7 <> ".xml.gz") files (************************* GLOBALS PREFIXES **********************************) (** associative list regular expressions -> url prefixes * sorted with longest prefixes first *) let prefix_map_ref = ref (lazy ( List.map (fun (uri_prefix, (url_prefix, attrs)) -> let uri_prefix = normalize_dir uri_prefix in let url_prefix = normalize_dir url_prefix in let regexp = Pcre.regexp ("^(" ^ Pcre.quote uri_prefix ^ ")") in regexp, strip_trailing_slash uri_prefix, url_prefix, attrs) (List.rev (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.prefixes)))) let prefix_map () = !prefix_map_ref (** given an uri returns the prefixes for it *) let lookup uri = let matches = List.filter (fun (rex, _, l, _) -> Pcre.pmatch ~rex uri) (Lazy.force (prefix_map ())) in if matches = [] then raise (Unresolvable_URI uri); matches let get_attrs uri = List.map (fun (_, _, _, attrs) -> attrs) (lookup uri) (*************************** ACTIONS ******************************************) let exists_http _ url = Http_getter_wget.exists (url ^ gz_suffix) || Http_getter_wget.exists url let exists_file _ fname = Sys.file_exists (fname ^ gz_suffix) || Sys.file_exists fname let resolve_http ~must_exists _ url = try if must_exists then List.find Http_getter_wget.exists [ url ^ gz_suffix; url ] else url with Not_found -> raise Not_found' let resolve_file ~must_exists _ fname = try if must_exists then List.find Sys.file_exists [ fname ^ gz_suffix; fname ] else fname with Not_found -> raise Not_found' let ls_file_single _ path_prefix = let is_dir fname = (Unix.stat fname).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_DIR in let is_useless dir = try dir.[0] = '.' with _ -> false in let entries = ref [] in try let dir_handle = Unix.opendir path_prefix in (try while true do let entry = Unix.readdir dir_handle in if is_useless entry then () else if is_dir (path_prefix ^ "/" ^ entry) then entries := normalize_dir entry :: !entries else entries := strip_gz_suffix entry :: !entries done with End_of_file -> Unix.closedir dir_handle); remove_duplicates !entries with Unix.Unix_error (_, "opendir", _) -> [] let ls_http_single _ url_prefix = try let index = Http_getter_wget.get (normalize_dir url_prefix ^ index_fname) in Pcre.split ~rex:newline_RE index with Http_client_error _ -> raise Not_found' let get_file _ path = if Sys.file_exists (path ^ gz_suffix) then path ^ gz_suffix else if Sys.file_exists path then path else raise Not_found' let get_http uri url = let scheme, path = match Pcre.split ~rex:cic_scheme_sep_RE uri with | [scheme; path] -> scheme, path | _ -> assert false in let cache_name = sprintf "%s%s/%s" (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.cache_dir) scheme path in if Sys.file_exists (cache_name ^ gz_suffix) then cache_name ^ gz_suffix else if Sys.file_exists cache_name then cache_name else begin (* fill cache *) Http_getter_misc.mkdir ~parents:true (Filename.dirname cache_name); (try Http_getter_wget.get_and_save (url ^ gz_suffix) (cache_name ^ gz_suffix); cache_name ^ gz_suffix with Http_client_error _ -> (try Http_getter_wget.get_and_save url cache_name; cache_name with Http_client_error _ -> raise Not_found')) end let remove_file _ path = if Sys.file_exists (path ^ gz_suffix) then Sys.remove (path ^ gz_suffix); if Sys.file_exists path then Sys.remove path let remove_http _ _ = prerr_endline "Http_getter_storage.remove: not implemented for HTTP scheme"; assert false (**************************** RESOLUTION OF PREFIXES ************************) let resolve_prefixes write exists uri = let exists_test new_uri = if is_file_schema new_uri then exists_file () (path_of_file_url new_uri) else if is_http_schema new_uri then exists_http () new_uri else false in let rec aux = function | (rex, _, url_prefix, attrs) :: tl -> (match write, is_readwrite attrs, exists with | true ,false, _ -> aux tl | true ,true ,true | false,_ ,true -> let new_uri = (Pcre.replace_first ~rex ~templ:url_prefix uri) in if exists_test new_uri then new_uri::aux tl else aux tl | true ,true ,false | false,_ ,false -> (Pcre.replace_first ~rex ~templ:url_prefix uri) :: (aux tl)) | [] -> [] in aux (lookup uri) let resolve_prefix w e u = match resolve_prefixes w e u with | hd :: _ -> hd | [] -> raise (Resource_not_found (Printf.sprintf "resolve_prefix write:%b exists:%b" w e,u)) (* uncomment to debug prefix resolution *) (* let resolve_prefix w e u = prerr_endline ("XXX w=" ^ string_of_bool w ^ " e=" ^ string_of_bool e ^" :" ^ u); let rc = resolve_prefix w e u in prerr_endline ("YYY :" ^ rc ^ "\n"); rc *) (************************* DISPATCHERS ***************************************) type 'a storage_method = { name: string; write: bool; exists: bool; file: string -> string -> 'a; (* unresolved uri, resolved uri *) http: string -> string -> 'a; (* unresolved uri, resolved uri *) } let invoke_method storage_method uri url = try if is_file_schema url then storage_method.file uri (path_of_file_url url) else if is_http_schema url then storage_method.http uri url else raise (Unsupported_scheme url) with Not_found' -> raise (Resource_not_found (storage_method.name, uri)) let dispatch_single storage_method uri = assert (extension uri <> gz_suffix); let uri = normalize_root uri in let url = resolve_prefix storage_method.write storage_method.exists uri in invoke_method storage_method uri url let dispatch_multi storage_method uri = let urls = resolve_prefixes storage_method.write storage_method.exists uri in let rec aux = function | [] -> raise (Resource_not_found (storage_method.name, uri)) | url :: tl -> (try invoke_method storage_method uri url with Resource_not_found _ -> aux tl) in aux urls let dispatch_all storage_method uri = let urls = resolve_prefixes storage_method.write storage_method.exists uri in List.map (fun url -> invoke_method storage_method uri url) urls (******************************** EXPORTED FUNCTIONS *************************) let exists s = try dispatch_single { write = false; name = "exists"; exists = true; file = exists_file; http = exists_http; } s with Resource_not_found _ -> false let resolve ?(must_exists=true) ~writable = (if must_exists then dispatch_multi else dispatch_single) { write = writable; name="resolve"; exists = must_exists; file = resolve_file ~must_exists; http = resolve_http ~must_exists; } let remove = dispatch_single { write = false; name = "remove"; exists=true; file = remove_file; http = remove_http; } let filename ?(find = false) = (if find then dispatch_multi else dispatch_single) { write = false; name = "filename"; exists=true; file = get_file; http = get_http; } let ls uri_prefix = let ls_all s = try dispatch_all { write=false; name = "ls"; exists=true; file = ls_file_single; http = ls_http_single; } s with Resource_not_found _ -> [] in let direct_results = List.flatten (ls_all uri_prefix) in List.fold_left (fun results (_, uri_prefix', _, _) -> if Filename.dirname uri_prefix' = strip_trailing_slash uri_prefix then (Filename.basename uri_prefix' ^ "/") :: results else results) direct_results (Lazy.force (prefix_map ())) let clean_cache () = ignore (Sys.command (sprintf "rm -rf %s/" (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.cache_dir))) let list_writable_prefixes _ = HExtlib.filter_map (fun (_,_,url,attrs) -> if is_readwrite attrs then Some url else None) (Lazy.force (prefix_map ())) let is_legacy uri = List.for_all has_legacy (get_attrs uri) (* implement this in a fast way! *) let is_empty buri = let buri = strip_trailing_slash buri ^ "/" in let files = ls buri in is_empty_listing files let is_read_only uri = let is_empty_dir path = let files = if is_file_schema path then ls_file_single () (path_of_file_url path) else if is_http_schema path then ls_http_single () path else assert false in is_empty_listing files in let rec aux found_writable = function | (rex, _, url_prefix, attrs)::tl -> let new_url = (Pcre.replace_first ~rex ~templ:url_prefix uri) in let rdonly = has_legacy attrs || has_rdonly attrs in (match rdonly, is_empty_dir new_url, found_writable with | true, false, _ -> true | true, true, _ -> aux found_writable tl | false, _, _ -> aux true tl) | [] -> not found_writable (* if found_writable then false else true *) in aux false (lookup uri) let activate_system_mode () = let map = Lazy.force (prefix_map ()) in let map = HExtlib.filter_map (fun ((rex, urip, urlp, attrs) as entry) -> if has_legacy attrs then Some entry else if has_rdonly attrs then Some (rex, urip, urlp, List.filter ((<>) `Read_only) attrs) else None) map in let map = map in (* just to remember that ocamlc 'lazy' is a ... *) prefix_map_ref := (lazy map) (* eof *)