CONTENUTO alluris.txt.OK, NEW typing, OLD typing matita 11.89 11.71 tranne freescale e tests Coq fixpoints BellLabs 0.21 0.22 Cachan ..... Dyade fixpoints Eindhoven 0.23 0.85 IdealX 0.05 0.06 Lyon impredicative set Marseille 1.04 2.23 Montevideo 1.90 4.29 Muenchen 0.05 0.07 Nancy 0.13 0.24 Orsay fixpoints Paris 0.39 0.48 Rocq impredicative set tranne ails, coc, higman, ALGEBRA/CATEGORY_THEORY Sophia-Antipolis tranne algebra, buchberger, math_groups, float, geometry Suresnes fixpoints Utrecht 0.82 0.92 ++++++++++++++++ [CoRN: calcolo grafi da caricare troppo lento] [Coq: calcolo grafi da caricare troppo lento] [Sophia-Antipolis: calcolo grafi da caricare troppo lento] CoRN: type-checking vecchio nucleo troppo lento Rocq/AILS: type-checking vecchio nucleo troppo lento Rocq/COC: type-checking vecchio nucleo troppo lento nijmegen: type-checking vecchio nucleo troppo lento Sophia-Antipolis/Float: vecchio nucleo troppo lento Sophia-Antipolis/geometry: vecchio nucleo troppo lento Rocq/ALGEBRA/CATEGORY_THEORY: vecchio nucleo troppo lento matita/tests: nuovo nucleo problema con universi!!! Sophia-Antipolis/Algebra: nuovo nucleo diverge cic:/Sophia-Antipolis/Algebra/Sub_module/submodule_op.con Sophia-Antipolis/Buchberger: nuovo nucleo diverge cic:/Sophia-Antipolis/Buchberger/BuchRed/redbuch_stable.con matita/freescale: nuovo nucleo molto piu' lento del vecchio? lannion: nuovo nucleo impredicative set rocq.higman: nuovo nucleo impredicative set lyon.impredicative_set: nuovo nucleo impredicative set ============= IMPREDICATIVE SET ====================== Lannion/Continuations Lyon/GraphBasics Lyon/Multiplier Lyon/CoinductiveExamples Lyon/Streams Rocq/Paradoxes: Hurkens e Russell Rocq/HistoricalExamples Rocq/HigmanNW ============= CONVERSIONE FIX GENERATIVI ================ cic:/Coq/IntMap/Lsort/alist_nth_ad_semantics.con Appl: wrong application of le_S_n: the parameter H1 has type le (S (S n0)) (length (prod ad A) (cons (prod ad A) (pair ad A a y) l0)) but it should have type le (S (S n0)) (S (alist_nth_ad_semantics___1(0) A l0)) cic:/Suresnes/MiniC/Utilitaires/BlockDecl/bdecl_mapkSpec.con Appl: wrong application of ... (eq (prod (list Key) Data) (pair (list Key) Data lk d) (pair (list Key) Data x0 x)) (In___1(0) (prod (list Key) Data) (pair (list Key) Data x0 x) lm), found or (eq (prod (list Key) Data) (pair (list Key) Data lk d) (pair (list Key) Data x0 x)) (bdecl_mapkSpec___1(0) Key Data (pair (list Key) Data x0 x) lm) cic:/Dyade/Otway-Rees/inv1rel5/POinv1rel5.con Appl: wrong application of AlreadyIn1: the parameter or_introl (eq C (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1))) (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1)))) (POinv1rel5___1(0) (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1))) (app C l rngDDKKeyAB)) (refl_equal C (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1)))) has type or (eq C (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1))) (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1)))) (POinv1rel5___1(0) (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1))) (app C l rngDDKKeyAB)) but it should have type In C (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1))) (cons C (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1))) (app C l rngDDKKeyAB)) cic:/Dyade/Otway-Rees/invprel5/POinvprel5.con Appl: wrong application of AlreadyIn1: the parameter or_introl (eq C (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1))) (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1)))) (POinv1rel5___1(0) (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1))) (app C l rngDDKKeyABminusKab)) (refl_equal C (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1)))) has type or (eq C (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1))) (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1)))) (POinv1rel5___1(0) (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1))) (app C l rngDDKKeyABminusKab)) but it should have type In C (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1))) (cons C (B2C (K2B (KeyAB d0 d1))) (app C l rngDDKKeyABminusKab)) cic:/Coq/NArith/Pnat/Pmult_nat_l_plus_morphism.con Branch for constructor xI := λp0:positive. λn:nat. refl_equal nat (plus n (Pmult_nat (Pplus_carry p p0) (plus n n))) has type ∀p0: positive. ∀n: nat. eq nat (plus n (Pmult_nat (Pplus_carry p p0) (plus n n))) (plus n (Pmult_nat (Pplus_carry p p0) (plus n n))) not convertible with positive → (λp0:positive. ∀n: nat. eq nat (Pmult_nat (Pplus_carry (xI p) p0) n) (plus n (Pmult_nat (Pplus (xI p) p0) n))) (xI __1) cic:/Coq/NArith/Pnat/Pmult_nat_l_plus_morphism.con has type ∀p0: positive. ∀m: nat. eq nat (Pmult_nat (Pplus_carry p p0) (plus m m)) (plus (plus m (Pmult_nat p (plus m m))) (plus m (Pmult_nat p0 (plus m m)))) not convertible with positive → (λp0:positive. ∀n: nat. eq nat (Pmult_nat (Pplus (xI p) p0) n) (plus (Pmult_nat (xI p) n) (Pmult_nat p0 n))) (xI __1) cic:/Coq/NArith/BinPos/Pplus_carry_spec.con has type ∀p0: positive. eq positive (xI (Pplus_carry p p0)) (xI (Pplus_carry p p0)) not convertible with positive → (λp0:positive. eq positive (Pplus_carry (xI p) p0) (Psucc (Pplus (xI p) p0))) (xI __1) cic:/Coq/NArith/BinPos/Pplus_comm.con has type ∀p0: positive. eq positive (xO (Pplus_carry p p0)) (xO (Pplus_carry p0 p)) not convertible with positive → (λp0:positive. eq positive (Pplus (xI p) p0) (Pplus p0 (xI p))) (xI __1) cic:/Coq/NArith/BinPos/Pplus_succ_permute_r.con has type ∀p0: positive. eq positive (xI (Pplus p (Psucc p0))) (xI (Pplus_carry p p0)) not convertible with positive → (λp0:positive. eq positive (Pplus (xI p) (Psucc p0)) (Psucc (Pplus (xI p) p0))) (xI __1) cic:/Coq/NArith/BinPos/Pplus_assoc.con eq positive (xI (Pplus x1 (Pplus_carry y0 z0))) (xI (Pplus (Pplus_carry x1 y0) z0)) not convertible with positive → (λp:positive. eq positive (Pplus (xI x1) (Pplus (xI y0) p)) (Pplus (Pplus (xI x1) (xI y0)) p)) (xI __1) cic:/Coq/NArith/BinPos/Pplus_reg_r.con has type ∀y1: positive. ∀H: eq positive (xO (Pplus_carry x1 z0)) (xO (Pplus_carry y1 z0)). eq positive (xI x1) (xI y1) not convertible with positive → (λp:positive. eq positive (Pplus (xI x1) (xI z0)) (Pplus p (xI z0)) → eq positive (xI x1) p) (xI __1) cic:/Coq/NArith/BinPos/ZL10.con has type ∀q: positive. ∀H: eq positive_mask (Pdouble_plus_one_mask (Pminus_mask p q)) (IsPos xH). eq positive_mask (Pdouble_mask (Pminus_mask p q)) IsNul not convertible with positive → (λp0:positive. eq positive_mask (Pminus_mask (xI p) p0) (IsPos xH) → eq positive_mask (Pminus_mask_carry (xI p) p0) IsNul) (xO __1) End: cic:/Coq/NArith/BinPos/ZL10.con cic:/Coq/NArith/BinPos/Pminus_mask_Gt.con has type ∀q: positive. ∀H: eq comparison (Pcompare p q Eq) Gt. ex positive (λh:positive. and (eq positive_mask (Pdouble_mask (Pminus_mask p q)) (IsPos h)) (and (eq positive match h return λp0:positive. positive [ xI ⇒ λy':positive. xO (Pplus_carry q y') | xO ⇒ λy':positive. xI (Pplus q y') | xH ⇒ xO (Psucc q)] (xI p)) (or (eq positive h xH) (eq positive_mask (Pdouble_plus_one_mask (Pminus_mask_carry p q)) (IsPos (Ppred h)))))) not convertible with positive → (λp0:positive. eq comparison (Pcompare (xI p) p0 Eq) Gt → ex positive (λh:positive. and (eq positive_mask (Pminus_mask (xI p) p0) (IsPos h)) (and (eq positive (Pplus p0 h) (xI p)) (or (eq positive h xH) (eq positive_mask (Pminus_mask_carry (xI p) p0) (IsPos (Ppred h))))))) (xI __1) cic:/Coq/NArith/BinPos/Pplus_diag.con ∀x0: positive. ∀IHx: eq positive (Pplus x0 x0) (xO x0). eq positive (xO (Pplus_carry x0 x0)) (xO (xI x0)) but it should have type ∀p: positive. eq positive (Pplus p p) (xO p) → eq positive (Pplus (xI p) (xI p)) (xO (xI p))