let cache = NUri.UriHash.create 313;; let oldg = ref CicUniv.empty_ugraph;; let load_graph uri = let _,g = CicEnvironment.get_obj !oldg uri in oldg := g ;; let get_graph _ = !oldg;; let get_checked_obj u = try let b, o = NUri.UriHash.find cache u in if not b then assert false else o with Not_found -> let ouri = NUri.ouri_of_nuri u in let o,_ = try CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph ouri with exn -> prerr_endline (UriManager.string_of_uri ouri); raise exn in (* FIX: add all objects to the environment and give back the last one *) let l = OCic2NCic.convert_obj ouri o in List.iter (fun (u,_,_,_,_ as o) -> (* prerr_endline ("+"^NUri.string_of_uri u); *) NUri.UriHash.add cache u (false,o)) l; HExtlib.list_last l ;; let get_obj u = try NUri.UriHash.find cache u with Not_found -> (* in th final implementation should get it from disk *) let ouri = NUri.ouri_of_nuri u in let o,_ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph ouri in let l = OCic2NCic.convert_obj ouri o in List.iter (fun (u,_,_,_,_ as o) -> (* prerr_endline ("+"^NUri.string_of_uri u); *) NUri.UriHash.add cache u (false,o)) l; false, HExtlib.list_last l ;; let add_obj (u,_,_,_,_ as o) = NUri.UriHash.replace cache u (true, o) ;; let get_checked_def = function | NReference.Ref (_, uri, NReference.Def) -> (match get_checked_obj uri with | _,height,_,_, NCic.Constant (rlv,name,Some bo,ty,att) -> rlv,name,bo,ty,att,height | _,_,_,_, NCic.Constant (_,_,None,_,_) -> prerr_endline "get_checked_def on an axiom"; assert false | _ -> prerr_endline "get_checked_def on a non def 2"; assert false) | _ -> prerr_endline "get_checked_def on a non def"; assert false ;; let get_checked_indtys = function | NReference.Ref (_, uri, NReference.Ind n) -> (match get_checked_obj uri with | _,_,_,_, NCic.Inductive (inductive,leftno,tys,att) -> inductive,leftno,tys,att,n | _ -> prerr_endline "get_checked_indtys on a non ind 2"; assert false) | _ -> prerr_endline "get_checked_indtys on a non ind"; assert false ;; let get_checked_fix_or_cofix b = function | NReference.Ref (_, uri, (NReference.Fix (fixno,_)|NReference.CoFix fixno))-> (match get_checked_obj uri with | _,height,_,_, NCic.Fixpoint (is_fix,funcs,att) when is_fix = b -> let rlv, name, _, ty, bo = List.nth funcs fixno in rlv, name, bo, ty, att, height | _ ->prerr_endline "get_checked_(co)fix on a non (co)fix 2";assert false) | r -> prerr_endline ("get_checked_(co)fix on " ^ NReference.string_of_reference r); assert false ;; let get_checked_fix r = get_checked_fix_or_cofix true r;; let get_checked_cofix r = get_checked_fix_or_cofix false r;; let get_indty_leftno = function | NReference.Ref (_, uri, NReference.Ind _) | NReference.Ref (_, uri, NReference.Con _) -> (match get_checked_obj uri with | _,_,_,_, NCic.Inductive (_,left,_,_) -> left | _ ->prerr_endline "get_indty_leftno called on a non ind 2";assert false) | _ -> prerr_endline "get_indty_leftno called on a non indty";assert false ;; let invalidate _ = List.iter (fun (k,v) -> NUri.UriHash.replace cache k (false,v)) (NUri.UriHash.fold (fun k v -> (@) [k,snd v]) cache []) ;;