(* ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy. ||I|| ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version. \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY. V_______________________________________________________________ *) (* $Id$ *) exception IllFormedReference of string Lazy.t type spec = | Decl | Def | Fix of int * int (* fixno, recparamno *) | CoFix of int | Ind of bool * int (* inductive, indtyno *) | Con of int * int (* indtyno, constrno *) type reference = Ref of int * NUri.uri * spec let eq = (==);; module OrderedStrings = struct type t = string let compare (s1 : t) (s2 : t) = compare s1 s2 end ;; module MapStringsToReference = Map.Make(OrderedStrings);; let set_of_reference = ref MapStringsToReference.empty;; (* '.' not allowed in path and foo * * Decl cic:/path/foo.dec * Def cic:/path/foo.def * Fix of int * int cic:/path/foo.fix(i,j) * CoFix of int cic:/path/foo.cfx(i) * Ind of int cic:/path/foo.ind(i) * Con of int * int cic:/path/foo.con(i,j) *) let uri_suffix_of_ref_suffix = function | "dec" | "fix" | "cfx" | "def" -> "con" | "ind" | "con" -> "ind" | x -> prerr_endline (x ^ " not a valid suffix"); assert false ;; let reference_of_string = let counter = ref 0 in let c () = incr counter; !counter in let get2 s dot = let comma = String.rindex s ',' in let i = int_of_string (String.sub s (dot+5) (comma-dot-5)) in let j = int_of_string (String.sub s (comma+1) (String.length s-comma-2)) in i,j in let get1 s dot = let i = int_of_string (String.sub s (dot+5) (String.length s-1-dot-5)) in i in fun s -> try MapStringsToReference.find s !set_of_reference with Not_found -> let new_reference = try let dot = String.rindex s '.' in let prefix = String.sub s 0 (dot+1) in let suffix = String.sub s (dot+1) 3 in let u = NUri.uri_of_string (prefix ^ uri_suffix_of_ref_suffix suffix) in match suffix with | "dec" -> Ref (c (), u, Decl) | "def" -> Ref (c (), u, Def) | "fix" -> let i,j = get2 s dot in Ref (c (), u, Fix (i,j)) | "cfx" -> let i = get1 s dot in Ref (c (), u, CoFix (i)) | "ind" -> let b,i = get2 s dot in Ref (c (), u, Ind (b=1,i)) | "con" -> let i,j = get2 s dot in Ref (c (), u, Con (i,j)) | _ -> raise Not_found with Not_found -> raise (IllFormedReference (lazy s)) in set_of_reference := MapStringsToReference.add s new_reference !set_of_reference; new_reference ;; let string_of_reference (Ref (_,u,indinfo)) = let s = NUri.string_of_uri u in let dot = String.rindex s '.' in let s2 = String.sub s 0 dot in match indinfo with | Decl -> s2 ^ ".dec" | Def -> s2 ^ ".def" | Fix (i,j) -> s2 ^ ".fix(" ^ string_of_int i ^ "," ^ string_of_int j ^ ")" | CoFix i -> s2 ^ ".cfx(" ^ string_of_int i ^ ")" | Ind (b,i)->s2 ^".ind(" ^(if b then "1" else "0")^ "," ^ string_of_int i ^")" | Con (i,j) -> s2 ^ ".con(" ^ string_of_int i ^ "," ^ string_of_int j ^ ")" ;; let mk_constructor j = function | Ref (d, u, Ind (_,i)) -> reference_of_string (string_of_reference (Ref (d, u, Con (i,j)))) | _ -> assert false ;; let mk_fix i j = function | Ref (d, u, Fix _) -> reference_of_string (string_of_reference (Ref (d, u, Fix (i,j)))) | _ -> assert false ;; let mk_cofix i = function | Ref (d, u, CoFix _) -> reference_of_string (string_of_reference (Ref (d, u, CoFix i))) | _ -> assert false ;;