(* ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy. ||I|| ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version. \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY. V_______________________________________________________________ *) (* $Id: orderings.ml 9869 2009-06-11 22:52:38Z denes $ *) let debug s = prerr_endline s ;; let debug _ = ();; let monster = 100;; module type Paramod = sig type t type input type szsontology = | Unsatisfiable of (t Terms.bag * int * int list) list | GaveUp | Error of string | Timeout of int * t Terms.bag type bag = t Terms.bag * int val mk_passive : bag -> input * input -> bag * t Terms.unit_clause val mk_goal : bag -> input * input -> bag * t Terms.unit_clause val paramod : max_steps:int -> ?timeout:float -> bag -> g_passives:t Terms.unit_clause list -> passives:t Terms.unit_clause list -> szsontology end module Paramod (B : Orderings.Blob) = struct type t = B.t type input = B.input type szsontology = | Unsatisfiable of (B.t Terms.bag * int * int list) list | GaveUp | Error of string | Timeout of int * B.t Terms.bag exception Stop of szsontology type bag = B.t Terms.bag * int module Pp = Pp.Pp (B) module FU = FoUnif.Founif(B) module IDX = Index.Index(B) module Sup = Superposition.Superposition(B) module Utils = FoUtils.Utils(B) module Order = B module WeightOrderedPassives = struct type t = B.t Terms.passive_clause let compare = Utils.compare_passive_clauses_weight end module AgeOrderedPassives = struct type t = B.t Terms.passive_clause let compare = Utils.compare_passive_clauses_age end module WeightPassiveSet = Set.Make(WeightOrderedPassives) module AgePassiveSet = Set.Make(AgeOrderedPassives) let add_passive_clause ?(no_weight=false) (passives_w,passives_a) cl = let cl = if no_weight then (0,cl) else Utils.mk_passive_clause cl in WeightPassiveSet.add cl passives_w, AgePassiveSet.add cl passives_a ;; let add_passive_goal ?(no_weight=false) (passives_w,passives_a) g = let g = if no_weight then (0,g) else Utils.mk_passive_goal g in WeightPassiveSet.add g passives_w, AgePassiveSet.add g passives_a ;; let remove_passive_clause (passives_w,passives_a) cl = let passives_w = WeightPassiveSet.remove cl passives_w in let passives_a = AgePassiveSet.remove cl passives_a in passives_w,passives_a ;; let add_passive_clauses ?(no_weight=false) (passives_w,passives_a) new_clauses = let new_clauses_w,new_clauses_a = List.fold_left (add_passive_clause ~no_weight) (WeightPassiveSet.empty,AgePassiveSet.empty) new_clauses in (WeightPassiveSet.union new_clauses_w passives_w, AgePassiveSet.union new_clauses_a passives_a) ;; let add_passive_goals ?(no_weight=false) (passives_w,passives_a) new_clauses = let new_clauses_w,new_clauses_a = List.fold_left (add_passive_goal ~no_weight) (WeightPassiveSet.empty,AgePassiveSet.empty) new_clauses in (WeightPassiveSet.union new_clauses_w passives_w, AgePassiveSet.union new_clauses_a passives_a) ;; let is_passive_set_empty (passives_w,passives_a) = if (WeightPassiveSet.is_empty passives_w) then begin assert (AgePassiveSet.is_empty passives_a); true end else begin assert (not (AgePassiveSet.is_empty passives_a)); false end ;; let passive_set_cardinal (passives_w,_) = WeightPassiveSet.cardinal passives_w let passive_empty_set = (WeightPassiveSet.empty,AgePassiveSet.empty) ;; let pick_min_passive ~use_age (passives_w,passives_a) = if use_age then AgePassiveSet.min_elt passives_a else WeightPassiveSet.min_elt passives_w ;; let mk_clause bag maxvar (t,ty) = let (proof,ty) = B.saturate t ty in let c, maxvar = Utils.mk_unit_clause maxvar ty proof in let bag, c = Terms.add_to_bag c bag in (bag, maxvar), c ;; let mk_passive (bag,maxvar) = mk_clause bag maxvar;; let mk_goal (bag,maxvar) = mk_clause bag maxvar;; (* TODO : global age over facts and goals (without comparing weights) *) let select ~use_age passives g_passives = if is_passive_set_empty passives then begin if (is_passive_set_empty g_passives) then raise (Stop GaveUp) (* we say we are incomplete *) else let g_cl = pick_min_passive ~use_age:use_age g_passives in (true,g_cl,passives,remove_passive_clause g_passives g_cl) end else let cl = pick_min_passive ~use_age:use_age passives in if is_passive_set_empty g_passives then (false,cl,remove_passive_clause passives cl,g_passives) else let g_cl = pick_min_passive ~use_age:use_age g_passives in let (id1,_,_,_),(id2,_,_,_) = snd cl, snd g_cl in let cmp = if use_age then id1 <= id2 else fst cl <= fst g_cl in if cmp then (false,cl,remove_passive_clause passives cl,g_passives) else (true,g_cl,passives,remove_passive_clause g_passives g_cl) ;; let backward_infer_step bag maxvar actives passives g_actives g_passives g_current iterno = (* superposition left, simplifications on goals *) debug "infer_left step..."; let bag, maxvar, new_goals = Sup.infer_left bag maxvar g_current actives in debug "Performed infer_left step"; let bag = Terms.replace_in_bag (g_current,false,iterno) bag in bag, maxvar, actives, passives, g_current::g_actives, (add_passive_goals g_passives new_goals) ;; let forward_infer_step bag maxvar actives passives g_actives g_passives current iterno = (* forward step *) (* e = select P * * e' = demod A e * * A' = demod [e'] A * * A'' = A' + e' * * e'' = fresh e' * * new = supright e'' A'' * * new'= demod A'' new * * P' = P + new' *) debug "Forward infer step..."; let bag, maxvar, actives, new_clauses = Sup.infer_right bag maxvar current actives in debug "Demodulating goals with actives..."; (* keep goals demodulated w.r.t. actives and check if solved *) let bag, g_actives = List.fold_left (fun (bag,acc) c -> match Sup.simplify_goal ~no_demod:false maxvar (snd actives) bag acc c with | None -> bag, acc | Some (bag,c1) -> bag,if c==c1 then c::acc else c::c1::acc) (bag,[]) g_actives in let ctable = IDX.index_unit_clause IDX.DT.empty current in let bag, maxvar, new_goals = List.fold_left (fun (bag,m,acc) g -> let bag, m, ng = Sup.infer_left bag m g ([current],ctable) in bag,m,ng@acc) (bag,maxvar,[]) g_actives in let bag = Terms.replace_in_bag (current,false,iterno) bag in bag, maxvar, actives, add_passive_clauses passives new_clauses, g_actives, add_passive_goals g_passives new_goals ;; let rec given_clause ~noinfer bag maxvar iterno weight_picks max_steps timeout actives passives g_actives g_passives = let iterno = iterno + 1 in if iterno = max_steps then raise (Stop (Timeout (maxvar,bag))); (* timeout check: gettimeofday called only if timeout set *) if timeout <> None && (match timeout with | None -> assert false | Some timeout -> Unix.gettimeofday () > timeout) then if noinfer then begin debug ("Last chance: all is indexed " ^ string_of_float (Unix.gettimeofday())); let maxgoals = 100 in ignore(List.fold_left (fun (acc,i) x -> if i < maxgoals then ignore(Sup.simplify_goal ~no_demod:true maxvar (snd actives) bag acc x) else (); x::acc,i+1) ([],0) g_actives); raise (Stop (Timeout (maxvar,bag))) end else if false then (* activates last chance strategy *) begin debug("Last chance: "^string_of_float (Unix.gettimeofday())); given_clause ~noinfer:true bag maxvar iterno weight_picks max_steps (Some (Unix.gettimeofday () +. 20.)) actives passives g_actives g_passives; raise (Stop (Timeout (maxvar,bag))); end else raise (Stop (Timeout (maxvar,bag))); let use_age = false && (weight_picks = (iterno / 6 + 1)) in let weight_picks = if use_age then 0 else weight_picks+1 in let rec aux_select bag passives g_passives = let backward,(weight,current),passives,g_passives = select ~use_age passives g_passives in if use_age && weight > monster then let bag,cl = Terms.add_to_bag current bag in if backward then aux_select bag passives (add_passive_clause g_passives cl) else aux_select bag (add_passive_clause passives cl) g_passives else let bag = Terms.replace_in_bag (current,false,iterno) bag in if backward then let _ = debug ("Selected goal : " ^ Pp.pp_unit_clause current) in match if noinfer then if weight > monster then None else Some (bag,current) else Sup.simplify_goal ~no_demod:false maxvar (snd actives) bag g_actives current with | None -> aux_select bag passives g_passives | Some (bag,g_current) -> if noinfer then let g_actives = g_current :: g_actives in bag,maxvar,actives,passives,g_actives,g_passives else backward_infer_step bag maxvar actives passives g_actives g_passives g_current iterno else let _ = debug ("Selected fact : " ^ Pp.pp_unit_clause current) in (*let is_orphan = Sup.orphan_murder bag (fst actives) current in*) match if noinfer then if weight > monster then bag,None else bag, Some (current,actives) else if Sup.orphan_murder bag (fst actives) current then let _ = debug "Orphan murdered" in let bag = Terms.replace_in_bag (current,true,iterno) bag in bag, None else Sup.keep_simplified current actives bag maxvar with (*match Sup.one_pass_simplification current actives bag maxvar with*) | bag,None -> aux_select bag passives g_passives | bag,Some (current,actives) -> (* if is_orphan then prerr_endline ("WRONG discarded: " ^ (Pp.pp_unit_clause current)); List.iter (fun x -> prerr_endline (Pp.pp_unit_clause x)) (fst actives);*) (* List.iter (fun (id,_,_,_) -> let (cl,d) = Terms.M.find id bag in if d then prerr_endline ("WRONG discarded: " ^ (Pp.pp_unit_clause cl))) (current::fst actives);*) if noinfer then let actives = current::fst actives, IDX.index_unit_clause (snd actives) current in bag,maxvar,actives,passives,g_actives,g_passives else forward_infer_step bag maxvar actives passives g_actives g_passives current iterno in (*prerr_endline "Active table :"; (List.iter (fun x -> prerr_endline (Pp.pp_unit_clause x)) (fst actives)); *) let bag,maxvar,actives,passives,g_actives,g_passives = aux_select bag passives g_passives in debug (Printf.sprintf "Number of active goals : %d" (List.length g_actives)); debug (Printf.sprintf "Number of passive goals : %d" (passive_set_cardinal g_passives)); debug (Printf.sprintf "Number of actives : %d" (List.length (fst actives))); debug (Printf.sprintf "Number of passives : %d" (passive_set_cardinal passives)); given_clause ~noinfer bag maxvar iterno weight_picks max_steps timeout actives passives g_actives g_passives ;; let paramod ~max_steps ?timeout (bag,maxvar) ~g_passives ~passives = let initial_timestamp = Unix.gettimeofday () in let passives = add_passive_clauses ~no_weight:true passive_empty_set passives in let g_passives = add_passive_goals ~no_weight:true passive_empty_set g_passives in let g_actives = [] in let actives = [], IDX.DT.empty in try given_clause ~noinfer:false bag maxvar 0 0 max_steps timeout actives passives g_actives g_passives with | Sup.Success (bag, _, (i,_,_,_)) -> let l = let rec traverse ongoal (accg,acce) i = match Terms.get_from_bag i bag with | (id,_,_,Terms.Exact _),_,_ -> if ongoal then [i],acce else if (List.mem i acce) then accg,acce else accg,acce@[i] | (_,_,_,Terms.Step (_,i1,i2,_,_,_)),_,_ -> if (not ongoal) && (List.mem i acce) then accg,acce else let accg,acce = traverse false (traverse ongoal (accg,acce) i1) i2 in if ongoal then i::accg,acce else accg,i::acce in let gsteps,esteps = traverse true ([],[]) i in (List.rev esteps)@gsteps in let max_w = List.fold_left (fun acc i -> let (cl,_,_) = Terms.get_from_bag i bag in max acc (Order.compute_unit_clause_weight cl)) 0 l in prerr_endline "Statistics :"; prerr_endline ("Max weight : " ^ (string_of_int max_w)); (* List.iter (fun id -> let ((_,lit,_,proof as cl),d,it) = Terms.get_from_bag id bag in if d then prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "Id : %d, selected at %d, weight %d,disc, by %s" id it (Order.compute_unit_clause_weight cl) (Pp.pp_proof_step proof)) else prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "Id : %d, selected at %d, weight %d by %s" id it (Order.compute_unit_clause_weight cl) (Pp.pp_proof_step proof))) l;*) prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "Found proof, %fs" (Unix.gettimeofday() -. initial_timestamp)); (* prerr_endline "Proof:"; List.iter (fun x -> prerr_endline (Pp.pp_unit_clause (fst(Terms.M.find x bag)))) l; *) Unsatisfiable [ bag, i, l ] | Stop (Unsatisfiable _) -> Error "stop bug solution found!" | Stop o -> o ;; end