(* ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy. ||I|| ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version. \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY. V_______________________________________________________________ *) (* $Id$ *) exception UnificationFailure of string Lazy.t;; exception Uncertain of string Lazy.t;; exception AssertFailure of string Lazy.t;; exception KeepReducing of string Lazy.t;; exception KeepReducingThis of string Lazy.t * (NCicReduction.machine * bool) * (NCicReduction.machine * bool) ;; let (===) x y = Pervasives.compare x y = 0 ;; let mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2 = (lazy ( "Can't unify " ^ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t1 ^ " with " ^ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t2)) let mk_appl ~upto hd tl = NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce ~upto (match hd with | NCic.Appl l -> NCic.Appl (l@tl) | _ -> NCic.Appl (hd :: tl)) ;; exception WrongShape;; let eta_reduce subst t = let delift_if_not_occur body = try Some (NCicSubstitution.psubst ~avoid_beta_redexes:true (fun () -> raise WrongShape) [()] body) with WrongShape -> None in let rec eat_lambdas ctx = function | NCic.Lambda (name, src, tgt) -> eat_lambdas ((name, src) :: ctx) tgt | NCic.Meta (i,lc) as t-> (try let _,_,t,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in let t = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc t in eat_lambdas ctx t with Not_found -> ctx, t) | t -> ctx, t in let context_body = eat_lambdas [] t in let rec aux = function | [],body -> body | (name, src)::ctx, (NCic.Appl (hd::[NCic.Rel 1]) as bo) -> (match delift_if_not_occur hd with | None -> aux (ctx,NCic.Lambda(name,src, bo)) | Some bo -> aux (ctx,bo)) | (name, src)::ctx, (NCic.Appl args as bo) when HExtlib.list_last args = NCic.Rel 1 -> let args, _ = HExtlib.split_nth (List.length args - 1) args in (match delift_if_not_occur (NCic.Appl args) with | None -> aux (ctx,NCic.Lambda(name,src, bo)) | Some bo -> aux (ctx,bo)) | (name, src) :: ctx, t -> aux (ctx,NCic.Lambda(name,src, t)) in aux context_body ;; module C = NCic;; module Ref = NReference;; let debug = ref false;; let indent = ref "";; let times = ref [];; let pp s = if !debug then prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "%-20s" !indent ^ " " ^ Lazy.force s) ;; let inside c = if !debug then begin let time1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in indent := !indent ^ String.make 1 c; times := time1 :: !times; prerr_endline ("{{{" ^ !indent ^ " ") end ;; let outside exc_opt = if !debug then begin let time2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in let time1 = match !times with time1::tl -> times := tl; time1 | [] -> assert false in prerr_endline ("}}} " ^ string_of_float (time2 -. time1)); (match exc_opt with | Some e -> prerr_endline ("exception raised: " ^ Printexc.to_string e) | None -> ()); try indent := String.sub !indent 0 (String.length !indent -1) with Invalid_argument _ -> indent := "??"; () end ;; let ppcontext ~metasenv ~subst c = "\nctx:\n"^ NCicPp.ppcontext ~metasenv ~subst c ;; let ppmetasenv ~subst m = "\nmenv:\n" ^ NCicPp.ppmetasenv ~subst m;; let ppcontext ~metasenv:_metasenv ~subst:_subst _context = "";; let ppmetasenv ~subst:_subst _metasenv = "";; let ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context = NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context;; (* let ppterm ~metasenv:_ ~subst:_ ~context:_ _ = "";; *) let is_locked n subst = try match NCicUtils.lookup_subst n subst with | tag, _,_,_ when NCicMetaSubst.is_out_scope_tag tag -> true | _ -> false with NCicUtils.Subst_not_found _ -> false ;; let rec mk_irl stop base = if base > stop then [] else (NCic.Rel base) :: mk_irl stop (base+1) ;; (* the argument must be a term in whd *) let rec could_reduce = function | C.Meta _ -> true | C.Appl (C.Const (Ref.Ref (_,Ref.Fix (_,recno,_)))::args) when List.length args > recno -> could_reduce (List.nth args recno) | C.Match (_,_,arg,_) -> could_reduce arg | C.Appl (he::_) -> could_reduce he | C.Sort _ | C.Rel _ | C.Prod _ | C.Lambda _ | C.Const _ -> false | C.Appl [] | C.LetIn _ | C.Implicit _ -> assert false ;; let rec lambda_intros rdb metasenv subst context argsno ty = pp (lazy ("LAMBDA INTROS: " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context ty)); match argsno with 0 -> let metasenv, _, bo, _ = NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta metasenv context ~with_type:ty `IsTerm in metasenv, bo | _ -> (match NCicReduction.whd ~subst context ty with C.Prod (n,so,ta) -> let metasenv,bo = lambda_intros rdb metasenv subst ((n,C.Decl so)::context) (argsno - 1) ta in metasenv,C.Lambda (n,so,bo) | _ -> assert false) ;; let unopt exc = function None -> raise exc | Some x -> x ;; let fix metasenv subst is_sup test_eq_only exc t = (*D*) inside 'f'; try let rc = pp (lazy (NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context:[] t)); let rec aux test_eq_only metasenv = function | NCic.Prod (n,so,ta) -> let metasenv,so = aux true metasenv so in let metasenv,ta = aux test_eq_only metasenv ta in metasenv,NCic.Prod (n,so,ta) | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type [(`CProp|`Type),_]) as orig when test_eq_only -> metasenv,orig | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type _) when test_eq_only -> raise exc | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type u) when is_sup -> metasenv, NCic.Sort (NCic.Type (unopt exc (NCicEnvironment.sup u))) | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type u) -> metasenv, NCic.Sort (NCic.Type (unopt exc (NCicEnvironment.inf ~strict:false u))) | NCic.Meta (n,_) as orig -> (try let _,_,_,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst n subst in metasenv,orig with NCicUtils.Subst_not_found _ -> let metasenv, _ = NCicMetaSubst.extend_meta metasenv n in metasenv, orig) | t -> NCicUntrusted.map_term_fold_a (fun _ x -> x) test_eq_only aux metasenv t in aux test_eq_only metasenv t (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn ;; let metasenv_to_subst n (kind,context,ty) metasenv subst = let infos,metasenv = List.partition (fun (n',_) -> n = n') metasenv in let attrs,octx,oty = match infos with [_,infos] -> infos | _ -> assert false in if octx=context && oty=ty then (n,(NCicUntrusted.set_kind kind attrs, octx, oty))::metasenv,subst else let metasenv, _, bo, _ = NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta metasenv context ~attrs ~with_type:ty kind in let subst = (n,(NCicUntrusted.set_kind kind attrs,octx,bo,oty))::subst in metasenv,subst ;; let rec sortfy exc metasenv subst context t = let t = NCicReduction.whd ~subst context t in let metasenv,subst = match t with | NCic.Sort _ -> metasenv, subst | NCic.Meta (n,_) -> let attrs, context, ty = NCicUtils.lookup_meta n metasenv in let kind = NCicUntrusted.kind_of_meta attrs in if kind = `IsSort then metasenv,subst else (match ty with | NCic.Implicit (`Typeof _) -> metasenv_to_subst n (`IsSort,[],ty) metasenv subst | ty -> let metasenv,subst,ty = sortfy exc metasenv subst context ty in metasenv_to_subst n (`IsSort,[],ty) metasenv subst) | NCic.Implicit _ -> assert false | _ -> raise exc in metasenv,subst,t let tipify exc metasenv subst context t ty = let is_type attrs = match NCicUntrusted.kind_of_meta attrs with `IsType | `IsSort -> true | `IsTerm -> false in let rec optimize_meta metasenv subst = function NCic.Meta (n,lc) -> (try let attrs,_,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_meta n metasenv in if is_type attrs then metasenv,subst,true else let metasenv = NCicUntrusted.replace_in_metasenv n (fun attrs,cc,ty -> NCicUntrusted.set_kind `IsType attrs, cc, ty) metasenv in metasenv,subst,false with NCicUtils.Meta_not_found _ -> let attrs, _,bo,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst n subst in if is_type attrs then metasenv,subst,true else let subst = NCicUntrusted.replace_in_subst n (fun attrs,cc,bo,ty->NCicUntrusted.set_kind `IsType attrs,cc,bo,ty) subst in optimize_meta metasenv subst (NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc bo)) | _ -> metasenv,subst,false in let metasenv,subst,b = optimize_meta metasenv subst t in if b then metasenv,subst,t else let metasenv,subst,_ = sortfy exc metasenv subst context ty in metasenv,subst,t ;; let rec instantiate rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context n lc t swap = (*D*) inside 'I'; try let rc = pp (lazy(string_of_int n^" :=?= "^ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t)); let exc = UnificationFailure (mk_msg metasenv subst context (NCic.Meta (n,lc)) t) in let move_to_subst i ((_,cc,t,_) as infos) metasenv subst = let metasenv = List.remove_assoc i metasenv in pp(lazy(string_of_int n ^ " :==> "^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context:cc t)); metasenv, (i,infos) :: subst in let delift_to_subst test_eq_only n lc (attrs,cc,ty) t context metasenv subst = pp (lazy(string_of_int n ^ " := 111 = "^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t)); let (metasenv, subst), t = try NCicMetaSubst.delift ~unify:(fun m s c t1 t2 -> let ind = !indent in let res = try Some (unify rdb test_eq_only m s c t1 t2 false) with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ -> None in indent := ind; res) metasenv subst context n lc t with NCicMetaSubst.Uncertain msg -> pp (lazy ("delift is uncertain: " ^ Lazy.force msg)); raise (Uncertain msg) | NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure msg -> pp (lazy ("delift fails: " ^ Lazy.force msg)); raise (UnificationFailure msg) in pp (lazy(string_of_int n ^ " := 222 = "^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context:cc t^ppmetasenv ~subst metasenv)); (* Unifying the types may have already instantiated n. *) try let _, _,oldt,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst n subst in let oldt = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc oldt in let t = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc t in (* conjecture: always fail --> occur check *) unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t oldt false with NCicUtils.Subst_not_found _ -> move_to_subst n (attrs,cc,t,ty) metasenv subst in let attrs,cc,ty = NCicUtils.lookup_meta n metasenv in let kind = NCicUntrusted.kind_of_meta attrs in let metasenv,t = fix metasenv subst swap test_eq_only exc t in let ty_t = NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~metasenv ~subst context t in let metasenv,subst,t = match kind with `IsSort -> sortfy exc metasenv subst context t | `IsType -> tipify exc metasenv subst context t ty_t | `IsTerm -> metasenv,subst,t in match kind with | `IsSort -> (match ty,t with NCic.Implicit (`Typeof _), NCic.Sort _ -> move_to_subst n (attrs,cc,t,ty_t) metasenv subst | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type u1), NCic.Sort s -> let s = match s,swap with NCic.Type u2, false -> NCic.Sort (NCic.Type (unopt exc (NCicEnvironment.inf ~strict:false (unopt exc (NCicEnvironment.inf ~strict:true u1) @ u2)))) | NCic.Type u2, true -> if NCicEnvironment.universe_lt u2 u1 then NCic.Sort (NCic.Type u2) else (raise exc) | NCic.Prop,_ -> NCic.Sort NCic.Prop in move_to_subst n (attrs,cc,s,ty) metasenv subst | NCic.Implicit (`Typeof _), NCic.Meta _ -> move_to_subst n (attrs,cc,t,ty_t) metasenv subst | _, NCic.Meta _ | NCic.Meta _, NCic.Sort _ -> pp (lazy ("On the types: " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context ty ^ "=<=" ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context ty_t)); let metasenv, subst = unify rdb false metasenv subst context ty_t ty false in delift_to_subst test_eq_only n lc (attrs,cc,ty) t context metasenv subst | _ -> assert false) | `IsType | `IsTerm -> (match ty,t with NCic.Implicit (`Typeof _), _ -> let (metasenv, subst), ty_t = try NCicMetaSubst.delift ~unify:(fun m s c t1 t2 -> let ind = !indent in let res = try Some (unify rdb test_eq_only m s c t1 t2 false ) with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ -> None in indent := ind; res) metasenv subst context n lc ty_t with NCicMetaSubst.Uncertain msg -> pp (lazy ("delift is uncertain: " ^ Lazy.force msg)); raise (Uncertain msg) | NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure msg -> pp (lazy ("delift fails: " ^ Lazy.force msg)); raise (UnificationFailure msg) in delift_to_subst test_eq_only n lc (attrs,cc,ty_t) t context metasenv subst | _, _ -> let lty = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc ty in pp (lazy ("On the types: " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context lty ^ "=<=" ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context ty_t)); let metasenv, subst = unify rdb false metasenv subst context ty_t lty false in delift_to_subst test_eq_only n lc (attrs,cc,ty) t context metasenv subst) (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn and unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap = (*D*) inside 'U'; try let rc = let fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst (norm1,t1) (norm2,t2) = (*D*) inside 'F'; try let rc = pp (lazy(" " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t1 ^ (if swap then " ==>?== " else " ==??== " else " == prerr_endline "Appl [Appl _;_] or Appl [] or Appl [_] invariant"; assert false | (C.Sort (C.Type a), C.Sort (C.Type b)) when not test_eq_only -> let a, b = if swap then b,a else a,b in if NCicEnvironment.universe_leq a b then metasenv, subst else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) | (C.Sort (C.Type a), C.Sort (C.Type b)) -> if NCicEnvironment.universe_eq a b then metasenv, subst else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) | (C.Sort C.Prop,C.Sort (C.Type _)) when not swap -> if (not test_eq_only) then metasenv, subst else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) | (C.Sort (C.Type _), C.Sort C.Prop) when swap -> if (not test_eq_only) then metasenv, subst else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) | (C.Lambda (name1,s1,t1), C.Lambda(_,s2,t2)) | (C.Prod (name1,s1,t1), C.Prod(_,s2,t2)) -> let metasenv, subst = unify rdb true metasenv subst context s1 s2 swap in unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst ((name1, C.Decl s1)::context) t1 t2 swap | (C.LetIn (name1,ty1,s1,t1), C.LetIn(_,ty2,s2,t2)) -> let metasenv,subst=unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context ty1 ty2 swap in let metasenv,subst=unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context s1 s2 swap in let context = (name1, C.Def (s1,ty1))::context in unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap | (C.Meta (n1,(s1,l1 as lc1)),C.Meta (n2,(s2,l2 as lc2))) when n1 = n2 -> (try let l1 = NCicUtils.expand_local_context l1 in let l2 = NCicUtils.expand_local_context l2 in let metasenv, subst, to_restrict, _ = List.fold_right2 (fun t1 t2 (metasenv, subst, to_restrict, i) -> try let metasenv, subst = unify rdb (*test_eq_only*) true metasenv subst context (NCicSubstitution.lift s1 t1) (NCicSubstitution.lift s2 t2) swap in metasenv, subst, to_restrict, i-1 with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ -> metasenv, subst, i::to_restrict, i-1) l1 l2 (metasenv, subst, [], List.length l1) in if to_restrict <> [] then let metasenv, subst, _, _ = NCicMetaSubst.restrict metasenv subst n1 to_restrict in metasenv, subst else metasenv, subst with | Invalid_argument _ -> assert false | NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure msg -> try let _,_,term,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst n1 subst in let term1 = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc1 term in let term2 = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc2 term in unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context term1 term2 swap with NCicUtils.Subst_not_found _-> raise (UnificationFailure msg)) | NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,_)::_ as l1), NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (j,_)::_ as l2) when i=j -> (try List.fold_left2 (fun (metasenv, subst) t1 t2 -> unify rdb (*test_eq_only*) true metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap) (metasenv,subst) l1 l2 with Invalid_argument _ -> raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2))) | _, NCic.Meta (n, _) when is_locked n subst && not swap-> (let (metasenv, subst), i = match NCicReduction.whd ~subst context t1 with | NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,l) as meta :: args) -> let metasenv, lambda_Mj = lambda_intros rdb metasenv subst context (List.length args) (NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~metasenv ~subst context meta) in unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context (C.Meta (i,l)) lambda_Mj false, i | NCic.Meta (i,_) -> (metasenv, subst), i | _ -> raise (UnificationFailure (lazy "Locked term vs non flexible term; probably not saturated enough yet!")) in let t1 = NCicReduction.whd ~subst context t1 in let j, lj = match t1 with NCic.Meta (j,l) -> j, l | _ -> assert false in let metasenv, subst = instantiate rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context j lj t2 true in (* We need to remove the out_scope_tags to avoid propagation of them that triggers again the ad-hoc case *) let subst = List.map (fun (i,(tag,ctx,bo,ty)) -> let tag = List.filter (function `InScope | `OutScope _ -> false | _ -> true) tag in i,(tag,ctx,bo,ty) ) subst in (try let name, ctx, term, ty = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in let term = eta_reduce subst term in let subst = List.filter (fun (j,_) -> j <> i) subst in metasenv, ((i, (name, ctx, term, ty)) :: subst) with Not_found -> assert false)) | NCic.Meta (n, _), _ when is_locked n subst && swap -> unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t2 t1 false | t, C.Meta (n,lc) when List.mem_assoc n subst -> let _,_,term,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst n subst in let term = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc term in unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t term swap | C.Meta (n,_), _ when List.mem_assoc n subst -> unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t2 t1 (not swap) | _, NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,l)::args) when List.mem_assoc i subst -> let _,_,term,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in let term = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta l term in unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 (mk_appl ~upto:(List.length args) term args) swap | NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,_)::_), _ when List.mem_assoc i subst -> unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t2 t1 (not swap) | C.Meta (n,lc), t -> instantiate rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context n lc (NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce ~subst t) swap | t, C.Meta (n,lc) -> instantiate rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context n lc (NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce ~subst t) (not swap) | NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,l) as meta :: args), _ -> let metasenv, lambda_Mj = lambda_intros rdb metasenv subst context (List.length args) (NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~metasenv ~subst context meta) in let metasenv, subst = try unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context (C.Meta (i,l)) lambda_Mj swap with UnificationFailure msg | Uncertain msg when not norm2-> (* failure: let's try again argument vs argument *) raise (KeepReducing msg) in let metasenv, subst = unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap in (try let name, ctx, term, ty = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in let term = eta_reduce subst term in let subst = List.filter (fun (j,_) -> j <> i) subst in metasenv, ((i, (name, ctx, term, ty)) :: subst) with Not_found -> assert false) | _, NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (_,_) :: _) -> unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t2 t1 (not swap) (* processing this case here we avoid a useless small delta step *) | (C.Appl ((C.Const r1) as _hd1::tl1), C.Appl (C.Const r2::tl2)) when Ref.eq r1 r2 -> let relevance = NCicEnvironment.get_relevance r1 in let metasenv, subst, _ = try List.fold_left2 (fun (metasenv, subst, relevance) t1 t2 -> let b, relevance = match relevance with b::tl -> b,tl | _ -> true, [] in let metasenv, subst = try unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when not b -> metasenv, subst in metasenv, subst, relevance) (metasenv, subst, relevance) tl1 tl2 with Invalid_argument _ -> raise (Uncertain (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) | UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when not (norm1 && norm2) -> raise (KeepReducing (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) | KeepReducing _ | KeepReducingThis _ -> assert false in metasenv, subst | (C.Match (Ref.Ref (_,Ref.Ind (_,tyno,_)) as ref1,outtype1,term1,pl1), C.Match (ref2,outtype2,term2,pl2)) -> let _,_,itl,_,_ = NCicEnvironment.get_checked_indtys ref1 in let _,_,ty,_ = List.nth itl tyno in let rec remove_prods ~subst context ty = let ty = NCicReduction.whd ~subst context ty in match ty with | C.Sort _ -> ty | C.Prod (name,so,ta) -> remove_prods ~subst ((name,(C.Decl so))::context) ta | _ -> assert false in let is_prop = match remove_prods ~subst [] ty with | C.Sort C.Prop -> true | _ -> false in if not (Ref.eq ref1 ref2) then raise (Uncertain (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) else let metasenv, subst = unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context outtype1 outtype2 swap in let metasenv, subst = try unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context term1 term2 swap with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when is_prop -> metasenv, subst in (try List.fold_left2 (fun (metasenv,subst) t1 t2 -> unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap) (metasenv, subst) pl1 pl2 with Invalid_argument _ -> assert false) | (C.Implicit _, _) | (_, C.Implicit _) -> assert false | _ when norm1 && norm2 -> if (could_reduce t1 || could_reduce t2) then raise (Uncertain (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) | _ -> raise (KeepReducing (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn in let try_hints metasenv subst (_,t1 as mt1) (_,t2 as mt2) (* exc*) = (*D*) inside 'H'; try let rc = pp(lazy ("\nProblema:\n" ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t1 ^ " =?= " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t2)); let candidates = NCicUnifHint.look_for_hint rdb metasenv subst context t1 t2 in let rec cand_iter = function | [] -> None (* raise exc *) | (metasenv,(c1,c2),premises)::tl -> pp (lazy ("\nProvo il candidato:\n" ^ String.concat "\n" (List.map (fun (a,b) -> ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context a ^ " =?= " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context b) premises) ^ "\n-------------------------------------------\n"^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context c1 ^ " = " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context c2)); try (*D*) inside 'K'; try let rc = let metasenv,subst = fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst mt1 (false,c1) in let metasenv,subst = fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst (false,c2) mt2 in let metasenv,subst = List.fold_left (fun (metasenv, subst) (x,y) -> unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context x y false) (metasenv, subst) premises in pp(lazy("FUNZIONA!")); Some (metasenv, subst) (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn with KeepReducing _ | UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ -> cand_iter tl | KeepReducingThis _ -> assert false in cand_iter candidates (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn in let put_in_whd m1 m2 = NCicReduction.reduce_machine ~delta:max_int ~subst context m1, NCicReduction.reduce_machine ~delta:max_int ~subst context m2 in let fo_unif_w_hints test_eq_only metasenv subst (_,t1 as m1) (_,t2 as m2) = try fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst m1 m2 with | UnificationFailure _ as exn -> raise exn | KeepReducing _ | Uncertain _ as exn -> let (t1,norm1 as tm1),(t2,norm2 as tm2) = put_in_whd (0,[],t1,[]) (0,[],t2,[]) in match try_hints metasenv subst (norm1,NCicReduction.unwind t1) (norm2,NCicReduction.unwind t2) with | Some x -> x | None -> match exn with | KeepReducing msg -> raise (KeepReducingThis (msg,tm1,tm2)) | Uncertain _ as exn -> raise exn | _ -> assert false in let height_of = function | NCic.Const (Ref.Ref (_,Ref.Def h)) | NCic.Const (Ref.Ref (_,Ref.Fix (_,_,h))) | NCic.Appl(NCic.Const(Ref.Ref(_,Ref.Def h))::_) | NCic.Appl(NCic.Const(Ref.Ref(_,Ref.Fix (_,_,h)))::_) -> h | _ -> 0 in let small_delta_step ~subst ((_,_,t1,_ as m1, norm1) as x1) ((_,_,t2,_ as m2, norm2) as x2) = assert (not (norm1 && norm2)); if norm1 then x1,NCicReduction.reduce_machine ~delta:0 ~subst context m2 else if norm2 then NCicReduction.reduce_machine ~delta:0 ~subst context m1,x2 else let h1 = height_of t1 in let h2 = height_of t2 in let delta = if h1 = h2 then max 0 (h1 -1) else min h1 h2 in NCicReduction.reduce_machine ~delta ~subst context m1, NCicReduction.reduce_machine ~delta ~subst context m2 in let rec unif_machines metasenv subst = function | ((k1,e1,t1,s1),norm1 as m1),((k2,e2,t2,s2),norm2 as m2) -> (*D*) inside 'M'; try let rc = pp (lazy("UM: " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context (NCicReduction.unwind (k1,e1,t1,s1)) ^ " === " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context (NCicReduction.unwind (k2,e2,t2,s2)))); pp (lazy (string_of_bool norm1 ^ " ?? " ^ string_of_bool norm2)); let relevance = [] (* TO BE UNDERSTOOD match t1 with | C.Const r -> NCicEnvironment.get_relevance r | _ -> [] *) in let unif_from_stack t1 t2 b metasenv subst = try let t1 = NCicReduction.from_stack ~delta:max_int t1 in let t2 = NCicReduction.from_stack ~delta:max_int t2 in unif_machines metasenv subst (put_in_whd t1 t2) with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when not b -> metasenv, subst in let rec check_stack l1 l2 r todo = match l1,l2,r with | x1::tl1, x2::tl2, r::tr-> check_stack tl1 tl2 tr ((x1,x2,r)::todo) | x1::tl1, x2::tl2, []-> check_stack tl1 tl2 [] ((x1,x2,true)::todo) | l1, l2, _ -> NCicReduction.unwind (k1,e1,t1,List.rev l1), NCicReduction.unwind (k2,e2,t2,List.rev l2), todo in let hh1,hh2,todo=check_stack (List.rev s1) (List.rev s2) relevance [] in try let metasenv,subst = fo_unif_w_hints test_eq_only metasenv subst (norm1,hh1) (norm2,hh2) in List.fold_left (fun (metasenv,subst) (x1,x2,r) -> unif_from_stack x1 x2 r metasenv subst ) (metasenv,subst) todo with | KeepReducing _ -> assert false | KeepReducingThis _ -> assert (not (norm1 && norm2)); unif_machines metasenv subst (small_delta_step ~subst m1 m2) | UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when (not (norm1 && norm2)) -> unif_machines metasenv subst (small_delta_step ~subst m1 m2) | UnificationFailure msg when could_reduce (NCicReduction.unwind (fst m1)) || could_reduce (NCicReduction.unwind (fst m2)) -> raise (Uncertain msg) (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn in try fo_unif_w_hints test_eq_only metasenv subst (false,t1) (false,t2) with | KeepReducingThis (msg,tm1,tm2) -> (try unif_machines metasenv subst (tm1,tm2) with | UnificationFailure _ -> raise (UnificationFailure msg) | Uncertain _ -> raise (Uncertain msg) | KeepReducing _ -> assert false) | KeepReducing _ -> assert false (*D*) in outside None; rc with KeepReducing _ -> assert false | exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn and delift_type_wrt_terms rdb metasenv subst context t args = let lc = List.rev args @ mk_irl (List.length context) (List.length args+1) in let (metasenv, subst), t = try NCicMetaSubst.delift ~unify:(fun m s c t1 t2 -> let ind = !indent in let res = try Some (unify rdb false m s c t1 t2 false) with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ -> None in indent := ind; res) metasenv subst context 0 (0,NCic.Ctx lc) t with NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure _ | NCicMetaSubst.Uncertain _ -> (metasenv, subst), t in metasenv, subst, t ;; let unify rdb ?(test_eq_only=false) ?(swap=false) metasenv subst context t1 t2= indent := ""; unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap;; let fix_sorts m s = fix m s true false (UnificationFailure (lazy "no sup")) ;;