(* ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy. ||I|| ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version. \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY. V_______________________________________________________________ *) (* $Id$ *) exception UnificationFailure of string Lazy.t;; exception Uncertain of string Lazy.t;; exception AssertFailure of string Lazy.t;; exception KeepReducing of string Lazy.t;; exception KeepReducingThis of string Lazy.t * (NCicReduction.machine * bool) * (NCicReduction.machine * bool) ;; let (===) x y = Pervasives.compare x y = 0 ;; let mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2 = (lazy ( "Can't unify " ^ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t1 ^ " with " ^ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t2)) let mk_appl ~upto hd tl = NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce ~upto (match hd with | NCic.Appl l -> NCic.Appl (l@tl) | _ -> NCic.Appl (hd :: tl)) ;; exception WrongShape;; let eta_reduce subst t = let delift_if_not_occur body = try Some (NCicSubstitution.psubst ~avoid_beta_redexes:true (fun () -> raise WrongShape) [()] body) with WrongShape -> None in let rec eat_lambdas ctx = function | NCic.Lambda (name, src, tgt) -> eat_lambdas ((name, src) :: ctx) tgt | NCic.Meta (i,lc) as t-> (try let _,_,t,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in let t = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc t in eat_lambdas ctx t with NCicUtils.Subst_not_found _ -> ctx, t) | t -> ctx, t in let context_body = eat_lambdas [] t in let rec aux = function | [],body -> body | (name, src)::ctx, (NCic.Appl (hd::[NCic.Rel 1]) as bo) -> (match delift_if_not_occur hd with | None -> aux (ctx,NCic.Lambda(name,src, bo)) | Some bo -> aux (ctx,bo)) | (name, src)::ctx, (NCic.Appl args as bo) when HExtlib.list_last args = NCic.Rel 1 -> let args, _ = HExtlib.split_nth (List.length args - 1) args in (match delift_if_not_occur (NCic.Appl args) with | None -> aux (ctx,NCic.Lambda(name,src, bo)) | Some bo -> aux (ctx,bo)) | (name, src) :: ctx, t -> aux (ctx,NCic.Lambda(name,src, t)) in aux context_body ;; module C = NCic;; module Ref = NReference;; let debug = ref false;; let indent = ref "";; let times = ref [];; let pp s = if !debug then prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "%-20s" !indent ^ " " ^ Lazy.force s) ;; let inside c = if !debug then begin let time1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in indent := !indent ^ String.make 1 c; times := time1 :: !times; prerr_endline ("{{{" ^ !indent ^ " ") end ;; let outside exc_opt = if !debug then begin let time2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in let time1 = match !times with time1::tl -> times := tl; time1 | [] -> assert false in prerr_endline ("}}} " ^ !indent ^ " " ^ string_of_float (time2 -. time1)); (match exc_opt with | Some e -> prerr_endline ("exception raised: " ^ Printexc.to_string e) | None -> ()); try indent := String.sub !indent 0 (String.length !indent -1) with Invalid_argument _ -> indent := "??"; () end ;; let ppcontext ~metasenv ~subst c = "\nctx:\n"^ NCicPp.ppcontext ~metasenv ~subst c ;; let ppmetasenv ~subst m = "\nmenv:\n" ^ NCicPp.ppmetasenv ~subst m;; let ppcontext ~metasenv:_metasenv ~subst:_subst _context = "";; let ppmetasenv ~subst:_subst _metasenv = "";; let ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context = NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context;; (* let ppterm ~metasenv:_ ~subst:_ ~context:_ _ = "";; *) let is_locked n subst = try match NCicUtils.lookup_subst n subst with | tag, _,_,_ when NCicMetaSubst.is_out_scope_tag tag -> true | _ -> false with NCicUtils.Subst_not_found _ -> false ;; let rec mk_irl stop base = if base > stop then [] else (NCic.Rel base) :: mk_irl stop (base+1) ;; (* the argument must be a term in whd *) let rec could_reduce = function | C.Meta _ -> true | C.Appl (C.Const (Ref.Ref (_,Ref.Fix (_,recno,_)))::args) when List.length args > recno -> could_reduce (List.nth args recno) | C.Match (_,_,arg,_) -> could_reduce arg | C.Appl (he::_) -> could_reduce he | C.Sort _ | C.Rel _ | C.Prod _ | C.Lambda _ | C.Const _ -> false | C.Appl [] | C.LetIn _ | C.Implicit _ -> assert false ;; let rec lambda_intros rdb metasenv subst context argsno ty = pp (lazy ("LAMBDA INTROS: " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context ty)); match argsno with 0 -> let metasenv, _, bo, _ = NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta metasenv context ~with_type:ty `IsTerm in metasenv, bo | _ -> (match NCicReduction.whd ~subst context ty with C.Prod (n,so,ta) -> let metasenv,bo = lambda_intros rdb metasenv subst ((n,C.Decl so)::context) (argsno - 1) ta in metasenv,C.Lambda (n,so,bo) | _ -> assert false) ;; let unopt exc = function None -> raise exc | Some x -> x ;; let fix metasenv subst is_sup test_eq_only exc t = (*D*) inside 'f'; try let rc = pp (lazy (NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context:[] t)); let rec aux test_eq_only metasenv = function | NCic.Prod (n,so,ta) -> let metasenv,so = aux true metasenv so in let metasenv,ta = aux test_eq_only metasenv ta in metasenv,NCic.Prod (n,so,ta) | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type [(`CProp|`Type),_]) as orig when test_eq_only -> metasenv,orig | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type _) when test_eq_only -> raise exc | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type u) when is_sup -> metasenv, NCic.Sort (NCic.Type (unopt exc (NCicEnvironment.sup u))) | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type u) -> metasenv, NCic.Sort (NCic.Type (unopt exc (NCicEnvironment.inf ~strict:false u))) | NCic.Meta (n,_) as orig -> (try let _,_,_,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst n subst in metasenv,orig with NCicUtils.Subst_not_found _ -> let metasenv, _ = NCicMetaSubst.extend_meta metasenv n in metasenv, orig) | t -> NCicUntrusted.map_term_fold_a (fun _ x -> x) test_eq_only aux metasenv t in aux test_eq_only metasenv t (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn ;; let metasenv_to_subst n (kind,context,ty) metasenv subst = let infos,metasenv = List.partition (fun (n',_) -> n = n') metasenv in let attrs,octx,oty = match infos with [_,infos] -> infos | _ -> assert false in if octx=context && oty=ty then (n,(NCicUntrusted.set_kind kind attrs, octx, oty))::metasenv,subst else let metasenv, _, bo, _ = NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta metasenv context ~attrs ~with_type:ty kind in let subst = (n,(NCicUntrusted.set_kind kind attrs,octx,bo,oty))::subst in metasenv,subst ;; let rec sortfy exc metasenv subst context t = let t = NCicReduction.whd ~subst context t in let metasenv,subst = match t with | NCic.Sort _ -> metasenv, subst | NCic.Meta (n,_) -> let attrs, context, ty = NCicUtils.lookup_meta n metasenv in let kind = NCicUntrusted.kind_of_meta attrs in if kind = `IsSort then metasenv,subst else (match ty with | NCic.Implicit (`Typeof _) -> metasenv_to_subst n (`IsSort,[],ty) metasenv subst | ty -> let metasenv,subst,ty = sortfy exc metasenv subst context ty in metasenv_to_subst n (`IsSort,[],ty) metasenv subst) | NCic.Implicit _ -> assert false | _ -> raise exc in metasenv,subst,t let tipify exc metasenv subst context t ty = let is_type attrs = match NCicUntrusted.kind_of_meta attrs with `IsType | `IsSort -> true | `IsTerm -> false in let rec optimize_meta metasenv subst = function NCic.Meta (n,lc) -> (try let attrs,_,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_meta n metasenv in if is_type attrs then metasenv,subst,true else let _,cc,ty = NCicUtils.lookup_meta n metasenv in let metasenv,subst,ty = sortfy exc metasenv subst cc ty in let metasenv = NCicUntrusted.replace_in_metasenv n (fun attrs,cc,_ -> NCicUntrusted.set_kind `IsType attrs, cc, ty) metasenv in metasenv,subst,false with NCicUtils.Meta_not_found _ -> let attrs, _,bo,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst n subst in if is_type attrs then metasenv,subst,true else let _,cc,_,ty = NCicUtils.lookup_subst n subst in let metasenv,subst,ty = sortfy exc metasenv subst cc ty in let subst = NCicUntrusted.replace_in_subst n (fun attrs,cc,bo,_->NCicUntrusted.set_kind `IsType attrs,cc,bo,ty) subst in optimize_meta metasenv subst (NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc bo)) | _ -> metasenv,subst,false in let metasenv,subst,b = optimize_meta metasenv subst t in if b then metasenv,subst,t else let metasenv,subst,_ = sortfy exc metasenv subst context ty in metasenv,subst,t ;; let rec instantiate rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context n lc t swap = (*D*) inside 'I'; try let rc = pp (lazy(string_of_int n^" :=?= "^ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t)); let exc = UnificationFailure (mk_msg metasenv subst context (NCic.Meta (n,lc)) t) in let move_to_subst i ((_,cc,t,_) as infos) metasenv subst = let metasenv = List.remove_assoc i metasenv in pp(lazy(string_of_int n ^ " :==> "^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context:cc t)); metasenv, (i,infos) :: subst in let delift_to_subst test_eq_only n lc (attrs,cc,ty) t context metasenv subst = pp (lazy(string_of_int n ^ " := 111 = "^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t)); let (metasenv, subst), t = try NCicMetaSubst.delift ~unify:(fun m s c t1 t2 -> let ind = !indent in let res = try Some (unify rdb test_eq_only m s c t1 t2 false) with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ -> None in indent := ind; res) metasenv subst context n lc t with NCicMetaSubst.Uncertain msg -> pp (lazy ("delift is uncertain: " ^ Lazy.force msg)); raise (Uncertain msg) | NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure msg -> pp (lazy ("delift fails: " ^ Lazy.force msg)); raise (UnificationFailure msg) in pp (lazy(string_of_int n ^ " := 222 = "^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context:cc t^ppmetasenv ~subst metasenv)); (* Unifying the types may have already instantiated n. *) try let _, _,oldt,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst n subst in let oldt = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc oldt in let t = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc t in (* conjecture: always fail --> occur check *) unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t oldt false with NCicUtils.Subst_not_found _ -> move_to_subst n (attrs,cc,t,ty) metasenv subst in let attrs,cc,ty = NCicUtils.lookup_meta n metasenv in let kind = NCicUntrusted.kind_of_meta attrs in let metasenv,t = fix metasenv subst swap test_eq_only exc t in let ty_t = NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~metasenv ~subst context t in let metasenv,subst,t = match kind with `IsSort -> sortfy exc metasenv subst context t | `IsType -> tipify exc metasenv subst context t ty_t | `IsTerm -> metasenv,subst,t in match kind with | `IsSort -> (match ty,t with NCic.Implicit (`Typeof _), NCic.Sort _ -> move_to_subst n (attrs,cc,t,ty_t) metasenv subst | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type u1), NCic.Sort s -> let s = match s,swap with NCic.Type u2, false -> NCic.Sort (NCic.Type (unopt exc (NCicEnvironment.inf ~strict:false (unopt exc (NCicEnvironment.inf ~strict:true u1) @ u2)))) | NCic.Type u2, true -> if NCicEnvironment.universe_lt u2 u1 then NCic.Sort (NCic.Type u2) else (raise exc) | NCic.Prop,_ -> NCic.Sort NCic.Prop in move_to_subst n (attrs,cc,s,ty) metasenv subst | NCic.Implicit (`Typeof _), NCic.Meta _ -> move_to_subst n (attrs,cc,t,ty_t) metasenv subst | _, NCic.Meta _ | NCic.Meta _, NCic.Sort _ -> pp (lazy ("On the types: " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context ty ^ "=<=" ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context ty_t)); let metasenv, subst = unify rdb false metasenv subst context ty_t ty false in delift_to_subst test_eq_only n lc (attrs,cc,ty) t context metasenv subst | _ -> assert false) | `IsType | `IsTerm -> (match ty with NCic.Implicit (`Typeof _) -> let (metasenv, subst), ty_t = try NCicMetaSubst.delift ~unify:(fun m s c t1 t2 -> let ind = !indent in let res = try Some (unify rdb test_eq_only m s c t1 t2 false ) with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ -> None in indent := ind; res) metasenv subst context n lc ty_t with NCicMetaSubst.Uncertain msg -> pp (lazy ("delift is uncertain: " ^ Lazy.force msg)); raise (Uncertain msg) | NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure msg -> pp (lazy ("delift fails: " ^ Lazy.force msg)); raise (UnificationFailure msg) in delift_to_subst test_eq_only n lc (attrs,cc,ty_t) t context metasenv subst | _ -> let lty = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc ty in pp (lazy ("On the types: " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context lty ^ "=<=" ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context ty_t)); let metasenv, subst = unify rdb false metasenv subst context ty_t lty false in delift_to_subst test_eq_only n lc (attrs,cc,ty) t context metasenv subst) (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn and unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap = (*D*) inside 'U'; try let rc = let fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst (norm1,t1) (norm2,t2) = (*D*) inside 'F'; try let rc = pp (lazy(" " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t1 ^ (if swap then " ==>?== " else " ==??== " else " == prerr_endline "Appl [Appl _;_] or Appl [] or Appl [_] invariant"; assert false | (C.Sort (C.Type a), C.Sort (C.Type b)) when not test_eq_only -> let a, b = if swap then b,a else a,b in if NCicEnvironment.universe_leq a b then metasenv, subst else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) | (C.Sort (C.Type a), C.Sort (C.Type b)) -> if NCicEnvironment.universe_eq a b then metasenv, subst else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) | (C.Sort C.Prop,C.Sort (C.Type _)) when not swap -> if (not test_eq_only) then metasenv, subst else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) | (C.Sort (C.Type _), C.Sort C.Prop) when swap -> if (not test_eq_only) then metasenv, subst else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) | (C.Lambda (name1,s1,t1), C.Lambda(_,s2,t2)) | (C.Prod (name1,s1,t1), C.Prod(_,s2,t2)) -> let metasenv, subst = unify rdb true metasenv subst context s1 s2 swap in unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst ((name1, C.Decl s1)::context) t1 t2 swap | (C.LetIn (name1,ty1,s1,t1), C.LetIn(_,ty2,s2,t2)) -> let metasenv,subst=unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context ty1 ty2 swap in let metasenv,subst=unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context s1 s2 swap in let context = (name1, C.Def (s1,ty1))::context in unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap | (C.Meta (n1,(s1,l1 as lc1)),C.Meta (n2,(s2,l2 as lc2))) when n1 = n2 -> (try let l1 = NCicUtils.expand_local_context l1 in let l2 = NCicUtils.expand_local_context l2 in let metasenv, subst, to_restrict, _ = List.fold_right2 (fun t1 t2 (metasenv, subst, to_restrict, i) -> try let metasenv, subst = unify rdb (*test_eq_only*) true metasenv subst context (NCicSubstitution.lift s1 t1) (NCicSubstitution.lift s2 t2) swap in metasenv, subst, to_restrict, i-1 with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ -> metasenv, subst, i::to_restrict, i-1) l1 l2 (metasenv, subst, [], List.length l1) in if to_restrict <> [] then let metasenv, subst, _, _ = NCicMetaSubst.restrict metasenv subst n1 to_restrict in metasenv, subst else metasenv, subst with | Invalid_argument _ -> assert false | NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure msg -> try let _,_,term,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst n1 subst in let term1 = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc1 term in let term2 = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc2 term in unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context term1 term2 swap with NCicUtils.Subst_not_found _-> raise (UnificationFailure msg)) | NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,_)::_ as l1), NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (j,_)::_ as l2) when i=j -> (try List.fold_left2 (fun (metasenv, subst) t1 t2 -> unify rdb (*test_eq_only*) true metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap) (metasenv,subst) l1 l2 with Invalid_argument _ -> raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2))) | _, NCic.Meta (n, _) when is_locked n subst && not swap-> (let (metasenv, subst), i = match NCicReduction.whd ~subst context t1 with | NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,l) as meta :: args) -> let metasenv, lambda_Mj = lambda_intros rdb metasenv subst context (List.length args) (NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~metasenv ~subst context meta) in unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context (C.Meta (i,l)) lambda_Mj false, i | NCic.Meta (i,_) -> (metasenv, subst), i | _ -> raise (UnificationFailure (lazy "Locked term vs non flexible term; probably not saturated enough yet!")) in let t1 = NCicReduction.whd ~subst context t1 in let j, lj = match t1 with NCic.Meta (j,l) -> j, l | _ -> assert false in let metasenv, subst = instantiate rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context j lj t2 true in (* We need to remove the out_scope_tags to avoid propagation of them that triggers again the ad-hoc case *) let subst = List.map (fun (i,(tag,ctx,bo,ty)) -> let tag = List.filter (function `InScope | `OutScope _ -> false | _ -> true) tag in i,(tag,ctx,bo,ty) ) subst in (try let name, ctx, term, ty = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in let term = eta_reduce subst term in let subst = List.filter (fun (j,_) -> j <> i) subst in metasenv, ((i, (name, ctx, term, ty)) :: subst) with Not_found -> assert false)) | NCic.Meta (n, _), _ when is_locked n subst && swap -> unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t2 t1 false | t, C.Meta (n,lc) when List.mem_assoc n subst -> let _,_,term,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst n subst in let term = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc term in unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t term swap | C.Meta (n,_), _ when List.mem_assoc n subst -> unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t2 t1 (not swap) | _, NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,l)::args) when List.mem_assoc i subst -> let _,_,term,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in let term = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta l term in unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 (mk_appl ~upto:(List.length args) term args) swap | NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,_)::_), _ when List.mem_assoc i subst -> unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t2 t1 (not swap) | C.Meta (n,_), C.Meta (m,lc') when let _,cc1,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_meta n metasenv in let _,cc2,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_meta m metasenv in (n < m && cc1 = cc2) || let len1 = List.length cc1 in let len2 = List.length cc2 in len2 < len1 && cc2 = fst (HExtlib.split_nth len2 cc1) -> instantiate rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context m lc' (NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce ~subst t1) (not swap) | C.Meta (n,lc), t -> instantiate rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context n lc (NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce ~subst t) swap | t, C.Meta (n,lc) -> instantiate rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context n lc (NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce ~subst t) (not swap) (* higher order unification case *) | NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,l) as meta :: args), _ -> (* this easy_case handles "(? ?) =?= (f a)", same number of * args, preferring the instantiation "f" over "\_.f a" for the * metavariable in head position. Since the arguments of the meta * are flexible, delift would ignore them generating a constant * function even in the easy case above *) let easy_case = match t2 with | NCic.Appl (f :: f_args) when List.exists (NCicMetaSubst.is_flexible context ~subst) args -> let mlen = List.length args in let flen = List.length f_args in let min_len = min mlen flen in let mhe,margs = HExtlib.split_nth (mlen - min_len) args in let fhe,fargs = HExtlib.split_nth (flen - min_len) f_args in (try Some (List.fold_left2 (fun (m, s) t1 t2 -> unify rdb test_eq_only m s context t1 t2 swap ) (metasenv,subst) ((NCicUntrusted.mk_appl meta mhe)::margs) ((NCicUntrusted.mk_appl f fhe)::fargs)) with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ | KeepReducing _ -> None) | _ -> None in (match easy_case with | Some ms -> ms | None -> (* This case handles "(?_f ..ti..) =?= t2", abstracting every * non flexible ti (delift skips local context items that are * flexible) from t2 in two steps: * 1) ?_f := \..xi.. .? * 2) ?_f ..ti.. =?= t2 --unif_machines--> ?_f[..ti..] =?= t2 --instantiate--> delift [..ti..] t2 *) let metasenv, lambda_Mj = lambda_intros rdb metasenv subst context (List.length args) (NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~metasenv ~subst context meta) in let metasenv, subst = unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context (C.Meta (i,l)) lambda_Mj swap in let metasenv, subst = unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap in (try let name, ctx, term, ty = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in let term = eta_reduce subst term in let subst = List.filter (fun (j,_) -> j <> i) subst in metasenv, ((i, (name, ctx, term, ty)) :: subst) with Not_found -> assert false)) | _, NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (_,_) :: _) -> unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t2 t1 (not swap) (* processing this case here we avoid a useless small delta step *) | (C.Appl ((C.Const r1) as _hd1::tl1), C.Appl (C.Const r2::tl2)) when Ref.eq r1 r2 -> let relevance = NCicEnvironment.get_relevance r1 in let metasenv, subst, _ = try List.fold_left2 (fun (metasenv, subst, relevance) t1 t2 -> let b, relevance = match relevance with b::tl -> b,tl | _ -> true, [] in let metasenv, subst = try unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when not b -> metasenv, subst in metasenv, subst, relevance) (metasenv, subst, relevance) tl1 tl2 with Invalid_argument _ -> raise (Uncertain (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) | KeepReducing _ | KeepReducingThis _ -> assert false in metasenv, subst | (C.Match (Ref.Ref (_,Ref.Ind (_,tyno,_)) as ref1,outtype1,term1,pl1), C.Match (ref2,outtype2,term2,pl2)) when Ref.eq ref1 ref2 -> let _,_,itl,_,_ = NCicEnvironment.get_checked_indtys ref1 in let _,_,ty,_ = List.nth itl tyno in let rec remove_prods ~subst context ty = let ty = NCicReduction.whd ~subst context ty in match ty with | C.Sort _ -> ty | C.Prod (name,so,ta) -> remove_prods ~subst ((name,(C.Decl so))::context) ta | _ -> assert false in let is_prop = match remove_prods ~subst [] ty with | C.Sort C.Prop -> true | _ -> false in (* if not (Ref.eq ref1 ref2) then raise (Uncertain (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) else*) let metasenv, subst = unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context outtype1 outtype2 swap in let metasenv, subst = try unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context term1 term2 swap with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when is_prop -> metasenv, subst in (try List.fold_left2 (fun (metasenv,subst) t1 t2 -> unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap) (metasenv, subst) pl1 pl2 with Invalid_argument _ -> assert false) | (C.Implicit _, _) | (_, C.Implicit _) -> assert false | _ when norm1 && norm2 -> if (could_reduce t1 || could_reduce t2) then raise (Uncertain (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) | _ -> raise (KeepReducing (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn in let fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst (norm1,t1 as nt1) (norm2,t2 as nt2)= try fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst nt1 nt2 with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when not norm1 || not norm2 -> raise (KeepReducing (mk_msg metasenv subst context t1 t2)) in let try_hints metasenv subst (_,t1 as mt1) (_,t2 as mt2) (* exc*) = if NCicUntrusted.metas_of_term subst context t1 = [] && NCicUntrusted.metas_of_term subst context t2 = [] then None else begin (*D*) inside 'H'; try let rc = pp(lazy ("\nProblema:\n" ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t1 ^ " =?= " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t2)); let candidates = NCicUnifHint.look_for_hint rdb metasenv subst context t1 t2 in let rec cand_iter = function | [] -> None (* raise exc *) | (metasenv,(c1,c2),premises)::tl -> pp (lazy ("\nProvo il candidato:\n" ^ String.concat "\n" (List.map (fun (a,b) -> ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context a ^ " =?= " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context b) premises) ^ "\n-------------------------------------------\n"^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context c1 ^ " = " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context c2)); try (*D*) inside 'K'; try let rc = let metasenv,subst = fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst mt1 (false,c1) in let metasenv,subst = fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst (false,c2) mt2 in let metasenv,subst = List.fold_left (fun (metasenv, subst) (x,y) -> unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context x y false) (metasenv, subst) (List.rev premises) in pp(lazy("FUNZIONA!")); Some (metasenv, subst) (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn with KeepReducing _ | UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ -> cand_iter tl | KeepReducingThis _ -> assert false in cand_iter candidates (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn end in let put_in_whd m1 m2 = NCicReduction.reduce_machine ~delta:max_int ~subst context m1, NCicReduction.reduce_machine ~delta:max_int ~subst context m2 in let fo_unif_w_hints test_eq_only metasenv subst (_,t1 as m1) (_,t2 as m2) = try fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst m1 m2 with | UnificationFailure _ as exn -> raise exn | KeepReducing _ | Uncertain _ as exn -> let (t1,norm1 as tm1),(t2,norm2 as tm2) = put_in_whd (0,[],t1,[]) (0,[],t2,[]) in match try_hints metasenv subst (norm1,NCicReduction.unwind t1) (norm2,NCicReduction.unwind t2) with | Some x -> x | None -> match exn with | KeepReducing msg -> raise (KeepReducingThis (msg,tm1,tm2)) | Uncertain _ as exn -> raise exn | _ -> assert false in let fo_unif_heads_and_cont_or_unwind_and_hints test_eq_only metasenv subst m1 m2 cont hm1 hm2 = let ms, continuation = (* calling the continuation inside the outermost try is an option and makes unification stronger, but looks not frequent to me that heads unify but not the arguments and that an hints can fix that *) try fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst m1 m2, cont with | UnificationFailure _ | KeepReducing _ | Uncertain _ as exn -> let (t1,norm1),(t2,norm2) = hm1, hm2 in match try_hints metasenv subst (norm1,NCicReduction.unwind t1) (norm2,NCicReduction.unwind t2) with | Some x -> x, fun x -> x | None -> match exn with | KeepReducing msg -> raise (KeepReducingThis (msg,hm1,hm2)) | UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ as exn -> raise exn | _ -> assert false in continuation ms in let height_of = function | NCic.Const (Ref.Ref (_,Ref.Def h)) | NCic.Const (Ref.Ref (_,Ref.Fix (_,_,h))) | NCic.Appl(NCic.Const(Ref.Ref(_,Ref.Def h))::_) | NCic.Appl(NCic.Const(Ref.Ref(_,Ref.Fix (_,_,h)))::_) -> h | _ -> 0 in let small_delta_step ~subst ((_,_,t1,_ as m1, norm1) as x1) ((_,_,t2,_ as m2, norm2) as x2) = assert (not (norm1 && norm2)); if norm1 then x1,NCicReduction.reduce_machine ~delta:0 ~subst context m2 else if norm2 then NCicReduction.reduce_machine ~delta:0 ~subst context m1,x2 else let h1 = height_of t1 in let h2 = height_of t2 in let delta = if h1 = h2 then max 0 (h1 -1) else min h1 h2 in NCicReduction.reduce_machine ~delta ~subst context m1, NCicReduction.reduce_machine ~delta ~subst context m2 in let rec unif_machines metasenv subst = function | ((k1,e1,t1,s1),norm1 as m1),((k2,e2,t2,s2),norm2 as m2) -> (*D*) inside 'M'; try let rc = pp (lazy("UM: " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context (NCicReduction.unwind (k1,e1,t1,s1)) ^ " === " ^ ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context (NCicReduction.unwind (k2,e2,t2,s2)))); pp (lazy (string_of_bool norm1 ^ " ?? " ^ string_of_bool norm2)); let relevance = [] (* TO BE UNDERSTOOD match t1 with | C.Const r -> NCicEnvironment.get_relevance r | _ -> [] *) in let unif_from_stack (metasenv, subst) (t1, t2, b) = try let t1 = NCicReduction.from_stack ~delta:max_int t1 in let t2 = NCicReduction.from_stack ~delta:max_int t2 in unif_machines metasenv subst (put_in_whd t1 t2) with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when not b -> metasenv, subst in let rec check_stack l1 l2 r todo = match l1,l2,r with | x1::tl1, x2::tl2, r::tr-> check_stack tl1 tl2 tr ((x1,x2,r)::todo) | x1::tl1, x2::tl2, []-> check_stack tl1 tl2 [] ((x1,x2,true)::todo) | l1, l2, _ -> NCicReduction.unwind (k1,e1,t1,List.rev l1), NCicReduction.unwind (k2,e2,t2,List.rev l2), todo in let check_stack l1 l2 r = match t1, t2 with | NCic.Meta _, _ | _, NCic.Meta _ -> (NCicReduction.unwind (k1,e1,t1,s1)), (NCicReduction.unwind (k2,e2,t2,s2)),[] | _ -> check_stack l1 l2 r [] in let hh1,hh2,todo = check_stack (List.rev s1) (List.rev s2) relevance in try fo_unif_heads_and_cont_or_unwind_and_hints test_eq_only metasenv subst (norm1,hh1) (norm2,hh2) (fun ms -> List.fold_left unif_from_stack ms todo) m1 m2 with | KeepReducing _ -> assert false | KeepReducingThis _ -> assert (not (norm1 && norm2)); unif_machines metasenv subst (small_delta_step ~subst m1 m2) | UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when (not (norm1 && norm2)) -> unif_machines metasenv subst (small_delta_step ~subst m1 m2) | UnificationFailure msg when could_reduce (NCicReduction.unwind (fst m1)) || could_reduce (NCicReduction.unwind (fst m2)) -> raise (Uncertain msg) (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn in try fo_unif_w_hints test_eq_only metasenv subst (false,t1) (false,t2) with | KeepReducingThis (msg,tm1,tm2) -> (try unif_machines metasenv subst (tm1,tm2) with | UnificationFailure _ -> raise (UnificationFailure msg) | Uncertain _ -> raise (Uncertain msg) | KeepReducing _ -> assert false) | KeepReducing _ -> assert false (*D*) in outside None; rc with KeepReducing _ -> assert false | exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn and delift_type_wrt_terms rdb metasenv subst context t args = let lc = List.rev args @ mk_irl (List.length context) (List.length args+1) in let (metasenv, subst), t = try NCicMetaSubst.delift ~unify:(fun m s c t1 t2 -> let ind = !indent in let res = try Some (unify rdb false m s c t1 t2 false) with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ -> None in indent := ind; res) metasenv subst context 0 (0,NCic.Ctx lc) t with NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure _ | NCicMetaSubst.Uncertain _ -> (metasenv, subst), t in metasenv, subst, t ;; let unify rdb ?(test_eq_only=false) ?(swap=false) metasenv subst context t1 t2= indent := ""; unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap;; let fix_sorts m s = fix m s true false (UnificationFailure (lazy "no sup")) ;;