(* ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy. ||I|| ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version. \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY. V_______________________________________________________________ *) (* $Id$ *) type path_string_elem = | Constant of NUri.uri | Bound of int | Variable | Proposition | Datatype | Dead of NCic.term ;; type path_string = path_string_elem list;; let ppelem = function | Constant uri -> NUri.name_of_uri uri | Bound i -> string_of_int i | Variable -> "?" | Proposition -> "Prop" | Datatype -> "Type" | Dead t -> "DEAD("^NCicPp.ppterm ~context:[] ~subst:[] ~metasenv:[] t^")" ;; let pp_path_string l = String.concat "::" (List.map ppelem l) ;; let elem_of_cic = function | NCic.Meta _ | NCic.Implicit _ -> Variable | NCic.Rel i -> Bound i | NCic.Sort (NCic.Prop) -> Proposition | NCic.Sort _ -> Datatype | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,_)) -> Constant u | NCic.Appl _ -> assert false (* should not happen *) | NCic.LetIn _ | NCic.Lambda _ | NCic.Prod _ | NCic.Match _ as t -> prerr_endline "FIXME: the discrimination tree receives an invalid term"; Dead t ;; let path_string_of_term arities = let set_arity arities k n = (assert (k<>Variable || n=0); match k with | Dead _ -> arities | _ -> (* here we override, but partial instantiation may trick us *) (k,n)::(List.remove_assoc k arities)) in let rec aux arities = function | NCic.Appl ((hd::tl) as l) -> let arities = set_arity arities (elem_of_cic hd) (List.length tl) in List.fold_left (fun (arities,path) t -> let arities,tpath = aux arities t in arities,path@tpath) (arities,[]) l | t -> arities, [elem_of_cic t] in aux arities ;; let compare_elem e1 e2 = match e1,e2 with | Constant u1,Constant u2 -> NUri.compare u1 u2 | e1,e2 -> Pervasives.compare e1 e2 ;; let head_of_term = function | NCic.Appl (hd::tl) -> hd | term -> term ;; let rec skip_prods = function | NCic.Prod (_,_,t) -> skip_prods t | term -> term ;; module DiscriminationTreeIndexing = functor (A:Set.S) -> struct module OrderedPathStringElement = struct type t = path_string_elem let compare = compare_elem end module PSMap = Map.Make(OrderedPathStringElement);; type key = PSMap.key module DiscriminationTree = Trie.Make(PSMap);; type t = A.t DiscriminationTree.t * (path_string_elem*int) list let empty = DiscriminationTree.empty, [] ;; let iter (dt, _ ) f = DiscriminationTree.iter (fun y x -> f y x) dt ;; let index (tree,arity) term info = let arity,ps = path_string_of_term arity term in let ps_set = try DiscriminationTree.find ps tree with Not_found -> A.empty in let tree = DiscriminationTree.add ps (A.add info ps_set) tree in tree,arity ;; let remove_index (tree,arity) term info = let arity,ps = path_string_of_term arity term in try let ps_set = A.remove info (DiscriminationTree.find ps tree) in if A.is_empty ps_set then DiscriminationTree.remove ps tree,arity else DiscriminationTree.add ps ps_set tree,arity with Not_found -> tree,arity ;; let in_index (tree,arity) term test = let arity,ps = path_string_of_term arity term in try let ps_set = DiscriminationTree.find ps tree in A.exists test ps_set with Not_found -> false ;; let rec subterm_at_pos pos term = match pos with | [] -> term | index::pos -> match term with | NCic.Appl l -> (try subterm_at_pos pos (List.nth l index) with Failure _ -> raise Not_found) | _ -> raise Not_found ;; let rec after_t pos term = let pos' = match pos with | [] -> raise Not_found | pos -> List.fold_right (fun i r -> if r = [] then [i+1] else i::r) pos [] in try ignore(subterm_at_pos pos' term ); pos' with Not_found -> let pos, _ = List.fold_right (fun i (r, b) -> if b then (i::r, true) else (r, true)) pos ([], false) in after_t pos term ;; let next_t pos term = let t = subterm_at_pos pos term in try let _ = subterm_at_pos [1] t in pos @ [1] with Not_found -> match pos with | [] -> [1] | pos -> after_t pos term ;; let retrieve_generalizations (tree,arity) term = let term = skip_prods term in let rec retrieve tree term pos = match tree with | DiscriminationTree.Node (Some s, _) when pos = [] -> s | DiscriminationTree.Node (_, map) -> let res = let hd_term = elem_of_cic (head_of_term (subterm_at_pos pos term)) in if hd_term = Variable then A.empty else try let n = PSMap.find hd_term map in match n with | DiscriminationTree.Node (Some s, _) -> s | DiscriminationTree.Node (None, _) -> let newpos = try next_t pos term with Not_found -> [] in retrieve n term newpos with Not_found -> A.empty in try let n = PSMap.find Variable map in let newpos = try after_t pos term with Not_found -> [-1] in if newpos = [-1] then match n with | DiscriminationTree.Node (Some s, _) -> A.union s res | _ -> res else A.union res (retrieve n term newpos) with Not_found -> res in retrieve tree term [] ;; let jump_list arities = function | DiscriminationTree.Node (value, map) -> let rec get n tree = match tree with | DiscriminationTree.Node (v, m) -> if n = 0 then [tree] else PSMap.fold (fun k v res -> let a = try List.assoc k arities with Not_found -> 0 in (get (n-1 + a) v) @ res) m [] in PSMap.fold (fun k v res -> let arity = try List.assoc k arities with Not_found -> 0 in (get arity v) @ res) map [] ;; let retrieve_unifiables (tree,arities) term = let term = skip_prods term in let rec retrieve tree term pos = match tree with | DiscriminationTree.Node (Some s, _) when pos = [] -> s | DiscriminationTree.Node (_, map) -> let subterm = try Some (subterm_at_pos pos term) with Not_found -> None in match subterm with | None -> A.empty | Some (NCic.Meta _) -> let newpos = try next_t pos term with Not_found -> [] in let jl = jump_list arities tree in List.fold_left (fun r s -> A.union r s) A.empty (List.map (fun t -> retrieve t term newpos) jl) | Some subterm -> let res = let hd_term = elem_of_cic (head_of_term subterm) in if hd_term = Variable then A.empty else try let n = PSMap.find hd_term map in match n with | DiscriminationTree.Node (Some s, _) -> s | DiscriminationTree.Node (None, _) -> retrieve n term (next_t pos term) with Not_found -> A.empty in try let n = PSMap.find Variable map in let newpos = try after_t pos term with Not_found -> [-1] in if newpos = [-1] then match n with | DiscriminationTree.Node (Some s, _) -> A.union s res | _ -> res else A.union res (retrieve n term newpos) with Not_found -> res in retrieve tree term [] end ;;