(* ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy. ||I|| ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version. \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY. V_______________________________________________________________ *) (* $Id: nCic.ml 9058 2008-10-13 17:42:30Z tassi $ *) exception Error of string lazy_t * exn option let fail ?exn msg = raise (Error (msg,exn)) module NRef = NReference let wrap f x = try f x with | MultiPassDisambiguator.DisambiguationError _ | NCicRefiner.RefineFailure _ | NCicUnification.UnificationFailure _ | NCicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure _ | NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure _ as exn -> fail ~exn (lazy "") ;; class pstatus = fun (o: NCic.obj) -> object inherit NEstatus.status val obj = o method obj = obj method set_obj o = {< obj = o >} end type tactic_term = CicNotationPt.term Disambiguate.disambiguator_input type tactic_pattern = GrafiteAst.npattern Disambiguate.disambiguator_input let pp_status status = prerr_endline (NCicPp.ppobj status#obj) ;; type cic_term = NCic.context * NCic.term let ctx_of (c,_) = c ;; let relocate status destination (source,t as orig) = if source == destination then status, orig else let u, d, metasenv, subst, o = status#obj in let rec lcp ctx j i = function | (n1, NCic.Decl t1 as e)::cl1, (n2, NCic.Decl t2)::cl2 -> if n1 = n2 && NCicReduction.are_convertible ctx ~subst ~metasenv t1 t2 then NCic.Rel i :: lcp (e::ctx)(j-1) (i-1) (cl1,cl2) else HExtlib.mk_list (NCic.Appl [NCic.Sort NCic.Prop; NCic.Sort NCic.Prop]) j | (n1, NCic.Def (b1,t1) as e)::cl1, (n2, NCic.Def (b2,t2))::cl2 -> if n1 = n2 && NCicReduction.are_convertible ctx ~subst ~metasenv t1 t2 && NCicReduction.are_convertible ctx ~subst ~metasenv b1 b2 then NCic.Rel i :: lcp (e::ctx)(j-1) (i-1) (cl1,cl2) else HExtlib.mk_list (NCic.Appl [NCic.Sort NCic.Prop; NCic.Sort NCic.Prop]) j | (n1, NCic.Def (b1,t1) as e)::cl1, (n2, NCic.Decl t2)::cl2 -> if n1 = n2 && NCicReduction.are_convertible ctx ~subst ~metasenv t1 t2 then NCic.Rel i :: lcp (e::ctx)(j-1) (i-1) (cl1,cl2) else HExtlib.mk_list (NCic.Appl [NCic.Sort NCic.Prop; NCic.Sort NCic.Prop]) j | (n1, NCic.Decl _)::cl1, (n2, NCic.Def _)::cl2 -> assert false | _::_, [] -> HExtlib.mk_list (NCic.Appl [NCic.Sort NCic.Prop; NCic.Sort NCic.Prop]) j | _ -> [] in let lc = lcp [] (List.length destination) (List.length source) (List.rev destination, List.rev source) in let lc = (0,NCic.Ctx (List.rev lc)) in let (metasenv, subst), t = NCicMetaSubst.delift ~unify:(fun m s c t1 t2 -> try Some (NCicUnification.unify status m s c t1 t2) with | NCicUnification.UnificationFailure _ | NCicUnification.Uncertain _ -> None) metasenv subst source 0 lc t in let status = status#set_obj (u, d, metasenv, subst, o) in status, (destination, t) ;; let relocate a b c = wrap (relocate a b) c;; let term_of_cic_term s t c = let s, (_,t) = relocate s c t in s, t ;; let ppterm status t = let uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj = status#obj in let context,t = t in NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t ;; let disambiguate status t ty context = let status, expty = match ty with | None -> status, None | Some ty -> let status, (_,x) = relocate status context ty in status, Some x in let uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj = status#obj in let metasenv, subst, status, t = GrafiteDisambiguate.disambiguate_nterm expty status context metasenv subst t in let new_pstatus = uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj in status#set_obj new_pstatus, (context, t) ;; let disambiguate a b c d = wrap (disambiguate a b c) d;; let typeof status ctx t = let status, (_,t) = relocate status ctx t in let _,_,metasenv,subst,_ = status#obj in let ty = NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~subst ~metasenv ctx t in status, (ctx, ty) ;; let typeof a b c = wrap (typeof a b) c;; let whd status ?delta ctx t = let status, (_,t) = relocate status ctx t in let _,_,_,subst,_ = status#obj in let t = NCicReduction.whd ~subst ?delta ctx t in status, (ctx, t) ;; let normalize status ?delta ctx t = let status, (_,t) = relocate status ctx t in let _,_,_,subst,_ = status#obj in let t = NCicTacReduction.normalize ~subst ?delta ctx t in status, (ctx, t) ;; let unify status ctx a b = let status, (_,a) = relocate status ctx a in let status, (_,b) = relocate status ctx b in let n,h,metasenv,subst,o = status#obj in let metasenv, subst = NCicUnification.unify status metasenv subst ctx a b in status#set_obj (n,h,metasenv,subst,o) ;; let unify a b c d = wrap (unify a b c) d;; let fix_sorts (ctx,t) = let f () = let t = NCicUnification.fix_sorts t in ctx,t in wrap f () ;; let refine status ctx term expty = let status, (_,term) = relocate status ctx term in let status, expty = match expty with None -> status, None | Some e -> let status, (_, e) = relocate status ctx e in status, Some e in let name,height,metasenv,subst,obj = status#obj in let metasenv,subst,t,ty = NCicRefiner.typeof status metasenv subst ctx term expty in status#set_obj (name,height,metasenv,subst,obj), (ctx,t), (ctx,ty) ;; let refine a b c d = wrap (refine a b c) d;; let get_goalty status g = let _,_,metasenv,_,_ = status#obj in let _, a, b = List.assoc g metasenv in a, b ;; let instantiate status i t = let _,_,metasenv,_,_ = status#obj in let gname, context, gty = List.assoc i metasenv in let status, (_,t), (_,ty) = refine status context t (Some (context,gty)) in let name,height,metasenv,subst,obj = status#obj in let metasenv = List.filter (fun j,_ -> j <> i) metasenv in let subst = (i, (gname, context, t, ty)) :: subst in status#set_obj (name,height,metasenv,subst,obj) ;; let mk_meta status ?(attrs=[]) ctx bo_or_ty = match bo_or_ty with | `Decl ty -> let status, (_,ty) = relocate status ctx ty in let n,h,metasenv,subst,o = status#obj in let metasenv, _, instance, _ = NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta ~attrs metasenv ctx (`WithType ty) in let status = status#set_obj (n,h,metasenv,subst,o) in status, (ctx,instance) | `Def bo -> let status, (_,bo_ as bo) = relocate status ctx bo in let status, (_,ty) = typeof status ctx bo in let n,h,metasenv,subst,o = status#obj in let metasenv, metano, instance, _ = NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta ~attrs metasenv ctx (`WithType ty) in let metasenv = List.filter (fun j,_ -> j <> metano) metasenv in let subst = (metano, (attrs, ctx, bo_, ty)) :: subst in let status = status#set_obj (n,h,metasenv,subst,o) in status, (ctx,instance) ;; let mk_in_scope status t = mk_meta status ~attrs:[`InScope] (ctx_of t) (`Def t) ;; let mk_out_scope n status t = mk_meta status ~attrs:[`OutScope n] (ctx_of t) (`Def t) ;; (* the following unification problem will be driven by * select s ~found:mk_in_scope ~postprocess:(mk_out_scope argsno) t pattern * * ? args = t * * where argsn = length args and the pattern matches t * * found is called on every selected term to map them * postprocess is called on the entire term after selection *) let select_term low_status ~found ~postprocess (context,term) (wanted,path) = let is_found status ctx t wanted = (* we could lift wanted step-by-step *) try true, unify status ctx (ctx, t) wanted with | Error (_, Some (NCicUnification.UnificationFailure _)) | Error (_, Some (NCicUnification.Uncertain _)) -> false, status in let match_term status ctx (wanted : cic_term) t = let rec aux ctx (status,already_found) t = let b, status = is_found status ctx t wanted in if b then let status , (_,t) = found status (ctx, t) in (status,true),t else let _,_,_,subst,_ = status#obj in match t with | NCic.Meta (i,lc) when List.mem_assoc i subst -> let _,_,t,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in aux ctx (status,already_found) t | NCic.Meta _ -> (status,already_found),t | _ -> NCicUntrusted.map_term_fold_a (fun e c -> e::c) ctx aux (status,already_found) t in aux ctx (status,false) t in let _,_,_,subst,_ = low_status#obj in let rec select status ctx pat cic = match pat, cic with | _, NCic.Meta (i,lc) when List.mem_assoc i subst -> let cic = let _,_,t,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc t in select status ctx pat cic | NCic.LetIn (_,t1,s1,b1), NCic.LetIn (n,t2,s2,b2) -> let status, t = select status ctx t1 t2 in let status, s = select status ctx s1 s2 in let ctx = (n, NCic.Def (s2,t2)) :: ctx in let status, b = select status ctx b1 b2 in status, NCic.LetIn (n,t,s,b) | NCic.Lambda (_,s1,t1), NCic.Lambda (n,s2,t2) -> let status, s = select status ctx s1 s2 in let ctx = (n, NCic.Decl s2) :: ctx in let status, t = select status ctx t1 t2 in status, NCic.Lambda (n,s,t) | NCic.Prod (_,s1,t1), NCic.Prod (n,s2,t2) -> let status, s = select status ctx s1 s2 in let ctx = (n, NCic.Decl s2) :: ctx in let status, t = select status ctx t1 t2 in status, NCic.Prod (n,s,t) | NCic.Appl l1, NCic.Appl l2 -> let status, l = List.fold_left2 (fun (status,l) x y -> let status, x = select status ctx x y in status, x::l) (status,[]) l1 l2 in status, NCic.Appl (List.rev l) | NCic.Match (_,ot1,t1,pl1), NCic.Match (u,ot2,t2,pl2) -> let status, t = select status ctx t1 t2 in let status, ot = select status ctx ot1 ot2 in let status, pl = List.fold_left2 (fun (status,l) x y -> let status, x = select status ctx x y in status, x::l) (status,[]) pl1 pl2 in status, NCic.Match (u,ot,t,List.rev pl) | NCic.Implicit `Hole, t -> (match wanted with | Some wanted -> let status', wanted = disambiguate status wanted None ctx in let (status',found), t' = match_term status' ctx wanted t in if found then status',t' else status,t | None -> let (status,_),t = match_term status ctx (ctx,t) t in status,t) | NCic.Implicit _, t -> status, t | _,t -> fail (lazy ("malformed pattern: " ^ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv:[] ~context:[] ~subst:[] pat ^ " against " ^ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv:[] ~subst:[] ~context:[] t)) in let status, term = select low_status context path term in let term = (context, term) in postprocess status term ;; let analyse_indty status ty = let status, reduct = whd status (ctx_of ty) ty in let ref, args = match reduct with | _,NCic.Const ref -> ref, [] | _,NCic.Appl (NCic.Const (NRef.Ref (_,(NRef.Ind _)) as ref) :: args) -> ref, args | _,_ -> fail (lazy ("not an inductive type")) in let _,lno,tl,_,i = NCicEnvironment.get_checked_indtys ref in let _,_,_,cl = List.nth tl i in let consno = List.length cl in let left, right = HExtlib.split_nth lno args in status, (ref, consno, left, right) ;; let mk_cic_term c t = c,t ;; let apply_subst status ctx t = let status, (_,t) = relocate status ctx t in let _,_,_,subst,_ = status#obj in status, (ctx, NCicUntrusted.apply_subst subst ctx t) ;; (* ============= move this elsewhere ====================*) class ['stack] status = fun (o: NCic.obj) (s: 'stack) -> object inherit (pstatus o) val stack = s method stack = stack method set_stack s = {< stack = s >} end class type lowtac_status = [unit] status type 'status lowtactic = #lowtac_status as 'status -> int -> 'status class type tac_status = [Continuationals.Stack.t] status type 'status tactic = #tac_status as 'status -> 'status