(* Copyright (C) 2005, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/. *) (* let _profiler = <:profiler<_profiler>>;; *) (* $Id$ *) open Utils;; open Printf;; let debug_print s = ();;(*prerr_endline (Lazy.force s);;*) let check_disjoint_invariant subst metasenv msg = if (List.exists (fun (i,_,_) -> (Subst.is_in_subst i subst)) metasenv) then begin prerr_endline ("not disjoint: " ^ msg); assert false end ;; let rec check_irl start = function | [] -> true | None::tl -> check_irl (start+1) tl | (Some (Cic.Rel x))::tl -> if x = start then check_irl (start+1) tl else false | _ -> false ;; let rec is_simple_term = function | Cic.Appl ((Cic.Meta _)::_) -> false | Cic.Appl l -> List.for_all is_simple_term l | Cic.Meta (i, l) -> let l = [] in check_irl 1 l | Cic.Rel _ -> true | Cic.Const _ -> true | Cic.MutInd (_, _, []) -> true | Cic.MutConstruct (_, _, _, []) -> true | _ -> false ;; let locked menv i = List.exists (fun (j,_,_) -> i = j) menv ;; let unification_simple locked_menv metasenv context t1 t2 ugraph = let module C = Cic in let module M = CicMetaSubst in let module U = CicUnification in let lookup = Subst.lookup_subst in let rec occurs_check subst what where = match where with | Cic.Meta(i,_) when i = what -> true | C.Appl l -> List.exists (occurs_check subst what) l | C.Meta _ -> let t = lookup where subst in if t <> where then occurs_check subst what t else false | _ -> false in let rec unif subst menv s t = let s = match s with C.Meta _ -> lookup s subst | _ -> s and t = match t with C.Meta _ -> lookup t subst | _ -> t in match s, t with | s, t when s = t -> subst, menv (* sometimes the same meta has different local contexts; this could create "cyclic" substitutions *) | C.Meta (i, _), C.Meta (j, _) when i=j -> subst, menv | C.Meta (i, _), C.Meta (j, _) when (locked locked_menv i) &&(locked locked_menv j) -> raise (U.UnificationFailure (lazy "Inference.unification.unif")) | C.Meta (i, _), C.Meta (j, _) when (locked locked_menv i) -> unif subst menv t s | C.Meta (i, _), C.Meta (j, _) when (i > j) && not (locked locked_menv j) -> unif subst menv t s | C.Meta (i,_), t when occurs_check subst i t -> raise (U.UnificationFailure (lazy "Inference.unification.unif")) | C.Meta (i, l), t when (locked locked_menv i) -> raise (U.UnificationFailure (lazy "Inference.unification.unif")) | C.Meta (i, l), t -> ( try let _, _, ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta i menv in let subst = Subst.buildsubst i context t ty subst in subst, menv with CicUtil.Meta_not_found m -> let names = names_of_context context in (*debug_print (lazy*) prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "Meta_not_found %d!: %s %s\n%s\n\n%s" m (CicPp.pp t1 names) (CicPp.pp t2 names) (print_metasenv menv) (print_metasenv metasenv)); assert false ) | _, C.Meta _ -> unif subst menv t s | C.Appl (hds::_), C.Appl (hdt::_) when hds <> hdt -> raise (U.UnificationFailure (lazy "Inference.unification.unif")) | C.Appl (hds::tls), C.Appl (hdt::tlt) -> ( try List.fold_left2 (fun (subst', menv) s t -> unif subst' menv s t) (subst, menv) tls tlt with Invalid_argument _ -> raise (U.UnificationFailure (lazy "Inference.unification.unif")) ) | _, _ -> raise (U.UnificationFailure (lazy "Inference.unification.unif")) in let subst, menv = unif Subst.empty_subst metasenv t1 t2 in let menv = Subst.filter subst menv in subst, menv, ugraph ;; let profiler = HExtlib.profile "P/Inference.unif_simple[flatten]" let profiler2 = HExtlib.profile "P/Inference.unif_simple[flatten_fast]" let profiler3 = HExtlib.profile "P/Inference.unif_simple[resolve_meta]" let profiler4 = HExtlib.profile "P/Inference.unif_simple[filter]" let check_for_duplicates metas msg = let rec aux = function | [] -> true | (m,_,_)::tl -> not (List.exists (fun (i, _, _) -> i = m) tl) && aux tl in let b = aux metas in if not b then begin prerr_endline ("DUPLICATI ---- " ^ msg); prerr_endline (CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] metas); assert false end else b ;; let check_metasenv msg menv = List.iter (fun (i,ctx,ty) -> try ignore(CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' menv ctx ty CicUniv.empty_ugraph) with | CicUtil.Meta_not_found _ -> prerr_endline (msg ^ CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] menv); assert false | _ -> () ) menv ;; let unification_aux b metasenv1 metasenv2 context t1 t2 ugraph = let metasenv = metasenv1@metasenv2 in if Utils.debug_metas then begin ignore(check_for_duplicates metasenv "unification_aux"); check_metasenv "unification_aux" metasenv; end; let subst, menv, ug = if not (is_simple_term t1) || not (is_simple_term t2) then ( debug_print (lazy (Printf.sprintf "NOT SIMPLE TERMS: %s %s" (CicPp.ppterm t1) (CicPp.ppterm t2))); raise (CicUnification.UnificationFailure (lazy "Inference.unification.unif")) ) else if b then (* full unification *) unification_simple [] metasenv context t1 t2 ugraph else (* matching: metasenv1 is locked *) unification_simple metasenv1 metasenv context t1 t2 ugraph in if Utils.debug_res then ignore(check_disjoint_invariant subst menv "unif"); (* let flatten subst = List.map (fun (i, (context, term, ty)) -> let context = apply_subst_context subst context in let term = apply_subst subst term in let ty = apply_subst subst ty in (i, (context, term, ty))) subst in let flatten subst = profiler.HExtlib.profile flatten subst in let subst = flatten subst in *) if Utils.debug_metas then ignore(check_for_duplicates menv "unification_aux prima di apply_subst"); let menv = Subst.apply_subst_metasenv subst menv in let _ = check_for_duplicates menv "unif_aux after" in check_metasenv "unification_aux after 1" menv; subst, menv, ug ;; exception MatchingFailure;; (** matching takes in input the _disjoint_ metasenv of t1 and t2; it perform unification in the union metasenv, then check that the first metasenv has not changed *) let matching metasenv1 metasenv2 context t1 t2 ugraph = try unification_aux false metasenv1 metasenv2 context t1 t2 ugraph with CicUnification.UnificationFailure _ -> raise MatchingFailure ;; let unification m1 m2 c t1 t2 ug = try unification_aux true m1 m2 c t1 t2 ug with exn -> raise exn ;; let get_stats () = "" (*<:show>*) ;;