{ open ParserTHF exception BadToken of string let incr_linenum lexbuf = let pos = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p in lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <- { pos with Lexing.pos_lnum = pos.Lexing.pos_lnum + 1; Lexing.pos_bol = pos.Lexing.pos_cnum; } ;; } let dust = ' ' | '\t' let comment = '%' [^ '\n' ] * '\n' let lname = ['a'-'z'] ['a'-'z''A'-'Z''0'-'9''_']* let uname = ['A'-'Z'] ['a'-'z''A'-'Z''0'-'9''_']* let qstring = ''' [^ ''' ]+ ''' let type_ = "axiom" | "hypothesis" | "definition" | "lemma" | "theorem" | "conjecture" | "lemma_conjecture" | "negated_conjecture" | "plain" | "unknown" | "type" let ieq = "=" let peq = "equal" let nieq = "!=" rule yylex = parse | dust { yylex lexbuf } | '\n' { incr_linenum lexbuf; yylex lexbuf } | comment { incr_linenum lexbuf; COMMENT (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | "include" { INCLUSION } | type_ { TYPE (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | "thf" { THF } | "$true" { TRUE } | "$false" { FALSE } | "equal" { PEQ } | "$i" { TYPE_I } | "$o" { TYPE_O } | "$tType" { TYPE_U } | ">" { TO } | lname { LNAME (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | uname { UNAME (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | ['0' - '9']+ { NUM (int_of_string (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) } | ',' { COMMA } | '.' { DOT } | '(' { LPAREN } | ')' { RPAREN } | '|' { IOR } | '&' { IAND } | '~' { NOT } | '=' { IEQ } | "=>" { IMPLY } | "<=" { IMPLYLR } | "<=>" { COIMPLY } | "<~>" { XOR } | "!=" { NIEQ } | "!" { FORALL } | "?" { EXISTS } | "!" { FORALL } | "^" { LAMBDA } | "[" { BEGINVARLIST } | "]" { ENDVARLIST } | ":" { COLON } | "," { COMMA } | "@" { APPLY } | qstring { QSTRING (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | eof { EOF } | _ { raise (BadToken (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) } { (* trailer *) }