module T = CicNotationPt module GA = GrafiteAst module A = AstTHF let floc = HExtlib.dummy_floc;; (* OPTIONS *) let tptppath = ref "./";; let ng = ref false;; let spec = [ ("-ng",Arg.Set ng,"Matita ng syntax"); ("-tptppath", Arg.String (fun x -> tptppath := x), "Where to find the Axioms/ and Problems/ directory") ] let resolve ~tptppath s = if s.[0] = '/' then s else let resolved_name = if Filename.check_suffix s ".p" then (assert (String.length s > 5); let prefix = String.sub s 0 3 in tptppath ^ "/Problems/" ^ prefix ^ "/" ^ s) else tptppath ^ "/" ^ s in if HExtlib.is_regular resolved_name then resolved_name else begin prerr_endline ("Unable to find " ^ s ^ " (" ^ resolved_name ^ ")"); exit 1 end ;; let find_related id = HExtlib.filter_map_monad (fun acc -> function | A.ThfDefinition (_,did,dbody) when did = id -> Some dbody, None | A.ThfType (_,did,dtype) when did = id -> Some dtype, None | x -> acc, Some x) ;; (* MAIN *) let _ = let usage = "Usage: tptpTHF2grafite [options] file" in let inputfile = ref "" in Arg.parse spec (fun s -> inputfile := s) usage; if !inputfile = "" then begin prerr_endline usage; exit 1 end; let tptppath = !tptppath in let statements = let rec aux = function | [] -> [] | ((A.Inclusion (file,_)) as hd) :: tl -> let file = resolve ~tptppath file in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel (open_in file) in let statements = ParserTHF.main LexerTHF.yylex lexbuf in hd :: aux (statements @ tl) | hd::tl -> hd :: aux tl in aux [A.Inclusion (!inputfile,[])] in let statements = let rec aux = function | [] -> [] | A.Comment s :: tl -> let s = Pcre.replace ~pat:"\n" ~templ:"" s in let s = Pcre.replace ~pat:"\\*\\)" ~templ:"" s in GA.Comment (floc,GA.Note (floc,s)) :: aux tl | A.Inclusion (s,_) :: tl -> GA.Comment ( floc, GA.Note ( floc,"Inclusion of: " ^ s)) :: aux tl | A.ThfType(name,id,ty) :: tl -> let body, tl = find_related id None tl in let what = match body with None -> `Axiom | _ -> `Definition in GA.Executable(floc, GA.NCommand(floc, GA.NObj(floc, T.Theorem(what, id,ty,body,`Regular)))) :: aux tl | A.ThfDefinition(name,id,body) :: tl -> let ty, tl = find_related id None tl in let ty = match ty with Some x -> x | None -> T.Implicit `JustOne in GA.Executable(floc, GA.NCommand(floc, GA.NObj(floc, T.Theorem(`Definition, id,ty,Some body,`Regular)))):: aux tl | A.ThfFormula(name,(A.Axiom|A.Hypothesis|A.Assumption),term) :: tl -> GA.Executable(floc, GA.NCommand(floc, GA.NObj(floc, T.Theorem(`Axiom, name,term,None,`Regular)))):: aux tl | A.ThfFormula(name,A.Conjecture,term) :: tl -> GA.Executable(floc, GA.NCommand(floc, GA.NObj(floc, T.Theorem(`Theorem, name, term,None,`Regular)))):: aux tl | A.ThfFormula _ :: tl -> assert false in aux statements in let pp t = (* ZACK: setting width to 80 will trigger a bug of BoxPp.render_to_string * which will show up using the following command line: * ./tptp2grafite -tptppath ~tassi/TPTP-v3.1.1 GRP170-1 *) let width = max_int in let term_pp prec content_term = let pres_term = TermContentPres.pp_ast content_term in let lookup_uri = fun _ -> None in let markup = CicNotationPres.render ~lookup_uri ~prec pres_term in let s = BoxPp.render_to_string List.hd width markup ~map_unicode_to_tex:false in Pcre.substitute ~rex:(Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`UTF8] "∀[Ha-z][a-z0-9_]*") ~subst:(fun x -> "\n" ^ x) s in CicNotationPp.set_pp_term (term_pp 90); let lazy_term_pp = fun x -> assert false in let obj_pp = CicNotationPp.pp_obj CicNotationPp.pp_term in Pcre.replace ~pat:"^theorem" ~templ:"ntheorem" (Pcre.replace ~pat:"^axiom" ~templ:"naxiom" (Pcre.replace ~pat:"^definition" ~templ:"ndefinition" (Pcre.replace ~pat:"Type \\\\sub ([0-9]+)" ~templ:"Type[$1]" (GrafiteAstPp.pp_statement ~map_unicode_to_tex:false ~term_pp:(term_pp 19) ~lazy_term_pp ~obj_pp t)))) in print_endline (pp (GA.Executable (floc, GA.Command(floc,GA.Include(floc,true,`OldAndNew,""))))); List.iter (fun x -> print_endline (pp x)) statements; exit 0