%{ (* header *) open AstTHF open Parsing open Lexing module T = CicNotationPt let parse_error s = Printf.eprintf "%s: " s ;; let rm_q s = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 2) ;; let reserved = [ "in","In"; "to","To"; "theorem","Theorem"; ];; let unreserve k = try List.assoc k reserved with Not_found -> k ;; %} %token TYPE %token COMMENT %token NUM %token LNAME %token UNAME %token QSTRING %token COMMA %token INCLUSION %token LPAREN %token RPAREN %token CNF %token TRUE %token FALSE %token NOT %token IAND %token IOR %token NIEQ %token IEQ %token IMPLY %token PEQ %token DOT %token EOF %token FORALL %token EXISTS %token LAMBDA %token COLON %token BEGINVARLIST %token ENDVARLIST %token APPLY %token TYPE_I %token TYPE_O %token TYPE_U %token TO %token THF %left IOR %left IAND %nonassoc NOT %right TO %left APPLY %type main %start main %% main: | tptp_input EOF {[$1]} | tptp_input main {$1::$2} | error { let start_pos = rhs_start_pos 1 in let end_pos = rhs_end_pos 1 in Printf.eprintf "from line %d char %d to line %d char %d\n" start_pos.pos_lnum (start_pos.pos_cnum - start_pos.pos_bol) end_pos.pos_lnum (end_pos.pos_cnum - end_pos.pos_bol); exit 1 } ; tptp_input: | annot_formula {$1} | include_ {$1} | comment {$1} ; formula_source_and_infos: | { () } | COMMA { assert false } ; annot_formula: | THF LPAREN name COMMA formula_type COMMA term formula_source_and_infos RPAREN DOT { match $5 with | Definition -> (match $7 with | T.Appl [T.Symbol("Eq",_);T.Ident(name,_);body] -> ThfDefinition($3,unreserve name,body) | _ -> prerr_endline ("near " ^ $3); assert false) | Type -> (match $7 with | T.Cast (T.Ident(name,_),ty) -> ThfType($3,unreserve name,ty) | _ -> assert false) | _ -> ThfFormula($3,$5,$7) } ; formula_type: | TYPE { match $1 with | "axiom" -> Axiom | "hypothesis" -> Hypothesis | "definition" -> Definition | "lemma" -> Lemma | "theorem" -> Theorem | "conjecture" -> Conjecture | "lemma_conjecture" -> Lemma_conjecture | "negated_conjecture" -> Negated_conjecture | "plain" -> Plain | "unknown" -> Unknown | "type" -> Type | _ -> assert false } ; quantifier : | FORALL {`Forall} | EXISTS {`Exists} | LAMBDA {`Lambda} vardecl : | UNAME { T.Ident($1,None), None } | UNAME COLON term { T.Ident($1,None),Some $3 } varlist : | vardecl { [$1] } | vardecl COMMA varlist { $1 :: $3 } term: | quantifier BEGINVARLIST varlist ENDVARLIST COLON term { List.fold_right (fun v t -> T.Binder($1,v,t)) $3 $6 } | term APPLY term { match $1 with | T.Appl l -> T.Appl (l @ [$3]) | x -> T.Appl ([$1; $3]) } | LPAREN term COLON term RPAREN { T.Cast ($2,$4) } | term TO term { T.Binder (`Forall,(T.Ident("_",None),Some $1),$3) } | term IMPLY term { T.Binder (`Forall,(T.Ident("_",None),Some $1),$3) } | term IEQ term { T.Appl [T.Symbol("Eq",0);$1;$3] } | term IAND term { T.Appl [T.Symbol("And",0);$1;$3] } | term IOR term { T.Appl [T.Symbol("Or",0);$1;$3] } | NOT term { T.Appl [T.Symbol("Not",0);$2] } | LPAREN term RPAREN {$2} | LNAME { T.Ident(unreserve $1,None) } | UNAME { T.Ident($1,None) } | TYPE_I { T.Symbol("i",0) } | TYPE_O { T.Symbol("o",0) } | TYPE_U { T.Sort (`NType "0") } | FALSE { T.Symbol("False",0)} | TRUE { T.Symbol("True",0)} ; include_: | INCLUSION LPAREN QSTRING selection_of_formulae RPAREN DOT { let fname = rm_q $3 in Inclusion (fname,$4) } ; selection_of_formulae: | { [] } | COMMA name selection_of_formulae { $2::$3 } ; comment: COMMENT {Comment $1} ; name: NUM { string_of_int $1} | LNAME { $1 } | UNAME { $1 } ; %% (* trailer *)