module GA = GrafiteAst;; module LA = LexiconAst;; module PT = CicNotationPt;; module A = Ast;; type sort = Prop | Univ;; let floc = HExtlib.dummy_floc;; let paramod_timeout = ref 600;; let depth = ref 10;; let universe = "Univ" ;; let prop = "Prop";; let kw = [ "and","myand" ];; let mk_ident s = PT.Ident ((try List.assoc s kw with Not_found -> s),None) ;; let rec collect_arities_from_term = function | A.Constant name -> [name,(0,Univ)] | A.Variable name -> [name,(0,Univ)] | A.Function (name,l) -> (name,(List.length l,Univ)):: List.flatten ( collect_arities_from_term l) ;; let rec collect_fv_from_term = function | A.Constant name -> [] | A.Variable name -> [name] | A.Function (_,l) -> List.flatten ( collect_fv_from_term l) ;; let collect_arities_from_atom a = let aux = function | A.Proposition name -> [name,(0,Prop)] | A.Predicate (name,args) -> (name,(List.length args,Prop)) :: (List.flatten ( collect_arities_from_term args)) | A.True -> [] | A.False -> [] | A.Eq (t1,t2) -> collect_arities_from_term t1 @ collect_arities_from_term t2 | A.NotEq (t1,t2) -> collect_arities_from_term t1 @ collect_arities_from_term t2 in HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort compare (List.flatten ( aux a))) ;; let collect_fv_from_atom a = let aux = function | A.Proposition name -> [name] | A.Predicate (name,args) -> name :: List.flatten ( collect_fv_from_term args) | A.True -> [] | A.False -> [] | A.Eq (t1,t2) -> collect_fv_from_term t1 @ collect_fv_from_term t2 | A.NotEq (t1,t2) -> collect_fv_from_term t1 @ collect_fv_from_term t2 in let rec aux2 = function | [] -> [] | hd::tl -> aux hd @ aux2 tl in HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort compare (aux2 a)) ;; let rec collect_fv_from_formulae = function | A.Disjunction (a,b) -> collect_fv_from_formulae a @ collect_fv_from_formulae b | A.NegAtom a | A.Atom a -> collect_fv_from_atom [a] ;; let rec convert_term = function | A.Variable x -> mk_ident x | A.Constant x -> mk_ident x | A.Function (name, args) -> PT.Appl (mk_ident name :: convert_term args) ;; let rec atom_of_formula neg pos = function | A.Disjunction (a,b) -> let neg, pos = atom_of_formula neg pos a in atom_of_formula neg pos b | A.NegAtom a -> a::neg, pos | A.Atom (A.NotEq (a,b)) -> (A.Eq (a,b) :: neg), pos | A.Atom a -> neg, a::pos ;; let atom_of_formula f = let neg, pos = atom_of_formula [] [] f in neg @ pos ;; let rec mk_arrow component tail = function | 0 -> begin match tail with | Prop -> mk_ident prop | Univ -> mk_ident universe end | n -> PT.Binder (`Forall, ((mk_ident "_"),Some (mk_ident component)), mk_arrow component tail (n-1)) ;; let build_ctx_for_arities univesally arities t = let binder = if univesally then `Forall else `Exists in let rec aux = function | [] -> t | (name,(nargs,sort))::tl -> PT.Binder (binder, (mk_ident name,Some (mk_arrow universe sort nargs)), aux tl) in aux arities ;; let convert_atom universally a = let aux = function | A.Proposition p -> mk_ident p | A.Predicate (name,params) -> PT.Appl ((mk_ident name) :: ( convert_term params)) | A.True -> mk_ident "True" | A.False -> mk_ident "False" | A.Eq (l,r) | A.NotEq (l,r) -> (* removes the negation *) PT.Appl [mk_ident "eq";mk_ident universe;convert_term l;convert_term r] in let rec aux2 = function | [] -> assert false | [x] -> aux x | he::tl -> if universally then PT.Binder (`Forall, (mk_ident "_", Some (aux he)), aux2 tl) else PT.Appl [mk_ident "And";aux he;aux2 tl] in let arities = collect_arities_from_atom a in let fv = collect_fv_from_atom a in build_ctx_for_arities universally (List.filter (function (x,(0,Univ)) -> List.mem x fv | _-> false) arities) (aux2 a) ;; let collect_arities atom ctx = let atoms = atom@(List.flatten ( atom_of_formula ctx)) in collect_arities_from_atom atoms ;; let collect_arities_from_formulae f = let rec collect_arities_from_formulae = function | A.Disjunction (a,b) -> collect_arities_from_formulae a @ collect_arities_from_formulae b | A.NegAtom a | A.Atom a -> collect_arities_from_atom [a] in HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort compare (collect_arities_from_formulae f)) ;; let is_formulae_1eq_negated f = let atom = atom_of_formula f in match atom with | [A.NotEq (l,r)] -> true | _ -> false ;; let collect_fv_1stord_from_formulae f = let arities = collect_arities_from_formulae f in let fv = collect_fv_from_formulae f in fst (List.filter (function (x,(0,Univ)) -> List.mem x fv | _-> false) arities) ;; let rec convert_formula fv no_arities context f = let atom = atom_of_formula f in let t = convert_atom (fv = []) atom in let rec build_ctx n = function | [] -> t | hp::tl -> PT.Binder (`Forall, (mk_ident ("H" ^ string_of_int n), Some (convert_formula [] true [] hp)), build_ctx (n+1) tl) in let arities = if no_arities then [] else collect_arities atom context in build_ctx_for_arities true arities (build_ctx 0 context) ;; let check_if_atom_is_negative = function | A.True -> false | A.False -> true | A.Proposition _ -> false | A.Predicate _ -> false | A.Eq _ -> false | A.NotEq _ -> true ;; let rec check_if_formula_is_negative = function | A.Disjunction (a,b) -> check_if_formula_is_negative a && check_if_formula_is_negative b | A.NegAtom a -> not (check_if_atom_is_negative a) | A.Atom a -> check_if_atom_is_negative a ;; let ng_generate_tactics fv ueq_case context arities = [ GA.Executable(floc,GA.NTactic(floc, [GA.NIntro (floc,"Univ") ; GA.NDot(floc)])) ] @ (HExtlib.list_mapi (fun (name,_) _-> GA.Executable(floc,GA.NTactic(floc, [GA.NIntro (floc,name);GA.NDot(floc)]))) arities) @ (HExtlib.list_mapi (fun _ i-> GA.Executable(floc,GA.NTactic(floc, [GA.NIntro (floc,"H"^string_of_int i);GA.NDot(floc)]))) context) @ (if fv <> [] then (List.flatten ( (fun _ -> [GA.Executable(floc,GA.NTactic(floc, [GA.NApply (floc, PT.Appl [mk_ident "ex_intro";PT.Implicit;PT.Implicit; PT.Implicit;PT.Implicit]);GA.NBranch floc])); GA.Executable(floc,GA.NTactic(floc, [GA.NPos (floc,[2])]))]) fv)) else [])@ [GA.Executable(floc,GA.NTactic(floc, [ if (*ueq_case*) true then GA.NAuto (floc,( HExtlib.list_mapi (fun _ i -> mk_ident ("H" ^ string_of_int i)) context ,[])) else GA.NAuto (floc,([],[ "depth",string_of_int 5; "width",string_of_int 5; "size",string_of_int 20; "timeout",string_of_int 10; ])) ; GA.NSemicolon(floc)])); (* GA.Executable(floc,GA.NTactic(floc, Some (GA.Try(floc, GA.Assumption floc)), GA.Dot(floc))) *) ]@ (if fv <> [] then (List.flatten ( (fun _ -> [GA.Executable(floc,GA.NTactic(floc, [GA.NShift floc; GA.NSkip floc; GA.NMerge floc]))]) fv)) else [])@ [GA.Executable(floc,GA.Command(floc, GA.NQed(floc)))] ;; let generate_tactics fv ueq_case = [GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactic(floc, Some (GA.Intros (floc,(None,[]))),GA.Dot(floc)))] @ (if fv <> [] then (List.flatten ( (fun _ -> [GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactic(floc, Some (GA.Exists floc),GA.Branch floc)); GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactic(floc, None, (GA.Pos (floc,[2]))))]) fv)) else [])@ [GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactic(floc, Some ( if true (*ueq_case*) then GA.AutoBatch (floc,([],["paramodulation",""; "timeout",string_of_int !paramod_timeout])) else GA.AutoBatch (floc,([],[ "depth",string_of_int 5; "width",string_of_int 5; "size",string_of_int 20; "timeout",string_of_int 10; ])) ), GA.Semicolon(floc))); GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactic(floc, Some (GA.Try(floc, GA.Assumption floc)), GA.Dot(floc))) ]@ (if fv <> [] then (List.flatten ( (fun _ -> [GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactic(floc, None, GA.Shift floc)); GA.Executable(floc,GA.NonPunctuationTactical(floc, GA.Skip floc, (GA.Merge floc)))]) fv)) else [])@ [GA.Executable(floc,GA.Command(floc, GA.Print(floc,"proofterm"))); GA.Executable(floc,GA.Command(floc, GA.Qed(floc)))] ;; let convert_ast ng statements context = function | A.Comment s -> let s = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1) in let s = if s.[String.length s - 1] = '\n' then String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1) else s in statements @ [GA.Comment (floc,GA.Note (floc,s))], context | A.Inclusion (s,_) -> statements @ [ GA.Comment ( floc, GA.Note ( floc,"Inclusion of: " ^ s))], context | A.AnnotatedFormula (name,kind,f,_,_) -> match kind with | A.Axiom | A.Hypothesis -> statements, f::context | A.Negated_conjecture when not (check_if_formula_is_negative f) -> statements, f::context | A.Negated_conjecture -> let ueq_case = is_formulae_1eq_negated f in let fv = collect_fv_1stord_from_formulae f in let old_f = f in let f = PT.Binder (`Forall, (mk_ident universe,Some (PT.Sort (`Type (CicUniv.fresh ())))), convert_formula fv false context f) in let o = PT.Theorem (`Theorem,name,f,None) in (statements @ [ GA.Executable(floc,GA.Command(floc, (*if ng then GA.NObj (floc,o) else*) GA.Obj(floc,o))); ] @ if ng then ng_generate_tactics fv ueq_case context (let atom = atom_of_formula old_f in collect_arities atom context) else generate_tactics fv ueq_case), context | A.Definition | A.Lemma | A.Theorem | A.Conjecture | A.Lemma_conjecture | A.Plain | A.Unknown -> assert false ;; (* HELPERS *) let resolve ~tptppath s = let resolved_name = if Filename.check_suffix s ".p" then (assert (String.length s > 5); let prefix = String.sub s 0 3 in tptppath ^ "/Problems/" ^ prefix ^ "/" ^ s) else tptppath ^ "/" ^ s in if HExtlib.is_regular resolved_name then resolved_name else begin prerr_endline ("Unable to find " ^ s ^ " (" ^ resolved_name ^ ")"); exit 1 end ;; (* MAIN *) let tptp2grafite ?(timeout=600) ?(def_depth=10) ?raw_preamble ~tptppath ~filename ~ng () = paramod_timeout := timeout; depth := def_depth; let rec aux = function | [] -> [] | ((A.Inclusion (file,_)) as hd) :: tl -> let file = resolve ~tptppath file in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel (open_in file) in let statements = Parser.main Lexer.yylex lexbuf in hd :: aux (statements @ tl) | hd::tl -> hd :: aux tl in let statements = aux [A.Inclusion (filename,[])] in let grafite_ast_statements,_ = List.fold_left (fun (st, ctx) f -> let newst, ctx = convert_ast ng st ctx f in newst, ctx) ([],[]) statements in let pp t = (* ZACK: setting width to 80 will trigger a bug of BoxPp.render_to_string * which will show up using the following command line: * ./tptp2grafite -tptppath ~tassi/TPTP-v3.1.1 GRP170-1 *) let width = max_int in let term_pp prec content_term = let pres_term = TermContentPres.pp_ast content_term in let lookup_uri = fun _ -> None in let markup = CicNotationPres.render ~lookup_uri ~prec pres_term in let s = BoxPp.render_to_string List.hd width markup ~map_unicode_to_tex:false in Pcre.substitute ~rex:(Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`UTF8] "∀[Ha-z][a-z0-9_]*") ~subst:(fun x -> "\n" ^ x) s in CicNotationPp.set_pp_term (term_pp 90); let lazy_term_pp = fun x -> assert false in let obj_pp = CicNotationPp.pp_obj CicNotationPp.pp_term in Pcre.replace ~pat:"theorem" ~templ:"ntheorem" (GrafiteAstPp.pp_statement ~map_unicode_to_tex:false ~term_pp:(term_pp 19) ~lazy_term_pp ~obj_pp t) in let buri = Pcre.replace ~pat:"\\.p$" ("cic:/matita/TPTP/" ^ filename) in let extra_statements_start = [ (*GA.Executable(floc,GA.Command(floc, GA.Set(floc,"baseuri",buri)))*)] in let preamble = match raw_preamble with | None -> pp (GA.Executable(floc, GA.Command(floc,GA.Include(floc,true,"logic/")))) | Some s -> s buri in let extra_statements_end = [] in let aliases = [] (*[("eq","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq.ind#xpointer(1/1)"); ("trans_eq","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/trans_eq.con"); ("eq_ind_r","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq_ind_r.con"); ("eq_ind","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq_ind.con"); ("sym_eq","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/sym_eq.con"); ("refl_equal","cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq.ind#xpointer(1/1/1)")] *) in let s1 = pp extra_statements_start in let s2 = (fun (n,s) -> LexiconAstPp.pp_command (LA.Alias(floc, LA.Ident_alias(n,s))) ^ ".") aliases in let s3 = pp grafite_ast_statements in let s4 = pp extra_statements_end in String.concat "\n" (s1@[preamble]@s2@s3@s4) ;;