\require L \* Feferman's system T0 *\ \open elements \* [1] 2.1. 2.2. 2.4. *\ \decl "rule application" App: *Obj => *Obj => *Obj -> *Prop \decl "classification predicate" Cl: *Obj -> *Prop \decl "classification membership" Eta: *Obj => *Obj -> *Prop \* we must make an explicit coercion from *Obj to *Term *\ \decl "object-to-term-coercion" T: *Obj -> *Term \decl "term application" At: *Term => *Term -> *Term \decl "term-object equivalence" E: *Term => *Obj -> *Prop \close \open logical_abbreviations \* [1] 2.3. 2.5. *\ \def "logical comprehension restricted to classifications" CAll = [q:*Obj->*Prop] [x:*Obj] Cl(x) -> q(x) : (*Obj -> *Prop) -> *Prop \def "logical existence restricted to classifications" CEx = [q:*Obj->*Prop] Ex([x:*Obj] And(Cl(x), q(x))) : (*Obj -> *Prop) -> *Prop \def "logical comprehension restricted to a classification" EAll = [a:*Obj, q:*Obj->*Prop] [x:*Obj] Eta(x, a) -> q(x) : *Obj => (*Obj -> *Prop) -> *Prop \def "logical existence restricted to a classification" EEx = [a:*Obj, q:*Obj->*Prop] Ex([x:*Obj] And(Eta(x, a), q(x))) : *Obj => (*Obj -> *Prop) -> *Prop \close \open non_logical_abbreviations \* [1] 2.4. 2.7 *\ \def "object application" OAt = [f:*Obj, x:*Obj] At(T(f), T(x)) : *Obj => *Obj -> *Term \def "convergence of a term to an object" Conv = [t:*Term] EX([y:*Obj] E(t, y)) : *Term -> *Prop \def "term-term equivalence" Eq = [t1:*Term, t2:*Term] [y:*Obj] Iff(E(t1, y), E(t2, y)) : *Term => *Term -> *Prop \def "classification membership of a term" TEta = [t:*Term, a:*Obj] EEx(a, [y:*Obj] E(t, y)) : *Term => *Obj -> *Prop \def "operation (rule with inhabited domain)" Op = [f:*Obj] Ex([x:*Obj] Conv(OAt(f, x))) : *Obj -> *Prop \def "classification inclusion" ESub = [a1:*Obj, a2:*Obj] EAll(a1, [x:*Obj] Eta(x, a2)) : *Obj => *Obj -> *Prop \def "classification morphism" ETo = [f:*Obj, a:*Obj, b:*Obj] EAll(a, [x:*Obj] TEta(OAt(f, x), b)) : *Obj => *Obj => *Obj -> *Prop \close \open non_logical_axioms \* [1] 2.4. 3.2 *\ \* we axiomatize E because *Term is not inductively generated *\ \ax e_refl: [y:*Obj] E(T(y), y) \ax e_at_in: [t1:*Term][t2:*Term][f:*Obj][x:*Obj][y:*Obj] E(t1, f) -> E(t2, x) -> App(f, x, y) -> E(At(t1, t2), y) \* \ax e_at_out: [f:*Obj][x:*Obj][y:*Obj] E(At(T(f), T(x)), y) -> App(f,x,y) *\ \ax "I (i)" id_dec: [x:*Obj][y:*Obj] Or(Id(x, y), NId(x, y)) \ax "I (ii)" at_mono: [f:*Obj][x:*Obj][y1:*Obj][y2:*Obj] E(OAt(f, x), y1) -> E(OAt(f, x), y2) -> Id(y1, y2) \ax "I (iii)" eta_cl: [x:*Obj][a:*Obj] Eta(x, a) -> Cl(a) \close