(* ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy. ||I|| ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version. \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY. V_______________________________________________________________ *) (* kernel version: basic, absolute, global *) (* note : experimental *) type uri = Common.uri type id = Common.id type bind = Void (* exclusion *) | Abst of term (* abstraction *) | Abbr of term (* abbreviation *) and term = Sort of int (* hierarchy index *) | LRef of int (* location *) | GRef of uri (* reference *) | Cast of term * term (* type, term *) | Appl of term * term (* argument, function *) | Bind of int * id * bind * term (* location, name, binder, scope *) type obj = bind Common.obj (* age, uri, binder *) type item = bind Common.item type context = (int * id * bind) list (* location, name, binder *) type message = (context, term) Log.item list (* Currified constructors ***************************************************) let abst w = Abst w let abbr v = Abbr v let lref i = LRef i let cast u t = Cast (u, t) let appl u t = Appl (u, t) let bind l id b t = Bind (l, id, b, t) let bind_abst l id u t = Bind (l, id, Abst u, t) let bind_abbr l id v t = Bind (l, id, Abbr v, t) (* location handling functions **********************************************) let location = ref 0 let new_location () = let loc = !location in incr location; loc let locations () = !location (* context handling functions ***********************************************) let empty_context = [] let push msg f es l id b = let rec does_not_occur loc = function | [] -> true | (l, _, _) :: _ when l = loc -> false | _ :: es -> does_not_occur l es in if not (does_not_occur l es) then failwith msg else let c = (l, id, b) :: es in f c let append f es1 es2 = f (List.append es2 es1) let map f map es = Cps.list_map f map es let contents f es = f es let get f es i = let rec aux = function | [] -> f None | (l, id, b) :: tl -> if l = i then f (Some (id, b)) else aux tl in aux es