(* ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy. ||I|| ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version. \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY. V_______________________________________________________________ *) module U = NUri module C = Cps module L = Log module B = Bag module O = BagOutput module E = BagEnvironment module S = BagSubstitution exception LRefNotFound of B.message type machine = { i: int; c: B.context; s: B.term list } type whd_result = | Sort_ of int | LRef_ of int * B.term option | GRef_ of B.obj | Bind_ of int * B.id * B.term * B.term type ho_whd_result = | Sort of int | GRef of U.uri * B.term list | Abst of B.term (* Internal functions *******************************************************) let term_of_whdr = function | Sort_ h -> B.Sort h | LRef_ (i, _) -> B.LRef i | GRef_ (_, uri, _) -> B.GRef uri | Bind_ (l, id, w, t) -> B.bind_abst l id w t let level = 5 let error i = raise (LRefNotFound (L.items1 (string_of_int i))) let log1 s c t = let sc, st = s ^ " in the context", "the term" in L.log O.specs level (L.ct_items1 sc c st t) let log2 s c u t = let sc, su, st = s ^ " in the context", "the term", "and the term" in L.log O.specs level (L.ct_items2 sc c su u st t) let empty_machine = {i = 0; c = B.empty_context; s = []} let inc m = {m with i = succ m.i} let unwind_to_term f m t = let map f t (l, id, b) = f (B.Bind (l, id, b, t)) in let f mc = C.list_fold_left f map t mc in B.contents f m.c let unwind_stack f m = let map f v = unwind_to_term f m v in C.list_map f map m.s let get f c m i = let f = function | Some (_, b) -> f b | None -> error i in let f c = B.get f c i in B.append f c m.c let push f c m l id w = assert (m.s = []); let f w = B.push f c l id (B.Abst w) in unwind_to_term f m w (* to share *) let rec whd f c m x = match x with | B.Sort h -> f m (Sort_ h) | B.GRef uri -> let f obj = f m (GRef_ obj) in E.get_obj f uri | B.LRef i -> let f = function | B.Void -> f m (LRef_ (i, None)) | B.Abst t -> f m (LRef_ (i, Some t)) | B.Abbr t -> whd f c m t in get f c m i | B.Cast (_, t) -> whd f c m t | B.Appl (v, t) -> whd f c {m with s = v :: m.s} t | B.Bind (l, id, B.Abst w, t) -> begin match m.s with | [] -> f m (Bind_ (l, id, w, t)) | v :: tl -> let f mc = whd f c {m with c = mc; s = tl} t in B.push f m.c l id (B.Abbr (B.Cast (w, v))) end | B.Bind (l, id, b, t) -> let f mc = whd f c {m with c = mc} t in B.push f m.c l id b (* Interface functions ******************************************************) let nsi = ref false let rec ho_whd f c m x = let aux m = function | Sort_ h -> f (Sort h) | Bind_ (_, _, w, _) -> let f w = f (Abst w) in unwind_to_term f m w | LRef_ (_, Some w) -> ho_whd f c m w | GRef_ (_, _, B.Abst w) -> ho_whd f c m w | GRef_ (_, _, B.Abbr v) -> ho_whd f c m v | LRef_ (_, None) -> assert false | GRef_ (_, _, B.Void) -> assert false in whd aux c m x let ho_whd f c t = let f r = L.unbox level; f r in L.box level; log1 "Now scanning" c t; ho_whd f c empty_machine t let rec are_convertible f a c m1 t1 m2 t2 = let rec aux m1 r1 m2 r2 = let u, t = term_of_whdr r1, term_of_whdr r2 in log2 "Now really converting" c u t; match r1, r2 with | Sort_ h1, Sort_ h2 -> if h1 = h2 then f a else f false | LRef_ (i1, _), LRef_ (i2, _) -> if i1 = i2 then are_convertible_stacks f a c m1 m2 else f false | GRef_ (a1, _, B.Abst _), GRef_ (a2, _, B.Abst _) -> if a1 = a2 then are_convertible_stacks f a c m1 m2 else f false | GRef_ (a1, _, B.Abbr v1), GRef_ (a2, _, B.Abbr v2) -> if a1 = a2 then let f a = if a then f a else are_convertible f true c m1 v1 m2 v2 in are_convertible_stacks f a c m1 m2 else if a1 < a2 then whd (aux m1 r1) c m2 v2 else whd (aux_rev m2 r2) c m1 v1 | _, GRef_ (_, _, B.Abbr v2) -> whd (aux m1 r1) c m2 v2 | GRef_ (_, _, B.Abbr v1), _ -> whd (aux_rev m2 r2) c m1 v1 | Bind_ (l1, id1, w1, t1), Bind_ (l2, id2, w2, t2) -> let h c = let m1, m2 = inc m1, inc m2 in S.subst (are_convertible f a c m1 t1 m2) l1 l2 t2 in let f r = if r then push h c m1 l1 id1 w1 else f false in are_convertible f a c m1 w1 m2 w2 (* we detect the AUT-QE reduction rule for type/prop inclusion *) | Sort_ _, Bind_ (l2, id2, w2, t2) when !nsi -> let m1, m2 = inc m1, inc m2 in let f c = are_convertible f a c m1 (term_of_whdr r1) m2 t2 in push f c m2 l2 id2 w2 | _ -> f false and aux_rev m2 r2 m1 r1 = aux m1 r1 m2 r2 in let g m1 r1 = whd (aux m1 r1) c m2 t2 in if a = false then f false else whd g c m1 t1 and are_convertible_stacks f a c m1 m2 = let mm1, mm2 = {m1 with s = []}, {m2 with s = []} in let map f a v1 v2 = are_convertible f a c mm1 v1 mm2 v2 in if List.length m1.s <> List.length m2.s then begin L.warn (Printf.sprintf "Different lengths: %u %u" (List.length m1.s) (List.length m2.s) ); f false end else C.list_fold_left2 f map a m1.s m2.s let are_convertible f c u t = let f b = L.unbox level; f b in L.box level; log2 "Now converting" c u t; are_convertible f true c empty_machine u empty_machine t