(* ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy. ||I|| ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version. \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY. V_______________________________________________________________ *) type uri = NUri.uri type id = Aut.id type attr = Name of id * bool (* name, real? *) | Apix of int (* additional position index *) | Mark of int (* node marker *) | Priv (* private global definition *) type attrs = attr list (* attributes *) type 'term bind = Abst of 'term (* declaration: domain *) | Abbr of 'term (* definition: body *) type 'term entity = attrs * uri * 'term bind (* attrs, name, binder *) type uri_generator = string -> string (* this could be in CPS *) (* helpers ******************************************************************) let common f (a, u, _) = f a u let rec name err f = function | Name (n, r) :: _ -> f n r | _ :: tl -> name err f tl | [] -> err () let names f map l a = let rec aux f i a = function | [] -> f a | Name (n, r) :: tl -> aux (map f i n r) false a tl | _ :: tl -> aux f i a tl in aux f true a l let rec get_name err f j = function | [] -> err () | Name (n, r) :: _ when j = 0 -> f n r | Name _ :: tl -> get_name err f (pred j) tl | _ :: tl -> get_name err f j tl let rec get_names f = function | [] -> f [] [] | Name _ as n :: tl -> let f a ns = f a (n :: ns) in get_names f tl | e :: tl -> let f a = f (e :: a) in get_names f tl let rec apix err f = function | Apix i :: _ -> f i | _ :: tl -> apix err f tl | [] -> err () let rec mark err f = function | Mark i :: _ -> f i | _ :: tl -> mark err f tl | [] -> err () let rec priv err f = function | Priv :: _ -> f () | _ :: tl -> priv err f tl | [] -> err () let resolve err f name a = let rec aux i = function | Name (n, true) :: _ when n = name -> f i | _ :: tl -> aux (succ i) tl | [] -> err i in aux 0 a let xlate f xlate_term = function | a, uri, Abst t -> let f t = f (a, uri, Abst t) in xlate_term f t | a, uri, Abbr t -> let f t = f (a, uri, Abbr t) in xlate_term f t