(* ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy. ||I|| ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version. \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY. V_______________________________________________________________ *) { module L = Log module O = Options module P = AutParser let out s = if !O.debug_lexer then L.warn s else () (* This turns an Automath identifier into an XML nmtoken *) let quote id = let l = String.length id in let rec aux i = if i < l then begin if id.[i] = '\'' || id.[i] = '`' then id.[i] <- '_'; aux (succ i) end else id in aux 0 } let LC = ['#' '%'] let OC = "{" let CC = "}" let SPC = [' ' '\t' '\n']+ let NL = "\n" let ID = ['0'-'9' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\'' '`']+ rule line_comment = parse | NL { () } | OC { block_comment lexbuf; line_comment lexbuf } | _ { line_comment lexbuf } | eof { () } and block_comment = parse | CC { () } | OC { block_comment lexbuf; block_comment lexbuf } | LC { line_comment lexbuf; block_comment lexbuf } | _ { block_comment lexbuf } and token = parse | SPC { token lexbuf } | LC { line_comment lexbuf; token lexbuf } | OC { block_comment lexbuf; token lexbuf } | "_E" { out "E"; P.E } | "'_E'" { out "E"; P.E } | "---" { out "EB"; P.EB } | "'eb'" { out "EB"; P.EB } | "EB" { out "EB"; P.EB } | "--" { out "EXIT"; P.EXIT } | "PN" { out "PN"; P.PN } | "'pn'" { out "PN"; P.PN } | "PRIM" { out "PN"; P.PN } | "'prim'" { out "PN"; P.PN } | "???" { out "PN"; P.PN } | "PROP" { out "PROP"; P.PROP } | "'prop'" { out "PROP"; P.PROP } | "TYPE" { out "TYPE"; P.TYPE } | "'type'" { out "TYPE"; P.TYPE } | ID { out "ID"; let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in if !O.unquote then P.IDENT s else P.IDENT (quote s) } | ":=" { out "DEF"; P.DEF } | "(" { out "OP"; P.OP } | ")" { out "CP"; P.CP } | "[" { out "OB"; P.OB } | "]" { out "CB"; P.CB } | "<" { out "OA"; P.OA } | ">" { out "CA"; P.CA } | "@" { out "AT"; P.AT } | "~" { out "TD"; P.TD } | "\"" { out "QT"; P.QT } | ":" { out "CN"; P.CN } | "," { out "CM"; P.CM } | ";" { out "SC"; P.SC } | "." { out "FS"; P.FS } | "+" { out "PLUS"; P.PLUS } | "-" { out "MINUS"; P.MINUS } | "*" { out "TIMES"; P.TIMES } | "=" { out "DEF"; P.DEF } | eof { out "EOF"; P.EOF }