(* ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy. ||I|| ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version. \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY. V_______________________________________________________________ *) module P = Printf module U = NUri module C = Cps module H = Hierarchy module Y = Entity module X = Library module D = Drg (****************************************************************************) let pp_attrs out a = let map = function | Y.Name (s, true) -> out (P.sprintf "%s;" s) | Y.Name (s, false) -> out (P.sprintf "~%s;" s) | Y.Apix i -> out (P.sprintf "+%i;" i) | Y.Mark i -> out (P.sprintf "@%i;" i) | Y.Priv -> out (P.sprintf "%s;" "~") in List.iter map a let rec pp_term out = function | D.TSort (a, l) -> pp_attrs out a; out (P.sprintf "*%u" l) | D.TLRef (a, i, j) -> pp_attrs out a; out (P.sprintf "#(%u,%u)" i j) | D.TGRef (a, u) -> pp_attrs out a; out (P.sprintf "$") | D.TCast (a, x, y) -> pp_attrs out a; out "<"; pp_term out x; out ">."; pp_term out y | D.TProj (a, x, y) -> assert false | D.TAppl (a, x, y) -> pp_attrs out a; pp_terms "(" ")" out x; pp_term out y | D.TBind (a, x, y) -> pp_attrs out a; pp_bind out x; pp_term out y and pp_terms bg eg out vs = let rec aux = function | [] -> () | [v] -> pp_term out v | v :: vs -> pp_term out v; out ", "; aux vs in out bg; aux vs; out (eg ^ ".") and pp_bind out = function | D.Abst x -> pp_terms "[:" "]" out x | D.Abbr x -> pp_terms "[=" "]" out x | D.Void x -> out (P.sprintf "[%u]" x) let rec pp_lenv out = function | D.ESort -> () | D.EProj (x, a, y) -> assert false | D.EBind (x, a, y) -> pp_lenv out x; pp_attrs out a; pp_bind out y (****************************************************************************) let rec list_iter map l out tab = match l with | [] -> () | hd :: tl -> map hd out tab; list_iter map tl out tab let list_rev_iter map e ns l out tab = let rec aux err f e = function | [], [] -> f e | n :: ns, hd :: tl -> let f e = (* pp_lenv print_string e; print_string " |- "; pp_term print_string hd; print_newline (); *) map e hd out tab; f (D.push2 C.err C.start e n ~t:hd) in aux err f e (ns, tl) | _ -> err () in ignore (aux C.err C.start e (ns, l)) let lenv_iter map1 map2 l out tab = let rec aux f = function | D.ESort -> f () | D.EBind (lenv, a, b) -> aux (fun () -> map1 a b out tab; f ()) lenv | D.EProj (lenv, a, e) -> aux (fun () -> map2 a e out tab; f ()) lenv in aux C.start l let rec exp_term e t out tab = match t with | D.TSort (a, l) -> let a = let err _ = a in let f s = Y.Name (s, true) :: a in H.get_sort err f l in let attrs = [X.position l; X.name a] in X.tag X.sort attrs out tab | D.TLRef (a, i, j) -> let a = let err _ = a in let f n r = Y.Name (n, r) :: a in D.get_name err f i j e in let attrs = [X.position i; X.offset j; X.name a] in X.tag X.lref attrs out tab | D.TGRef (a, n) -> let a = Y.Name (U.name_of_uri n, true) :: a in let attrs = [X.uri n; X.name a] in X.tag X.gref attrs out tab | D.TCast (a, u, t) -> let attrs = [] in X.tag X.cast attrs ~contents:(exp_term e u) out tab; exp_term e t out tab | D.TAppl (a, vs, t) -> let attrs = [X.arity (List.length vs)] in X.tag X.appl attrs ~contents:(list_iter (exp_term e) vs) out tab; exp_term e t out tab | D.TProj (a, lenv, t) -> let attrs = [] in X.tag X.proj attrs ~contents:(lenv_iter (exp_bind e) (exp_eproj e) lenv) out tab; exp_term (D.push_proj C.start e a lenv) t out tab | D.TBind (a, b, t) -> exp_bind e a b out tab; exp_term (D.push_bind C.start e a b) t out tab and exp_bind e a b out tab = let f a ns = a, ns in let a, ns = Y.get_names f a in match b with | D.Abst ws -> let e = D.push_bind C.start e a (D.Abst []) in let attrs = [X.name ns; X.mark a; X.arity (List.length ws)] in X.tag X.abst attrs ~contents:(list_rev_iter exp_term e ns ws) out tab | D.Abbr vs -> let e = D.push_bind C.start e a (D.Abbr []) in let attrs = [X.name ns; X.mark a; X.arity (List.length vs)] in X.tag X.abbr attrs ~contents:(list_rev_iter exp_term e ns vs) out tab | D.Void n -> let attrs = [X.name a; X.mark a; X.arity n] in X.tag X.void attrs out tab and exp_eproj e a lenv out tab = let attrs = [] in X.tag X.proj attrs ~contents:(lenv_iter (exp_bind e) (exp_eproj e) lenv) out tab (****************************************************************************) let export_term = exp_term D.empty_lenv