(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/. *) module F = Format module U = NUri module M = Meta type counters = { eabsts: int; eabbrs: int; pabsts: int; tsorts: int; tlrefs: int; tgrefs: int; pappls: int; tappls: int; tabsts: int; } let initial_counters = { eabsts = 0; eabbrs = 0; pabsts = 0; pappls = 0; tsorts = 0; tlrefs = 0; tgrefs = 0; tappls = 0; tabsts = 0 } let rec count_term f c = function | M.Sort _ -> f {c with tsorts = succ c.tsorts} | M.LRef _ -> f {c with tlrefs = succ c.tlrefs} | M.GRef (_, _, ts) -> let c = {c with tgrefs = succ c.tgrefs} in let c = {c with pappls = c.pappls + List.length ts} in Cps.list_fold_left f count_term c ts | M.Appl (v, t) -> let c = {c with tappls = succ c.tappls} in let f c = count_term f c t in count_term f c v | M.Abst (_, w, t) -> let c = {c with tabsts = succ c.tabsts} in let f c = count_term f c t in count_term f c w let count_par f c (_, w) = count_term f c w let count_entry f c = function | _, pars, _, w, None -> let c = {c with eabsts = succ c.eabsts} in let c = {c with pabsts = c.pabsts + List.length pars} in let f c = count_term f c w in Cps.list_fold_left f count_par c pars | _, pars, _, w, Some (_, v) -> let c = {c with eabbrs = succ c.eabbrs} in let c = {c with pabsts = c.pabsts + List.length pars} in let f c = count_term f c v in let f c = count_term f c w in Cps.list_fold_left f count_par c pars let count_item f c = function | Some e -> count_entry f c e | None -> f c let print_counters f c = let terms = c.tsorts + c.tgrefs + c.tgrefs + c.tappls + c.tabsts in let pars = c.pabsts + c.pappls in let items = c.eabsts + c.eabbrs in Printf.printf " Intermediate representation summary\n"; Printf.printf " Total entry items: %6u\n" items; Printf.printf " Declaration items: %6u\n" c.eabsts; Printf.printf " Definition items: %6u\n" c.eabbrs; Printf.printf " Total parameter items: %6u\n" pars; Printf.printf " Application items: %6u\n" c.pappls; Printf.printf " Abstraction items: %6u\n" c.pabsts; Printf.printf " Total term items: %6u\n" terms; Printf.printf " Sort items: %6u\n" c.tsorts; Printf.printf " Local reference items: %6u\n" c.tlrefs; Printf.printf " Global reference items: %6u\n" c.tgrefs; Printf.printf " Application items: %6u\n" c.tappls; Printf.printf " Abstraction items: %6u\n" c.tabsts; flush stdout; f () let string_of_sort = function | true -> "Type" | false -> "Prop" let string_of_transparent = function | true -> "=" | false -> "~" let pp_list pp opend sep closed frm l = let rec aux frm = function | [] -> () | [hd] -> pp frm hd | hd :: tl -> F.fprintf frm "%a%s%a" pp hd sep aux tl in if l = [] then () else F.fprintf frm "%s%a%s" opend aux l closed let rec pp_args frm args = pp_list pp_term "(" "," ")" frm args and pp_term frm = function | M.Sort s -> F.fprintf frm "@[*%s@]" (string_of_sort s) | M.LRef (l, i) -> F.fprintf frm "@[%u@@#%u@]" l i | M.GRef (l, uri, ts) -> F.fprintf frm "@[%u@@$%s%a@]" l (U.string_of_uri uri) pp_args ts | M.Appl (v, t) -> F.fprintf frm "@[(%a).%a@]" pp_term v pp_term t | M.Abst (id, w, t) -> F.fprintf frm "@[[%s:%a].%a@]" id pp_term w pp_term t let pp_par frm (id, w) = F.fprintf frm "%s:%a" id pp_term w let pp_pars = pp_list pp_par "[" "," "]" let pp_body frm = function | None -> () | Some (trans, t) -> F.fprintf frm "%s%a" (string_of_transparent trans) pp_term t let pp_entry frm (l, pars, uri, u, body) = F.fprintf frm "@[%u@@%s%a%a:%a@]@\n%!" l (U.string_of_uri uri) pp_pars pars pp_body body pp_term u let pp_item f frm = function | Some entry -> pp_entry frm entry; f () | None -> f ()