(* ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy. ||I|| ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version. \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY. V_______________________________________________________________ *) module F = Filename module P = Printf module U = NUri module C = Cps module L = Log module T = Time module O = Options module H = Hierarchy module Op = Output module Y = Entity module X = Library module AL = AutLexer module AP = AutProcess module AO = AutOutput module DT = CrgTxt module DA = CrgAut module MA = MetaAut module MO = MetaOutput module ML = MetaLibrary module DO = CrgOutput module DBrg = CrgBrg module MBrg = MetaBrg module BrgO = BrgOutput module BrgR = BrgReduction module BrgU = BrgUntrusted module MBag = MetaBag module BagO = BagOutput module BagT = BagType module BagU = BagUntrusted type status = { ast : AP.status; dst : DA.status; mst : MA.status; tst : DT.status; ac : AO.counters; mc : MO.counters; brgc: BrgO.counters; bagc: BagO.counters; kst : Y.status } let flush_all () = L.flush 0; L.flush_err () let bag_error s msg = L.error BagO.specs (L.Warn s :: L.Loc :: msg); flush_all () let brg_error s msg = L.error BrgR.specs (L.Warn s :: L.Loc :: msg); flush_all () let initial_status () = { ac = AO.initial_counters; mc = MO.initial_counters; brgc = BrgO.initial_counters; bagc = BagO.initial_counters; mst = MA.initial_status (); dst = DA.initial_status (); tst = DT.initial_status (); ast = AP.initial_status (); kst = Y.initial_status () } let refresh_status st = {st with mst = MA.refresh_status st.mst; dst = DA.refresh_status st.dst; tst = DT.refresh_status st.tst; kst = Y.refresh_status st.kst } (* kernel related ***********************************************************) type kernel = Brg | Bag type kernel_entity = BrgEntity of Brg.entity | BagEntity of Bag.entity | CrgEntity of Crg.entity | MetaEntity of Meta.entity let kernel = ref Brg let print_counters st = match !kernel with | Brg -> BrgO.print_counters C.start st.brgc | Bag -> BagO.print_counters C.start st.bagc let xlate_entity entity = match !kernel, entity with | Brg, CrgEntity e -> let f e = (BrgEntity e) in Y.xlate f DBrg.brg_of_crg e | Brg, MetaEntity e -> let f e = (BrgEntity e) in Y.xlate f MBrg.brg_of_meta e | Bag, MetaEntity e -> let f e = (BagEntity e) in Y.xlate f MBag.bag_of_meta e | _, entity -> entity let pp_progress e = let f a u = let s = U.string_of_uri u in let err () = L.warn (P.sprintf "%s" s) in let f i = L.warn (P.sprintf "[%u] %s" i s) in Y.mark err f a in match e with | CrgEntity e -> Y.common f e | BrgEntity e -> Y.common f e | BagEntity e -> Y.common f e | MetaEntity e -> Y.common f e let count_entity st = function | MetaEntity e -> {st with mc = MO.count_entity C.start st.mc e} | BrgEntity e -> {st with brgc = BrgO.count_entity C.start st.brgc e} | BagEntity e -> {st with bagc = BagO.count_entity C.start st.bagc e} | _ -> st let export_entity si xdir moch = function | CrgEntity e -> X.export_entity DO.export_term si xdir e | BrgEntity e -> X.export_entity BrgO.export_term si xdir e | MetaEntity e -> begin match moch with | None -> () | Some och -> ML.write_entity C.start och e end | BagEntity _ -> () let type_check st k = let brg_err msg = brg_error "Type Error" msg; failwith "Interrupted" in let ok _ _ = st in match k with | BrgEntity entity -> BrgU.type_check brg_err ok st.kst entity | BagEntity entity -> BagU.type_check ok st.kst entity | CrgEntity _ | MetaEntity _ -> st (* extended lexer ***********************************************************) type 'token lexer = { parse : Lexing.lexbuf -> 'token; mutable tokbuf: 'token option; mutable unget : bool } let initial_lexer parse = { parse = parse; tokbuf = None; unget = false } let token xl lexbuf = match xl.tokbuf with | Some token when xl.unget -> xl.unget <- false; token | _ -> let token = xl.parse lexbuf in xl.tokbuf <- Some token; token (* input related ************************************************************) type input = Text | Automath type input_entity = TxtEntity of Txt.command | AutEntity of Aut.command let type_of_input name = if F.check_suffix name ".hln" then Text else if F.check_suffix name ".aut" then let _ = H.set_sorts 0 ["Set"; "Prop"] in assert (H.set_graph "Z2"); Automath else begin L.warn (P.sprintf "Unknown file type: %s" name); exit 2 end let txt_xl = initial_lexer TxtLexer.token let aut_xl = initial_lexer AutLexer.token let entity_of_input lexbuf = function | Text -> begin match TxtParser.entry (token txt_xl) lexbuf with | Some e, unget -> txt_xl.unget <- unget; Some (TxtEntity e) | None, _ -> None end | Automath -> begin match AutParser.entry (token aut_xl) lexbuf with | Some e, unget -> aut_xl.unget <- unget; Some (AutEntity e) | None, _ -> None end let process_input f st = function | AutEntity e -> let f ast e = f {st with ast = ast} (AutEntity e) in AP.process_command f st.ast e | xe -> f st xe let count_input st = function | AutEntity e -> {st with ac = AO.count_command C.start st.ac e} | xe -> st (****************************************************************************) let stage = ref 3 let moch = ref None let meta = ref false let progress = ref false let preprocess = ref false let root = ref "" let cc = ref false let export = ref "" let old = ref false let st = ref (initial_status ()) let process_2 st entity = let st = if !L.level > 2 then count_entity st entity else st in if !export <> "" then export_entity !O.si !export !moch entity; if !stage > 2 then type_check st entity else st let process_1 st entity = if !progress then pp_progress entity; let st = if !L.level > 2 then count_entity st entity else st in if !export <> "" && !stage = 1 then export_entity !O.si !export !moch entity; if !stage > 1 then process_2 st (xlate_entity entity) else st let process_0 st entity = let f st entity = if !stage = 0 then st else let frr mst = {st with mst = mst} in let h mst e = process_1 {st with mst = mst} (MetaEntity e) in let err dst = {st with dst = dst} in let g dst e = process_1 {st with dst = dst} (CrgEntity e) in let crr tst = {st with tst = tst} in let d tst e = process_1 {st with tst = tst} (CrgEntity e) in match entity, !old with | AutEntity e, true -> MA.meta_of_aut frr h st.mst e | AutEntity e, false -> DA.crg_of_aut err g st.dst e | TxtEntity e, false -> DT.crg_of_txt crr d st.tst e | _ -> assert false in let st = if !L.level > 2 then count_input st entity else st in if !preprocess then process_input f st entity else f st entity let process st name = let input = type_of_input name in let ich = open_in name in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ich in let rec aux st = match entity_of_input lexbuf input with | None -> close_in ich; st, input | Some e -> aux (process_0 st e) in aux st (****************************************************************************) let main = try let version_string = "Helena 0.8.1 M - February 2010" in let print_version () = L.warn (version_string ^ "\n"); exit 0 in let set_hierarchy s = if H.set_graph s then () else L.warn (P.sprintf "Unknown type hierarchy: %s" s) in let set_kernel = function | "brg" -> kernel := Brg | "bag" -> kernel := Bag | s -> L.warn (P.sprintf "Unknown kernel version: %s" s) in let set_summary i = L.level := i in let set_stage i = stage := i in let set_meta_file name = let f och = moch := Some och in ML.open_out f name in let set_xdir s = export := s in let set_root s = root := s in let close = function | None -> () | Some och -> ML.close_out C.start och in let clear_options () = stage := 3; moch := None; meta := false; progress := false; preprocess := false; root := ""; cc := false; export := ""; old := false; kernel := Brg; st := initial_status (); L.clear (); O.clear (); H.clear (); Op.clear_reductions () in let process_file name = if !L.level > 0 then T.gmtime version_string; if !L.level > 1 then L.warn (P.sprintf "Processing file: %s" name); if !L.level > 0 then T.utime_stamp "started"; let base_name = Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename name) in if !meta then set_meta_file base_name; let mk_uri = if !stage < 2 then Crg.mk_uri else match !kernel with | Brg -> Brg.mk_uri | Bag -> Bag.mk_uri in let cover = F.concat !root base_name in O.mk_uri := mk_uri; O.cover := cover; let sst, input = process (refresh_status !st) name in st := sst; if !L.level > 0 then T.utime_stamp "processed"; if !L.level > 2 then begin AO.print_counters C.start !st.ac; if !preprocess then AO.print_process_counters C.start !st.ast; if !stage > 0 then MO.print_counters C.start !st.mc; if !stage > 1 then print_counters !st; if !stage > 2 then Op.print_reductions () end in let exit () = close !moch; if !L.level > 0 then T.utime_stamp "at exit"; flush_all () in let help = "Usage: helena [ -VXcgijmopqu | -Ss | -x | -hkr ]* [ ]*\n\n" ^ "Summary levels: 0 just errors (default), 1 time stamps, 2 processed file names, \ 3 data information, 4 typing information, 5 reduction information\n\n" ^ "Stages: 0 parsing, 1 to intermediate, 2 to untrusted, 3 to trusted (default)\n" in let help_S = " set summary level (see above)" in let help_V = " show version information" in let help_X = " clear options" in let help_c = " output conversion constraints" in let help_g = " always expand global definitions" in let help_h = " set type hierarchy (default: Z1)" in let help_i = " show local references by index" in let help_j = " show URI of processed kernel objects" in let help_k = " set kernel version (default: brg)" in let help_m = " output intermediate representation (HAL)" in let help_o = " use old abstract language instead of crg" in let help_p = " preprocess source" in let help_q = " disable quotation of identifiers" in let help_r = " set initial segment of URI hierarchy" in let help_s = " set translation stage (see above)" in let help_u = " activate sort inclusion" in let help_x = " export kernel entities (XML) to " in L.box 0; L.box_err (); at_exit exit; Arg.parse [ ("-S", Arg.Int set_summary, help_S); ("-V", Arg.Unit print_version, help_V); ("-X", Arg.Unit clear_options, help_X); ("-c", Arg.Set cc, help_c); ("-g", Arg.Set O.expand, help_g); ("-h", Arg.String set_hierarchy, help_h); ("-i", Arg.Set O.indexes, help_i); ("-j", Arg.Set progress, help_j); ("-k", Arg.String set_kernel, help_k); ("-m", Arg.Set meta, help_m); ("-o", Arg.Set old, help_o); ("-p", Arg.Set preprocess, help_p); ("-q", Arg.Set O.unquote, help_q); ("-r", Arg.String set_root, help_r); ("-s", Arg.Int set_stage, help_s); ("-u", Arg.Set O.si, help_u); ("-x", Arg.String set_xdir, help_x) ] process_file help; with BagT.TypeError msg -> bag_error "Type Error" msg