(**************************************************************************) (* ___ *) (* ||M|| *) (* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *) (* ||T|| *) (* ||I|| Developers: *) (* ||T|| The HELM team. *) (* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *) (* \ / *) (* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************) include "CoRN.ma". (* $Id: CLogic.v,v 1.10 2004/04/09 15:58:31 lcf Exp $ *) (*#* printing Not %\ensuremath\neg% #~# *) (*#* printing CNot %\ensuremath\neg% #~# *) (*#* printing Iff %\ensuremath\Leftrightarrow% #⇔# *) (*#* printing CFalse %\ensuremath\bot% #⊥# *) (*#* printing False %\ensuremath\bot% #⊥# *) (*#* printing CTrue %\ensuremath\top% *) (*#* printing True %\ensuremath\top% *) (*#* printing or %\ensuremath{\mathrel\vee}% *) (*#* printing and %\ensuremath{\mathrel\wedge}% *) include "algebra/Basics.ma". (*#* *Extending the Coq Logic Because notions of apartness and order have computational meaning, we will have to define logical connectives in [Type]. In order to keep a syntactic distinction between types of terms, we define [CProp] as an alias for [Type], to be used as type of (computationally meaningful) propositions. Falsehood and negation will typically not be needed in [CProp], as they are used to refer to negative statements, which carry no computational meaning. Therefore, we will simply define a negation operator from [Type] to [Prop] . Conjunction, disjunction and existential quantification will have to come in multiple varieties. For conjunction, we will need four operators of type [s1->s2->s3], where [s3] is [Prop] if both [s1] and [s2] are [Prop] and [CProp] otherwise. We here take advantage of the inclusion of [Prop] in [Type]. Disjunction is slightly different, as it will always return a value in [CProp] even if both arguments are propositions. This is because in general it may be computationally important to know which of the two branches of the disjunction actually holds. Existential quantification will similarly always return a value in [CProp]. - [CProp]-valued conjuction will be denoted as [and]; - [Crop]-valued conjuction will be denoted as [or]; - Existential quantification will be written as [{x:A & B}] or [{x:A | B}], according to whether [B] is respectively of type [CProp] or [Prop]. In a few specific situations we do need truth, false and negation in [CProp], so we will also introduce them; this should be a temporary option. Finally, for other formulae that might occur in our [CProp]-valued propositions, such as [(le m n)], we have to introduce a [CProp]-valued version. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/CProp.con". (* UNEXPORTED Section Basics *) (*#* ** Basics Here we treat conversion from [Prop] to [CProp] and vice versa, and some basic connectives in [CProp]. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Not.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/CAnd.ind". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Iff.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/CFalse.ind". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/CTrue.ind". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/proj1_sigT.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/proj2_sigT.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/sig2T.ind". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/proj1_sig2T.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/proj2a_sig2T.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/proj2b_sig2T.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/toCProp.ind". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/toCProp_e.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/CNot.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Ccontrapos'.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/COr.ind". (*#* Some lemmas to make it possible to use [Step] when reasoning with biimplications.*) (* NOTATION Infix "IFF" := Iff (at level 60, right associativity). *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Iff_left.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Iff_right.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Iff_refl.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Iff_sym.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Iff_trans.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Iff_imp_imp.con". (* UNEXPORTED Declare Right Step Iff_right. *) (* UNEXPORTED Declare Left Step Iff_left. *) (* UNEXPORTED Hint Resolve Iff_trans Iff_sym Iff_refl Iff_right Iff_left Iff_imp_imp : algebra. *) (* UNEXPORTED End Basics *) (* begin hide *) (* NOTATION Infix "or" := COr (at level 85, right associativity). *) (* NOTATION Infix "and" := CAnd (at level 80, right associativity). *) (* end hide *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/not_r_cor_rect.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/not_l_cor_rect.con". (* begin hide *) (* NOTATION Notation "{ x : A | P }" := (sigT (fun x : A => P):CProp) (at level 0, x at level 99) : type_scope. *) (* NOTATION Notation "{ x : A | P | Q }" := (sig2T A (fun x : A => P) (fun x : A => Q)) (at level 0, x at level 99) : type_scope. *) (* end hide *) (* Section test. Variable A:Type. Variables P,Q:A->Prop. Variables X,Y:A->CProp. Check {x:A | (P x)}. Check {x:A |(X x)}. Check {x:A | (X x) | (Y x)}. Check {x:A | (P x) | (Q x)}. Check {x:A | (P x) | (X x)}. Check {x:A | (X x) | (P x)}. End test. *) (* UNEXPORTED Hint Resolve CI CAnd_intro Cinleft Cinright existT exist2T: core. *) (* UNEXPORTED Section Choice *) (* **Choice Let [P] be a predicate on $\NN^2$#N times N#. *) alias id "P" = "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Choice/P.var". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/choice.con". (* UNEXPORTED End Choice *) (* UNEXPORTED Section Logical_Remarks *) (*#* We prove a few logical results which are helpful to have as lemmas when [A], [B] and [C] are non trivial. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/CNot_Not_or.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/CdeMorgan_ex_all.con". (* UNEXPORTED End Logical_Remarks *) (* UNEXPORTED Section CRelation_Definition *) (*#* ** [CProp]-valued Relations Similar to Relations.v in Coq's standard library. %\begin{convention}% Let [A:Type] and [R:Crelation]. %\end{convention}% *) alias id "A" = "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/CRelation_Definition/A.var". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Crelation.con". alias id "R" = "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/CRelation_Definition/R.var". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Creflexive.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Ctransitive.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Csymmetric.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Cequiv.con". (* UNEXPORTED End CRelation_Definition *) (* UNEXPORTED Section TRelation_Definition *) (*#* ** [Prop]-valued Relations Analogous. %\begin{convention}% Let [A:Type] and [R:Trelation]. %\end{convention}% *) alias id "A" = "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/TRelation_Definition/A.var". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Trelation.con". alias id "R" = "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/TRelation_Definition/R.var". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Treflexive.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Ttransitive.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Tsymmetric.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Tequiv.con". (* UNEXPORTED End TRelation_Definition *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/eqs.ind". (* UNEXPORTED Section le_odd *) (*#* ** The relation [le], [lt], [odd] and [even] in [CProp] *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Cle.ind". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Cnat_double_ind.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/my_Cle_ind.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Cle_n_S.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/toCle.con". (* UNEXPORTED Hint Resolve toCle. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Cle_to.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Clt.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/toCProp_lt.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Clt_to.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Cle_le_S_eq.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Cnat_total_order.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Codd.ind". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Codd_even_to.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Codd_to.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Ceven_to.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/to_Codd_even.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/to_Codd.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/to_Ceven.con". (* UNEXPORTED End le_odd *) (* UNEXPORTED Section Misc *) (*#* **Miscellaneous *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/CZ_exh.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Cnats_Z_ind.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Cdiff_Z_ind.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Cpred_succ_Z_ind.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/not_r_sum_rec.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/not_l_sum_rec.con". (* UNEXPORTED End Misc *) (*#* **Results about the natural numbers We now define a class of predicates on a finite subset of natural numbers that will be important throughout all our work. Essentially, these are simply setoid predicates, but for clarity we will never write them in that form but we will single out the preservation of the setoid equality. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/nat_less_n_pred.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/nat_less_n_pred'.con". (* UNEXPORTED Implicit Arguments nat_less_n_pred [n]. *) (* UNEXPORTED Implicit Arguments nat_less_n_pred' [n]. *) (* UNEXPORTED Section Odd_and_Even *) (*#* For our work we will many times need to distinguish cases between even or odd numbers. We begin by proving that this case distinction is decidable. Next, we prove the usual results about sums of even and odd numbers: *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/even_plus_n_n.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/even_or_odd_plus.con". (*#* Finally, we prove that an arbitrary natural number can be written in some canonical way. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/even_or_odd_plus_gt.con". (* UNEXPORTED End Odd_and_Even *) (* UNEXPORTED Hint Resolve even_plus_n_n: arith. *) (* UNEXPORTED Hint Resolve toCle: core. *) (* UNEXPORTED Section Natural_Numbers *) (*#* **Algebraic Properties We now present a series of trivial things proved with [Omega] that are stated as lemmas to make proofs shorter and to aid in auxiliary definitions. Giving a name to these results allows us to use them in definitions keeping conciseness. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Clt_le_weak.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/lt_5.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/lt_8.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/pred_lt.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/lt_10.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/lt_pred'.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/le_1.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/le_2.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/plus_eq_one_imp_eq_zero.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/not_not_lt.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/plus_pred_pred_plus.con". (*#* We now prove some properties of functions on the natural numbers. %\begin{convention}% Let [H:nat->nat]. %\end{convention}% *) alias id "h" = "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Natural_Numbers/h.var". (*#* First we characterize monotonicity by a local condition: if [h(n) < h(n+1)] for every natural number [n] then [h] is monotonous. An analogous result holds for weak monotonicity. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/nat_local_mon_imp_mon.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/nat_local_mon_imp_mon_le.con". (*#* A strictly increasing function is injective: *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/nat_mon_imp_inj.con". (*#* And (not completely trivial) a function that preserves [lt] also preserves [le]. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/nat_mon_imp_mon'.con". (*#* The last lemmas in this section state that a monotonous function in the natural numbers completely covers the natural numbers, that is, for every natural number [n] there is an [i] such that [h(i) <= n<(n+1) <= h(i+1)]. These are useful for integration. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/mon_fun_covers.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/weird_mon_covers.con". (* UNEXPORTED End Natural_Numbers *) (*#* Useful for the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/kseq_prop.con". (* UNEXPORTED Section Predicates_to_CProp *) (*#* **Logical Properties This section contains lemmas that aid in logical reasoning with natural numbers. First, we present some principles of induction, both for [CProp]- and [Prop]-valued predicates. We begin by presenting the results for [CProp]-valued predicates: *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/even_induction.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/odd_induction.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/four_induction.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/nat_complete_double_induction.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/odd_double_ind.con". (*#* For subsetoid predicates in the natural numbers we can eliminate disjunction (and existential quantification) as follows. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/finite_or_elim.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/str_finite_or_elim.con". (* UNEXPORTED End Predicates_to_CProp *) (* UNEXPORTED Section Predicates_to_Prop *) (*#* Finally, analogous results for [Prop]-valued predicates are presented for completeness's sake. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/even_ind.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/odd_ind.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/nat_complete_double_ind.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/four_ind.con". (* UNEXPORTED End Predicates_to_Prop *) (*#* **Integers Similar results for integers. *) (* begin hide *) (* UNEXPORTED Tactic Notation "ElimCompare" constr(c) constr(d) := elim_compare c d. *) (* end hide *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Zlts.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/toCProp_Zlt.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/CZlt_to.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Zsgn_1.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Zsgn_2.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Zsgn_3.con". (*#* The following have unusual names, in line with the series of lemmata in fast_integers.v. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/ZL4'.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/ZL9.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Zsgn_4.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Zsgn_5.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/nat_nat_pos.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/S_predn.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/absolu_1.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/absolu_2.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Zgt_mult_conv_absorb_l.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Zgt_mult_reg_absorb_l.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/algebra/CLogic/Zmult_Sm_Sn.con". (* NOTATION Notation ProjT1 := (proj1_sigT _ _). *) (* NOTATION Notation ProjT2 := (proj2_sigT _ _). *)