(**************************************************************************) (* ___ *) (* ||M|| *) (* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *) (* ||T|| *) (* ||I|| Developers: *) (* ||T|| The HELM team. *) (* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *) (* \ / *) (* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************) include "CoRN.ma". (* $Id: Intervals.v,v 1.10 2004/04/23 10:01:04 lcf Exp $ *) include "algebra/CSetoidInc.ma". include "reals/RealLists.ma". (* UNEXPORTED Section Intervals *) (*#* * Intervals In this section we define (compact) intervals of the real line and some useful functions to work with them. ** Definitions We start by defining the compact interval [[a,b]] as being the set of points less or equal than [b] and greater or equal than [a]. We require [a [<=] b], as we want to work only in nonempty intervals. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact.con". (*#* %\begin{convention}% Let [a,b : IR] and [Hab : a [<=] b]. %\end{convention}% As expected, both [a] and [b] are members of [[a,b]]. Also they are members of the interval [[Min(a,b),Max(a,b)]]. *) alias id "a" = "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/Intervals/a.var". alias id "b" = "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/Intervals/b.var". alias id "Hab" = "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/Intervals/Hab.var". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_inc_lft.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_inc_rht.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_Min_lft.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_Min_rht.con". (*#* As we will be interested in taking functions with domain in a compact interval, we want this predicate to be well defined. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_wd.con". (*#* Also, it will sometimes be necessary to rewrite the endpoints of an interval. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_wd'.con". (*#* As we identify subsets with predicates, inclusion is simply implication. *) (*#* Finally, we define a restriction operator that takes a function [F] and a well defined predicate [P] included in the domain of [F] and returns the restriction $F|_P$# of F to P#. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/Frestr.con". (* UNEXPORTED End Intervals *) (* NOTATION Notation Compact := (compact _ _). *) (* UNEXPORTED Implicit Arguments Frestr [F P]. *) (* NOTATION Notation FRestr := (Frestr (compact_wd _ _ _)). *) (* UNEXPORTED Section More_Intervals *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/included_refl'.con". (*#* We prove some inclusions of compact intervals. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_map1.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_map2.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_map3.con". (* UNEXPORTED End More_Intervals *) (* UNEXPORTED Hint Resolve included_refl' compact_map1 compact_map2 compact_map3 : included. *) (* UNEXPORTED Section Totally_Bounded *) (*#* ** Totally Bounded Totally bounded sets will play an important role in what is to come. The definition (equivalent to the classical one) states that [P] is totally bounded iff %\[\forall_{\varepsilon>0}\exists_{x_1,\ldots,x_n}\forall_{y\in P} \exists_{1\leq i\leq n}|y-x_i|<\varepsilon\]%#∀e>0 ∃x1,...,xn∀y∈P∃ 1≤i≤n.|y-xi|<e#. Notice the use of lists for quantification. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/totally_bounded.con". (*#* This definition is classically, but not constructively, equivalent to the definition of compact (if completeness is assumed); the next result, classically equivalent to the Heine-Borel theorem, justifies that we take the definition of totally bounded to be the relevant one and that we defined compacts as we did. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_is_totally_bounded.con". (*#* Suprema and infima will be needed throughout; we define them here both for arbitrary subsets of [IR] and for images of functions. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/set_glb_IR.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/set_lub_IR.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/fun_image.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/fun_glb_IR.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/fun_lub_IR.con". (* begin hide *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/Totally_Bounded/aux_seq_lub.con" "Totally_Bounded__". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/Totally_Bounded/aux_seq_lub_prop.con" "Totally_Bounded__". (* end hide *) (*#* The following are probably the most important results in this section. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/totally_bounded_has_lub.con". (* begin hide *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/Totally_Bounded/aux_seq_glb.con" "Totally_Bounded__". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/Totally_Bounded/aux_seq_glb_prop.con" "Totally_Bounded__". (* end hide *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/totally_bounded_has_glb.con". (* UNEXPORTED End Totally_Bounded *) (* UNEXPORTED Section Compact *) (*#* ** Compact sets In this section we dwell a bit farther into the definition of compactness and explore some of its properties. The following characterization of inclusion can be very useful: *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/included_compact.con". (*#* At several points in our future development of a theory we will need to partition a compact interval in subintervals of length smaller than some predefined value [eps]. Although this seems a consequence of every compact interval being totally bounded, it is in fact a stronger property. In this section we perform that construction (requiring the endpoints of the interval to be distinct) and prove some of its good properties. %\begin{convention}% Let [a,b : IR], [Hab : (a [<=] b)] and denote by [I] the compact interval [[a,b]]. Also assume that [a [<] b], and let [e] be a positive real number. %\end{convention}% *) alias id "a" = "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/Compact/a.var". alias id "b" = "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/Compact/b.var". alias id "Hab" = "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/Compact/Hab.var". (* begin hide *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/Compact/I.con" "Compact__". (* end hide *) alias id "Hab'" = "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/Compact/Hab'.var". alias id "e" = "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/Compact/e.var". alias id "He" = "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/Compact/He.var". (*#* We start by finding a natural number [n] such that [(b[-]a) [/] n [<] e]. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_nat.con". (*#* Obviously such an [n] must be greater than zero.*) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/pos_compact_nat.con". (*#* We now define a sequence on [n] points in [[a,b]] by [x_i [=] Min(a,b) [+]i[*] (b[-]a) [/]n] and prove that all of its points are really in that interval. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_part.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_part_hyp.con". (*#* This sequence is strictly increasing and each two consecutive points are apart by less than [e].*) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_less.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_leEq.con". (*#* When we proceed to integration, this lemma will also be useful: *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_partition_lemma.con". (*#* The next lemma provides an upper bound for the distance between two points in an interval: *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_elements.con". (* UNEXPORTED Opaque Min Max. *) (*#* The following is a variation on the previous lemma: *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_elements'.con". (*#* The following lemma is a bit more specific: it shows that we can also estimate the distance from the center of a compact interval to any of its points. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/compact_bnd_AbsIR.con". (*#* Finally, two more useful lemmas to prove inclusion of compact intervals. They will be necessary for the definition and proof of the elementary properties of the integral. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/included2_compact.con". inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/Intervals/included3_compact.con". (* UNEXPORTED End Compact *) (* UNEXPORTED Hint Resolve included_compact included2_compact included3_compact : included. *)