(**************************************************************************) (* ___ *) (* ||M|| *) (* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *) (* ||T|| *) (* ||I|| Developers: *) (* ||T|| The HELM team. *) (* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *) (* \ / *) (* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************) include "CoRN.ma". (* $Id: RealFuncts.v,v 1.4 2004/04/07 15:08:10 lcf Exp $ *) include "reals/CReals1.ma". (*#* * Continuity of Functions on Reals *) (* begin hide *) (* UNEXPORTED Set Implicit Arguments. *) (* UNEXPORTED Unset Strict Implicit. *) (* end hide *) (* UNEXPORTED Section Continuity *) alias id "f" = "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/Continuity/f.var". alias id "f2" = "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/Continuity/f2.var". (*#* Let [f] be a unary setoid operation on [IR] and let [f2] be a binary setoid operation on [IR]. We use the following notations for intervals. [Intclr a b] for the closed interval [[a,b]], [Intolr a b] for the open interval [(a,b)], [Intcl a] for the left-closed interval $[a,\infty)$#[a,∞)#, [Intol a] for the left-open interval $(a,\infty)$#(a,∞)#, [Intcr b] for the right-closed interval $(-\infty,b]$#(-∞,b]#. Intervals like $[a,b]$#[a,b]# are defined for arbitrary reals [a,b] (being $\emptyset$#∅# for [a [>] b]). *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/Intclr.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/Intolr.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/Intol.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/Intcl.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/Intcr.con" as definition. (*#* The limit of [f(x)] as [x] goes to [p = l], for both unary and binary functions: The limit of [f] in [p] is [l] if [[ forall e [>] Zero, exists d [>] Zero, forall (x : IR) ( [--]d [<] p[-]x [<] d) -> ( [--]e [<] [--]f(x) [<] e) ]] *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/funLim.con" as definition. (*#* The definition of limit of [f] in [p] using Cauchy sequences. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/funLim_Cauchy.con" as definition. (*#* The first definition implies the second one. *) (* Ax_iom funLim_prop1 :(p,l:IR)(funLim p l)->(funLim_Cauchy p l). Intros. Unfold funLim_Cauchy. Unfold funLim in H. Intros. Elim (H e H1). Intros. Elim s. Intros s_seq s_proof. Decompose [and] H2. Cut (Zero [<] x[/]TwoNZ). Intro Hx2. Elim (s_proof (x[/]TwoNZ) Hx2). Intros N HN. Exists N. Intros. Apply AbsSmall_minus. Apply H5. Generalize (HN m H3). Intro HmN. *) (*#* The limit of [f] in [(p,p')] is [l] if [[ forall e [>] Zero, exists d [>] Zero, forall (x : IR) ( [--]d [<] p[-]x [<] d) -> ( [--]d' [<] p'[-]y [<] d') -> ( [--]e [<] l[-]f(x,y) [<] e ]] *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/funLim2.con" as definition. (*#* The function [f] is continuous at [p] if the limit of [f(x)] as [x] goes to [p] is [f(p)]. This is the [eps [/] delta] definition. We also give the definition with limits of Cauchy sequences. *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/continAt.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/continAtCauchy.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/continAt2.con" as definition. (* Ax_iom continAt_prop1 :(p:IR)(continAt p)->(continAtCauchy p). *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/contin.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/continCauchy.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/contin2.con" as definition. (*#* Continuous on a closed, resp.%\% open, resp.%\% left open, resp.%\% left closed interval *) inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/continOnc.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/continOno.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/continOnol.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/CoRN/reals/RealFuncts/continOncl.con" as definition. (* Section Sequence_and_function_limits. _** If $\lim_{x->p} (f x) = l$, then for every sequence $p_n$ whose limit is $p$, $\lim_{n->\infty} f (p_n) =l$. *_ Lemma funLim_SeqLimit: (p,l:IR)(fl:(funLim p l)) (pn:nat->IR)(sl:(SeqLimit pn p)) (SeqLimit ( [n:nat] (f (pn n))) l). Proof. Intros; Unfold seqLimit. Intros eps epos. Elim (fl ? epos); Intros del dh; Elim dh; Intros H0 H1. Elim (sl ? H0); Intros N Nh. Exists N. Intros m leNm. Apply AbsSmall_minus. Apply H1. Apply AbsSmall_minus. Apply (Nh ? leNm). Qed. _**** Is the converse constructively provable? ** Lemma SeqLimit_funLim: (p,l:IR)((pn:nat->IR)(sl:(SeqLimit pn p)) (SeqLimit ( [n:nat] (f (pn n))) l))-> (funLim p l). ****_ _** Now the same Lemma in terms of Cauchy sequences: if $\lim_{x->p} (f x) = l$, then for every Cauchy sequence $s_n$ whose limit is $p$, $\lim_{n->\infty} f (s_n) =l$. *_ Ax_iom funLim_isCauchy: (p,l:IR)(funLim p l)->(s:CauchySeqR)((Lim s) [=] p)-> (e:IR)(Zero [<] e)->(Ex [N:nat] (m:nat)(le N m) ->(AbsSmall e ((s m) [-] (s N)))). End Sequence_and_function_limits. Section Monotonic_functions. Definition str_monot := (x,y:IR)(x [<] y)->((f x) [<] (f y)). Definition str_monotOnc := [a,b:IR] (x,y:IR)(Intclr a b x)->(Intclr a b y) ->(x [<] y)->((f x) [<] (f y)). Definition str_monotOncl := [a:IR] (x,y:IR)(Intcl a x)->(Intcl a y) ->(x [<] y)->((f x) [<] (f y)). Definition str_monotOnol := [a:IR] (x,y:IR)(Intol a x)->(Intol a y) ->(x [<] y)->((f x) [<] (f y)). _** Following probably not needed for the FTA proof; it stated that strong monotonicity on a closed interval implies that the intermediate value theorem holds on this interval. For FTA we need IVT on $[0,\infty>$. *_ Ax_iom strmonc_imp_ivt :(a,b:IR)(str_monotOnc a b) ->(x,y:IR)(x [<] y)->(Intclr a b x)->(Intclr a b y) ->((f x) [<] Zero)->(Zero [<] (f y)) ->(EX z:IR | (Intclr x y z)/\((f z) [=] Zero)). _** $\forall c\in\RR (f\mbox{ strongly monotonic on }[c,\infty>) \rightarrow \forall a,b\in\RR(c (a,b:IR)(Intcl c a)->(Intcl c b)->((f a) [<] Zero)->(Zero [<] (f b)) ->(x,y:IR)(Intclr a b x)->(Intclr a b y)->(x [<] y) ->(EX z:IR | (Intclr x y z)/\((f z) [#] Zero)). _** The following is lemma 5.8 from the skeleton $\forall c\in\RR (f\mbox{ strongly monotonic on }[c,\infty>) \rightarrow \forall a,b\in\RR(a(a,b:IR)(a [<] b)->(Intcl c a)->(Intcl c b) ->((f a) [<] Zero)->(Zero [<] (f b)) ->(EX z:IR | (Intclr a b z)/\ ((f z) [=] Zero)). End Monotonic_functions. *) (* UNEXPORTED End Continuity *) (* begin hide *) (* UNEXPORTED Set Strict Implicit. *) (* UNEXPORTED Unset Implicit Arguments. *) (* end hide *)