(* operator *) type op = I | C | M let string_of_op = function I -> "i" | C -> "c" | M -> "-" (* compound operator *) type compound_operator = op list let string_of_cop op = if op = [] then "id" else String.concat "" (List.map string_of_op op) let dot_of_cop op = "\"" ^ string_of_cop op ^ "\"" let rec matita_of_cop v = function | [] -> v | I::tl -> "i (" ^ matita_of_cop v tl ^ ")" | C::tl -> "c (" ^ matita_of_cop v tl ^ ")" | M::tl -> "m (" ^ matita_of_cop v tl ^ ")" (* representative, other elements in the equivalence class, leq classes, geq classes *) type equivalence_class = compound_operator * compound_operator list * equivalence_class list ref * equivalence_class list ref let string_of_equivalence_class (repr,others,leq,_) = String.concat " = " (List.map string_of_cop (repr::others)) ^ (if !leq <> [] then "\n" ^ String.concat "\n" (List.map (function (repr',_,_,_) -> string_of_cop repr ^ " <= " ^ string_of_cop repr') !leq) else "") let dot_of_equivalence_class (repr,others,leq,_) = (if others <> [] then let eq = String.concat " = " (List.map string_of_cop (repr::others)) in dot_of_cop repr ^ "[label=\"" ^ eq ^ "\"];" ^ if !leq = [] then "" else "\n" else if !leq = [] then dot_of_cop repr ^ ";" else "") ^ String.concat "\n" (List.map (function (repr',_,_,_) -> dot_of_cop repr' ^ " -> " ^ dot_of_cop repr ^ ";") !leq) (* set of equivalence classes *) type set = equivalence_class list let string_of_set s = String.concat "\n" (List.map string_of_equivalence_class s) let ps_of_set ?processing s = let ch = open_out "xxx.dot" in output_string ch "digraph G {\n"; output_string ch (String.concat "\n" (List.map dot_of_equivalence_class s)); output_string ch "\n"; (match processing with None -> () | Some (repr,rel,repr') -> output_string ch (dot_of_cop repr' ^ " -> " ^ dot_of_cop repr ^ " [" ^ (if rel="=" then "arrowhead=none " else "") ^ "style=dashed];\n")); output_string ch "}\n"; close_out ch; ignore (Unix.system "dot -Tps xxx.dot > xxx.ps") let test set rel candidate repr = ps_of_set ~processing:(candidate,rel,repr) set; print_string (string_of_cop candidate ^ " " ^ rel ^ " " ^ string_of_cop repr ^ "? "); flush stdout; assert (Unix.system "cp formal_topology.ma xxx.ma" = Unix.WEXITED 0); let ch = open_out_gen [Open_append] 0 "xxx.ma" in let i = ref 0 in List.iter (function (repr,others,leq,_) -> List.iter (function repr' -> incr i; output_string ch ("axiom ax" ^ string_of_int !i ^ ": \\forall A." ^ matita_of_cop "A" repr ^ " = " ^ matita_of_cop "A" repr' ^ ".\n"); ) others; List.iter (function (repr',_,_,_) -> incr i; output_string ch ("axiom ax" ^ string_of_int !i ^ ": \\forall A." ^ matita_of_cop "A" repr ^ " ⊆ " ^ matita_of_cop "A" repr' ^ ".\n"); ) !leq; ) set; output_string ch ("theorem foo: \\forall A." ^ matita_of_cop "A" candidate ^ " " ^ rel ^ " " ^ matita_of_cop "A" repr ^ ". intros; auto size=6 depth=4. qed.\n"); close_out ch; let res = Unix.system "../../../matitac.opt xxx.ma >> log 2>&1" = Unix.WEXITED 0 in print_endline (if res then "y" else "n"); res let normalize candidate set = let rec aux = function [] -> raise Not_found | (repr,others,leq,geq) as eqclass :: tl -> if test set "=" candidate repr then (repr,others@[candidate],leq,geq)::tl else eqclass::(aux tl) in aux set ;; let locate ((repr,_,leq,geq) as node) set = let rec aux = function [] -> () | (repr',_,leq',geq') as node' :: tl -> if repr = repr' then () else if test set "⊆" repr repr' then begin leq := node' :: !leq; geq' := node :: !geq' end else if test set "⊆" repr' repr then begin geq := node' :: !geq; leq' := node :: !leq' end ; aux tl in aux set ;; let analyze_one repr hecandidate (news,set) = let candidate = hecandidate::repr in if List.length (List.filter ((=) M) candidate) > 1 then news,set else try let set = normalize candidate set in news,set with Not_found -> let leq = ref [] in let geq = ref [] in let node = candidate,[],leq,geq in let set = node::set in locate node set; candidate::news,set ;; let rec explore i set news = let rec aux news set = function [] -> news,set | repr::tl -> let news,set = List.fold_right (analyze_one repr) [I;C;M] (news,set) in aux news set tl in let news,set = aux [] set news in if news = [] then begin print_endline ("PUNTO FISSO RAGGIUNTO! i=" ^ string_of_int i); print_endline (string_of_set set ^ "\n----------------"); ps_of_set set end else begin print_endline ("NUOVA ITERAZIONE, i=" ^ string_of_int i); print_endline (string_of_set set ^ "\n----------------"); explore (i+1) set news end in let id = [] in let set = [id,[],ref [], ref []] in print_endline ("PRIMA ITERAZIONE, i=0, j=0"); print_endline (string_of_set set ^ "\n----------------"); ignore (Unix.system "rm -f log"); ps_of_set set; explore 1 set [id] ;;