(**************************************************************************) (* ___ *) (* ||M|| *) (* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *) (* ||T|| *) (* ||I|| Developers: *) (* ||T|| The HELM team. *) (* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *) (* \ / *) (* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************) include "Coq.ma". (*#**********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (function a -> error) |(S m) -> (function a -> (F a (function y -> indrec y m)));; ]] the ML-like program for [induction_ltof2] is : [[ let induction_ltof2 F a = indrec a where rec indrec a = F a indrec;; ]] *) inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/induction_ltof1.con" as theorem. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/induction_gtof1.con" as theorem. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/induction_ltof2.con" as theorem. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/induction_gtof2.con" as theorem. (*#* If a relation [R] is compatible with [lt] i.e. if [x R y => f(x) < f(y)] then [R] is well-founded. *) (* UNEXPORTED cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/Well_founded_Nat/R.var *) (* UNEXPORTED cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/Well_founded_Nat/H_compat.var *) inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/well_founded_lt_compat.con" as theorem. (* UNEXPORTED End Well_founded_Nat *) inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/lt_wf.con" as lemma. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/lt_wf_rec1.con" as lemma. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/lt_wf_rec.con" as lemma. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/lt_wf_ind.con" as lemma. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/gt_wf_rec.con" as lemma. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/gt_wf_ind.con" as lemma. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/lt_wf_double_rec.con" as lemma. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/lt_wf_double_ind.con" as lemma. (* UNEXPORTED Hint Resolve lt_wf: arith. *) (* UNEXPORTED Hint Resolve well_founded_lt_compat: arith. *) (* UNEXPORTED Section LT_WF_REL *) (* UNEXPORTED cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/LT_WF_REL/A.var *) (* UNEXPORTED cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/LT_WF_REL/R.var *) (* Relational form of inversion *) (* UNEXPORTED cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/LT_WF_REL/F.var *) inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/inv_lt_rel.con" as definition. (* UNEXPORTED cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/LT_WF_REL/F_compat.var *) inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/acc_lt_rel.con" as remark. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/well_founded_inv_lt_rel_compat.con" as theorem. (* UNEXPORTED End LT_WF_REL *) inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Arith/Wf_nat/well_founded_inv_rel_inv_lt_rel.con" as lemma.