(**************************************************************************) (* ___ *) (* ||M|| *) (* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *) (* ||T|| *) (* ||I|| Developers: *) (* ||T|| The HELM team. *) (* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *) (* \ / *) (* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************) include "Coq.ma". (*#***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* | in Lego adapted to Coq by B. Barras Credit: Proofs up to [K_dec] follows an outline by Michael Hedberg *) (*#* We need some dependent elimination schemes *) (* UNEXPORTED Set Implicit Arguments. *) (*#* Bijection between [eq] and [eqT] *) inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/eq2eqT.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/eqT2eq.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/eq_eqT_bij.con" as lemma. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/eqT_eq_bij.con" as lemma. (* UNEXPORTED Section DecidableEqDep *) (* UNEXPORTED cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/DecidableEqDep/A.var *) (* UNAVAILABLE OBJECT: cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/DecidableEqDep/comp.con ***) inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/DecidableEqDep/comp.con" "DecidableEqDep__" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/trans_sym_eqT.con" as remark. (* UNEXPORTED cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/DecidableEqDep/eq_dec.var *) (* UNEXPORTED cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/DecidableEqDep/x.var *) (* UNAVAILABLE OBJECT: cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/DecidableEqDep/nu.con *****) inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/DecidableEqDep/nu.con" "DecidableEqDep__" as definition. (* UNAVAILABLE OBJECT: cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/DecidableEqDep/nu_constant.con *) inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/DecidableEqDep/nu_constant.con" "DecidableEqDep__" as definition. (* UNAVAILABLE OBJECT: cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/DecidableEqDep/nu_inv.con *) inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/DecidableEqDep/nu_inv.con" "DecidableEqDep__" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/nu_left_inv.con" as remark. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/eq_proofs_unicity.con" as theorem. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/K_dec.con" as theorem. (*#* The corollary *) (* UNAVAILABLE OBJECT: cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/DecidableEqDep/proj.con ***) inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/DecidableEqDep/proj.con" "DecidableEqDep__" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/inj_right_pair.con" as theorem. (* UNEXPORTED End DecidableEqDep *) (*#* We deduce the [K] axiom for (decidable) Set *) inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Eqdep_dec/K_dec_set.con" as theorem.