(**************************************************************************) (* ___ *) (* ||M|| *) (* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *) (* ||T|| *) (* ||I|| Developers: *) (* ||T|| The HELM team. *) (* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *) (* \ / *) (* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************) include "Coq.ma". (*#***************************************************************************) (* The Calculus of Inductive Constructions *) (* *) (* Projet LogiCal *) (* *) (* INRIA LRI-CNRS *) (* Rocquencourt Orsay *) (* *) (* May 29th 2002 *) (* *) (*#***************************************************************************) (* Hurkens.v *) (*#***************************************************************************) (*#* This is Hurkens paradox [Hurkens] in system U-, adapted by Herman Geuvers [Geuvers] to show the inconsistency in the pure calculus of constructions of a retract from Prop into a small type. References: - [Hurkens] A. J. Hurkens, "A simplification of Girard's paradox", Proceedings of the 2nd international conference Typed Lambda-Calculi and Applications (TLCA'95), 1995. - [Geuvers] "Inconsistency of Classical Logic in Type Theory", 2001 (see www.cs.kun.nl/~herman/note.ps.gz). *) (* UNEXPORTED Section Paradox *) (* UNEXPORTED cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/Paradox/bool.var *) (* UNEXPORTED cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/Paradox/p2b.var *) (* UNEXPORTED cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/Paradox/b2p.var *) (* UNEXPORTED cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/Paradox/p2p1.var *) (* UNEXPORTED cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/Paradox/p2p2.var *) (* UNEXPORTED cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/Paradox/B.var *) inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/V.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/U.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/sb.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/le.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/induct.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/WF.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/I.con" as definition. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/Omega.con" as lemma. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/lemma1.con" as lemma. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/lemma2.con" as lemma. inline procedural "cic:/Coq/Logic/Hurkens/paradox.con" as theorem. (* UNEXPORTED End Paradox *)