0.5.v - dd/mm/yyy - bugfix release * New macro eval * More code in the direction of a fully functional matita status, that improved undo reliability in the parser/notation modules * matitac was seldom compiling up-to-date files, fixed * Memory consumption durin proof construction cut down using Lazy.t proof terms * mstyle support in notation for text color, font size * AutoGui now scales fonts to the correct user-requested size * Non linear pattern matching from the level of terms to the one of content in interpretation command (if the same variable name is used, the two captured terms must be alpha equivalent to match) 0.5.3 - 23/7/2008 - bugfix release * many fixes concerning the CProp hiearchy * coercion database simplified * coercion hiding now works properly for coercions to funclass * triangular pullback works better with coercions to the function space * notation for lists fixed to add a break point after the separator * notation for the existential is now user definable * \infrule layout added, allows to display readable fractions * better window for terms grammar and TeX/Unicode * fixed a bug in the positivity check not considering some subterms * fixed some GUI glitches thanks to glade-3 0.5.2 - 2/7/2008 - better-usability-for-the-working-constructivist release * refinement of match fixed to prevent useless unfolding, head_beta_reduce is used instead of whd ~delta:true * CProp hierarchy, interleaved with type (used to be a single universe) * Notation now allows to set the precedence level of subterms, avoiding unnecessary parenthese * UTF-8 / TeX conversion table is now available in the Help menu * Notation subsystem described in the manual * EBNF term grammar is now available in the View menu (and is in sync with the currently loaded notation) * Rewrite tactic (in hypothesis) now computes the right sort and uses the right equality elimination principle * URI free interpretation and coercion statements (scripts are almost relocatable now) * elim and cases tactic now support a pattern to specify hypotheses that are generalized before the elimination. 0.5.1 - 29/5/2008 - minor bug fix release * visualization of inductive types reports the number of fixed parameters * a wrong context was used to refine fixpoints arguments when trying to optimize out the letin (grep for `AvoidLetIn): (let rec f x = Fix... in f t ---> Fix... t) * auto fixed to prefer goals with metavariables to closed ones, added new syntax to specify the universe "auto by t1, t2, ...", updated documentation describing all auto parameters * declarative language syntax and documentation ported to the new auto parameters 0.5.0 - 9/5/2008 - bugfix release * first release not considered experimental 0.4.98 - ??/11/2007 - bugfix release * compiles against camlp5 >= 5.0 * changed lablgtksourceview module name since it is now part of lablgtk2 0.4.97 - 16/11/2007 - initial release