(* Copyright (C) 2004-2005, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ *) (* $Id$ *) open Printf open MatitaGeneratedGui open MatitaGtkMisc open MatitaMisc exception Found of int let gui_instance = ref None class type browserWin = (* this class exists only because GEdit.combo_box_entry is not supported by * lablgladecc :-(((( *) object inherit MatitaGeneratedGui.browserWin method browserUri: GEdit.combo_box_entry end class console ~(buffer: GText.buffer) () = object (self) val error_tag = buffer#create_tag [ `FOREGROUND "red" ] val warning_tag = buffer#create_tag [ `FOREGROUND "orange" ] val message_tag = buffer#create_tag [] val debug_tag = buffer#create_tag [ `FOREGROUND "#888888" ] method message s = buffer#insert ~iter:buffer#end_iter ~tags:[message_tag] s method error s = buffer#insert ~iter:buffer#end_iter ~tags:[error_tag] s method warning s = buffer#insert ~iter:buffer#end_iter ~tags:[warning_tag] s method debug s = buffer#insert ~iter:buffer#end_iter ~tags:[debug_tag] s method clear () = buffer#delete ~start:buffer#start_iter ~stop:buffer#end_iter method log_callback (tag: HLog.log_tag) s = match tag with | `Debug -> self#debug (s ^ "\n") | `Error -> self#error (s ^ "\n") | `Message -> self#message (s ^ "\n") | `Warning -> self#warning (s ^ "\n") end let clean_current_baseuri grafite_status = try let baseuri = GrafiteTypes.get_string_option grafite_status "baseuri" in LibraryClean.clean_baseuris [baseuri] with GrafiteTypes.Option_error _ -> () let ask_and_save_moo_if_needed parent fname lexicon_status grafite_status = let baseuri = try Some (GrafiteTypes.get_string_option grafite_status "baseuri") with GrafiteTypes.Option_error _ -> None in if (MatitaScript.current ())#eos && grafite_status.GrafiteTypes.proof_status = GrafiteTypes.No_proof && baseuri <> None then begin let baseuri = match baseuri with Some b -> b | None -> assert false in let moo_fname = LibraryMisc.obj_file_of_baseuri ~must_exist:false ~baseuri ~writable:true in let save () = let lexicon_fname = LibraryMisc.lexicon_file_of_baseuri ~must_exist:false ~baseuri ~writable:true in GrafiteMarshal.save_moo moo_fname grafite_status.GrafiteTypes.moo_content_rev; LexiconMarshal.save_lexicon lexicon_fname lexicon_status.LexiconEngine.lexicon_content_rev in begin let rc = MatitaGtkMisc.ask_confirmation ~title:"A .moo can be generated" ~message:(Printf.sprintf "%s can be generated for %s.\nShould I generate it?" (Filename.basename moo_fname) (Filename.basename fname)) ~parent () in let b = match rc with | `YES -> true | `NO -> false | `CANCEL -> raise MatitaTypes.Cancel in if b then save () else clean_current_baseuri grafite_status end end else clean_current_baseuri grafite_status let ask_unsaved parent = MatitaGtkMisc.ask_confirmation ~parent ~title:"Unsaved work!" ~message:("Your work is unsaved!\n\n"^ "Do you want to save the script before continuing?") () class interpErrorModel = let cols = new GTree.column_list in let id_col = cols#add Gobject.Data.string in let dsc_col = cols#add Gobject.Data.string in let interp_no_col = cols#add Gobject.Data.caml in let tree_store = GTree.tree_store cols in let id_renderer = GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["text", id_col] in let dsc_renderer = GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["text", dsc_col] in let id_view_col = GTree.view_column ~renderer:id_renderer () in let dsc_view_col = GTree.view_column ~renderer:dsc_renderer () in fun (tree_view: GTree.view) choices -> object initializer tree_view#set_model (Some (tree_store :> GTree.model)); ignore (tree_view#append_column id_view_col); ignore (tree_view#append_column dsc_view_col); tree_store#clear (); let idx1 = ref ~-1 in List.iter (fun _,lll -> incr idx1; let loc_row = if List.length choices = 1 then None else (let loc_row = tree_store#append () in begin match lll with [passes,envs_and_diffs,_,_] -> tree_store#set ~row:loc_row ~column:id_col ("Error location " ^ string_of_int (!idx1+1) ^ ", error message " ^ string_of_int (!idx1+1) ^ ".1" ^ " (in passes " ^ String.concat " " (List.map string_of_int passes) ^ ")"); tree_store#set ~row:loc_row ~column:interp_no_col (!idx1,Some 0,None); | _ -> tree_store#set ~row:loc_row ~column:id_col ("Error location " ^ string_of_int (!idx1+1)); tree_store#set ~row:loc_row ~column:interp_no_col (!idx1,None,None); end ; Some loc_row) in let idx2 = ref ~-1 in List.iter (fun passes,envs_and_diffs,_,_ -> incr idx2; let msg_row = if List.length lll = 1 then loc_row else let msg_row = tree_store#append ?parent:loc_row () in (tree_store#set ~row:msg_row ~column:id_col ("Error message " ^ string_of_int (!idx1+1) ^ "." ^ string_of_int (!idx2+1) ^ " (in passes " ^ String.concat " " (List.map string_of_int passes) ^ ")"); tree_store#set ~row:msg_row ~column:interp_no_col (!idx1,Some !idx2,None); Some msg_row) in let idx3 = ref ~-1 in List.iter (fun (passes,env,_) -> incr idx3; let interp_row = match envs_and_diffs with _::_::_ -> let interp_row = tree_store#append ?parent:msg_row () in tree_store#set ~row:interp_row ~column:id_col ("Interpretation " ^ string_of_int (!idx3+1) ^ " (in passes " ^ String.concat " " (List.map string_of_int passes) ^ ")"); tree_store#set ~row:interp_row ~column:interp_no_col (!idx1,Some !idx2,Some !idx3); Some interp_row | [_] -> msg_row | [] -> assert false in List.iter (fun (_, id, dsc) -> let row = tree_store#append ?parent:interp_row () in tree_store#set ~row ~column:id_col id; tree_store#set ~row ~column:dsc_col dsc; tree_store#set ~row ~column:interp_no_col (!idx1,Some !idx2,Some !idx3) ) env ) envs_and_diffs ) lll ; if List.length lll > 1 then HExtlib.iter_option (fun p -> tree_view#expand_row (tree_store#get_path p)) loc_row ) choices method get_interp_no tree_path = let iter = tree_store#get_iter tree_path in tree_store#get ~row:iter ~column:interp_no_col end let rec interactive_error_interp ?(all_passes=false) (source_buffer:GSourceView.source_buffer) notify_exn offset errorll script_fname = (* hook to save a script for each disambiguation error *) if false then (let text = source_buffer#get_text ~start:source_buffer#start_iter ~stop:source_buffer#end_iter () in let md5 = Digest.to_hex (Digest.string text) in let filename = match script_fname with Some s -> s | None -> "unnamed.ma" in let filename = Filename.chop_extension filename ^ ".error." ^ md5 ^ ".ma" in let ch = open_out filename in output_string ch text; close_out ch ); assert (List.flatten errorll <> []); let errorll' = let remove_non_significant = List.filter (fun (_env,_diff,_loc,_msg,significant) -> significant) in let annotated_errorll () = List.rev (snd (List.fold_left (fun (pass,res) item -> pass+1,(pass+1,item)::res) (0,[]) errorll)) in if all_passes then annotated_errorll () else let safe_list_nth l n = try List.nth l n with Failure _ -> [] in (* We remove passes 1,2 and 5,6 *) let res = (1,[])::(2,[]) ::(3,remove_non_significant (safe_list_nth errorll 2)) ::(4,remove_non_significant (safe_list_nth errorll 3)) ::(5,[])::(6,[])::[] in if List.flatten (List.map snd res) <> [] then res else (* all errors (if any) are not significant: we keep them *) let res = (1,[])::(2,[]) ::(3,(safe_list_nth errorll 2)) ::(4,(safe_list_nth errorll 3)) ::(5,[])::(6,[])::[] in if List.flatten (List.map snd res) <> [] then begin HLog.warn "All disambiguation errors are not significant. Showing them anyway." ; res end else begin HLog.warn "No errors in phases 2 and 3. Showing all errors in all phases" ; annotated_errorll () end in let choices = List.flatten (List.map (fun (pass,l) -> List.map (fun (env,diff,offset,msg,significant) -> offset, [[pass], [[pass], env, diff], msg, significant]) l ) errorll') in (* Here we are doing a stable sort and list_uniq returns the latter "equal" element. I.e. we are showing the error corresponding to the most advanced disambiguation pass *) let choices = let choices_compare (o1,_) (o2,_) = compare o1 o2 in let choices_compare_by_passes (p1,_,_,_) (p2,_,_,_) = compare p1 p2 in let rec uniq = function [] -> [] | h::[] -> [h] | (o1,res1)::(o2,res2)::tl when o1 = o2 -> let merge_by_name errors = let merge_by_env errors = let choices_compare_by_env (_,e1,_) (_,e2,_) = compare e1 e2 in let choices_compare_by_passes (p1,_,_) (p2,_,_) = compare p1 p2 in let rec uniq_by_env = function [] -> [] | h::[] -> [h] | (p1,e1,_)::(p2,e2,d2)::tl when e1 = e2 -> uniq_by_env ((p1@p2,e2,d2) :: tl) | h1::tl -> h1 :: uniq_by_env tl in List.sort choices_compare_by_passes (uniq_by_env (List.stable_sort choices_compare_by_env errors)) in let choices_compare_by_msg (_,_,m1,_) (_,_,m2,_) = compare (Lazy.force m1) (Lazy.force m2) in let rec uniq_by_msg = function [] -> [] | h::[] -> [h] | (p1,i1,m1,s1)::(p2,i2,m2,s2)::tl when Lazy.force m1 = Lazy.force m2 && s1 = s2 -> uniq_by_msg ((p1@p2,merge_by_env (i1@i2),m2,s2) :: tl) | h1::tl -> h1 :: uniq_by_msg tl in List.sort choices_compare_by_msg (uniq_by_msg (List.stable_sort choices_compare_by_msg errors)) in let res = merge_by_name (res1@res2) in uniq ((o1,res) :: tl) | h1::tl -> h1 :: uniq tl in (* Errors in phase 3 that are not also in phase 4 are filtered out *) let filter_phase_3 choices = if all_passes then choices else let filter = HExtlib.filter_map (function (loffset,messages) -> let filtered_messages = HExtlib.filter_map (function [3],_,_,_ -> None | item -> Some item ) messages in if filtered_messages = [] then None else Some (loffset,filtered_messages)) in filter choices in filter_phase_3 (List.map (fun o,l -> o,List.sort choices_compare_by_passes l) (uniq (List.stable_sort choices_compare choices))) in match choices with [] -> assert false | [loffset,[_,envs_and_diffs,msg,significant]] -> let _,env,diff = List.hd envs_and_diffs in notify_exn (GrafiteDisambiguator.DisambiguationError (offset,[[env,diff,loffset,msg,significant]])); | _::_ -> let dialog = new disambiguationErrors () in dialog#check_widgets (); if all_passes then dialog#disambiguationErrorsMoreErrors#misc#set_sensitive false; let model = new interpErrorModel dialog#treeview choices in dialog#disambiguationErrors#set_title "Disambiguation error"; dialog#disambiguationErrorsLabel#set_label "Click on an error to see the corresponding message:"; ignore (dialog#treeview#connect#cursor_changed (fun _ -> let tree_path = match fst (dialog#treeview#get_cursor ()) with None -> assert false | Some tp -> tp in let idx1,idx2,idx3 = model#get_interp_no tree_path in let loffset,lll = List.nth choices idx1 in let _,envs_and_diffs,msg,significant = match idx2 with Some idx2 -> List.nth lll idx2 | None -> [],[],lazy "Multiple error messages. Please select one.",true in let _,env,diff = match idx3 with Some idx3 -> List.nth envs_and_diffs idx3 | None -> [],[],[] (* dymmy value, used *) in let script = MatitaScript.current () in let error_tag = script#error_tag in source_buffer#remove_tag error_tag ~start:source_buffer#start_iter ~stop:source_buffer#end_iter; notify_exn (GrafiteDisambiguator.DisambiguationError (offset,[[env,diff,loffset,msg,significant]])) )); let return _ = dialog#disambiguationErrors#destroy (); GMain.Main.quit () in let fail _ = return () in ignore(dialog#disambiguationErrors#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> true)); connect_button dialog#disambiguationErrorsOkButton (fun _ -> let tree_path = match fst (dialog#treeview#get_cursor ()) with None -> assert false | Some tp -> tp in let idx1,idx2,idx3 = model#get_interp_no tree_path in let diff = match idx2,idx3 with Some idx2, Some idx3 -> let _,lll = List.nth choices idx1 in let _,envs_and_diffs,_,_ = List.nth lll idx2 in let _,_,diff = List.nth envs_and_diffs idx3 in diff | _,_ -> assert false in let newtxt = String.concat "\n" ("" :: List.map (fun k,value -> DisambiguatePp.pp_environment (DisambiguateTypes.Environment.add k value DisambiguateTypes.Environment.empty)) diff) ^ "\n" in source_buffer#insert ~iter: (source_buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "beginning_of_statement")) newtxt ; return () ); connect_button dialog#disambiguationErrorsMoreErrors (fun _ -> return () ; interactive_error_interp ~all_passes:true source_buffer notify_exn offset errorll script_fname); connect_button dialog#disambiguationErrorsCancelButton fail; dialog#disambiguationErrors#show (); GtkThread.main () (** Selection handling * Two clipboards are used: "clipboard" and "primary". * "primary" is used by X, when you hit the middle button mouse is content is * pasted between applications. In Matita this selection always contain the * textual version of the selected term. * "clipboard" is used inside Matita only and support ATM two different targets: * "TERM" and "PATTERN", in the future other targets like "MATHMLCONTENT" may * be added *) class gui () = (* creation order _is_ relevant for windows placement *) let main = new mainWin () in let fileSel = new fileSelectionWin () in let findRepl = new findReplWin () in let develList = new develListWin () in let newDevel = new newDevelWin () in let keyBindingBoxes = (* event boxes which should receive global key events *) [ main#mainWinEventBox ] in let console = new console ~buffer:main#logTextView#buffer () in let (source_view: GSourceView.source_view) = GSourceView.source_view ~auto_indent:true ~insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs:true ~tabs_width:2 ~margin:80 ~show_margin:true ~smart_home_end:true ~packing:main#scriptScrolledWin#add () in let default_font_size = Helm_registry.get_opt_default Helm_registry.int ~default:BuildTimeConf.default_font_size "matita.font_size" in let source_buffer = source_view#source_buffer in object (self) val mutable chosen_file = None val mutable _ok_not_exists = false val mutable _only_directory = false val mutable script_fname = None val mutable font_size = default_font_size val mutable next_devel_must_contain = None val mutable next_ligatures = [] val clipboard = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.clipboard val primary = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.primary initializer (* glade's check widgets *) List.iter (fun w -> w#check_widgets ()) (let c w = (w :> unit>) in [ c fileSel; c main; c findRepl]); (* key bindings *) List.iter (* global key bindings *) (fun (key, callback) -> self#addKeyBinding key callback) (* [ GdkKeysyms._F3, toggle_win ~check:main#showProofMenuItem proof#proofWin; GdkKeysyms._F4, toggle_win ~check:main#showCheckMenuItem check#checkWin; *) [ ]; (* about win *) let parse_txt_file file = let ch = open_in (BuildTimeConf.runtime_base_dir ^ "/" ^ file) in let l_rev = ref [] in try while true do l_rev := input_line ch :: !l_rev; done; assert false with End_of_file -> close_in ch; List.rev !l_rev in let about_dialog = GWindow.about_dialog ~authors:(parse_txt_file "AUTHORS") (*~comments:"comments"*) ~copyright:"Copyright (C) 2005, the HELM team" ~license:(String.concat "\n" (parse_txt_file "LICENSE")) ~logo:(GdkPixbuf.from_file (MatitaMisc.image_path "/matita_medium.png")) ~name:"Matita" ~version:BuildTimeConf.version ~website:"http://helm.cs.unibo.it" () in connect_menu_item main#contentsMenuItem (fun () -> let cmd = sprintf "gnome-help ghelp://%s/C/matita.xml &" BuildTimeConf.help_dir in ignore (Sys.command cmd)); connect_menu_item main#aboutMenuItem about_dialog#present; (* findRepl win *) let show_find_Repl () = findRepl#toplevel#misc#show (); findRepl#toplevel#misc#grab_focus () in let hide_find_Repl () = findRepl#toplevel#misc#hide () in let find_forward _ = let highlight start end_ = source_buffer#move_mark `INSERT ~where:start; source_buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND ~where:end_; source_view#scroll_mark_onscreen `INSERT in let text = findRepl#findEntry#text in let iter = source_buffer#get_iter `SEL_BOUND in match iter#forward_search text with | None -> (match source_buffer#start_iter#forward_search text with | None -> () | Some (start,end_) -> highlight start end_) | Some (start,end_) -> highlight start end_ in let replace _ = let text = findRepl#replaceEntry#text in let ins = source_buffer#get_iter `INSERT in let sel = source_buffer#get_iter `SEL_BOUND in if ins#compare sel < 0 then begin ignore(source_buffer#delete_selection ()); source_buffer#insert text end in connect_button findRepl#findButton find_forward; connect_button findRepl#findReplButton replace; connect_button findRepl#cancelButton (fun _ -> hide_find_Repl ()); ignore(findRepl#toplevel#event#connect#delete ~callback:(fun _ -> hide_find_Repl ();true)); let safe_undo = fun () -> (* phase 1: we save the actual status of the marks and we undo *) let locked_mark = `MARK ((MatitaScript.current ())#locked_mark) in let locked_iter = source_view#buffer#get_iter_at_mark locked_mark in let locked_iter_offset = locked_iter#offset in let mark2 = `MARK (source_view#buffer#create_mark ~name:"lock_point" ~left_gravity:true locked_iter) in source_view#source_buffer#undo (); (* phase 2: we save the cursor position and we redo, restoring the previous status of all the marks *) let cursor_iter = source_view#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in let mark = `MARK (source_view#buffer#create_mark ~name:"undo_point" ~left_gravity:true cursor_iter) in source_view#source_buffer#redo (); let mark_iter = source_view#buffer#get_iter_at_mark mark in let mark2_iter = source_view#buffer#get_iter_at_mark mark2 in let mark2_iter = mark2_iter#set_offset locked_iter_offset in source_view#buffer#move_mark locked_mark ~where:mark2_iter; source_view#buffer#delete_mark mark; source_view#buffer#delete_mark mark2; (* phase 3: if after the undo the cursor was in the locked area, then we move it there again and we perform a goto *) if mark_iter#offset < locked_iter_offset then begin source_view#buffer#move_mark `INSERT ~where:mark_iter; (MatitaScript.current ())#goto `Cursor (); end; (* phase 4: we perform again the undo. This time we are sure that the text to undo is not locked *) source_view#source_buffer#undo (); source_view#misc#grab_focus () in let safe_redo = fun () -> (* phase 1: we save the actual status of the marks, we redo and we undo *) let locked_mark = `MARK ((MatitaScript.current ())#locked_mark) in let locked_iter = source_view#buffer#get_iter_at_mark locked_mark in let locked_iter_offset = locked_iter#offset in let mark2 = `MARK (source_view#buffer#create_mark ~name:"lock_point" ~left_gravity:true locked_iter) in source_view#source_buffer#redo (); source_view#source_buffer#undo (); (* phase 2: we save the cursor position and we restore the previous status of all the marks *) let cursor_iter = source_view#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in let mark = `MARK (source_view#buffer#create_mark ~name:"undo_point" ~left_gravity:true cursor_iter) in let mark_iter = source_view#buffer#get_iter_at_mark mark in let mark2_iter = source_view#buffer#get_iter_at_mark mark2 in let mark2_iter = mark2_iter#set_offset locked_iter_offset in source_view#buffer#move_mark locked_mark ~where:mark2_iter; source_view#buffer#delete_mark mark; source_view#buffer#delete_mark mark2; (* phase 3: if after the undo the cursor is in the locked area, then we move it there again and we perform a goto *) if mark_iter#offset < locked_iter_offset then begin source_view#buffer#move_mark `INSERT ~where:mark_iter; (MatitaScript.current ())#goto `Cursor (); end; (* phase 4: we perform again the redo. This time we are sure that the text to redo is not locked *) source_view#source_buffer#redo (); source_view#misc#grab_focus () in connect_menu_item main#undoMenuItem safe_undo; ignore(source_view#source_buffer#connect#can_undo ~callback:main#undoMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive); connect_menu_item main#redoMenuItem safe_redo; ignore(source_view#source_buffer#connect#can_redo ~callback:main#redoMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive); ignore(source_view#connect#after#populate_popup ~callback:(fun pre_menu -> let menu = new GMenu.menu pre_menu in let menuItems = menu#children in let undoMenuItem, redoMenuItem = match menuItems with [undo;redo;sep1;cut;copy;paste;delete;sep2; selectall;sep3;inputmethod;insertunicodecharacter] -> List.iter menu#remove [ copy; cut; delete; paste ]; undo,redo | _ -> assert false in let add_menu_item = let i = ref 2 in (* last occupied position *) fun ?label ?stock () -> incr i; GMenu.image_menu_item ?label ?stock ~packing:(menu#insert ~pos:!i) () in let copy = add_menu_item ~stock:`COPY () in let cut = add_menu_item ~stock:`CUT () in let delete = add_menu_item ~stock:`DELETE () in let paste = add_menu_item ~stock:`PASTE () in let paste_pattern = add_menu_item ~label:"Paste as pattern" () in copy#misc#set_sensitive self#canCopy; cut#misc#set_sensitive self#canCut; delete#misc#set_sensitive self#canDelete; paste#misc#set_sensitive self#canPaste; paste_pattern#misc#set_sensitive self#canPastePattern; connect_menu_item copy self#copy; connect_menu_item cut self#cut; connect_menu_item delete self#delete; connect_menu_item paste self#paste; connect_menu_item paste_pattern self#pastePattern; let new_undoMenuItem = GMenu.image_menu_item ~image:(GMisc.image ~stock:`UNDO ()) ~use_mnemonic:true ~label:"_Undo" ~packing:(menu#insert ~pos:0) () in new_undoMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive (undoMenuItem#misc#get_flag `SENSITIVE); menu#remove (undoMenuItem :> GMenu.menu_item); connect_menu_item new_undoMenuItem safe_undo; let new_redoMenuItem = GMenu.image_menu_item ~image:(GMisc.image ~stock:`REDO ()) ~use_mnemonic:true ~label:"_Redo" ~packing:(menu#insert ~pos:1) () in new_redoMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive (redoMenuItem#misc#get_flag `SENSITIVE); menu#remove (redoMenuItem :> GMenu.menu_item); connect_menu_item new_redoMenuItem safe_redo)); connect_menu_item main#editMenu (fun () -> main#copyMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive self#canCopy; main#cutMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive self#canCut; main#deleteMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive self#canDelete; main#pasteMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive self#canPaste; main#pastePatternMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive self#canPastePattern); connect_menu_item main#copyMenuItem self#copy; connect_menu_item main#cutMenuItem self#cut; connect_menu_item main#deleteMenuItem self#delete; connect_menu_item main#pasteMenuItem self#paste; connect_menu_item main#pastePatternMenuItem self#pastePattern; connect_menu_item main#selectAllMenuItem (fun () -> source_buffer#move_mark `INSERT source_buffer#start_iter; source_buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND source_buffer#end_iter); connect_menu_item main#findReplMenuItem show_find_Repl; connect_menu_item main#externalEditorMenuItem self#externalEditor; connect_menu_item main#ligatureButton self#nextLigature; ignore (findRepl#findEntry#connect#activate find_forward); (* interface lockers *) let lock_world _ = main#buttonsToolbar#misc#set_sensitive false; develList#buttonsHbox#misc#set_sensitive false; main#scriptMenu#misc#set_sensitive false; source_view#set_editable false in let unlock_world _ = main#buttonsToolbar#misc#set_sensitive true; develList#buttonsHbox#misc#set_sensitive true; main#scriptMenu#misc#set_sensitive true; source_view#set_editable true; (*The next line seems sufficient to avoid some unknown race condition *) GtkThread.sync (fun () -> ()) () in let worker_thread = ref None in let notify_exn exn = let floc, msg = MatitaExcPp.to_string exn in begin match floc with None -> () | Some floc -> let (x, y) = HExtlib.loc_of_floc floc in let script = MatitaScript.current () in let locked_mark = script#locked_mark in let error_tag = script#error_tag in let baseoffset = (source_buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`MARK locked_mark))#offset in let x' = baseoffset + x in let y' = baseoffset + y in let x_iter = source_buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET x') in let y_iter = source_buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET y') in source_buffer#apply_tag error_tag ~start:x_iter ~stop:y_iter; let id = ref None in id := Some (source_buffer#connect#changed ~callback:(fun () -> source_buffer#remove_tag error_tag ~start:source_buffer#start_iter ~stop:source_buffer#end_iter; match !id with | None -> assert false (* a race condition occurred *) | Some id -> (new GObj.gobject_ops source_buffer#as_buffer)#disconnect id)); source_buffer#place_cursor (source_buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET x')); end; HLog.error msg in let locker f () = let thread_main = fun () -> lock_world (); try f (); unlock_world () with | GrafiteDisambiguator.DisambiguationError (offset,errorll) -> (try interactive_error_interp source_buffer notify_exn offset errorll script_fname with exc -> notify_exn exc); unlock_world () | exc -> notify_exn exc; unlock_world () in (*thread_main ();*) worker_thread := Some (Thread.create thread_main ()) in let kill_worker = (* the following lines are from Xavier Leroy: http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/2005.11.08.html *) let interrupt = ref None in let old_callback = ref (function _ -> ()) in let force_interrupt n = (* This function is called just before the thread's timeslice ends *) !old_callback n; if Some(Thread.id(Thread.self())) = !interrupt then (interrupt := None; raise Sys.Break) in let _ = match Sys.signal Sys.sigvtalrm (Sys.Signal_handle force_interrupt) with Sys.Signal_handle f -> old_callback := f | Sys.Signal_ignore | Sys.Signal_default -> assert false in fun () -> match !worker_thread with None -> assert false | Some t -> interrupt := Some (Thread.id t) in let keep_focus f = fun () -> try f (); source_view#misc#grab_focus () with exc -> source_view#misc#grab_focus (); raise exc in (* developments win *) let model = new MatitaGtkMisc.multiStringListModel ~cols:2 develList#developmentsTreeview in let refresh_devels_win () = model#list_store#clear (); List.iter (fun (name, root) -> model#easy_mappend [name;root]) (MatitamakeLib.list_known_developments ()) in let get_devel_selected () = match model#easy_mselection () with | [[name;_]] -> MatitamakeLib.development_for_name name | _ -> None in let refresh () = while Glib.Main.pending () do ignore(Glib.Main.iteration false); done in connect_button develList#newButton (fun () -> next_devel_must_contain <- None; newDevel#toplevel#misc#show()); connect_button develList#deleteButton (locker (fun () -> (match get_devel_selected () with | None -> () | Some d -> MatitamakeLib.destroy_development_in_bg refresh d); refresh_devels_win ())); connect_button develList#buildButton (locker (fun () -> match get_devel_selected () with | None -> () | Some d -> let build = locker (fun () -> MatitamakeLib.build_development_in_bg refresh d) in ignore(build ()))); connect_button develList#cleanButton (locker (fun () -> match get_devel_selected () with | None -> () | Some d -> let clean = locker (fun () -> MatitamakeLib.clean_development_in_bg refresh d) in ignore(clean ()))); (* publish button hidden, use command line connect_button develList#publishButton (locker (fun () -> match get_devel_selected () with | None -> () | Some d -> let publish = locker (fun () -> MatitamakeLib.publish_development_in_bg refresh d) in ignore(publish ()))); *) develList#publishButton#misc#hide (); connect_button develList#graphButton (fun () -> match get_devel_selected () with | None -> () | Some d -> (match MatitamakeLib.dot_for_development d with | None -> () | Some _ -> let browser = MatitaMathView.cicBrowser () in browser#load (`Development (MatitamakeLib.name_for_development d)))); connect_button develList#closeButton (fun () -> develList#toplevel#misc#hide()); ignore(develList#toplevel#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> develList#toplevel#misc#hide();true)); connect_menu_item main#developmentsMenuItem (fun () -> refresh_devels_win ();develList#toplevel#misc#show ()); (* add development win *) let check_if_root_contains root = match next_devel_must_contain with | None -> true | Some path -> let is_prefix_of d1 d2 = let d1 = MatitamakeLib.normalize_path d1 in let d2 = MatitamakeLib.normalize_path d2 in let len1 = String.length d1 in let len2 = String.length d2 in if len2 < len1 then false else let pref = String.sub d2 0 len1 in pref = d1 in is_prefix_of root path in connect_button newDevel#addButton (fun () -> let name = newDevel#nameEntry#text in let root = newDevel#rootEntry#text in if check_if_root_contains root then begin ignore (MatitamakeLib.initialize_development name root); refresh_devels_win (); newDevel#nameEntry#set_text ""; newDevel#rootEntry#set_text ""; newDevel#toplevel#misc#hide() end else HLog.error ("The selected root does not contain " ^ match next_devel_must_contain with | Some x -> x | _ -> assert false)); connect_button newDevel#chooseRootButton (fun () -> let path = self#chooseDir () in match path with | Some path -> newDevel#rootEntry#set_text path | None -> ()); connect_button newDevel#cancelButton (fun () -> newDevel#toplevel#misc#hide ()); ignore(newDevel#toplevel#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> newDevel#toplevel#misc#hide();true)); (* file selection win *) ignore (fileSel#fileSelectionWin#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> true)); ignore (fileSel#fileSelectionWin#connect#response (fun event -> let return r = chosen_file <- r; fileSel#fileSelectionWin#misc#hide (); GMain.Main.quit () in match event with | `OK -> let fname = fileSel#fileSelectionWin#filename in if Sys.file_exists fname then begin if HExtlib.is_regular fname && not (_only_directory) then return (Some fname) else if _only_directory && HExtlib.is_dir fname then return (Some fname) end else begin if _ok_not_exists then return (Some fname) end | `CANCEL -> return None | `HELP -> () | `DELETE_EVENT -> return None)); (* menus *) List.iter (fun w -> w#misc#set_sensitive false) [ main#saveMenuItem ]; (* console *) let adj = main#logScrolledWin#vadjustment in ignore (adj#connect#changed (fun _ -> adj#set_value (adj#upper -. adj#page_size))); console#message (sprintf "\tMatita version %s\n" BuildTimeConf.version); (* TO BE REMOVED *) main#tacticsButtonsHandlebox#misc#hide (); main#tacticsBarMenuItem#misc#hide (); main#scriptNotebook#remove_page 1; main#scriptNotebook#set_show_tabs false; (* / TO BE REMOVED *) let module Hr = Helm_registry in MatitaGtkMisc.toggle_callback ~check:main#fullscreenMenuItem ~callback:(function | true -> main#toplevel#fullscreen () | false -> main#toplevel#unfullscreen ()); main#fullscreenMenuItem#set_active false; MatitaGtkMisc.toggle_callback ~check:main#ppNotationMenuItem ~callback:(function | true -> CicNotation.set_active_notations (List.map fst (CicNotation.get_all_notations ())) | false -> CicNotation.set_active_notations []); MatitaGtkMisc.toggle_callback ~check:main#hideCoercionsMenuItem ~callback:(fun enabled -> Acic2content.hide_coercions := enabled); MatitaGtkMisc.toggle_callback ~check:main#unicodeAsTexMenuItem ~callback:(fun enabled -> Helm_registry.set_bool "matita.paste_unicode_as_tex" enabled); main#unicodeAsTexMenuItem#set_active (Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.paste_unicode_as_tex"); (* log *) HLog.set_log_callback self#console#log_callback; GtkSignal.user_handler := (function | MatitaScript.ActionCancelled s -> HLog.error s | exn -> if not (Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.debug") then notify_exn exn else raise exn); (* script *) ignore (source_buffer#connect#mark_set (fun _ _ -> next_ligatures <- [])); let _ = match GSourceView.source_language_from_file BuildTimeConf.lang_file with | None -> HLog.warn (sprintf "can't load language file %s" BuildTimeConf.lang_file) | Some matita_lang -> source_buffer#set_language matita_lang; source_buffer#set_highlight true in let s () = MatitaScript.current () in let disableSave () = script_fname <- None; main#saveMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive false in let saveAsScript () = let script = s () in match self#chooseFile ~ok_not_exists:true () with | Some f -> script#assignFileName f; script#saveToFile (); console#message ("'"^f^"' saved.\n"); self#_enableSaveTo f | None -> () in let saveScript () = match script_fname with | None -> saveAsScript () | Some f -> (s ())#assignFileName f; (s ())#saveToFile (); console#message ("'"^f^"' saved.\n"); in let abandon_script () = let lexicon_status = (s ())#lexicon_status in let grafite_status = (s ())#grafite_status in if source_view#buffer#modified then (match ask_unsaved main#toplevel with | `YES -> saveScript () | `NO -> () | `CANCEL -> raise MatitaTypes.Cancel); (match script_fname with | None -> () | Some fname -> ask_and_save_moo_if_needed main#toplevel fname lexicon_status grafite_status); in let loadScript () = let script = s () in try match self#chooseFile () with | Some f -> abandon_script (); script#reset (); script#assignFileName f; source_view#source_buffer#begin_not_undoable_action (); script#loadFromFile f; source_view#source_buffer#end_not_undoable_action (); console#message ("'"^f^"' loaded.\n"); self#_enableSaveTo f | None -> () with MatitaTypes.Cancel -> () in let newScript () = abandon_script (); source_view#source_buffer#begin_not_undoable_action (); (s ())#reset (); (s ())#template (); source_view#source_buffer#end_not_undoable_action (); disableSave (); script_fname <- None in let cursor () = source_buffer#place_cursor (source_buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "locked")) in let advance _ = (MatitaScript.current ())#advance (); cursor () in let retract _ = (MatitaScript.current ())#retract (); cursor () in let top _ = (MatitaScript.current ())#goto `Top (); cursor () in let bottom _ = (MatitaScript.current ())#goto `Bottom (); cursor () in let jump _ = (MatitaScript.current ())#goto `Cursor (); cursor () in let advance = locker (keep_focus advance) in let retract = locker (keep_focus retract) in let top = locker (keep_focus top) in let bottom = locker (keep_focus bottom) in let jump = locker (keep_focus jump) in (* quit *) self#setQuitCallback (fun () -> let lexicon_status = (MatitaScript.current ())#lexicon_status in let grafite_status = (MatitaScript.current ())#grafite_status in if source_view#buffer#modified then begin let rc = ask_unsaved main#toplevel in try match rc with | `YES -> saveScript (); if not source_view#buffer#modified then begin (match script_fname with | None -> () | Some fname -> ask_and_save_moo_if_needed main#toplevel fname lexicon_status grafite_status); GMain.Main.quit () end | `NO -> GMain.Main.quit () | `CANCEL -> raise MatitaTypes.Cancel with MatitaTypes.Cancel -> () end else begin (match script_fname with | None -> clean_current_baseuri grafite_status; GMain.Main.quit () | Some fname -> try ask_and_save_moo_if_needed main#toplevel fname lexicon_status grafite_status; GMain.Main.quit () with MatitaTypes.Cancel -> ()) end); connect_button main#scriptAdvanceButton advance; connect_button main#scriptRetractButton retract; connect_button main#scriptTopButton top; connect_button main#scriptBottomButton bottom; connect_button main#scriptJumpButton jump; connect_button main#scriptAbortButton kill_worker; connect_menu_item main#scriptAdvanceMenuItem advance; connect_menu_item main#scriptRetractMenuItem retract; connect_menu_item main#scriptTopMenuItem top; connect_menu_item main#scriptBottomMenuItem bottom; connect_menu_item main#scriptJumpMenuItem jump; connect_menu_item main#openMenuItem loadScript; connect_menu_item main#saveMenuItem saveScript; connect_menu_item main#saveAsMenuItem saveAsScript; connect_menu_item main#newMenuItem newScript; connect_menu_item main#showCoercionsGraphMenuItem (fun _ -> let c = MatitaMathView.cicBrowser () in c#load (`About `Coercions)); connect_menu_item main#showAutoGuiMenuItem (fun _ -> MatitaAutoGui.auto_dialog Auto.get_auto_status); (* script monospace font stuff *) self#updateFontSize (); (* debug menu *) main#debugMenu#misc#hide (); (* HBUGS *) main#hintNotebook#misc#hide (); (* main#hintLowImage#set_file (image_path "matita-bulb-low.png"); main#hintMediumImage#set_file (image_path "matita-bulb-medium.png"); main#hintHighImage#set_file (image_path "matita-bulb-high.png"); *) (* focus *) self#sourceView#misc#grab_focus (); (* main win dimension *) let width = Gdk.Screen.width () in let height = Gdk.Screen.height () in let main_w = width * 90 / 100 in let main_h = height * 80 / 100 in let script_w = main_w * 6 / 10 in main#toplevel#resize ~width:main_w ~height:main_h; main#hpaneScriptSequent#set_position script_w; (* source_view *) ignore(source_view#connect#after#paste_clipboard ~callback:(fun () -> (MatitaScript.current ())#clean_dirty_lock)); (* clean_locked is set to true only "during" a PRIMARY paste operation (i.e. by clicking with the second mouse button) *) let clean_locked = ref false in ignore(source_view#event#connect#button_press ~callback: (fun button -> if GdkEvent.Button.button button = 2 then clean_locked := true; false )); ignore(source_view#event#connect#button_release ~callback:(fun button -> clean_locked := false; false)); ignore(source_view#buffer#connect#after#apply_tag ~callback:( fun tag ~start:_ ~stop:_ -> if !clean_locked && tag#get_oid = (MatitaScript.current ())#locked_tag#get_oid then begin clean_locked := false; (MatitaScript.current ())#clean_dirty_lock; clean_locked := true end)); (* math view handling *) connect_menu_item main#newCicBrowserMenuItem (fun () -> ignore (MatitaMathView.cicBrowser ())); connect_menu_item main#increaseFontSizeMenuItem (fun () -> self#increaseFontSize (); MatitaMathView.increase_font_size (); MatitaMathView.update_font_sizes ()); connect_menu_item main#decreaseFontSizeMenuItem (fun () -> self#decreaseFontSize (); MatitaMathView.decrease_font_size (); MatitaMathView.update_font_sizes ()); connect_menu_item main#normalFontSizeMenuItem (fun () -> self#resetFontSize (); MatitaMathView.reset_font_size (); MatitaMathView.update_font_sizes ()); MatitaMathView.reset_font_size (); (** selections / clipboards handling *) method markupSelected = MatitaMathView.has_selection () method private textSelected = (source_buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT)#compare (source_buffer#get_iter_at_mark `SEL_BOUND) <> 0 method private somethingSelected = self#markupSelected || self#textSelected method private markupStored = MatitaMathView.has_clipboard () method private textStored = clipboard#text <> None method private somethingStored = self#markupStored || self#textStored method canCopy = self#somethingSelected method canCut = self#textSelected method canDelete = self#textSelected method canPaste = self#somethingStored method canPastePattern = self#markupStored method copy () = if self#textSelected then begin MatitaMathView.empty_clipboard (); source_view#buffer#copy_clipboard clipboard; end else MatitaMathView.copy_selection () method cut () = source_view#buffer#cut_clipboard clipboard; MatitaMathView.empty_clipboard () method delete () = ignore (source_view#buffer#delete_selection ()) method paste () = if MatitaMathView.has_clipboard () then source_view#buffer#insert (MatitaMathView.paste_clipboard `Term) else source_view#buffer#paste_clipboard clipboard; (MatitaScript.current ())#clean_dirty_lock method pastePattern () = source_view#buffer#insert (MatitaMathView.paste_clipboard `Pattern) method private nextLigature () = let iter = source_buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in let write_ligature len s = assert(Glib.Utf8.validate s); source_buffer#delete ~start:iter ~stop:(iter#copy#backward_chars len); source_buffer#insert ~iter:(source_buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT) s in let get_ligature word = let len = String.length word in let aux_tex () = try for i = len - 1 downto 0 do if HExtlib.is_alpha word.[i] then () else (if word.[i] = '\\' then raise (Found i) else raise (Found ~-1)) done; None with Found i -> if i = ~-1 then None else Some (String.sub word i (len - i)) in let aux_ligature () = try for i = len - 1 downto 0 do if CicNotationLexer.is_ligature_char word.[i] then () else raise (Found (i+1)) done; raise (Found 0) with | Found i -> (try Some (String.sub word i (len - i)) with Invalid_argument _ -> None) in match aux_tex () with | Some macro -> macro | None -> (match aux_ligature () with Some l -> l | None -> word) in (match next_ligatures with | [] -> (* find ligatures and fill next_ligatures, then try again *) let last_word = iter#get_slice ~stop:(iter#copy#backward_find_char Glib.Unichar.isspace) in let ligature = get_ligature last_word in (match CicNotationLexer.lookup_ligatures ligature with | [] -> () | hd :: tl -> write_ligature (MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_string_length ligature) hd; next_ligatures <- tl @ [ hd ]) | hd :: tl -> write_ligature 1 hd; next_ligatures <- tl @ [ hd ]) method private externalEditor () = let cmd = Helm_registry.get "matita.external_editor" in (* ZACK uncomment to enable interactive ask of external editor command *) (* let cmd = let msg = "External editor command: %f will be substitute for the script name, %p for the cursor position in bytes, %l for the execution point in bytes." in ask_text ~gui:self ~title:"External editor" ~msg ~multiline:false ~default:(Helm_registry.get "matita.external_editor") () in *) let fname = (MatitaScript.current ())#filename in let slice mark = source_buffer#start_iter#get_slice ~stop:(source_buffer#get_iter_at_mark mark) in let script = MatitaScript.current () in let locked = `MARK script#locked_mark in let string_pos mark = string_of_int (String.length (slice mark)) in let cursor_pos = string_pos `INSERT in let locked_pos = string_pos locked in let cmd = Pcre.replace ~pat:"%f" ~templ:fname (Pcre.replace ~pat:"%p" ~templ:cursor_pos (Pcre.replace ~pat:"%l" ~templ:locked_pos cmd)) in let locked_before = slice locked in let locked_offset = (source_buffer#get_iter_at_mark locked)#offset in ignore (Unix.system cmd); source_buffer#set_text (HExtlib.input_file fname); let locked_iter = source_buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET locked_offset) in source_buffer#move_mark locked locked_iter; source_buffer#apply_tag script#locked_tag ~start:source_buffer#start_iter ~stop:locked_iter; let locked_after = slice locked in let line = ref 0 in let col = ref 0 in try for i = 0 to String.length locked_before - 1 do if locked_before.[i] <> locked_after.[i] then begin source_buffer#place_cursor ~where:(source_buffer#get_iter (`LINEBYTE (!line, !col))); script#goto `Cursor (); raise Exit end else if locked_before.[i] = '\n' then begin incr line; col := 0 end done with | Exit -> () | Invalid_argument _ -> script#goto `Bottom () method loadScript file = let script = MatitaScript.current () in script#reset (); if Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"\\.p$" file then begin let tptppath = Helm_registry.get_opt_default Helm_registry.string ~default:"./" "matita.tptppath" in let data = Matitaprover.p_to_ma ~filename:file ~tptppath () in let filename = Pcre.replace ~pat:"\\.p$" ~templ:".ma" file in script#assignFileName filename; source_view#source_buffer#begin_not_undoable_action (); script#loadFromString data; source_view#source_buffer#end_not_undoable_action (); console#message ("'"^filename^"' loaded."); self#_enableSaveTo filename end else begin script#assignFileName file; let content = if Sys.file_exists file then file else BuildTimeConf.script_template in source_view#source_buffer#begin_not_undoable_action (); script#loadFromFile content; source_view#source_buffer#end_not_undoable_action (); console#message ("'"^file^"' loaded."); self#_enableSaveTo file end method setStar name b = let w = main#toplevel in let set x = w#set_title x in let name = "Matita - " ^ name in if b then set (name ^ " *") else set (name) method private _enableSaveTo file = script_fname <- Some file; self#main#saveMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive true method console = console method sourceView: GSourceView.source_view = (source_view: GSourceView.source_view) method fileSel = fileSel method findRepl = findRepl method main = main method develList = develList method newDevel = newDevel method newBrowserWin () = object (self) inherit browserWin () val combo = GEdit.combo_box_entry () initializer self#check_widgets (); let combo_widget = combo#coerce in uriHBox#pack ~from:`END ~fill:true ~expand:true combo_widget; combo#entry#misc#grab_focus () method browserUri = combo end method newUriDialog () = let dialog = new uriChoiceDialog () in dialog#check_widgets (); dialog method newConfirmationDialog () = let dialog = new confirmationDialog () in dialog#check_widgets (); dialog method newEmptyDialog () = let dialog = new emptyDialog () in dialog#check_widgets (); dialog method private addKeyBinding key callback = List.iter (fun evbox -> add_key_binding key callback evbox) keyBindingBoxes method setQuitCallback callback = connect_menu_item main#quitMenuItem callback; ignore (main#toplevel#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> callback ();true)); self#addKeyBinding GdkKeysyms._q callback method chooseFile ?(ok_not_exists = false) () = _ok_not_exists <- ok_not_exists; _only_directory <- false; fileSel#fileSelectionWin#show (); GtkThread.main (); chosen_file method private chooseDir ?(ok_not_exists = false) () = _ok_not_exists <- ok_not_exists; _only_directory <- true; fileSel#fileSelectionWin#show (); GtkThread.main (); (* we should check that this is a directory *) chosen_file method createDevelopment ~containing = next_devel_must_contain <- containing; newDevel#toplevel#misc#show() method askText ?(title = "") ?(msg = "") () = let dialog = new textDialog () in dialog#textDialog#set_title title; dialog#textDialogLabel#set_label msg; let text = ref None in let return v = text := v; dialog#textDialog#destroy (); GMain.Main.quit () in ignore (dialog#textDialog#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> true)); connect_button dialog#textDialogCancelButton (fun _ -> return None); connect_button dialog#textDialogOkButton (fun _ -> let text = dialog#textDialogTextView#buffer#get_text () in return (Some text)); dialog#textDialog#show (); GtkThread.main (); !text method private updateFontSize () = self#sourceView#misc#modify_font_by_name (sprintf "%s %d" BuildTimeConf.script_font font_size) method increaseFontSize () = font_size <- font_size + 1; self#updateFontSize () method decreaseFontSize () = font_size <- font_size - 1; self#updateFontSize () method resetFontSize () = font_size <- default_font_size; self#updateFontSize () end let gui () = let g = new gui () in gui_instance := Some g; MatitaMathView.set_gui g; g let instance = singleton gui let non p x = not (p x) (* this is a shit and should be changed :-{ *) let interactive_uri_choice ?(selection_mode:[`SINGLE|`MULTIPLE] = `MULTIPLE) ?(title = "") ?(msg = "") ?(nonvars_button = false) ?(hide_uri_entry=false) ?(hide_try=false) ?(ok_label="_Auto") ?(ok_action:[`SELECT|`AUTO] = `AUTO) ?copy_cb () ~id uris = let gui = instance () in let nonvars_uris = lazy (List.filter (non UriManager.uri_is_var) uris) in if (selection_mode <> `SINGLE) && (Helm_registry.get_opt_default Helm_registry.get_bool ~default:true "matita.auto_disambiguation") then Lazy.force nonvars_uris else begin let dialog = gui#newUriDialog () in if hide_uri_entry then dialog#uriEntryHBox#misc#hide (); if hide_try then begin dialog#uriChoiceSelectedButton#misc#hide (); dialog#uriChoiceConstantsButton#misc#hide (); end; dialog#okLabel#set_label ok_label; dialog#uriChoiceTreeView#selection#set_mode (selection_mode :> Gtk.Tags.selection_mode); let model = new stringListModel dialog#uriChoiceTreeView in let choices = ref None in (match copy_cb with | None -> () | Some cb -> dialog#copyButton#misc#show (); connect_button dialog#copyButton (fun _ -> match model#easy_selection () with | [u] -> (cb u) | _ -> ())); dialog#uriChoiceDialog#set_title title; dialog#uriChoiceLabel#set_text msg; List.iter model#easy_append (List.map UriManager.string_of_uri uris); dialog#uriChoiceConstantsButton#misc#set_sensitive nonvars_button; let return v = choices := v; dialog#uriChoiceDialog#destroy (); GMain.Main.quit () in ignore (dialog#uriChoiceDialog#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> true)); connect_button dialog#uriChoiceConstantsButton (fun _ -> return (Some (Lazy.force nonvars_uris))); if ok_action = `AUTO then connect_button dialog#uriChoiceAutoButton (fun _ -> Helm_registry.set_bool "matita.auto_disambiguation" true; return (Some (Lazy.force nonvars_uris))) else connect_button dialog#uriChoiceAutoButton (fun _ -> match model#easy_selection () with | [] -> () | uris -> return (Some (List.map UriManager.uri_of_string uris))); connect_button dialog#uriChoiceSelectedButton (fun _ -> match model#easy_selection () with | [] -> () | uris -> return (Some (List.map UriManager.uri_of_string uris))); connect_button dialog#uriChoiceAbortButton (fun _ -> return None); dialog#uriChoiceDialog#show (); GtkThread.main (); (match !choices with | None -> raise MatitaTypes.Cancel | Some uris -> uris) end class interpModel = let cols = new GTree.column_list in let id_col = cols#add Gobject.Data.string in let dsc_col = cols#add Gobject.Data.string in let interp_no_col = cols#add Gobject.Data.int in let tree_store = GTree.tree_store cols in let id_renderer = GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["text", id_col] in let dsc_renderer = GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["text", dsc_col] in let id_view_col = GTree.view_column ~renderer:id_renderer () in let dsc_view_col = GTree.view_column ~renderer:dsc_renderer () in fun tree_view choices -> object initializer tree_view#set_model (Some (tree_store :> GTree.model)); ignore (tree_view#append_column id_view_col); ignore (tree_view#append_column dsc_view_col); let name_of_interp = (* try to find a reasonable name for an interpretation *) let idx = ref 0 in fun interp -> try List.assoc "0" interp with Not_found -> incr idx; string_of_int !idx in tree_store#clear (); let idx = ref ~-1 in List.iter (fun interp -> incr idx; let interp_row = tree_store#append () in tree_store#set ~row:interp_row ~column:id_col (name_of_interp interp); tree_store#set ~row:interp_row ~column:interp_no_col !idx; List.iter (fun (id, dsc) -> let row = tree_store#append ~parent:interp_row () in tree_store#set ~row ~column:id_col id; tree_store#set ~row ~column:dsc_col dsc; tree_store#set ~row ~column:interp_no_col !idx) interp) choices method get_interp_no tree_path = let iter = tree_store#get_iter tree_path in tree_store#get ~row:iter ~column:interp_no_col end let interactive_string_choice text prefix_len ?(title = "") ?(msg = "") () ~id locs uris = let gui = instance () in let dialog = gui#newUriDialog () in dialog#uriEntryHBox#misc#hide (); dialog#uriChoiceSelectedButton#misc#hide (); dialog#uriChoiceAutoButton#misc#hide (); dialog#uriChoiceConstantsButton#misc#hide (); dialog#uriChoiceTreeView#selection#set_mode (`SINGLE :> Gtk.Tags.selection_mode); let model = new stringListModel dialog#uriChoiceTreeView in let choices = ref None in dialog#uriChoiceDialog#set_title title; let hack_len = MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_string_length text in let rec colorize acc_len = function | [] -> let floc = HExtlib.floc_of_loc (acc_len,hack_len) in fst(MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_parsed_text text floc) | he::tl -> let start, stop = HExtlib.loc_of_floc he in let floc1 = HExtlib.floc_of_loc (acc_len,start) in let str1,_=MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_parsed_text text floc1 in let str2,_ = MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_parsed_text text he in str1 ^ "" ^ str2 ^ "" ^ colorize stop tl in (* List.iter (fun l -> let start, stop = HExtlib.loc_of_floc l in Printf.eprintf "(%d,%d)" start stop) locs; *) let locs = List.sort (fun loc1 loc2 -> fst (HExtlib.loc_of_floc loc1) - fst (HExtlib.loc_of_floc loc2)) locs in (* prerr_endline "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; List.iter (fun l -> let start, stop = HExtlib.loc_of_floc l in Printf.eprintf "(%d,%d)" start stop) locs; prerr_endline "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2"; *) dialog#uriChoiceLabel#set_use_markup true; let txt = colorize 0 locs in let txt,_ = MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_parsed_text txt (HExtlib.floc_of_loc (prefix_len,MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_string_length txt)) in dialog#uriChoiceLabel#set_label txt; List.iter model#easy_append uris; let return v = choices := v; dialog#uriChoiceDialog#destroy (); GMain.Main.quit () in ignore (dialog#uriChoiceDialog#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> true)); connect_button dialog#uriChoiceForwardButton (fun _ -> match model#easy_selection () with | [] -> () | uris -> return (Some uris)); connect_button dialog#uriChoiceAbortButton (fun _ -> return None); dialog#uriChoiceDialog#show (); GtkThread.main (); (match !choices with | None -> raise MatitaTypes.Cancel | Some uris -> uris) let interactive_interp_choice () text prefix_len choices = (*List.iter (fun l -> prerr_endline "==="; List.iter (fun (_,id,dsc) -> prerr_endline (id ^ " = " ^ dsc)) l) choices;*) let filter_choices filter = let rec is_compatible filter = function [] -> true | ([],_,_)::tl -> is_compatible filter tl | (loc::tlloc,id,dsc)::tl -> try if List.assoc (loc,id) filter = dsc then is_compatible filter ((tlloc,id,dsc)::tl) else false with Not_found -> true in List.filter (fun (_,interp) -> is_compatible filter interp) in let rec get_choices loc id = function [] -> [] | (_,he)::tl -> let _,_,dsc = List.find (fun (locs,id',_) -> id = id' && List.mem loc locs) he in dsc :: (List.filter (fun dsc' -> dsc <> dsc') (get_choices loc id tl)) in let example_interp = match choices with [] -> assert false | he::_ -> he in let ask_user id locs choices = interactive_string_choice text prefix_len ~title:"Ambiguous input" ~msg:("Choose an interpretation for " ^ id) () ~id locs choices in let rec classify ids filter partial_interpretations = match ids with [] -> List.map fst partial_interpretations | ([],_,_)::tl -> classify tl filter partial_interpretations | (loc::tlloc,id,dsc)::tl -> let choices = get_choices loc id partial_interpretations in let chosen_dsc = match choices with [] -> prerr_endline ("NO CHOICES FOR " ^ id); assert false | [dsc] -> dsc | _ -> match ask_user id [loc] choices with [x] -> x | _ -> assert false in let filter = ((loc,id),chosen_dsc)::filter in let compatible_interps = filter_choices filter partial_interpretations in classify ((tlloc,id,dsc)::tl) filter compatible_interps in let enumerated_choices = let idx = ref ~-1 in List.map (fun interp -> incr idx; !idx,interp) choices in classify example_interp [] enumerated_choices let _ = (* disambiguator callbacks *) GrafiteDisambiguator.set_choose_uris_callback (interactive_uri_choice ()); GrafiteDisambiguator.set_choose_interp_callback (interactive_interp_choice ()); (* gtk initialization *) GtkMain.Rc.add_default_file BuildTimeConf.gtkrc_file; (* loads gtk rc *) GMathView.add_configuration_path BuildTimeConf.gtkmathview_conf; ignore (GMain.Main.init ())