#!/usr/bin/lua5.1 local tool_re = "^([%w%.]+)" local test_re = "([%w%./_]+)" local rc_re = string.char(27).."%[%d+;%d+m([%a]+)"..string.char(27).."%[0m" local time_re = "(%d+m%d+%.%d+s)" local mark_re = "(%d+)" local opt_re = "(gc%-%a+)$" local sep = "%s+" local fmt = "INSERT bench ".. "(result, compilation, test, time, timeuser, mark, options) ".. "VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s');\n" -- build the huge regex local re = tool_re .. sep .. test_re .. sep .. rc_re .. sep .. time_re .. sep ..time_re .. sep ..time_re .. sep .. mark_re .. sep .. opt_re -- the string to cents of seconds function function s2t(s) local _,_,min,sec,cents = string.find(s,"(%d+)m(%d+)%.(%d+)s") return min * 6000 + sec * 100 + cents end function t2s(s) s = tonumber(s) local min, sec, cents cents = s % 100 min = math.floor(s / 6000) sec = math.floor((s - min * 6000 - cents) / 100) return string.format("%dm%02d.%02ds",min,sec,cents) end -- logfile to sql conversion function log2sql(file) local t = {} local f = io.stdin if file ~= "-" then f = io.open(file,"r") end for l in f:lines() do local x,_,tool,test,rc,real,user,_,mark,opt = string.find(l,re) if x == nil then error("regex failed on '"..l.."'") end -- check the result is valid if tool ~= "matitac" and tool ~= "matitac.opt" then error("unknown tool " .. tool) else if tool == "matitac" then tool = "byte" else tool = "opt" end end if rc ~= "OK" and rc ~= "FAIL" then error("unknown result " .. rc) else rc = string.lower(rc) end if opt ~= "gc-on" and opt ~= "gc-off" then error("unknown option "..opt) end real = s2t(real) user = s2t(user) -- print the sql statement table.insert(t,string.format(fmt,rc,tool,test,real,user,mark,opt)) end return table.concat(t) end -- proportions function proportion(x,y,a,b) local rc if x == "x" then rc = y * a / b elseif y == "x" then rc = x * b / a elseif a == "x" then rc = x * b / y elseif b == "x" then rc = y * a / x end return string.format("%d",rc) end -- conversion from the old db to the new one function convertsql(file) local f = io.open(file) return string.gsub(f:read("*a"),time_re, function(s) return s2t(s) end) end -- call the desired function and print the result fun = arg[1] table.remove(arg,1) f = _G[fun] or error("no " .. fun .. " defined") print(f(unpack(arg)) or "") -- eof