type symbol = Glib.unichar type tag = string let virtual_to_symbol = Hashtbl.create 503;; let tag_to_data = Hashtbl.create 503;; let add_virtual names symbol tags = List.iter (fun name -> if Hashtbl.mem virtual_to_symbol name then HLog.error (Printf.sprintf "name %s already used for virtual %s" name (Glib.Utf8.from_unichar (Hashtbl.find virtual_to_symbol name))) else Hashtbl.add virtual_to_symbol name symbol) names; List.iter (fun tag -> try let l = Hashtbl.find tag_to_data tag in let l = (names,symbol) :: l in Hashtbl.replace tag_to_data tag l with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add tag_to_data tag [names,symbol]) tags; ;; let get_all_virtuals () = let l = ref [] in Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> l := (k,v) :: !l;) tag_to_data; !l ;; exception Not_a_virtual let rec symbol_of_virtual str = if str = "" then raise Not_a_virtual else try str, Hashtbl.find virtual_to_symbol str with Not_found -> symbol_of_virtual (String.sub str 1 (String.length str - 1)) ;; let classes = Hashtbl.create 503;; let add_eqclass l = List.iter (fun x -> assert(not (Hashtbl.mem classes x)); Hashtbl.add classes x l) l ;; let similar_symbols symbol = try Hashtbl.find classes symbol with Not_found -> [] ;;