(* Copyright (C) 2002, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/. *) (* TODO braindead situation: /add of a stylesheet which uri is an uwobo invocation *) open Printf;; open Uwobo_common;; (* debugging settings *) let debug = true;; let debug_level = `Debug;; let debug_print s = if debug then prerr_endline s;; let http_debug = true;; Http_common.debug := http_debug;; (* environment settings *) let daemon_name = "UWOBO OCaml";; let default_port = 8082;; let port_env_var = "UWOBO_PORT";; let default_media_type = "text/html";; let default_encoding = "utf8";; let port = try int_of_string (Sys.getenv port_env_var) with | Not_found -> default_port | Failure "int_of_string" -> prerr_endline "Warning: invalid port, reverting to default"; default_port in (* facilities *) let pp_error = sprintf "

Error: %s

" in let return_error msg outchan = (* return an ok (200) http response, which display in html an error message *) Http_daemon.respond ~body:(pp_error msg) outchan in let bad_request body outchan = (* return a bad request http response *) Http_daemon.respond_error ~status:(`Client_error `Bad_request) ~body outchan in (* values common to all threads *) let syslogger = new Uwobo_logger.sysLogger ~level:debug_level () in syslogger#enable; let styles = new Uwobo_styles.styles in let usage_string = sprintf " UWOBO's help message

Usage: http://hostname:uwoboport/command

Available commands:

display this help message

load a new stylesheet, specified by uri, and bind it to key key

unload stylesheets specified by key1, key2, ... or all stylesheets if no key was given

reload stylesheets specified by key1, key2, ... or all stylesheets if no key was given

return a list of loaded stylesheets

apply a chain of stylesheets, specified by key1, key2, ..., to an input document, specified by uri.
Additional parameters can be set for each stylesheet application: global parameters (i.e. parameters passed to all stylesheets) are set using param.name=value syntax, per stylesheet parameters are set using param.key.name=value where key is the key of a loaded stylesheet.
Properties of the final chain output can be set too: valueless properties can be set using prop.name syntax, others can be set using prop.name=value syntax.
Current supported properties are: %s.

" (String.concat ", " Uwobo_common.supported_properties) in (* thread action *) let callback (req: Http_types.request) outchan = (* perform an 'action' that can be applied to a list of keys or, if no keys was given, to all keys *) let act_on_keys (req: Http_types.request) styles outchan per_key_action all_keys_action logmsg = let log = new Uwobo_logger.processingLogger () in let keys = try Pcre.split ~pat:"," (req#param "keys") with Http_types.Param_not_found _ -> [] in (match keys with | [] -> (* no key provided, act on all stylesheets *) log#log "reloading all stylesheets ..."; (try all_keys_action () with e -> log#log (Printexc.to_string e)) | keys -> List.iter (fun key -> (* act on a single stylesheet *) log#log (sprintf "%s stylesheet %s" logmsg key); (try per_key_action key with e -> log#log (Printexc.to_string e))) keys); Http_daemon.respond ~body:log#asHtml outchan in let parse_apply_params = (* parse parameters for '/apply' action *) let is_global_param x = Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"^param(\\.[^.]+){1}$" x in let is_local_param x = Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"^param(\\.[^.]+){2}$" x in let is_property x = Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"^prop\\.[^.]+$" x in List.fold_left (fun (old_params, old_properties) (name, value) -> match name with | name when is_global_param name -> let name = Pcre.replace ~pat:"^param\\." name in ((fun x -> (old_params x) @ [name, value]), old_properties) | name when is_local_param name -> let pieces = Pcre.extract ~pat:"^param\\.([^.]+)\\.(.*)" name in let (key, name) = (pieces.(1), pieces.(2)) in ((function | x when x = key -> [name, value] @ (old_params x) | x -> old_params x), old_properties) | name when is_property name -> let name = Pcre.replace ~pat:"^prop\\." name in (old_params, ((name, value) :: old_properties)) | _ -> (old_params, old_properties)) ((fun _ -> []), []) (* no parameters, no properties *) in try syslogger#log `Notice (sprintf "Connection from %s" req#clientAddr); syslogger#log `Debug (sprintf "Received request: %s" req#path); (match req#path with | "/add" -> (let bindings = req#paramAll "bind" in if bindings = [] then return_error "No [key,stylesheet] binding provided" outchan else begin let log = new Uwobo_logger.processingLogger () in List.iter (fun binding -> (* add a binding *) let pieces = Pcre.split ~pat:"," binding in match pieces with | [key; style] -> log#log (sprintf "adding binding <%s,%s>" key style); (try styles#add key style; with e -> log#log (Printexc.to_string e)) | _ -> log#log (sprintf "invalid binding %s" binding)) bindings; Http_daemon.respond ~body:log#asHtml outchan end) | "/list" -> (let log = new Uwobo_logger.processingLogger () in log#log "Stylesheet list:"; List.iter (fun s -> log#log s) styles#list; Http_daemon.respond ~body:log#asHtml outchan) | "/remove" -> act_on_keys req styles outchan styles#remove (fun () -> styles#removeAll) "removing" | "/reload" -> act_on_keys req styles outchan styles#reload (fun () -> styles#reloadAll) "reloading" | "/apply" -> if Unix.fork () = 0 then (let logger = new Uwobo_logger.processingLogger () in let xmluri = req#param "xmluri" in let keys = Pcre.split ~pat:"," (req#param "keys") in (* notation: "local" parameters are those defined on a per-stylesheet pasis (i.e. param.key.param=value), "global" parameters are those defined for all stylesheets (i.e. param.param=value) *) let (params, props) = parse_apply_params req#params in syslogger#log `Debug (sprintf "Parsing input document %s ..." xmluri); let domImpl = Gdome.domImplementation () in let input = domImpl#createDocumentFromURI ~uri:xmluri () in syslogger#log `Debug "Applying stylesheet chain ..."; try let (write_result, media_type, encoding) = (* out_channel -> unit *) Uwobo_engine.apply ~logger:syslogger ~styles ~keys ~input ~params ~props in let content_type = (* value of Content-Type HTTP response header *) sprintf "%s; charset=%s" (match media_type with None -> default_media_type | Some t -> t) (match encoding with None -> default_encoding | Some e -> e) in syslogger#log `Debug (sprintf "sending output to client (Content-Type: %s)...." content_type); Http_daemon.send_basic_headers ~code:200 outchan; Http_daemon.send_header "Content-Type" content_type outchan; Http_daemon.send_CRLF outchan; write_result outchan with Uwobo_failure errmsg -> return_error (sprintf "Stylesheet chain application failed: %s" errmsg) outchan) | "/help" -> Http_daemon.respond ~body:usage_string outchan | invalid_request -> Http_daemon.respond_error ~status:(`Client_error `Bad_request) outchan) with | Http_types.Param_not_found attr_name -> bad_request (sprintf "Parameter '%s' is missing" attr_name) outchan | exc -> Http_daemon.respond ~body:(pp_error ("Uncaught exception: " ^ (Printexc.to_string exc))) outchan in (* daemon initialization *) syslogger#log `Notice (sprintf "%s started and listening on port %d" daemon_name port); syslogger#log `Notice (sprintf "current directory is %s" (Sys.getcwd ())); Unix.putenv "http_proxy" ""; (* reset http_proxy to avoid libxslt problems *) Http_daemon.start' ~port ~mode:`Thread callback; syslogger#log `Notice (sprintf "%s is terminating, bye!" daemon_name)