Computer-checked formal
1 below provides for the statically generated natural language representation of
λδ meta-theory (faster rendering w.r.t. resource 2 below).
Resource 2 below provides
for the dynamically generated natural
language representation of
λδ meta-theory (powered by the HELM
rendering engine).
Remarkably, λδ was born and developed in the digital format of resource 3 below, which is not the
formal counterpart of some informal material previously written on
paper (as it happens for most currently digitalized Mathematics).
- F. Guidi: lambda_delta
(revised 2011-09). Formal
specification with the proof assistant Matita 0.5 (HTML pages generated
by the HELM
rendering engine)
Here are the most relevant theorems proved in the formal specification:
- F. Guidi: lambda_delta
(revised 2011-09). Formal
specification with the proof assistant Matita 0.5 (HELM directory).
- F. Guidi: lambda_delta_1 (revised 2011-09).
Formal specification with the proof assistant Coq 7.3.1 (source
proof scripts). BibTeX entry.
The λδ
(LDDL) is part of HELM
and contains a set of
resources expressed in λδ.
- Contents: Landau's "Grundlagen der Analysis" (from
Jutting's specification in Automath).
Helena is a λδ
implemented in Caml as a part of
the HELM software, meant for
testing the stable features of the calculus as well as the unstable
The processor source code is available in the directory /trunk/helm/software/helena/
of the HELM Svn
repository. The Svn revisions containing the stable versions
of Helena are indicated below.
- Version 0.8.1 (2010-11).
Exploits a subset of "complete_rg" λδ as the intermediate language.
Features importation from ".hln" files containing λδ textual syntax.
The overall validation speed of the "Grundlagen
Analysis" increases of 22% with respect to version 0.8.0. [Svn
revision: 11032] (archived
source code)
- Version 0.8.0 (2009-09). Supports
"basic_rg" λδ with naive implementation of impredicative sort
inclusion. Features
importation from Automath
and exportation to XML. [Svn
revision: 10304] (archived
source code)
- 2009-09.
Jutting's specification of Landau's "Grundlagen
Analysis" enters λδ Digital Library.
- 2009-06.
Jutting's specification of Landau's "Grundlagen
Analysis" is
successfully processed, enabling sort inclusion.
Other resources
- A Jed mode for
editing ".hln" files (containing λδ textual syntax): helena.sl
(revised 2010-11).
- A logo for "basic" λδ: bld.pdf (revised 2008-07).