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cic:/matita/lambda_delta/Basic_2/ (λδ version 2)
System's Syntax and Behavior
This is a summary of the "block structure" of the System's syntactic items and reductions.
domainblockleaderapplicator (with →θ)*reduction→ζ *reference *
{X | Γ ⊢ X : W}typed abstraction **Γ ⊢ λWⓐV→βno#i

typed declaration ***Γ ⊢ pλWnonono$p

native type annotation *Γ ⊢ ⓣWnonoyesno
{X | Γ ⊢ X = V}local abbreviation **Γ ⊢ δVnolocal →δyes#i

global abbreviation ***Γ ⊢ pδVnoglobal →δno$p
nosort ****Γ ⊢ ⋆knononono
* In terms only. ** In terms and local environments only. *** In global environments only. **** Sort level k in terms only.
Summary of the Specification
Here is a numerical acount of the specification's contents and its timeline.

Logical Structure of the Specification
The source files are grouped in planes and components according to the following table. The notation for the relations or functions introduced in each file is shown in parentheses.

functionalreduction and type machinertmrtm_step ( ? ⇨ ? )

unfoldlift ( ↑[?,?] ? )subst ( [?←?] ? )


native typing

conversioncontext-sensitive conversioncpcs ( ? ⊢ ? ⬌* ? )

computationstrongly normalizing computationcsn_vector ( ⬇* ? )csn_crcsn_aaa

csn ( ⬇* ? )csn_liftcsn_cprcsn_cprs ( ⬇** ? )csn_lcpr

context-sensitive computationcprs (? ⊢ ? ➡* ?)cprs_lcprcprs_cprscprs_tstc

local env. ref. for abstract candidates of reducibilitylsubc ( ? [?] ⊑ ? )lsubc_ldroplsubc_ldropslsubc_lsuba

support for abstract computation propertiesacpacp_cr ( ⦃?,?⦄ ϵ 〚?〛 )acp_aaa

reducibilitycontext-sensitive normal formscnf ( ? ⊢ 𝐍[?] )cnf_lift

context-sensitive reductionlcpr ( ? ⊢ ➡ ? )lcpr_cpr

cpr ( ? ⊢ ? ➡ ? )cpr_liftcpr_ltpsscpr_ltprcpr_cpr

context-free normal formstwhnf ( 𝐖𝐇𝐍[?] )tnf ( 𝐍[?] )tnf_tif

context-free reductionltpr ( ? ➡ ? )ltpr_ldropltpr_tps

tpr ( ? ➡ ? )tpr_lifttpr_tpsstpr_tpr

context-free reducible formstrf ( 𝐑[?] )tif ( 𝐈[?] )

static typingstatic type assignmentstysty_liftsty_sty

local env. ref. for atomic arity assignmentlsuba ( ? ÷⊑ ? )lsuba_ldroplsuba_aaalsuba_lsuba

atomic arity assignmentaaa ( ? ⊢ ? ÷ ? )aaa_liftaaa_liftsaaa_aaa


unfoldterm inverse relocationdelift ( ? ⊢ ? [?,?] ≡ ? )delift_lift

partial unfoldltpss ( ? [?,?] ▶* ? )ltpss_ldropltpss_tpsltpss_ltpss

tpss ( ? ⊢ ? [?,?] ▶* ? )tpss_lifttpss_tpsstpss_ltps

generic local env. slicingldrops ( ⇩*[?] ? ≡ ? )ldrops_ldropldrops_ldrops

generic term relocationlifts_vector ( ⇧*[?] ? ≡ ? )lifts_lift_vector

lifts ( ⇧*[?] ? ≡ ? )lifts_liftlifts_lifts

support for generic relocationgr2 ( @ [ ? ] ? ≡ ? )gr2_plus ( ? + ? )gr2_minus ( ? ▭ ? ≡ ? )gr2_gr2
substitutionparallel substitutionltps ( ? [?,?] ▶ ? )ltps_ldropltps_tpsltps_ltps

tps ( ? ⊢ ? [?,?] ▶ ? )tps_lifttps_tps

global env. slicinggdrop ( ⇩[?] ? ≡ ? )gdrop_gdrop

basic local env. slicingldrop ( ⇩[?,?] ? ≡ ? )ldrop_ldrop

basic term relocationlift_vector ( ⇧[?,?] ? ≡ ? )lift_lift_vector

lift ( ⇧[?,?] ? ≡ ? )lift_lift

grammarlocal env. ref. for substitutionlsubs ( ? [?,?] ≼ ? )lsubs_lsubs

term hom.thom ( ? ≈ ? )thom_thom

same top term constructortstc ( ? ≃ ? )tstc_tstc

closurescl_shift ( ? @ ? )cl_weight ( #[?,?] )

internal syntaxgenv

lenvlenv_weight ( #[?] )lenv_length ( |?| )

termterm_weight ( #[?] )term_simple ( 𝐒[?] )term_vector


external syntaxaarity

Physical Structure of the Specification
The source files are grouped in directories, one for each component.

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Last update: 2012-02-20+01:00