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The Formal System λδ (lambda_delta)

Towards the unification of terms, types, environments and contexts

  • News

News [Butterfly]

  • September 2011. The denomination "lambda-delta" changes to "lambda_delta".
    • The character "-" is reserved in λδ textual syntax (recognized by Helena 0.8.1).
    • Eventually, the occurrences of the character "-" will be replaced by "_" in all λδ-related identifiers.
    • In particular, this refactoring involves file names and path names.
    • The permanent λδ URL is sheduled to become http://lambda_delta.info as soon as possible.
  • April 2011. The specification of λδ version 2 is restarted in Matita 0.5.
  • November 2010. Helena 0.8.1 is released.
  • September 2008. This site is online.
  • March 2008. The specification of λδ version 2 in Coq 7.3.1 begins:

Visibility [Butterfly]

  • November 2010. The Google search formal system lambda delta gives 8 resources about λδ as the first results.
  • November 2010. The Yahoo search formal system lambda delta gives 4 resources and 2 sub-resources about λδ as the first results.

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Last update 2011-09-09 by Ferruccio Guidi