name "ld_basic_2_src" table { class "grey" [ { "component" * } { [ { "plane" * } { [ "files" * ] } ] } ] class "prune" [ { "functional" * } { [ { "reduction and type machine" * } { [ "rtm" "rtm_step ( ? ⇨ ? )" * ] } ] [ { "unfold" * } { [ "lift ( ↑[?,?] ? )" "subst ( [?←?] ? )" * ] } ] } ] class "blue" [ { "examples" * } { [ { "" * } { [ "" * ] } ] } ] class "sky" [ { "native typing" * } { [ { "" * } { [ "nty" * ] } ] } ] class "cyan" [ { "conversion" * } { [ { "context-sensitive conversion" * } { [ "cpcs ( ? ⊢ ? ⬌* ? )" * ] } ] } ] class "water" [ { "computation" * } { [ { "strongly normalizing computation" * } { [ "csn ( ⬇* ? )" "csn_cr" "csn_aaa" * ] } ] [ { "context-sensitive computation" * } { [ "cprs (? ⊢ ? ➡* ?)" * ] } ] [ { "local env. ref. for abstract candidates of reducibility" * } { [ "lsubc ( ? [?] ⊑ ? )" "lsubc_ldrop" "lsubc_ldrops" "lsubc_lsuba" * ] } ] [ { "support for abstract computation properties" * } { [ "acp" "acp_cr ( ⦃?,?⦄ ϵ 〚?〛 )" "acp_aaa" * ] } ] } ] class "green" [ { "reducibility" * } { [ { "context-sensitive reduction" * } { [ "lcpr ( ? ⊢ ➡ ? )" * ] [ "cpr ( ? ⊢ ? ➡ ? )" "cpr_lift" "cpr_ltpr" "cpr_cpr" * ] } ] [ { "context-free normal forms" * } { [ "twhnf ( 𝐖𝐇𝐍[?] )" "tnf ( 𝐍[?] )" "tnf_tif" * ] } ] [ { "context-free reduction" * } { [ "ltpr ( ? ➡ ? )" "ltpr_ldrop" * ] [ "tpr ( ? ➡ ? )" "tpr_lift" "tpr_tpss" "tpr_tpr" * ] } ] [ { "context-free reducible forms" * } { [ "trf ( 𝐑[?] )" "tif ( 𝐈[?] )" * ] } ] } ] class "grass" [ { "static typing" * } { [ { "static type assignment" * } { [ "sty" "sty_lift" "sty_sty" * ] } ] [ { "local env. ref. for atomic arity assignment" * } { [ "lsuba ( ? ÷⊑ ? )" "lsuba_ldrop" "lsuba_aaa" "lsuba_lsuba" * ] } ] [ { "atomic arity assignment" * } { [ "aaa ( ? ⊢ ? ÷ ? )" "aaa_lift" "aaa_lifts" "aaa_aaa" * ] } ] [ { "parameters" * } { [ "sh" * ] } ] } ] class "yellow" [ { "unfold" * } { [ { "term inverse relocation" * } { [ "delift ( ? ⊢ ? [?,?] ≡ ? )" "delift_lift" * ] } ] [ { "partial unfold" * } { [ "ltpss ( ? [?,?] ▶* ? )" "ltpss_ldrop" "ltpss_tps" "ltpss_ltpss" * ] [ "tpss ( ? ⊢ ? [?,?] ▶* ? )" "tpss_lift" "tpss_tpss" "tpss_ltps" * ] } ] [ { "generic local env. slicing" * } { [ "ldrops ( ⇩*[?] ? ≡ ? )" "ldrops_ldrop" "ldrops_ldrops" * ] } ] [ { "generic term relocation" * } { [ "lifts_vector ( ⇧*[?] ? ≡ ? )" "lifts_lift_vector" * ] [ "lifts ( ⇧*[?] ? ≡ ? )" "lifts_lift" "lifts_lifts" * ] } ] [ { "support for generic relocation" * } { [ "gr2 ( @ [ ? ] ? ≡ ? )" "gr2_plus ( ? + ? )" "gr2_minus ( ? ▭ ? ≡ ? )" "gr2_gr2" * ] } ] } ] class "orange" [ { "substitution" * } { [ { "parallel substitution" * } { [ "ltps ( ? [?,?] ▶ ? )" "ltps_ldrop" "ltps_tps" "ltps_ltps" * ] [ "tps ( ? ⊢ ? [?,?] ▶ ? )" "tps_lift" "tps_tps" * ] } ] [ { "global env. slicing" * } { [ "gdrop ( ⇩[?] ? ≡ ? )" "gdrop_gdrop" * ] } ] [ { "basic local env. slicing" * } { [ "ldrop ( ⇩[?,?] ? ≡ ? )" "ldrop_ldrop" * ] } ] [ { "basic term relocation" * } { [ "lift_vector ( ⇧[?,?] ? ≡ ? )" "lift_lift_vector" * ] [ "lift ( ⇧[?,?] ? ≡ ? )" "lift_lift" * ] } ] } ] class "red" [ { "grammar" * } { [ { "local env. ref. for substitution" * } { [ "lsubs ( ? [?,?] ≼ ? )" "lsubs_lsubs" * ] } ] [ { "term hom." * } { [ "thom" "thom_thom" * ] } ] [ { "closures" * } { [ "cl_shift ( ? @ ? )" "cl_weight ( #[?,?] )" * ] } ] [ { "internal syntax" * } { [ "genv" * ] [ "lenv" "lenv_weight ( #[?] )" "lenv_length ( |?| )" * ] [ "term" "term_weight ( #[?] )" "term_simple ( 𝐒[?] )" "term_vector" * ] [ "item" * ] } ] [ { "external syntax" * } { [ "aarity" * ] } ] } ] } class "component" { 0 } class "plane" { 1 } class "file" { 2 * }