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cic:/matita/lambdadelta/basic_2/ (core λδ version 2)

home news specification

documentation implementation
foreword milestones version 2 (background - core - applications)
version 2 library (static LDDL directory)
citations visibility version 1 (background - core) (static HELM directory) version 1 helena
Summary of the Specification [spacer]
Here is a numerical account of the specification's contents and its timeline.
category objects

sizes files 83 characters 55955 nodes 191279
propositions theorems 33 lemmas 211 total 244
concepts declared 15 defined 23 total 38
Stage "B"
Stage "A2": "Extending the Applicability Condition"
Stage "A1": "Extending the Applicability Condition"
Logical Structure of the Specification [spacer]
This table reports the specification's components and their planes.
component plane files

relocation ranged equivalence for closures freq ( ⦃?,?,?⦄ ≡ ⦃?,?,?⦄ ) freq_freq

context-sensitive free variables frees ( ? ⊢ 𝐅*⦃?⦄ ≡ ? ) frees_weight frees_lreq frees_frees

generic slicing for local environments drops_vector ( ⬇*[?,?] ? ≡ ? )

drops ( ⬇*[?,?] ? ≡ ? ) drops_lstar drops_weight drops_length drops_ceq drops_lexs drops_lreq drops_drops

generic relocation for terms lifts_vector ( ⬆*[?] ? ≡ ? ) lifts_lift_vector

lifts ( ⬆*[?] ? ≡ ? ) lifts_simple lifts_weight lifts_lifts

ranged equivalence for local environments lreq ( ? ≡[?] ? ) lreq_length lreq_lreq

generic entrywise extension of context-sensitive relations for terma lexs ( ? ⦻*[?,?,?] ? ) lexs_length lexs_lexs

grammar context-sensitive equivalences for terms ceq ceq_ceq

same top term structure tsts ( ? ≂ ? ) tsts_tsts tsts_vector

closures cl_weight ( ♯{?,?,?} ) cl_restricted_weight ( ♯{?,?} )

internal syntax genv

lenv lenv_weight ( ♯{?} ) lenv_length ( |?| ) lenv_append ( ? @@ ? )

term term_weight ( ♯{?} ) term_simple ( 𝐒⦃?⦄ ) term_vector ( Ⓐ?.? )


external syntax aarity


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Last update: Sun, 27 Mar 2016 18:42:29 +0200